Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 176 Special cultivated land, pine forests and gifts? (2, please complete the order!)

"Xiuyuan, let's take a break."

After ploughing nearly an acre of land, Lin Han stopped and plucked the plough off Xiuyuan's body, letting it relax.

Although its crocodile skin is very tough, it has been strangled by such a heavy object for nearly an hour, and it has also pressed a trace.

To Lin Han's relief, the strength of cultivating the relationship has increased a lot. After ploughing an acre of land, it seems to have extra strength.

It seems that the water of life has a great effect on the transformation of animals.

"Lin Han, come have a drink."

Li Shuixin saw that they had stopped, so she put down her work and brought a bamboo tube filled with water.


Li Shuixin helped him open the lid and handed over the water.

He looked at Lin Han's arm, for fear that he would get sunburned.

Although Lin Han was wearing a hat, she wore a short-sleeved upper body, and most of her arms were exposed. She felt a little distressed after being in the sun for so long.

"Not abruptly.

Lin Han shook his head, took a sip of water, and poured the rest of the water of life into Xiuyuan's mouth.

Gugu "--"

Xiu Yuan drank the water in two mouthfuls, and his listless eyes instantly brightened.

As if in an instant, full of vitality!


Xiuyuan shook his body and came to Li Shuixin, blinking his eyes to be cute, "gulugulu"

(Mistress, I still want to drink...)

"Uh, okay."

Li Shuixin smiled lightly, squatted and touched its nose, "Wait a minute.

Cultivating the relationship is also hard work, and it should be given a little more water to drink.

Li Shuixin went back to pick up another bottle of water, and first asked Lin Han, "Lin Han, can you drink some more?

"I'm alright, let's fix it all."

Lin Han smiled slightly "Three Three Zeros".

He didn't expect to be so good at cultivating fate, and it only took one hour to finish half of the plough!

In fact, it was his first time plowing.

When he was in the country, he was still young, and every year his grandfather went to raise the land.

Later, grandpa left, because you had enough corn for him for a long time, so he didn't farm any more. So, never take charge of the process yourself.

So there is such efficiency, he is very pleased.


After Li Shuixin gave Xiuyuan water, the latter even gave Li Shuixin's calf with a big head.

The guy who looks stupid and ugly looks extra cute at this time.

Netizens suddenly lost the fans of this scene.

"Wow, this is the first time I found out that Xiu Yuan can be so cute!"

"I used to hate crocodiles, I thought they looked disgusting, but now I have a good impression of crocodiles.

"This should be the cutest crocodile I've ever seen!"

"Pampering your wife, you will be cute, and your personality has changed completely. Is this the crocodile brother I know who buys his daughter-in-law without asking a word?"

"Next: The Cultivation of Fate Counterattack!"

Not long ago, some netizens launched a survey: Lin Han's pet, who is your favorite?

Xiaohua and Xiaobai have always rotated between the first and second places, there is no suspense about this. The two of them have a combined support rate of more than 60%!

The third is Dahua, the fourth is Hutou, the fifth is Longtail, the sixth is Zhengguo, and the last is Xiuyuan.

The support rate of cultivating fate is only 0.17%!

That is, a fraction of his daughter-in-law Zhengguo.

Indeed, this lazy and ugly guy is not very likable.

However, since yesterday, he took the initiative to help Zhengguo with his work, and netizens dubbed it his favorite wife, and its popularity has soared.

The action of protecting his wife with his tail has attracted countless fans. In just one hour, its popularity has risen from 0.22% to 0.78%!

The police was bullish by a few tenths. You must know that Lin Han has tens of thousands of fans.

More than six million people participated in the vote!

That is to say, within an hour, it has won the support and love of 30,000 to 40,000 people.

I just interacted with Li Nvxia and gained a lot of fans.

To say that it is the story of the counterattack of cultivating fate is not an exaggeration at all.

Moreover, while this guy was resting, he swam to the other side to find his wife to experience it for himself.

"Damn, these days, even crocodiles are starting to spread dog food. 13

"As expected of the pet of the forest god, the essence of the god forest. 99

"This live broadcast room can simply be changed to a dog food production factory.

"Really, what's not as good as a crocodile? There is no one who wants to get rid of the single, let's help each other. 3

Seeing Xiuyuan's "showing affection", the barrage in the live broadcast room started to explode.

On the other side, Lin Han also thought it was very strange, it wasn't like this in the past.

