Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 184 The fun of planting rice (2, please complete the order!)


This time, after diving for more than two minutes, Li Shuixin took a big mouthful of air.

However, she was still in shock.

"Lin Han, did you see it?"

Li Shuixin raised her head like a hibiscus, and looked at Lin Han with a hint of shock in her beautiful eyes.

Indeed, I was shocked by the scene just around.

I saw "Oh, it's coral, it looks like a mushroom, and the color is very beautiful.

Lin Han nodded,

He has been to this sea area several times, because of these colorful corals that look like mushrooms, he thinks it is very beautiful, so he continued to bring Li Shuixin over.

Originally, he didn't think that these corals had any special police, but Li Shuixin's shocked expression told him that these corals were probably not simple.

Coral is not food, nor is it a plant, so he doesn't know it very well.

"Yes, they are mushroom corals, which are formed by the accumulation of dead coral polyps, and they form very slowly. Their value is comparable to that of the red corals of Longbao Island, and the price is extremely expensive.

Some of them are priceless treasures, and we didn't expect that we would see so many here!"

Li Shuixin explained in surprise.

There are indeed many mushroom corals of different colors in this sea area. Lin Han has seen them before. They are about the size of three or four places, and the number of corals is innumerable.

If it is really as valuable as Li Shuixin said, then this coral sea area is really priceless.

"I have heard that red coral is one of the top ten gems in the Dragon Kingdom and one of the top three organic gems in the world. Because of its beautiful appearance, people carve it into handicrafts and sell it for a high price.

However, I think the mushroom coral in front of me, their value is here, not for poaching.

Lin Han said seriously.

Because Fantong said, he will be the master of this island. Therefore, everything on this island, the surrounding sea area, and in Lin Han's heart, are already his own private property.

So, he didn't want to spoil the good things here.

This large piece of mushroom coral is beautiful on the bottom of the sea, and there is no need to hook it up for artificial processing.

With all the traditions, Lin Han will definitely not be short of money in the future, so he doesn't need to sell these things.

Staying here, Ji is the most beautiful.

Li Shuixin was a little surprised by these words, "I didn't expect you to think so. But think about it, they form this beautiful coral sea, and the 347 complement each other, so the foil is even more beautiful. If you change the environment, Their beauty is so monotonous.

Let's go", I'll take you to another place to see. However, you can't dive too deep.

I didn't think there was anything before, but after listening to Li Shuixin's words, he didn't want to expose this coral sea too much now.

-In the afternoon, accompany Li Shuixin to swim under the sea and appreciate the wonder and beauty of the sea.

Although, netizens in the live broadcast room can also see it.

But watching through the screen, and being in the scene are completely two different feelings.

At the scene, you can fully feel the vastness and infinity of the sea, and appreciate the wonderful world under the sea.

It's a pity that Li Shuixin couldn't dive too deep, and she couldn't immerse herself in more wonderful places, so she could only watch it from a distance.

A little later, Lin Han used the sense of the sea to catch a rock lobster weighing more than three pounds, and some seashells. In the evening, boil a pot of seafood porridge.

For a few days,

The seedlings in the pots have gradually grown, and before you know it, they are already as tall as the palm of your hand.

When Lin Han woke up in the morning and watered them, he saw these lush seedlings, full of vigor and vitality, and he knew that it was time to plant them.

"Yeah? Has it grown so tall already? It's so fast."

When Li Shuixin was brushing his teeth, he saw Lin Han fiddling with the seedlings and felt that these seedlings were growing much faster than expected.

"Well, really fast, try to plant them all today. They need sunlight and soil nutrients now. 93

Lin Han gave them a final watering and then moved them to the sun.

The morning sun is relatively mild, allowing them to adapt to the sun, so as not to suddenly put them under the hot sun, they will die or get sunburned.

"Are you planting seedlings?"

Li Shuixin's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had encountered something interesting again. There was excitement in his eyes.

