Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 181 They will be, the most precious honey in the world! (3, please order all!)

[Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully captured the mother peak! 】

In an instant, there was a spiritual connection between Lin Han and Mother Peak.

Although bees are creatures with almost no IQ, their populations have a strict system! Female bees have absolute leadership in the bee skirt.

At the moment when the mother peak was tamed by Lin Han, it immediately sent a special message, ordering the surrounding drone drones attacking Lin Han to stop.

The pocket drones tracked and filmed the whole process, and also saw this magical scene.

"What's the matter, why did the bees suddenly stop attacking Lin Shen?"

"I don't know, it seems like a moment.

"Maybe it's because Lin Shen caught the female bee. Could it be that the worker bees were afraid that the female bee would be hurt, so they stopped attacking? Lin Shen, took the female bee as a hostage??

Today, there are many question marks in the live broadcast room.


A beekeeper jumped out, "Bees have no intelligence at all and can't be threatened. If you catch their mother bees, they will attack you frantically and force you to let go of the mother peak. Not like us humans. , also negotiating with you.39

"I know, it must be Lin Shen who used his secret recipe to tame the mother bee!

"Three-four-seven is definitely like that.

"Lin Shen is very mighty!"

"But why do I feel that Mother Peak is overwhelmed by Lin Shenda's tyrannical spirit, this Mother Peak fell in love with Lin Shen/dog head to save his life!

Because the cave is so wide, only one of the three drones that followed Lin Han stayed here.

The other two viewing angles are outside.


A loud voice from far and near,

At this time, the bee skirt that was tricked out was quickly returning to the hole.

Many viewers who watched the video from multiple perspectives immediately discovered the bee skirt!

"No, the bee skirt is back!

"Mom, so many bees, I have a phobia!"

"It's going to be rough and tens of thousands, Lin Shen is still inside, will he be..."

"Lin Shen runs very fast, so many bees will temporarily kill people.

Watching Lin Shen's live broadcast room is so thrilling and exciting,

One moment it makes you feel amazing, and the next time it makes you worry and nervous.

So many bees are scared to look at.

It's hard to imagine what the consequences would be if they attacked Lin Han's skirt!

"Lin Shen was blocked.

"It's over, it's over, Lin Shen has encountered the biggest challenge ever!"

"I'm afraid, we have to believe in Lin Shen, he is a martial arts master. Tell you that Lin Shen will split the fire and cloud palms in a while, and I will not have the slightest doubt.

Worrying and worrying, everyone still believes in Lin Han.

After such a long live broadcast, Lin Han has encountered many dangers, but he can always turn them away.

Even, turn danger into adventure!

So everyone felt that Lin Han would not be knocked down by these bees.

In the next second, the answer was revealed.

A large swarm of bees rushed in, but they avoided Lin Han consciously, and none of them attacked him.

It's like, Lin Han is their king!

Mother Peak flew from Lin Han's palm and flew into the huge hive.

After a while, it actually flew back again, and it also carried milky white honey on it!

"Wait, that's... royal jelly!"

Many people recognize this good stuff.

The insect portrait was so excited that he accidentally ripped off a handful of hair from the person next to him!

"What is Mother Peak doing? Is it going to give Lin Han the most precious royal jelly?!!"

Insects are like dumbfounded,

This scene, once again subverted his cognition of insects!

"It's really strange that bees take the initiative to give honey to people? We have a long history of beekeeping in Longguo, and this kind of thing has never happened, right?

Zhao Zeting frowned and pondered.

On the side, the young academician Huang Xuesong joked, "If it's recorded in history, I wouldn't dare to write it like that even in ancient times."

"What method did this Lin Han use to make Mu Feng love him so much?"

Insects fell into deep thought.

Compared with them, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is much more active,

Netizens don't want to worry so much,

"That's royal jelly, the most precious honey! I'll just say the mother bee fell in love with Lin Shen. 22

"It's over, the heroine has met a competitor.

"Woman: Pull the fish mark!"

Lin Han was also a little surprised when he saw the female bee, who had difficulty flying to him, with royal jelly on his body.

Is this little guy trying to please himself?

Although the female bee can fly, the flight ability is not strong. Because they drag their big bellies, they usually don't fly when they are carried in the hive. This time, in order to please Lin Han, he flew for such a long time, which is indeed enough.

Lin Han reached out to catch it, tapped it with one finger, and tasted the royal jelly.

very sweet!

