Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 175 Lin Lin Han's live broadcast is like an old movie! (1, please order all!)

Li Shui gave Lin Han an angry look and continued to study.

But in her heart, she regretted it.

She felt that Lin Han must now treat her as a childish little girl.

"Li Shuixin, Li Shuixin, why are you talking too much, you're done studying hard. It's alright now, and you're being looked down upon again, hum!

Li Shuixin kept muttering in her heart, her mind was not on making pottery at all.

"What do you think, seriously, and see what you have made yourself?"

Lin Han grabbed a little mud and tapped it on her nose.

Li Shuixin hurriedly looked down and saw that she had pinched the piled pottery bottom and deformed it, forming a round bottom, which she pinched into the shape of a comb.

"Hmph, it's not all your fault."

Li Shuixin rolled her eyes at Lin Han and said in a sullen voice.

Then, quickly round the pottery bottom by hand.

Blame me too...

Lin Han rolled his eyes, a woman, this creature, is really unreasonable.

A small insert did not affect the two people's interest in making pottery. They worked for about two hours. One person made a pot, Lin Han made two pots, and Li Shuixin made two large plates.

Every time the fish was cooked, the previous plate was too small and not enough.

So this time, she made a big plate 40 cm long. In this way, it can easily accommodate a large fish weighing five or six pounds.

"Lin Han, I remember that porcelain is also made of clay, right? 99

Li Shuixin was very happy when she saw the pottery embryo she made, as if she had made some great achievements.

After seeing this scene by her little sisters, the little sisters were very surprised.

They know that Li Shuixin's graduation thesis won the city-level selection, and even her designed works won international awards, they have never been so happy.

Just one pottery embryo has such great magic power, making the ice and snow goddess as calm as water happy like a child!!

Since Li Shuixin met Lin Han, her character has been subtly changing!

"Yes, you wouldn't want to make china, would you?"

Lin Han put the last pot on the drying rack to dry in the shade, then raised his head and looked at her strangely.

"Is it... difficult?"

Li Shuixin felt a little guilty because of him. After all, the pottery she made was only barely able to obtain this person's discernment.

Porcelain, whether in terms of appearance or price, should be more difficult to judge.

"It's okay, mainly because there is no suitable soil for making porcelain.


There seems to be no such word in Lin Han's dictionary.

"To make porcelain, kaolin, porcelain stone, quartz stone, and mullite are needed to be fired, and our clay can only be fired.

Moreover, the process of making porcelain is more complicated than making pottery, and there are steps such as mud training, soil washing, and glazing in the middle. Even if we can find suitable soil for making porcelain, I don't plan to do it, it's too complicated. To make a porcelain, I can make a dozen or twenty pottery.

Lin Han kept shaking his head,

Porcelain is not more useful than pottery, except that it looks better than pottery. On the contrary, it is more fragile and brittle than pottery.

This is survival in the wilderness, what are you doing with this thing?

"All right.

Hearing Lin Han's words, Li Shuixin gave up the idea of ​​making porcelain.

"The pottery is also very good."

She muttered, making an excuse for herself.

After a day of moistening the soil, the soil in the paddy field has become quite moist and soft. Therefore, when he woke up early the next morning, Lin Han planned to plough the field.

However, he took a look at the seedlings first.

After a night of gestation by the water of life, the seedlings have grown by about one centimeter.

This speed is faster than any laboratory nutrient solution!

When the seedlings are about ten centimeters long, they can be transplanted. Therefore, following this trend, it only takes one week for Lin Han to plant the rice.

It's almost a week sooner than I thought!

But in one night, the water of life in the pot has been completely absorbed by the seedlings.

The taller they are now, the more water of life they need!

Therefore, Lin Han got up early and added spring water to them.

The water storage capacity of Xiaotan is limited. After adding water to the seedlings, the water in the lake has bottomed out.

Therefore, pets who want to drink water have to wait another hour.

Lin Han just took advantage of this time to deal with vegetable fields and pastures.

On the tomato vine, it is full of tomatoes, and the red is bright. The pepper tree is also full of peppers.

I was afraid that I would not have enough to eat, but now I can't finish it at all.

Tomatoes can be eaten as fruits, supplemented with vitamins, and can also be used to stir-fry vegetables. They are one of Lin Han and Li Shuixin's favorite vegetables.

As for chili, Lin Han uses a variety of methods.

Before drying the chili, it was almost dry. Lin Han planned to make chili powder and chili noodles. Of course, there are also some dried chili peppers to put when cooking. Dry chili stir-fry, the taste will be very fragrant.

In addition to drying, Lin Han also made some sour chili with lemonade and water of life.

This pepper makes pickled fish, the taste is very bad and good!

Of course, fresh chili stir-fries are also delicious.