What's wrong with this guy lately? He spoils his wife so much?

No matter how powerful the water of life is, it doesn't have such a magical effect, can it still make the prodigal son turn back? Become a wife-loving madman??

"Lin Han, wait a moment, I'll get you something.

When Lin Han was thinking about what happened to Xiu Yuan, Li Shuixin suddenly ran back to the small courtyard and took a sleeve from the loom.

"Come and try this."

Li Shuixin saw that Lin Han had mud on his hands, so he rolled up his sleeves and said, "You do it, I will help you put it on. 99

I have to say, this sister's hands are really clever.

The sleeves are set just right, and they are tied with twine, so they won't fall off.

After wearing it, Lin Han felt that his arms were instantly refreshed.

"Well, not bad."

Li Shuixin saw that the sleeve had just asked Shishi, and nodded with satisfaction, "This way, I won't get sunburned. 99

Plow the ground, always exposed to the sun.

Although Lin Han's stamina is very strong, the sunlight can't hurt his skin, but the protection of the sleeves is cooler.


Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin and said something.

"Thank you."

Li Shuixin gave Lin Han a leisurely look, and he didn't accept it on the surface, but inside he was happy.

rested for half an hour,

Lin Han called Xiuyuan over and continued plowing!

He had inexhaustible strength, and he was very motivated to cultivate fate, so one person and one animal were worthy to ask, and in less than an hour, the rest of the ground was ploughed.

The ploughed land cannot be used to plant rice immediately, and it needs to be soaked in water for a period of time.

Yesterday had passed the king, and the water in it no longer drained so easily.

Lin Han poured some water in again to soak the soil in the rice field.

It still takes a few days for the seedlings to grow, so it doesn't matter if you soak them for a few more days.


Following four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun moved a little to the west, and the woods became cooler again.

[Yes, congratulations to the host for completing the farmland task and obtaining special farmland Lvl*2!]

[Special cultivated land Lv1]: The growth efficiency of crops is increased by 100%, the yield of crops is increased by 100%, and the quality of crops is increased by 100%. Natural pest control and weed control.

Similar to the effect of special vegetable plots.

And this time, I was rewarded with two yuan at once!

That is, one acre of land per piece.

With the traditional rewards, the cultivated land will be automatically transformed into the most suitable environment for growing crops. Water seepage, long insects, weeds and other conditions that damage the growth of crops will all be cleaned up.

"With special cultivated land, you will not have to worry about food in the future.

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief, these days of labor is worth it!

Thinking of this, Lin Han intends to relax.

"Shui Xin, the first policeman has weaved cloth, let's go for a walk in the woods.

Lin Han came to the diagonal loom, took Li Shuixin off the loom, and dragged her out.

"Where are you going?"

Li Shuixin's favorite thing is to go wandering in the woods with him.

Moreover, Lin Han also held her hand.

A blush suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"Go to the pine forest."

Lin Han replied with a smile.

"Pine forest? Are you going to pick mushrooms again, I'll get the frame.

Without waiting for Lin Han to explain, Li Shuixin quickly ran back and picked up two bamboo baskets to follow.

Lin Han was dumbfounded and explained, "It hasn't rained recently, so I'm afraid there are no mushrooms.

"Aren't you picking mushrooms?"

Li Shui Xin's beautiful eyes stared at Lin Han, her eyes full of curiosity.

When Lin Han does things, she always keeps her guessing.

However, she did not put the basket down, but continued to carry it in her hand.

"Right, when is your birthday?"

Lin Han suddenly turned his head to look at her and asked.

Looking at each other, Li Shuixin was inexplicably flustered.


Li Shuixin hesitated for a moment, then said disappointedly, "It's my birthday in April, and it's still a long time.

"All right."

Lin Han shrugged and said with a smile, "It's okay, it doesn't affect my gift to you."

"what gift?!

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han in surprise, her eyes full of anticipation.

She liked the comb from Lin Han before and the clay figurine yesterday.

In fact, as long as it was given by Lin Han, she would be very happy no matter what it was.

"I won't tell you first, let's see if you can guess.

Lin Han smiled mysteriously and bought a pass.


Li Shuixin didn't ask any further questions, it was better to keep a little sense of mystery.

If she guessed it herself, she would definitely be happier.

Netizens couldn't help but envy when they saw this,

especially girls,

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't affect my gift to you" This sentence is so warm, Lin Shen is getting warmer and warmer!