Sweet but not greasy, it's like eating maltose that has just been hooked into the pot.

"Okay, little guy, thank you for your kindness."

Lin Han wiped off the royal jelly on it, then put it on the hive, "I'll give you a new home now and take you to a place where flowers are blooming.

With that said, Lin Han used his saber to cut the honeycomb off the rock wall little by little.

There are many young bees and bee pupae in the hive. Lin Han is very careful not to hurt them.

The surrounding bees also flew away from the hive, but none of them cushioned him.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Han finally cut down the hive. This beehive is over one meter long. In order to prevent them from breaking midway, Lin Han found some branches to support them.

Then, with the hive, followed by thousands of bees back to the hut.

The picture is exciting!

Anyway, Li Shuixin did not dare to approach Han within ten meters.

Back at the hut, Lin Han separated the hive little by little and put it into the prepared hive.

This is also a meticulous work, busy all morning.

Li Shuixin, on the other hand, put down the newly dug wildflowers and watered them with spring water.

After being irrigated by spring water, these wildflowers grew very well, with more vivid petals and more flowers.

After the hive is transported, the bees begin to collect honey.

Lin Han, on the other hand, used a bamboo tube to collect the excess honey, and even Mufeng volunteered to donate a small half cup of royal jelly.

"Lin Han has eaten."

Li Shuixin had already made lunch.

Lin Han came to the table with honey and royal jelly, picked up some royal jelly with a chopstick and handed it to Li Shuixin, "Come and taste 0."

"It's so sweet!" Li Shuixin took a sip and instantly felt that it was sweeter than anything she had ever eaten.

It's like eating candy for the first time when I was a kid!

"What kind of honey is this, how is it so sweet?"

Li Shuixin put down his chopsticks and quickly discovered that there were two different types of honey.

"This is ordinary honey, and the one you just tasted is royal jelly." Lin Han smiled, and Li Shuixin inadvertently showed a cute appearance, which always made people feel comfortable and smiled involuntarily, "Royal jelly is the mother peak special The output is relatively small. There are not many hives, so I dare not take too much, for fear of affecting the female bees laying eggs.”

Although the mother peak let him take it at will, considering the development of the hive, Lin Han only took one third.

Royal jelly is the food of mother bees and young bees. If he gets too much, the parent bees and young bees will not be able to eat, the young bees will die, and the parent bees will reduce the number of eggs laid. At that time, the number of bees in the entire beehive skirt will gradually decrease.

Naturally, Lin Han would not do such a period of killing the pot and retrieving eggs.

"Looking at it less, the value of royal jelly is much higher than that of ordinary honey. Do you know how long a worker bee can live and how long can a parent bee live? 99

Lin Han sat down to dry, intending to give Li Shuixin the knowledge of bees while eating.

Although Li Shuixin has some knowledge about bees, it is limited to the medicinal value of bee venom and bee pupae, and other details are not known to Lin Han.

"How long?"

Li Shuixin also sat down, she was already hungry.

"A worker bee can only live for 30 to 60 days, which is one or two months. A female bee can live for three to five years. The reason for such a big difference is because the female bee only eats royal jelly. , while the worker bees eat ordinary honey. Therefore, royal jelly is also globally recognized as a "longevity factor"!

Drinking a cup of royal jelly soaked in water every day can make girls more beautiful and have the effect of prolonging life. Of course, if you drink it at night, it can improve sleep, promote metabolism and so on.

Lin Han used two cups, poured a cup of water of life 5.1, dug a spoonful of royal jelly into it, stirred gently, and let it slowly melt into the water.

The functions of the water of life and royal jelly overlap, both can beautify the skin, prolong life, and drink them together, the effect is even better!

"Come and drink.»

After preparing the honey water, Lin Han handed him a glass.

"Well, it's sweet and tastes good."

Li Shuixin took a sip and instantly felt a refreshing sweetness.

"For watering flowers in the future, just use spring water. I think that since spring water is good for humans and animals, it is also good for flowers. Lin Han said this deliberately.

Benefits are inevitable!

Seedlings are the best example.

"If you can spend different flowers for the bees to take, maybe the honey they brew will be the best honey in the world. 99

Water flowers with expensive water of life just to get better honey!

I have to say that Lin Han's idea is very bold.

If netizens know the true value of the water of life, I am afraid they will fight with him.

Such precious water, do you use it to water the flowers?

No matter how rich you are, you can't be so defeated.

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