Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 180: Bees can also be tactical? (2, please complete the order!)

"Lin Han, what are you looking for?"

Seeing Lin Han staring at the flowers earnestly, Li Shuixin wondered how these wild bees should be raised.

Bees are also a kind of poison, so she also understands.

If you want to keep bees, you must first find the queen bee, that is, the mother peak.

However, Mother Peak would never reluctantly come to pick honey.

She wanted to remind Lin Han of this, but seeing that Lin Han was looking so seriously, she couldn't bear to bother.

"I'm looking for a stronger worker bee.

Lin Han stared at the bee and replied.

It is the worker bees who are hooked to gather honey!

"What do you do with worker bees?"

Li Shuixin didn't understand, the worker bees are just tools for collecting honey. The honey they collect is used to raise young bees and queen bees. Even if you catch them, they won't produce honey without the mother bees and hives.

Forget it, this guy is always mysterious and can never guess what he is thinking.

Li Shuixin shook his head and stopped talking.

With Lin Han, learn to wait patiently. In time, all answers will be announced.

Soon, Lin Han found a worker bee with a relatively large head that looked very strong.

The worker bee was picking nectar. He approached quietly, and the worker bee didn't notice the danger. As soon as he signed, Lin Han suddenly stretched out two fingers and squeezed the sturdy worker bee in his hand.

The worker bee was caught and kept twisting the pi strands, the poisonous needle behind the barbed hook, trying to stab Lin Han with the needle.

However, Lin had to be very precise, pinching its head and stomach with his hands, and its needles naturally couldn't pierce Lin Han's hands.

"Traditional, turn on the capture assist function!

Lin Han said silently in his heart,

[Ding, it detects that the host is catching prey, and activates the capture assist function.

[Ding, the host successfully captured the prey, please choose: tame/kill?)

Small things like bees do not live long and have almost no IQ at all. Therefore, as long as they are caught in their hands, their fate is basically decided.

So, the capture progress bar directly reaches 100%!


Lin Han thought to himself.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully taming the prey, worker bees!】

As this voice sounded, the worker bee in Lin Han's hand immediately stopped struggling and retracted the poison needle.

Lin Han walked around slowly and let it go.

"Okay, I've tamed this worker bee.

That worker bee swirled around Lin Han, as if waiting for Lin Han's order, and didn't fly back to collect honey!

"That's it, tame!!

Li Shui's eyes widened in shock, thinking it was incredible.

Lin Han didn't do anything, after a few seconds, he was tamed?

But the fact is that the worker bee was really flying around Lin Han and didn't escape.

"how did you do it?!"

Li Shuixin asked in shock.

However, Lin Han smiled mysteriously, "This is my exclusive secret, do you want to know?"

"Laughing so badly is definitely not a good thing, don't want to!

Li Shuixin shook his head firmly and looked at Lin Han vigilantly.

Everyone has their own secrets, so she didn't pursue it.

In comparison, Lin Han is like a puzzle. The more you know, the more confused you will be.

In order not to let himself fall into it, Li Shuixin decided to take it slow and not be too anxious.

When netizens don't think so,

They just wanted to know how Lin Han did it,

"Who can tell me what happened in the last few seconds?"

"Here I come: it was Lin Shen who grabbed the worker bee, let go for a few seconds, and it was over. The worker bee seemed to have been tamed.

"Huh? Are worker bees so easy to tame? I've been raising bees for ten years, how many seconds is it better than Lin Shen?

"This is true!"

"So I wonder if this worker bee was asked by Lin Han (funny face)

"As for the animal specialties, let's decipher it roughly, how did Lin Shen tame the worker bees?

"Aite [animal expert 001], Aite (animal portrait 007)

Zhao Zeting was stunned,

Netizens in this skirt are so hard to serve, they use people to face forward, not backwards.

Say a few more words, you think it's long-winded, and say a few words less to make you think it's unclear.

Especially watching Lin Han's live broadcast is more difficult than doing scientific research.

Zhao Zeting had already made up his mind and decided not to speak.

