Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 177 What to do? What to do? (3, please complete the order!)

"I'm going to get some pine resin."

As Lin Han said, he drew a rhyme saber from his waist, found a few sturdy pine trees, and cut a hole in the trunk.

This kind of tree is generally older, and Lin Han is very careful when approaching, for fear of stepping on the matsutake mycelium below.

Unexpectedly, these hyphae will grow new matsutake mushrooms next year.

If you step on it and destroy the fungus pit, you won't be able to eat it next year.

Because he would come here before to collect pine resin and use it to make candles, there are coconut shells that he had left in the pine forest to collect pine resin.

It's just that I haven't come to collect rosin for a long time, and the original openings have healed, and white rosin has grown.

Seeing Lin Han carefully cutting every incision, Li Shuixin tilted her head, she really couldn't think of what gift Lin Han wanted to give her.

"Pine resin? What can it be used for?"

She murmured softly and started brainstorming.

Netizens are just like her, confused,

"Isn't pine resin used by Lin Shen to make rosin candles? Could it be that the gift he is going to give tonight has something to do with rosin candles? Can I not think about such a romantic thing?

"I suddenly understood that Lin Shen's sentence "It doesn't affect my gift to you" is gone.

"The quantity of this gift is probably in units of 100 million (dog head life-saving)

"One by one, why do you think Lin Shen so bad... I think, Lin Shen is so bad!"

"Poor, Li Nvxia is still looking forward to it. I don't know what will happen tonight."

"Anyone staying up late tonight?

"Right on my mind!

"Add me directly!"

Netizens are crooked when they think about it, and evil when they talk about it.

Ten minutes later, Lin Han had already cut holes in more than a dozen trees. Resin is not like rubber, it flows very slowly. So Lin Han doesn't need much, but he still has so many trees.

"Shui Xin, I heard the sound of water over there, let's go over and take a look."

Lin Han pointed to the west and said.

Except for the last time Lin Han was digging sugar cane here, they had never been further west.

From here to the 08 coast in the west, there is still about three or four miles away, and neither of them has yet explored this space.

This time, Lin Han heard the sound of water.

It is the sound of running water, indicating that there is fresh water here!


Li Shuixin didn't guess, anyway, she never guessed what Lin Han was going to do.

Just let go of your mind and follow Lin Han to take a good walk in the forest.

It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed.

Although there are many weeds in this area, the two of them were wearing shoes made of wild boar skin. The police warned that the weed roots and thorns were thorns, and even nails might not be able to penetrate the wild boar skin under their feet!

"Crack clap!"

Lin Han used a military shovel to chop down the thatch along the way.

Although the two of them were not afraid to prick their feet, the tall grass could easily cut their skin.

Cut them down to make it easier for you to move forward. At the same time, it can also drive away beasts or poisonous snakes hidden in the thatch.

Lin Han led the way, Li Shuixin grabbed his clothes and followed closely behind.

A few minutes later, the two of them crossed the thatch and came to an open area.

This is an area of ​​rubble and bushes, Lin Han saw a lot of rabbits, as well as foxes and shoots.

The fox and jackal, who were hunting, heard the movement and were so frightened that they quickly hid.

"It seems that the materials here are very good."

Lin Han saw the animals around and said with a smile.

Unfortunately, the road is difficult to walk some.

"There are jackals!"

Li Shuixin also found the group of wolves in the distance, vigilant here.

Although they are hiding themselves, their hiding is only aimed at the prey and cannot be concealed from human eyes.

Those figures appear and disappear in the bushes.

Although Li Shuixin had killed him before, he was still quite afraid of this creature. With Lin Han in front of her, she longed to be protected, so she grabbed Lin Han's arm and got closer to Lin Han.

"Lin Han, if you go further, you will be attacked by them."

Li Shuixin said worriedly, and held the stick in his hand even tighter.

"I'm afraid, some little jackals.

Lin Han patted the back of her hand and whistled hard!

After a few seconds,

A rather intimidating voice came from the sky,


A huge white figure appeared in the sky.

Xiaobai is here!

Followed by the larger tiger-headed sea eagle.

The tiger-headed sea eagles specially eat these small animals, and their hooks scared the surrounding foxes, jackals and rabbits into hiding.