The fruit on the lemon tree, although not much increased, is getting bigger and bigger, and the taste has gradually changed from the original bitterness to a sweet and sour. As for the sugar cane, Lin Han doesn't plan to save even though he eats one less.

Rather than stay there and grow old, eat it early.

Purslane taro and, seems to have passed the growth cycle, and slowly began to not grow.

Taro is okay, now there is rice instead. But purslane, the only leafy vegetable for the two of them, was a little reluctant to see it eat less and less.

Overall, the two vegetable plots are growing well.

Moreover, both taste and nutritional value are very good.

As for the pasture, the little rabbit has ushered in six new lives, and the amount eaten before is now making up for the gap. The little rabbits in the previous litter can now graze on their own, and in less than two months, they can also become tender and delicious.

After a few days of careful care and feeding, the wild mother also began to lay eggs, from one a day before, to four or five a day.

For a few days, Lin Han and Li Shuixin not only had eggs every day, but also had leftovers every day.

It is worth mentioning that the operation of the piglets was very successful.

After several days of feeding with the water of life, their wounds have healed and there is no sign of infection, which makes Lin Han relieved.

Recently, their food intake has also increased, and they are fatter than when they were just caught.

After walking around the vegetable fields and pastures, each gained dozens of points of experience.

On the other side, Li Shuixin had already prepared breakfast.

Last night's leftover rice, she fried an egg fried rice.

The golden egg fried rice, with a few slices of crystal sweet ham, makes people drool.

Every morning is peaceful and fulfilling.

After breakfast, Lin Han picked up the plow and walked towards the rice field.

"Lin Han, take this with you."

Li Shuixin knew that she couldn't help, so she didn't plan to follow this kind of thing.

Instead of sitting next to him, it is better to weave at home and make two more clothes for Lin Han.

Afraid that Lin Han would shout, he brought him a bamboo hat and helped him put it on his head.

"Call me if you're thirsty, and I'll bring you water."

Because the distance was not far, she did not let Lin Han bring water. In such a hot day, the water will be hot after a while, so it is better to take it when you want to drink it and drink it cold.

Regarding Lin Han's affairs, she can consider the small details very thoughtfully.


Lin Han smiled lightly and kicked Xiuyuan, "Xiuyuan, Zhengguo, work with me!"


Xiuyuan and Zhengguo turned over and looked up at Lin Han.


Although I don't know what the master wants to do today, Xiuyuan has no hesitation and stands in front of Zhengguo.

"Huh? You can't come alone in this matter today."

Lin Han clapped the face plough in his hand, "Today is a hard work, and it requires the two of you to go around."

Ploughing is indeed a very labor-intensive thing, which is why in ancient times, cattle were valuable assets wherever they were.

Because cattle have strength, it represents productivity!


However, Xiu Yuan's tone was very firm.

He even used his tail to protect Zhengguo. At this time, it changed from the laziness of the past and showed a bit of masculinity!

"Huh? Brother Crocodile, what's the matter with you recently? You're rushing to help Zhengguo?"

"Is this still the one I know who sells his wife's relationship without asking a word? 99

"Brother Crocodile, please pay attention to your character, you are not a crocodile who spoils his wife!

"Wuu, Xiuyuan is good, even Xiuyuan will spoil his wife, but this dead man next to me still sleeps late and plays games, and suddenly I really want to divorce! My husband, there is no crocodile that spoils his wife! 99

"Leave, you must leave! Big sister, even Lin Shen's live broadcast can't attract him, do you think you can attract him? You leave me to take over, then let's watch Lin Shen's live broadcast together!

"Although I always felt that Xiuyuan couldn't compare to Xiaohua and the others, but the act of protecting my wife just now really warmed me up.

"Manual Aite [Animal Expert 001 [Animal Expert 007], to explain roughly, is there such a solid relationship between crocodiles? Or, have you ever seen a crocodile who stands up to protect his daughter-in-law? "

Zhao Zeting has been following Lin Han's live broadcast. He liked the jade white dragon very much, and there was another tiger-headed sea eagle. There were so many animals in Lin Han's live broadcast room, and he was reluctant to leave.

It happened that I saw the scene where Xiuyuan used his tail to protect Zhengguo.

He was dumbfounded.

This scene, he has studied animals for so many years, can't explain it!

"Lin Han, he really brings us more and more surprises. Could it be that the crocodile has been with him for a long time and has human feelings?

Zhao Zeting had a strange idea in his heart.

Although there is no scientific basis for this conjecture, there are too many examples to follow.

Someone once grew up with a crocodile, took the crocodile as a companion, and lived with the crocodile.

There are also many animals, because they have been with humans for a long time, they have developed human emotions.

"Okay, let's try it first.

Seeing that Xiuyuan insisted so much, Lin Han had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​letting Zhengguo also work as a coolie.

No matter how persistent, I am afraid that cultivating fate will have to rush with him!

0....... Ask for flowers......