But seeing this scene, he was also very surprised!

"Everyone, what do you think?

One person from the Zoological Research Institute is sitting in front of the screen seriously at this moment, but everyone has a big question mark on their heads.

"Elder Zhao, to be honest, I have been studying the bee family for so long, and I have never seen anything like this.

Even an experienced beekeeper cannot tame a worker bee in just a few seconds!93

An academician was surprised.

"You don't even know?!

Zhao Zeting studied birds, while the man who just talked about studied insects, especially the bee family. If he doesn't even know about it, then few people in the whole country know about it.

"However, bees are insects and have almost no intelligence. The lifespan of a worker bee is only 30 to 60 days, and their life is like a programmed program, and they follow the program strictly.

So, if someone can master such programs, it should be easy to control them. "

When the insects specifically said the words "control them", their eyes brightened.

Obviously, if they master this technology, it will be of great help to increase the production of honey and change the quality of honey!

This is also the subject of biotechnology engineering, which has been researched all the time.

"Exclusive tips?"

Zhao Zeting muttered and pondered, "This kid, once again gave us a surprise. 33

"Don't want to know? That's such a shame.

Lin Han smiled and shook, and glanced at Li Shuixin.

is it okay?

The latter's eyes lit up, and he almost rhymed these three words. However, seeing the sneer at the corner of Lin Han's mouth, he immediately gave up this plan,

"Hmph, I won't be fooled by you, big rascal!"

Li Shuixin pouted and turned to leave.

When I wake up in the morning, I haven't done anything yet, brush my teeth, wash my face...


"Good morning, today this little you has become beautiful again, I hope you can like it! 19

Li Shuixin came to the camera and greeted everyone.

After a while, Lin Han was cleaning the pasture and feeding the animals when he heard Li Shuixin's muffled voice.

"Lin Han, the toothpaste is running out. 99

Apparently, she was yelling while brushing her teeth.

The toothpaste she said was not the usual one, but Lin Han's Wilderness toothpaste made of mint and charcoal.

Both mint and charcoal have cleansing properties, while mint is refreshing and masks the burnt smell of charcoal.

The two groups asked, the effect of cleaning teeth is good.

"Got it. 99

Lin Han replied.

Wilderness toothpaste is easy to make and ready in minutes.

However, before that, Lin Han intends to make beehives first.

He was afraid that one would not be enough, so he decided to make two.

There are still some materials left in the small yard, which is enough to make beehives. Now with chisels, it's easier to make.

Before Li Nvxia's breakfast was ready, the beehive was finished.

After breakfast, Lin Han decided to look for the beehive and bring it back with the mother peak by the way. If you can breed these elves, you will have good honey to eat in the future.

Be careful", I'm going to the hive, do you want to go with me?

Lin Han asked.


Li Shuixin hurried over and picked up two baskets.

She plans to dig some wildflowers back and decorate the yard a little more.

Lin Han has no objection to this.

He plans to bring back the hive, so if there are so many flowers in his yard, it will be convenient for the bees to collect nectar.

And, she did set it up beautifully.

Who doesn't like to live in a place that is pleasing to the eye.

Other worker bees have already sewed honey and returned, and some have even come here for the second time. But the one tamed by Lin Han remained on the flower.

But it didn't attract people's attention, Lin Han just used his mind to communicate and let it take him to the hive.

The bee led the way, and Lin Han followed.

Elf bees usually live in caves, so Lin Han judged that they may be on the east coast, compared to a rocky mountain with many caves.

With a tame worker bee leading the way, he can save a little energy and don't need to use the sense of the earth to find the location of the hive.

Because Li Shuixin was attracted by the wildflowers along the way, he walked for more than half an hour and found the location of the beehive.

Near the coast, in a hidden cave.

If it weren't for the worker bees leading the way, there would never be a place like this. The outside was full of dense thorns and thatch. Lin Han chopped down with a military shovel for a long time, and then took a road that he could barely walk.

