Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 179 The flowers are blooming, this is the way to open the fairyland! (1, please complete the

On the coast, the light is still abundant, but in the woods, the dense forest covers, and the light falls and dries all of a sudden.

In order to ensure the safety of the two returning home, Lin Han had to use the sense of the earth to check the situation along the way to prevent spiders and poisonous snakes.

Knowing that there was a shooting nearby, Li Shuixin was extra careful when he went back.

Seeing Lin Han carrying something, she picked up a stick and walked in front, hitting the grass next to her constantly, and making noises to frighten the animals around.

"One drink! Hello»


The cute girl made a strange noise and called Lin Han, who was walking behind, to laugh.

I didn't expect this to have such a cute side.

When I first met her, I thought she was a cold and cold beauty.

Now it seems that every girl has a girl's heart, it depends on whether you can help her open it.

It wasn't long before Xiaohua ran over to pick them up.

With Xiaohua leading the way, it is much more convenient to go back.

It was just getting dark before returning to the hut.

"Lin Han, while there's still a little light, I'm going to plant these flowers before they die the next day."

Li Shuixin took two baskets of wildflowers from Lin Han.

She was very happy when she thought that the small courtyard was about to be turned into a garden.

Go ", be careful."

Lin Han handed over the military shovel to her. Li Shuixin could do such trivial matters alone.

And he said that if he wanted to give Li Shuixin a gift, he had to do it now. Similarly, if we wait until tomorrow, the resin will dry out and there will be no way to process it.

Seeing that they were busy, the netizens in the live broadcast room also began to guess.

"You said, what gift does Lin Shen want to give to the heroine?"

"I don't know, it's mysterious anyway.

"If there is a wood with a great charm, let's learn about it. Apart from making rosin candles, what else can resin do?

"Just ask +1 if you don't understand!"

A netizen is small, but a group of netizens is powerful.

With more and more "ask if you don't understand", a great god soon stood up.

【Director of the Institute of Supramolecular Materials】: "Resin is actually a cheap and widely used economic material, which can be processed into various industrial products such as plastics, resin lenses, handicrafts, latex paints, and glues.

"Master Director, you forgot there are rosin candles (funny)

"It turns out that resin has so many uses, I learned." 330

"This great god is very good, and he is full of dry goods. Unlike other special portraits, Rory has a lot of words, and less than one-tenth of them are useful. 99

Zhao Zeting:

I'm so, so hard!

"So what? Is Lin Shen planning to make a handicraft for the female hero?

"Probably yes.



After listening to the introduction of the great god, most netizens guessed that Lin Han planned to use pine resin to make a handicraft, pendant, sculpture and so on for Li Shuixin.

Lin Han used fire to slightly heat the rosin, and poured it into the prepared shallow bamboo tube after the rosin was completely melted.

At the bottom of the shallow bamboo tube is a smooth wooden board that has been brushed with oil.

And, he did two of the same.

Seeing that Lin Han is so careful and meticulous, everyone is more sure that he is making a handicraft.

"I know!"

After watching it for a while, someone in the live broadcast room suddenly exclaimed, "Lin Shen must be making a ring, maybe a proposal ring!"

This barrage instantly made the entire live broadcast room boil.

proposal ring?

The news was so explosive.

"I also remembered that I saw a bull man on the shaking eagle, who made a ring with pine resin!"

The ring made of pine resin is beautiful and romantic. For a while, I have been pestering my friend Lanpen to ask him to make one for me, and he made me a finger tube for sewing clothes..."

"Pfft haha~ sister paper, your boyfriend must have done it on purpose!

"Excuse me, sister, are you single now? If you're not single, would you mind changing to a blue friend? If you don't want to change, would you mind having another blue friend?"

"Change, old girl, you have to change, I'll take over!"

When we chat, we go sideways, and when we talk, we go wrong.

The joy of netizens is sometimes as simple as that.

However, someone soon pulled the topic back,

"I remember that pine resin makes a ring. It needs to be polished and polished, and it needs a lot of tools. Lin Shenda, can you do fishing?"

"Ask, ask is slap in the face!"

"Wait a minute, Lin Shenji just turned 19, what kind of marriage is he asking for?"

"Who said nineteen-year-olds can't propose marriage? In our place, nineteen-year-olds can play soy sauce."

"Proposal is not marriage, can't you ask first?"

"Mom, Lin Shen can't be serious, right? I hurriedly went to see if the private money in the shoebox was still there, so that I wouldn't be able to pay some money when I got it.

"Wow, Lin Shen is so romantic.

"Being able to wear a proposal ring made by the other half, the heroine must be the happiest woman in the world, so envious."

Lin Han poured turpentine into the bamboo tube to cool for a while, then picked up a log with the same diameter as the bamboo tube and pressed it on top of the bamboo tube. On top of the wood, a stone weighing more than 100 catties was pressed.

The rest, just leave it to time.

After finishing this, Lin Han cooks while Li Shuixin is still digging soil and planting flowers.

Her artistic vision is much better than that of Lin Han, and she knows what kind of flowers look good in which position. Therefore, a person is very busy, just thinking about decorating the courtyard to look better.

After working for more than an hour, when Lin Han's meal was almost ready, she continued to plant the last flower in the soil.

"It's done!"

Li Shuixin patted the soil in her hands, although it was very dark and she couldn't see clearly, there was not a lot of joy on her pretty face.

She has confidence in herself, every turn.

"Water the flowers, or they'll all be recommended the next day."

Lin Han came over with a bucket of water while the meat was cooking.

This is the water of life he just received.

After nurturing the seedlings, he knew that the water of life has the magical effect of promoting the growth of life. Watering these transplanted flowers with the water of life should ensure their survival.

"Well, I'll come!