Her expression fell into Lin Han's eyes,

The latter smiled and shook his head, "The Sergeant is in a hurry to be happy, and planting seedlings is very instructive.


Li Shuixin has always acted in a very unusual situation, and she didn't even make a sound at this kind of work.

But seedling planting can be regarded as the most important task in the whole process of rice planting.

The whole process is soaked in the mud, 80% of the time, you need to hook your body, really face the loess and turn your back to the sky!

Therefore, Lin Han felt that it was necessary to give Li Shuixin a vaccination first.

"It's okay, I've been resting for the past few days. I'm about to gain weight. If I don't do some work, I will feel uncomfortable."

Li Shuixin said seriously after rinsing his mouth.

Lin Han stretched out a finger and wiped away the fine charcoal remaining at the corner of her mouth, "Don't shout at that time.

After that, let's go to the vegetable field to work.

[Ding, complete weeding, vegetable field experience +10.1

[Ding, complete watering, vegetable field experience +15.1

[Ding, complete the harvest, vegetable field experience +18.]

Daily experience!

After Li Shuixin made breakfast and the two of them ate it, the seedlings were almost dry and ready to start planting!

"It stands to reason that there is one more step before planting seedlings, fertilizing.

In the past, people would use the leaf grass in the animal pen to throw it into the field, so that the soil of the paddy field absorbs the nutrients in the leaf grass. However, our animal pen is relatively clean, there is no creeping grass, and we can only rely on the nutrients of the soil itself. "

On the way to the rice fields, Lin Han and Li Shuixin chatted.

In order to ensure the cleanliness of the small courtyard, he cleans the pasture every day, so there is no grass in the animal pen at all. Those animal feces on weekdays were also thrown to the other end of the lake to feed the fish.

This small lake is rich in freshwater fish, and proper feeding can increase the production in the future.

As for the watering of vegetable fields, the total amount of rice fields produced by the two is completely sufficient.

After all, vegetable fields are now secondary, and they can grow well without much fertilizer.

"The soil here has not been developed, and the nutrients must be abundant. The rice we plant will definitely have a bumper harvest!

Li Shuixin glanced at Lin Han next to her, her beautiful eyes full of confidence!

These lands were developed by her little by little, and she naturally hoped to have a good harvest.

It can be regarded as a kind of spiritual comfort.

And of course Lin Han knew that there would be a bumper harvest, because this is no ordinary rice field Xiao.

After ten minutes,

The two made four or five trips, and finally brought all the seedlings over and surrounded them on the field ridge.

But how to plant the seedlings and what tools to use, Li Shuixin was still blind.

"What's next?"

However, her learning attitude has always been very good, and she can always learn with humility when it comes to unknown things.

Putting down the last pot of seedlings, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lin Han seriously.

Lin Han first picked up a pot of seedlings and threw them into the air.

Everyone was taken aback and wondered what Lin Han was doing.

But the next second,


The seedlings crossed a parabola in the air and landed in the paddy field. A pot of seedlings, all standing on the mud!

It was thrown so far without hurting a single seedling,

His control of strength is even more perfect.

"Lin Shenniu, if it were me, the seedlings would definitely not be standing, and it is estimated that half of them would be sacrificed."

"Sacrificing half of it? First of all, you have to be able to throw it that far! The pot of seedlings is said to weigh 20 to 30 kilograms. Can you give me a 30-meter throw?"

"This is no longer force, but force! It's even more ingenious than force. If used well, it can be difficult to lift and throw heavy objects dozens of meters away like Lin Shen. It's the feeling of putting it down gently."

"After listening to the big man's explanation, I instantly felt even more confused.

A few minutes later, Lin Han threw all the seedlings into the paddy field.

"Throw it in first, and it will be much more convenient when planting seedlings later, so there is no need to come up and get it. 99

Lin Han explained casually, then rolled up his pants, took off his shoes and walked into the rice field.

In the rice fields, there is about ten centimeters of water.

Rice Rice is naturally grown in places with sufficient water sources. This is also the reason why FanTong chose to be in the swamp when rewarding them.