"I really want a gift from a male god, even a clay figurine."

"I said, old girl, you think too much, the heroine and Lin Shen have been together for so long, and they have sewn and harvested two gifts in total... Lin Shen doesn't even know who you are, and you still want Gift?


"If you want a gift, first of all you have to have the chivalry of a heroine and the tenderness of a goddess. If you can do these two things, Lin Shen will give it to you, and I will give it to you!

"Dude, you are too realistic. If I have a female friend by my side, if I can do one of these, I will definitely chase her!"

"Go to the pine forest and give gifts? Is there anyone who thinks as much as I do!"

"Yes, you are not alone!


Everyone is looking forward to Lin Han's gift to Li Shuixin.

After all, Lin Han rarely gives gifts.

Level 11 steel straight man to understand??

For so long, although Lin Han has changed a lot, he rarely takes the initiative to please Li Nvxia.

So everyone is very curious, what kind of gift Lin Han will give!

"Guess everyone, what gifts can be given to the heroine in the pine forest?"

"Last time Lin Shen was in the pine forest and found a small piece of rosewood sandalwood. Could it be that he planned to use the sandalwood as a dowry for the heroine?"



Everyone racked their brains and couldn't come up with the gift that Lin Han was going to give.

Pine forest? Gift?

It's hard to get in touch.

Li Shuixin was also thinking about this issue along the way.

However, after leaving the bamboo house for a while, Li Shuixin, who could not guess, was quickly attracted by the surrounding flowers and plants.

The last time Yun came, she picked a lot of wild flowers and planned to bring them to decorate the bamboo house.

But because there were too many wild chrysanthemums, the wild flowers had to be thrown away.

This time, seeing so many beautiful wildflowers again, she was moved again,

"Lin Han, how about we dig some wildflowers and plant them back?

More ideas than last time.

Last time, she just broke some wild flowers and forced to decorate the bamboo house. Of course, it will not last long.

But if you dig and plant it, you can decorate the bamboo house for a long time, making the place you live look more beautiful.

Girls, they like these flowers and plants, more bright things.

"As long as you like. 99

Lin Han doesn't have this kind of appreciation, but she's just happy.

After all, her smile, the world is more beautiful than any flower in the world.

"Of course I like it. I want to plant flowers all over the front and back of the house, so that we look like we are living in a fairyland. 99

Li Shuixin began to look forward to it.

She ran into a small ditch first, planning to pick the little blue flower.

"Wait, hit it with a stick first, in case there are snakes or spiders in it."

Lin Han chopped down a small branch with a military shovel, cut off the branch, and gave the stick to Li Shuixin.

The latter shrank his neck,

Seeing flowers, forget these basic common sense.

She picked up the stick and beat the grass around,

"Ha! Ha!"

And, there was a strange sound in the mouth.

Animals are more afraid of loud sounds, so this sound can scare animals.

5.1 But the way she shouted was indeed like a little girl, very cute.


Lin Han couldn't hold back and smiled.

Li Shuixin glared at him and shouted, "What are you laughing at! 99

"It's alright, it seems that there are no snakes here, you can dig with confidence.

Lin Han bent his head to one side, wanting to laugh because he looked at her childishly.

Humph. "


Li Shuixin put the stick next to him, and then used a military shovel to dig up wildflowers.

She was more careful when digging, because it was more difficult to grow and live by cutting off the rhizomes of wildflowers.

"Pull me.

Two minutes later, she hooked up the wildflowers with the soil and put them in the basket.

From the bamboo hut to the pine forest, there is not a long way to go. Usually, it takes ten minutes to walk, but this time, they walked for a full forty minutes.

The two bamboo baskets that Li Shuixin brought were already filled with wild flowers of various colors.

red, green, yellow, blue, purple, pink...

Really have everything,

Among them, there are two more expensive ones that can be auctioned for millions on the market.

However, Lin Han only knows their species, not the value.

After all, on a desert island, there is no point in negotiating prices.

"Okay, take a rest, carrying so many flowers..."

Lin Han is a little speechless, doesn't this sister know that she will dig later on the way there?

I dug early, I had to carry it, and then carry it back.

These are not heavy, but with so much soil, the weight is not light.

"Well, I'll take a break, what are you going to do?"

Li Shuixin found a stone and sat down, raising her beautiful eyes to look at Lin Han.

Only then did she remember that Lin Han came here to give herself a gift!

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