"They? 11

Li Shuixin looked at the sky and was a little surprised, "Why are you here?

Lin Han explained with a smile, "When our rhyme came, Xiaobai and Hutou had been following along, but they were flying higher, so you didn't notice them."

Cold Water Island is so big, for birds, it doesn't take long for them to patrol around.

"Well, they're really good, and they scare the jackals away in one fell swoop."

Li Shuixin breathed a sigh of relief, the jar found that he was very close to Lin Han, and his pretty face couldn't help blushing.

Quickly let go of Lin Han's arm.

In fact, when she was alone, she was quite courageous, and she had never been so nervous even facing a jackal by herself. Just being with Lin Han, I am used to the strength of Lin Han and the sense of security it brings her. When faced with danger, he is diligent in his instinctive reaction and wants to seek Lin Han's protection.

When a strong girl is willing to be soft for you, it's already telling.

Let's go", I really want to see something good.

Lin Han glanced at her with a smile, then strode forward.

There are so many animals, indicating that there is a water source nearby.

They soon discovered that there was a stream in the bushes, and several small streams converged to form a pool in a depression.

The water from the pool overflows, flows away from the crevices in the rocks on the coast, and joins the sea.

Next to the pool of water, they found a tree!

Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, staring at the tree excitedly,

"Lin Han, that's Xiaoguozaoying!"

She was so excited that she grabbed Lin Han's arm hard, not knowing how hard she was.

Anyway, Lin Han felt a little pain.

"What is Xiaoguozaoying and what is it good for?

Lin Han gave her a warning look and pretended to ask.

With a plant illustration, he naturally knew this plant well, but Lin Han found this tree with the sense of the earth, and deliberately led her here, just to give her a surprise.

"It's a type of soap tree. In the past, the laundry workers used soap tree when washing clothes for the poor, and only used soap when washing expensive clothes.

Nowadays, soapy fruit is widely used in textiles and dyeing. There are so many soapy fruit on this tree. With it, we can make soap, even shampoo and shower gel! 3

Li Shuixin explained excitedly.

Although, this is just a fantasy of hers, but it is enough to be excited.

It is the first time I have found something that can cleanse my body after being on the island for so long.

But she only knew how to make soap, and it was a little difficult to get shampoo and shower gel.

"So that's the case, then let's pick a little and go back."

Lin Han pretended to understand after listening to her introduction, said something, and walked towards Zaoyingshu.

The saponin tree is very tall, and to pick acacia fruit, you must climb up and go around it.

"But, we didn't bring a basket, or I'll go back and get it now."

Li Shuixin wanted to give up those flowers and plants. Compared with acacia fruit, flowers and plants were not so important.

"It doesn't matter, just let Xiaobai go back and get two."

Lin Han smiled slightly and waved to the sky, "Xiao Bai!


The small white plate rolled down and landed on Lin Han's arm,

Lin Han said to it, "You go home and bring us two baskets, which are placed on the right side of the hut, near the vegetable field."


Xiaobai nodded and flew into the sky.

With Xiaobai's help, the speed was much faster. In less than three minutes, it brought a bamboo basket.

At this time, Lin Han had also climbed up the tree and picked some soapy fruits and threw them on the ground.

"Thank you, Xiaobai!"

Li Shuixin took the basket, touched Xiaobai's head, and then began to pick up the Zaoying fruit on the ground.


Xiaobai responded and was very happy to thank the hostess.

Fluttering his wings, he helped Li Shuixin pull the Zaoying fruit.

The tiger's head is coiled in the sky, as if to catch its prey. But the prey had long been scared to hide by them, and he waited for a long time without a chance to ask Shishi.

Lin Han jumped down from the book and looked at this clear pool, where the small fish were clearly visible.

"If there is no major storm, this is a good place to live. The view is wide, the air is fresh, there are mountains and water, and you can see the sea when you open the door. The important thing is that there are abundant objects around.

Lin Han made a brief review of the surrounding environment.

However, if he had to choose, he still chose the small lakeside.

People are all dependent on the mentality, and they are used to living in one place, and they are unwilling to change to the police's place.

“The environment here is really good.

Li Shuixin looked around and looked at Shandao opposite, "Here, we should be able to see the most beautiful sunset."

"In the future, we will open up the road first, and then build a hut here, and occasionally come over to watch the sunset. It is also very good.