At least, during the growing season of rice, water is always needed.

Only in the mature stage, the demand for water will gradually decrease.


Li Shuixin nodded and rolled up his pants, revealing a slender leg.

However, it was the first time that she stepped into this kind of muddy ground, and it was inevitable that she had a little foundation in her heart.

-Hanging one foot over the paddy field, paused for a while, then plucked up the courage to step on it.

However, everyone clearly felt that Li Shuixin's complexion changed slightly.

Feeling that your feet are wrapped in the mud that fills your fingers instantly, all girls will feel uncomfortable for a moment.

In fact, many people are reluctant to go into the mud, not because they think it's dirty, but because they don't like the feeling.

It's as if something caught your foot.

"Aah, don't worry, there are no leeches in here. 99

Seeing that Li Shuixin's face was a little bad, Lin Han looked back at her and gave her an encouraging look.

Then he stretched out a hand, held hers and said, "It will be a little uncomfortable at first, but it doesn't matter, you are just doing a foot bath.

In fact, the mud is composed of very small molecules, which has a certain protective and whitening effect on the human skin. If you can find in the country, those farmers who have been working in the fields for a long time have dark skin but very white below the calf. For the most part, it's the mud's fault. 99

When Lin Han said this, Li Shuixin was instantly less frightened.

Both feet, all stepped into the mud.

The soles of the feet are wrapped in thick mud, slippery, and the feet move a little, as if something is massaging the feet, which is very comfortable.

Most of people's fears stem from psychological effects. As long as they overcome psychological fears, they can adapt quickly.

Li Shuixin was led by Lin Han and took a few steps in the muddy field, and his fear instantly diminished a lot.

She tried to let go of Lin Han's hand and took a few steps by herself.

However, it was very difficult to find her walking in the mud. The mud acts like a suction cup, gripping your foot tightly and preventing it from pulling out.

She walked a few steps and felt very difficult, so she had to cast Lin Han's eyes for help,

"Lin Han, why is it so easy for you to walk, it takes so much effort for me to take a step.

Li Shuixin pouted and looked at Lin Han pitifully.

The cute appearance made Lin Han laugh,

"Walking in the mud is not the same as on the ground. When lifting your feet, you must first lift your heels, and then slowly pull your feet out. You can't lift the entire sole of your foot all at once.

If you think about it, if you lift it all at once, it means that you still have to hold a few kilograms of mud, can it be effortless?"

"Raise your heels first, then slowly pull your feet out..."

Li Shuixin tried the method that Lin Han said, and it was really easy. She twitched her feet from the mud and looked at Lin Han in surprise, "This method really works! 99


She forgot that she was still hanging with one foot in the air, while the other foot was stuck in the mud, and her body's center of gravity was unstable. When excited, the whole person almost fell.

The raised foot stepped into the water ruthlessly, splashing a lot of water and mud.

Not to mention her body was messed up, Lin Han, who was not far away, also suffered.

There were splashes of water and mud all over his body.

"Isn't it... pfft!"

Li Shuixin just wanted to say sorry, but when he looked up and saw Lin Han's face sullen, he couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry... woo... I'm sorry..."

She wanted to say sorry, but she couldn't help it, and she was about to laugh.

Lin Han gave her an angry look, then washed her face with the water under her feet.

Let's go", I'll teach you how to plant rice.

Lin Han shook his head, feeling like it was a disservice.


Netizens couldn't help laughing when they saw Lin Han's face full of mud,

"The heroine is so powerful that even Lin Shen can't dodge it.

"This is called, one thing falls one thing!"

"Who can stop the suicidal goddess scattered flowers?"

"I feel sorry for God Lin.

Facts have proved that no matter how smart girls are doing farm work, they will also become silly and sweet. 33

"It's the same as planting seedlings, why is God Lin able to plant so much fun, but what I plant is hard work?

"Brother die, because you don't have a silly white sweet like Li Nuxia around you!"

"I'm heartbroken, old iron..."

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