"You wait for me outside, I'll go in and see. 19

Unlike him, Li Shuixin was not afraid of bee venom, so it was better to stay outside.

"Well, you have to be careful.

0. Ask for flowers,

Li Shuixin said with concern.

"Don't worry. 99

Lin Han looked back and smiled, then walked into Shandong.

Inside the cave, he used the sense of the earth to detect the gap, except for some small mice, there were no snakes and other beasts.

So, go in with confidence.

However, Lin Han didn't rashly walk in, but hid beside him and secretly gave the tame worker bee instructions. Let this worker bee deceive all the worker bees in the hive.

If he walked in like this, he would definitely be attacked by the skirts of bees.

It makes sense that Lin Han chose strong worker bees instead of just catching one.

Because worker bees also have rank distinctions.

Usually a strong worker bee, because it collects more honey at a time, has a strong body, and has a relatively strong ability to defend against enemies, and its status in the family skirt will also be higher.

Like a foreman.

Therefore, it can send a warning message to other worker bees that an intruder is approaching, attracting the worker bees to help.

This kind of information is common in the insect world.

About half a minute after the tamed worker bees entered,


- The big skirt worker bee rushed to the ground, like a net of black clouds, flying towards the outside of the cave.

Although there are still some worker bees guarding the hive, the number is already less than one-fifth of a night.

Lin Han took the opportunity and walked in,

Before that, he had already locked the position of the mother bee with the sense of the earth, so he could quickly grab the mother peak.

Netizens felt very strange when they saw this scene,

"My grass, what's the situation, the bees have all run away?"

"At first, I thought that they found Lin Shen and came to fight the skirt, but I was worried. I didn't expect them to run away and give Lin Shen a chance?

"No, are there other intruders? But they didn't fly in the direction of the heroine?

Netizens have a question mark on their faces,

I don't understand!

The police told them that even Zhao Zeting and the insect portrait were surprised that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

"It's so strange, why did the worker bees all run away after Lin Han passed by?

The insect stared wide-eyed with an unbelievable expression on his face.

What I see today is more than what he has seen in the decades of studying insects!

When an intruder approaches, the worker bees not only do not lower, but fly away to provide convenience for the intruder?!!

"Unheard of, unheard of!"

"Perhaps, it's because of the worker bee that Lin Han tamed before!" As expected of the director of the Institute of Zoology, Zhao Zeting came to the point at once.

He watched Lin Han's live broadcast for so long, and he also knew something about Lin Han.

Knowing Lin Han, it will definitely not be aimless.

Taming that worker bee must be useful.

"That Gongfeng!

The insect portrait suddenly woke up, "Old Zhao is right, that worker bee is very big, and its status in the bee skirt is definitely not low. It must be the warning of its hair clipping, which misled other bees to cut off the enemy!

Thinking of this, the insects were extremely excited.

This is so special, even insects can tactical, it's amazing!

"But how did Lin Han do it? How did he tell an insect with almost no intelligence to do such a complicated thing?

Insect portraits are confusing.

These things that happened today have simply subverted his cognition!

He felt that the insect theory he had studied for decades was almost overturned by these few things Lin Han did.

"Aren't insects as intelligent as we think they are?"?

Zhao Zeting shook his head bitterly, "You ask me? I don't know. I still don't know how he communicated with Costin. 3

As a professional portrait of birds, he also wanted to know why Lin Han was so close to Costin.

Why, Lin Han can easily conquer such a ferocious bird as the tiger-headed sea eagle??

When everyone was talking about it, Lin Han had already come to the hive,

Although there are still some worker bees, their bodies are tough, and there is almost no feeling when they are cushioned.

He was very fast, directly locked on the female bee, and quickly captured the female bee that was twice the size of an ordinary worker bee.

Like the queen ant, the female wasp has little attack power.

Although its status is very high, its ability is very single, its only duty is to spawn!

[Ding, it is detected that the host is catching prey, and the capture assist function has been turned on. "

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully capturing the queen bee, please choose: tame/kill?]


In Lin Han's heart, he said loudly! Xi,

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