Li Shuixin was very happy.

Carrying a bucket of water, he quickly washed all the flowers.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Because the time on the island is an hour later than in China, Lin Han and Li Shuixin have not woken up yet, and many netizens have gathered in the live broadcast room.

At their request, the camera team let a drone go around to check the signs and enjoy the beauty of the sea in the early morning.

You can see such a beautiful view in the morning and feel very comfortable.

back to the courtyard,

Everyone was quickly attracted by the flowers in the garden.

Thousands of purples and rough reds, all kinds of flowers adorn the courtyard very beautifully.

When the drone gradually flew over from the forest, everyone thought that they had entered a fairyland by mistake!

"Wow, so beautiful, is this a fairyland?

"These flowers are the ones that the heroine planted last night? How come they bloom so brightly! 33

"Yes, there are not many flowers, but they are all blooming well and beautiful. The whole small courtyard is decorated as beautiful as a fairyland, the heroine is too powerful!

"I would love to live in a place like this.

"It's incredible. It stands to reason that the first few days after the wild flowers are transplanted, they should be the successors of Yan Da. Why, the wild flowers here are full of vitality, and they feel better than they grow in their native environment!

Some botanical and flower-growing (aifb) people have exclaimed.

What surprised them the most

Some of the flowers are quite delicate and need to be very, very careful when transplanting, and after transplanting, they also need very meticulous care to survive.

However, last night, Li Nvxia didn't do anything, just planted it where it was, and then washed a little water.

Last night, these botanists thought that those precious flowers were dead.

Unexpectedly, they not only live well, but also more colorful and beautiful than before, and full of vitality!

"Hey, there are bees! It doesn't seem to be an ordinary bee, can the program team zoom in a little bit and give the bees a close-up? 33

After a while, the zoologists also began to exclaim.

"Ha, what's so good about bees?"

"Not an ordinary bee, isn't it a bee?"

As the camera zoomed in, everyone's curiosity became heavier,

"Except for the length of the pi, the others are no different from the bees we usually see.

"To make a fuss, it's better to pull the camera back to see the flowers."

"That's right, if you don't look at such a beautiful flower, what kind of bees are you looking at?"

Zoologists, were despised.

[Gourmet Ajie] I got up very early today, and I didn't expect to make an unexpected discovery!

His eyes were fixed on the bees on the screen, eager to grab them out of the screen and take a good, serious look.

After a long time, he spoke,

[Gourmet Ajie]: "Everyone, this is not an ordinary bee. This bee is called Elvish, which means elf. This kind of bee is the elves of the bee family, and it can also be said to be the elves of nature. . The number of them is very rare in the world. They used to be inlaid in the West Asia region and the Mediterranean Sea. I didn't expect that there are also on this island, and the number seems to be quite large.

"The elf in the forest? Let me just say, this is a fairyland, otherwise how can the elves be attracted here. 99

"Indeed, it's so beautiful."

"Li Nvxia and Lin Shen are really a perfect match, one is responsible for safety and comfort, the other is responsible for beauty and warmth..."

"Wait a minute everyone, shouldn't this be about animal portraits? Why did Ajie come to explain it? I don't care, I want to listen to the explanation of animal portraits! Come to Lin Shen's live broadcast room, and don't learn every day. If you have useless knowledge, you will feel uncomfortable!"

【Animal Expert 001】:..."

【Gourmet Ajie】:

【The majority of netizens】:

[Gourmet Ajie] explained: "The honey produced by Elf is the most expensive honey in the world. The price of each gram is about 5,000 euros. Of course, its nutritional value is very high, and it can delay aging and enhance physical fitness. It's not the ginseng in honey. Naturally, it's also a top delicacy."

As a food reviewer like, his natural focus is on food.


"5000 Euro per kilo! Heard this early in the morning...

"The local tyrant forest is online!

While netizens were talking, Lin Han and Li Shuixin both got up.

Rarely, they got up together this time.

When they opened the door, they were also stunned by the sight in front of them.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Li Shuixin forgot to say hello to you, and rushed directly into the flowers.

"I didn't expect them to grow so well! Lin Han, do you think we look like the Garden of Eden here?

"Garden of Eden……

Lin Han instantly thought of Adam and Eve, is this what this sister is referring to?

Li Shuixin also quickly thought of this, and her pretty face flushed.

A beautiful morning, opened with a little ai smell, and the mood is very good!

"Hee hee, I didn't expect them to be so beautiful, it seems that I have to dig a little more weeds to welcome the inlays.

Li Shuixin was very happy and in a great mood.

"Lin Han, come here soon.

Li Shuixin waved to Lin Han.

Naturally, Lin Han is not as fascinated by wild flowers as she is, but seeing such a beautiful scenery is also very good.

come forward,

Soon, he found bees!

He doesn't know poison dart frogs because poison dart frogs are not on human food recipes. But the elves are different. The honey they produce is one of the best in the world, and it is the ginseng in the honey.

Lin Han recognized them all at once!

"This is Elvish, the rarest bee in the world!"

"Elvish? Elf??"

Li Shuixin followed Lin Han's gaze and looked over curiously.

"Well, the same can be said. Lin Han nodded, "the honey they produce has extremely high nutritional value, can delay aging, and beautify the skin. According to research, if a 20-year-old girl eats this honey for a long time, when she is 40 or 50 years old, she will look like she has only had a gap of four or five years.

"So amazing!"

Being young and beautiful is the dream that every girl pursues.

Li Shuixin's eyes lit up when she heard Lin Han's introduction.

"Well. There are quite a few elves here. I'll see if I can tame them, raise them, and provide us with honey!"

Lin Han searched among the flowers,

As long as you find the queen bee, the next step is much easier,

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