Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 178 Poison Dart Frog (4, please complete order!)

To be honest, Lin Han really doesn't know these frogs.

Seeing that their colors are so beautiful, some black and some green, they look delicious,

He is ready to act.

Be careful ", do you want to eat frogs at night?"

Lin Han stared at the poison dart frogs in the water, eager to try.

When I was a child in the countryside, I could only eat pork during the festivals. So on weekdays, if Lin Han wants to eat extra food, he can only go fishing in the river, or catch frogs or snakes to eat.

Frogs are better, so Lin Han can't eat too much.

The simple way is to peel it off directly, sprinkle with a little salt, wrap it in lotus leaves and put it in the charcoal fire to cook.

Or stir-fry chili, it tastes good too.

Getting used to those things, Lin Han decided to change his taste, so he set his sights on these frogs.

However, just when he said this, the netizens were terrified.

"I'm going, Lin Shen really has this plan!

"It's over, don't dare to look at it."

"The show crew, ready to save people."

"Could it be that Lin Shen's show is about to end here!"

"Bending the show, it's important to save people!"

For such a long time, Lin Han has brought everyone a lot of happiness and greatly increased knowledge.

Therefore, everyone is more worried about his safety.

But if the contestants don't give up voluntarily, the program team has no way to intervene in the challenge.

And even if the program team rushes over now, it will be too late.

Once poisoned by this poison dart frog, if no treatment is given within two or three minutes, it will cause respiratory and muscle paralysis and death.

And the nearest rescue team will take half an hour to arrive!

So in this case, it doesn't make any sense for them to come or not!

However, just when Lin Han was about to start, netizens began to cover their eyes,

Li Shuixin shouted loudly,

"Lin Han, wait a minute!


However, she shouted slow, the poison dart frog jumped up, Lin Han was extremely agile, and grabbed it in her hand!

The picture seems to be frozen in this second.

All the audience were stunned.

I stared at the screen in amazement, my heart seemed to stop!

"No, Lin Shen will be fine!"

"What about making a movie? Li Nvxia was recruited right after she shouted?!"

"It's over, who's good at math, quickly calculate how many micrograms Lin Shen just hit?"

Star City Garden Community, Lin Han's adoptive parents and sister watching the live broadcast in front of the computer,

Seeing this scene, their hearts suddenly stopped beating, and they were extremely nervous!

"Small cold!"

Shu Xiuying let out a hiss, wishing to rush into the computer to detoxify Lin Han.

They could see clearly what they just said about that special frog. This frog is very poisonous. It only needs 136 micrograms to kill a person!

And Lin Han, now caught a poison dart frog!

[Animal expert 001): "Ahem, don't be nervous, please explain. Like snake venom, the poison of poison dart frogs is a neurotoxin and will not cause damage to human skin. I just said lethal , is in the case of merging into the blood. Simply grasping them with your hands will not be poisoned as long as the skin is not punctured."

Zhao Zeting explained awkwardly.

As soon as he walked around, he had been sighing about this endangered poisonous frog, only emphasizing its toxicity, and forgot to explain the principle of poisoning.

Seeing that so many netizens were worried that Lin Han was so worried, he just remembered to explain.

"I'm in middle class, if I don't say it sooner, the old man will have to worry about it!"

"My mother's tears almost came out, I thought my male god was going to send it."

"What kind of speciality? Halfway through the conversation, I won't have a wife in the future..."

In other words, "The male god is not poisoned, hoo hoo hoo, so happy!

No mate?

Zhao Zeting was so depressed that netizens really dared to say anything. If his wife saw him, he would probably kneel down tonight.

He touched the sweat on his forehead, thinking that since you said so, then I'll just finish the sentence,

"Although it is not poisonous, it is still very dangerous to hold poison dart frogs like this. There is a spine on the back of poison dart frogs, which is very sharp and can easily cut people's skin. Therefore, it is difficult to be careful when catching them. Best to separate with something.

And, even without scratching the skin, their venom can cause finger rashes.

It's okay if you don't explain,

This explanation made netizens worried again.

"Convex (+blood+), is it still poisonous?

"What's the matter with your portrait, you always talk halfway, really want to have no wife in the future?

"What kind of special is this, on purpose!"

"I just breathed a sigh of relief and said something like this again, what am I...

At this time, netizens could not wait to rub Zhao Zeting on the ground.

If there is something wrong, please give me a letter of approval. You can say that you have something and that you are okay. What a resemblance!

Zhao Zeting: "..."

I am too difficult to explain, not to explain, not to explain.

Are these netizens so hard to serve?

Forget it, I'll just be a quiet audience.

He decided not to speak.

Next to it, the animal portrait 007 wanted to laugh but was always worried, and his face was about to turn into a cabbage.

At the same time, in the picture,

Lin Han was still holding on to the poison dart frog. To prevent it from escaping, he naturally had to use a little force.

However, in order to break free, the poison dart frog began to release venom,

Lin Han thought it was water, so he didn't care.

This bit of venom to him, and water have nothing to do with the district police.