Lin Han suggested.

"Lin Han?"

Li Shuixin suddenly looked at him with a serious expression.


Lin Han raised his eyebrows and looked back at Li Shuixin.

"Is this the gift you gave me?

she asked.

"This is just a temporary discovery, it's not a gift."

The two stayed on the west coast for a while, blowing the sea breeze and soaking their feet in the cold pool. After being busy for a while, they finally relaxed, and both of them had a great time.

quack ""

As time passed, the sun gradually moved westward,

Many animals also began to move,

Lin Han and the two heard the sound of frogs, and in the pool, they found a few small ink-blue frogs.

Several drones have been following them, naturally found these frogs,

"Frog? That's a rare delicacy. Do you think Lin Shen will bring a plate of frogs and fall in love with shrimp tonight?

"Frog is coming?"

"Lin Shen: Woman, these frogs are so cute, let's grab some and go back, the hot pot is still stir-frying, you decide I will do it. 99

"Frog run!

"Everyone, do you want to kill Lin Shen, this is not a frog!

As the questioning came to light, the camera also pulled over,

To the little frog, a close-up!

More than 10,000 spectators stared at this little frog.

"Although it's dark and dew, it's still a frog, why can't it be eaten??"

"Black, small? The suspected car has no evidence!"

"Pfft~ if the police make trouble, can't we seriously discuss a meal?"

"Is there any big brother Yun to come to popularize science, what kind of frog is this, and can it be eaten? The frogs have successfully attracted the attention of Lin Shen, and I am very worried now. 99

[Animal expert 001): "This frog is poisonous, to be precise, a very poisonous poison!

Their backs secrete a neurotoxin that can kill a 68kg adult with just 136 micrograms!

Police 330 looks good on their appearance and bright skin, when everyone encounters them in the wild, it is difficult not to catch them with your hands, and the farther away you are, the better!"

"136 micrograms kills an adult! God, can frogs be so poisonous?

"Suddenly I'm glad I didn't get poisoned after eating so many frogs!

"My God, run away, God Lin, these frogs will kill you!"

"No, a frog jumped over to the heroine! 99

After listening to Zhao Zeting's explanation, everyone was afraid of this frog, and they all raised Lin Han to worry.

Survival in the wild is the most feared thing.

It's easy to say what you know, and what you don't know is the most deadly.

If it wasn't for Zhao Zeting's explanation, who would have known that this delicious looking frog could be so poisonous!

【Animal expert 001】: "They are a type of poison dart frog, called poison dart frog, which is an endangered animal, and an endangerment warning has been issued internationally. I didn't expect to see so many here! 29

"I said Zhuanxiang, you are not still rejoicing. There are so many poisonous frogs, each spitting, can kill Lin Shen and the heroine! 99

"What happened to the endangered animals, no matter how endangered it is, no one's name matters.

"Remember that the law stipulates that it is not against the law for a person to kill a protected animal when his own life is threatened?"

Netizens pester you whether you are an endangered animal or not,

They only worry about whether Lin Han and Li Shuixin will be in danger.

For comparison, 136 micrograms of this poison can kill a person less than ten meters away!

And they didn't notice it at all, and they didn't even look like they wanted to leave!

[Animal expert 001): "It's actually good, poison dart frogs won't take the initiative to attack people. If it's the same kind of golden dart frog, it will be dangerous. The golden dart frog is the most poisonous frog in the world, it only needs 2 microscopic Venom can kill an adult or a large beast!

But don't worry, the golden dart frog only lives in the tropical rainforest of Nanmi, and there should be no one here.

Zhao Zeting originally wanted to comfort Da and reassure you,

As a result, after listening to his explanation, everyone was even more afraid,

"My grass, there is actually more poisonous!"

"I said it's like, since their kind is so poisonous, how can you be sure that these poison dart frogs are not poisonous? What if there is a mutant that is as poisonous as the golden dart frog?

"Yes, there are so many poison dart frogs, what if Lin Shen accidentally frightens them? Wan-Lin Shen, like me, treats them as delicacies, what if he intends to catch a few back?

"This island has never been explored before, and no one knows what animals are on it. What if there is a golden dart frog?



Confused by this series of question marks, I don't know how to answer.

What should I do with so much, what do you ask me to do??.

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