One person and one crocodile came to the rice field, and Lin Han put the rudder of her plow around Xiuyuan's neck.

Because there are no cows, he made a plow that is shorter than the usual one, for the convenience of the crocodile.

The strength of cultivating the relationship is definitely not as good as that of an ox. Fortunately, there are only two places, so there is no need to be like an ox. Once the ploughing season arrives, you have to work non-stop for several days.

After wrapping the rope, Lin Han squatted beside Xiuyuan and explained to it.


Xiuyuan said he understood.

Work hard, you're done.

Because Xiuyuan can understand Lin Han's words and is very obedient, Lin Han doesn't need to use a whip to drive him away.

"Xu Yuan, let's go!

Lin Han lifted the plough and put the plough into the paddy field.

After a day of moistening the soil, the soil in the paddy field is already very wet, and it can be pressed down by the weight of the art plough alone.


Xiu Yuan let out a low roar, pressed his head down, and dragged the Yiyuan plow forward.

"Huh? The strength of cultivating fate seems to have grown a lot!"

Lin Han was behind the plow. Ben was worried that Xiuyuan would not be able to pull the plow, so he planned to use a little more thrust himself.

However, when Xiuyuan started to walk, he found that he didn't need to exert himself at all, Xiuyuan could completely walk forward with the plow.

Thinking that his strength has also increased a lot because he drank the water of life, Lin Han was instantly relieved.

In the past two months, although Xiuyuan has grown a bit bigger, the increase in strength is only reflected in the past few days. So, it must be the credit of the water of life!

The water of life has the ability to reshape animals and increase their strength.

"Good job, Xiuyuan!


The trip was over soon, Lin Han praised loudly.



Xiuyuan spit out a mouthful of mud and rushed forward even more vigorously.

"Aah, slow down, you don't need to be so fast! 33

Lin Han hurriedly held the plow tip, and Gang Ji suddenly accelerated, almost letting go.


In the live broadcast room, young people saw such a picture and thought it was very interesting and novel. Because they have never seen this way of ploughing, all they see are modern machinery, one-piece operation.

However, older people are more emotional.

In Tianfu City, a white-haired old man was watching the live broadcast with his little grandson, and when he saw the scene in the video, he couldn't help but recall his memories of the past, "Old lady, you should wash the dishes first, come and watch the live broadcast.

"You dead old man, Xiao Mao is ignorant, why are you confused by the old man, what's so good about live broadcast."

While complaining, the old lady wiped her hands with her apron and walked towards this side. When she saw the screen, her eyes widened, "Hey, what is this live broadcast...what! He ploughed the field with a crocodile!!99


The old lady was so excited that she tore her apron accidentally when she tried hard.

"Calm down, you have to learn to be calm while watching Lin Han's live broadcast."

The old man waved his bowl and waved his hands, and said old-fashioned, "Look at this picture, do you remember the busy farming work 40 years ago? At that time, we borrowed the policeman's cow, and the cow was disobedient. When I was plowing the field behind , No matter how you drive it away, you still lead it around in the end. 99

Looking back on the past, although it was hard work, it was warm and sweet.

A sweet smile appeared on the face of the old lady, "It's been so long, do you still remember."

"Right, what kind of live broadcast are you watching? Aren't the live broadcasts all about girls dressed in bao, twisting around in front of the camera? These days, there are still people plowing the fields live, and they still use crocodiles. plough...

The crocodile plows the field, refreshing the old lady's worldview a bit.

When they used oxen to plough the land, it took the boss a lot of effort. Crocodile... It's hard to think about it.

"This anchor is different, his live broadcast is like an old movie, it can always bring me back to thirty or forty years ago.

The old man stared at the screen with gratitude in his eyes.

"Xiao Mao, didn't you say that you can give rewards for live broadcasts, how to give rewards, teach me?"

His little grandson loves seven or eight years old, and he knows more about such modern things than them. "Grandpa, how much do you want to pay Lin Shen?"

Xiao Mao asked.

"Uh, how much do you think it's appropriate?

"As much as you want, he doesn't know anyway."

Xiao Mao smiled.

"'s hard.

The old man touched his grandson's head with a look of relief.

Such a picture is by no means an isolated instance.

Many well-dressed people who are worth more than 100 million yuan have cultivated land and worked as farmers when they were young!

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the times, the hard times in the past have become more and more distant under the impact of science and technology. The new generation of young people can no longer appreciate the hardships of that generation.

And the older generation can hardly remember the past.

Although more and more agricultural music and rural variety shows are emerging, this is only a novel experience for modern people, and naturally it cannot be as difficult as in the past.

And Lin Han's live broadcast perfectly restored the difficult history of the last century!

As the old man said, Lin Han's live broadcast, like an old movie, can always evoke the memories of their generation.

He is so, so is Zheng Guohua,

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