The police ask, ask is a hundred poisons do not invade!

"What's wrong?" Grabbing the frog with one hand, he turned to look at Li Shuixin.

Li Shuixin frowned,

Just walking around there, she saw that this frog looked like a poison dart frog, so Ji Qinyan stopped it. But Lin Han held it for a long time and didn't respond, which made her a little uncertain.

"Can you show me the frog?"

She walked over, but dared not pick it up.

With the other hand, Lin Han pressed the poison dart frog to the palm of his hand and showed her, "Is there any problem?"

Li Shuixin glanced at it and noticed the thorn on the back of the poison dart frog, his face changed dramatically, "Throw it away, it's really a poison dart frog! Quickly throw it away and wash your hands with water!

Because she was worried about Lin Han, she couldn't care less, and hurriedly slapped the poison dart frog with her hands.

Then, grab Lin Han's hand and wash it in the pool.

Afraid that Lin Han's palm would be stabbed, she carefully looked over Lin Han's palm, "Fortunately, it was not stabbed. 99

Seeing that Lin Han was fine, she continued to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Wash it with soapy fruit again."

Li Shuixin grabbed a soapy fruit, and forcefully protected the liquid inside, dripping it into Lin Han's palm, "Wash it quickly.

Although Lin Han was confused, she washed her palms as she said.

After the rates bubble, he cleaned his hands, Fang Ji turned his head and looked at Li Shuixin, "What's the matter, what is a poison dart frog? You look nervous, is it poisonous?

If it is poison, Lin Han is not worried at all, he has a special physique.

"Are your hands all right, do you feel itchy?


Li Shuixin was still worried.

"It's okay, I don't feel anything.

Lin Han pushed her palm away and checked it out for her, and the latter heaved a sigh of relief.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's fine, I thought I would never see Lin Shen again.

"In order to watch Lin Shen's live broadcast, I have already resigned. If there is no Lin Shen live broadcast, what should I do?"

"Just say the male god will be fine."

"Lin Shenda's luck is very good, and there will be no problem.

"We're just worrying.

Li Shuixin used a stick to drive away all the poison dart frogs beside him, then sat back next to Lin Han and explained,

"Poison dart frogs are a type of poison dart frog, and they secrete a deadly venom on their backs. If the venom of this poison dart frog is mixed into human blood, only 136 micrograms are needed, which can be consumed in just a few minutes. can kill an adult within. There are even more venomous golden dart frogs, which only need 2 micrograms of venom to kill a tiger!

However, I heard that they are all endangered animals, and there are not many in the world. I didn't expect to see so many here. 39

2 micrograms can kill a tiger?

Lin Han secretly clicked his tongue, this kind of poison is really terrifying.

He was a little afraid, if he didn't have a traditional tradition and didn't meet Li Shuixin, maybe he really grabbed them and ate them.

As a result, one can imagine...

There is no such thing as a traditional man, Lin Han secretly rejoiced.

Look" why are they called poison dart frogs?

Lin Han wondered.

They don't look like darts or anything.

"Because when the outside world first knew this frog, they were a hunting tool for the Indians. Before the Indians hunted, they would use a poison dart frog, smear the arrows with the venom on their backs. above.

After being contaminated with this venom, they can easily capture their prey. The poison produced by a poison dart frog can smear 50 arrows, hence the name of the poison dart frog.

Li Shuixin explained seriously.

"It turns out that I finally learned some useful knowledge!"

After hearing Li Shuixin's explanation, the confusion in the hearts of netizens was also solved.

"It's very clear, let me understand it all at once, it's much better than that.

"Isn't it Lin Shen who has always explained this kind of work? I didn't expect Li Nvxia to be so knowledgeable and (well) know so many things?

"It's really strange, this time Lin Shen didn't know about it.

[Peach Blossom Island Lord]: "Actually, medicine and poison have always been indistinguishable. People who study medicine will know some poison to some extent. I think the reason why Li Nvxia knows about poison dart frogs should be the reason why she was a doctor in elementary school. Bar.

"The island owner is right!"

The owner of Peach Blossom Island was right, Li Shuixin knew about the poison dart frog, and he really read it in a poison book.

But, why does the Peach Blossom Island owner know?

Did they know each other before??

"Poison dart frog? Used to smear arrows??"

Lin Han smiled slightly, "I learned, we can also use this method to capture prey. According to what you said, just scratching a little of the animal's skin can make them die in a few minutes, right. 19

Li Shuixin nodded, "That's right, but next time you want to catch these poisons, you have to be more careful, you can't get your ears stabbed by the thorns on their backs.

"Well, I will.

Lin Han responded.

It was getting late, and the setting sun had begun to drill into the sea.

Lin Han stood up and patted the pi share, "It's going to be dark soon, let's go quickly, we won't be able to see the road in a while.

The two took the Zaoying fruit, left the small pool, and returned to the pine forest. The pine resin that Lin Han needed had been collected, and they brought the wild flowers dug by Li Shuixin.

PS: You can guess the identity of the island owner, and remind you: it is not the suitor of Li Nvxia!

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