Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 185: Lin Shenshen's speed is faster than that of a machine? (3, please complete the ord

Lin Han took a small amount of rhyme from the seedling pile next to it and handed it to Li Shuixin,

"Remember, when you divide it yourself, you can't pull hard, the police will break the seedlings or tear off the roots. 22

Because the seedlings are cultivated together, the roots are all intertwined, so be careful when dividing.

All animals and plants are very fragile when they are young.

It is possible that the lack of a few roots that absorb nutrients will affect its growth and even die!

Just when Lin Han was dividing the seedlings, Li Shuixin watched how he did it and took it all in his mind, "Well, I see."

She nodded.

Then, Lin Han took another small hook and gave it to himself.

"Are you going to start chafing? To tell you the truth, this is the first time I've seen artificial chafing."

"When I was on the train before, I saw artificial chamoi, and I thought it was amazing. I didn't expect that I could see it again in Lin Shen's live broadcast room."

"Lin Shenda is really amazing, he can do anything.

"Since I watched the live broadcast of Lin Shen, I can't watch all those variety shows, especially a group of people experiencing life in the countryside. What's more, all things are cultivated by people, you just have to harvest them, then Also called experience life? Just this, some people still think that Zheng Huo died suddenly, and they feel that they are amazing after working one day. I really want to ask him

What about the face?"

"They should be allowed to watch Lin Shen's live broadcast and let them know what a real hardcore is!"

"To tell the truth, if there is a variety show and let those stars come to participate in the wilderness survival challenge, no one can survive a week!"

"A week? You look up to them too much, three days at most!"

Since the launch of Wilderness Survival, the ratings of other variety shows have indeed suffered a great impact.

In particular, those variety shows with the theme of farming life are almost a devastating blow.

Except for the brainless fans, basically no one watched it.

Imagine, on one side, a group of people who have harvested the fruits planted by the police and feel that they are great, and that doing farm work is destroying people's vegetable fields; on the other side, they can create everything themselves, and they can popularize everything. The all-rounder.

It's you, where are you looking?

Those agricultural variety shows and food variety shows that were launched with Wilderness Survival have all suffered devastating blows.

Most of these programs are recorded.

But some are played while shooting.

The recorded one has been changed from one issue a week to two issues a week, but the lost popularity still cannot be recovered.

And those who are filming and broadcasting at the same time can't do it anymore.

Sponsors withdrew their funds one after another, and the show collapsed directly!

Lin Han grabbed a handful of seedlings and put it in his left hand,

"Hold the seedlings with your left hand, and then divide them into four with your hands. Remember to be more precise when dividing, don't divide the seedlings one by one. Divide the four plants together, and they will not grow when they grow in the future. spread out."

Usually, a pit contains 3 to 5 seedlings, and Lin Han is used to four.

"Well, is that so?"

Li Shuixin divided his work into four plants by hand.

However, her feet were relatively close, and she was not used to walking in the mud. When she turned around, she forgot the technique of pulling her feet up, and the whole sole of her foot lifted up.

As a result, of course, the center of gravity was lost.

Body, quickly fell backwards on the knees.


Li Shuixin was so frightened that she closed her eyes and shouted,

Seeing that, her whole body was about to be smashed into the rice field, and Lin Han quickly took a big step forward, stretched out an arm, and hugged her by the waist!

After waiting for a while, Li Shuixin didn't realize that he fell into the mud, as if being supported by something, slowly opened his eyes,

A pair of sword eyebrows and star eyes were close at hand, looking at her with concern, "Are you all right?"

"'s fine."

Li Shuixin's heart suddenly seemed to have broken into a deer, ramming everywhere.



"Lin Shen is a big man!"

"It's too dangerous to go around, Li Nvxia almost became the goddess of the soup, thanks to Lin Shen.

"Whether these two people are so romantic, I can't stand it...

"Kiss her, kiss her..."

"Thank you for taking care of my breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper..."

Like the dog-blood bridges in many movies,

At this moment, Lin Han is supporting the heroine who is about to fall with one arm. His posture is very handsome, and the hero's aura dominates the screen!

Although it is very bloody, but it can't stop the teacher's arrogance!

Countless young girls, who were stunned by the shock, were all imagining that the heroine in that scene was themselves.

So romantic, I love it...

Nympho girls will have this idea,

"Be careful, or you can go to the side to rest, I can come alone.

Lin Han didn't let the netizens kiss him domineeringly.

He simply felt that this girl was not suitable to do this kind of work.

"It's okay, Gang Ji was just careless.

Li Shuixin let out a soft snort and picked up the seedlings scattered on the ground again, grabbing a large handful with his left hand and a small handful with his right, "Next, where do we start? 99

A complicated look flashed in her eyes.

I don't know if netizens understand it, but Lin Han doesn't understand it anyway.

"You caught it wrong. 97

Seeing Li Shuixin's right hand holding the handful of seedlings, Lin Han walked over and corrected her, "You can't get the seedlings in like this, you can only make a big hole.

Use your index and middle fingers to clamp the roots of the seedlings, palms facing the seedlings, and the index and middle fingers down the roots of the seedlings into the soil. Remember, at this time mainly rely on the strength of your fingers, use your fingers to make holes, so that the roots of the seedlings will not be damaged,

After Lin Han corrected Li Shuixin's technique, he grabbed her hand and slammed into the mud.

"Above the root, one-third of the seedlings should be immersed in the mud, otherwise they will be easily blown by the wind or crooked."

Looking at the seedling where the ghost was standing upright, Lin Han added.

"I am very doubtful now, does Lin Shen understand or not? Sometimes I feel that Lin Shen is the ultimate straight man of steel, and sometimes I feel that he is an unmatched old driver! I cracked, who will explain one time?

"Isn't that clear, distance is everything!"

"Distance is everything? Brother, you drive really steadily!"


"5cm? Pfft haha~ So, aren't you afraid of Lin Shen trying to find you! 39

"I'm just in the first grade, what are the uncles talking about?"

"Is that right?"

After Lin Han finished teaching, Li Shuixin did it by himself. She learned quickly and mastered the skills in no time.

However, this bag of seedlings, the location of cha is wrong.

"You put it too close, and when the seedlings grow taller, they will crowd together. So, keep the distance. Between the seedlings and the seedlings, at least two punches away... uh, your fist is relatively small, then two punches Half the distance. 99


Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin's little hand and quickly changed his words.

"When we plant the seedlings, we have to walk backwards so that we won't step on the seedlings that have already been planted. At one time, we can plant three times, and they must be straight horizontally and vertically, just like this."

Lin Han picked up the seedling in his hand and planted it next to Li Shuixin,


Three pockets of seedlings were planted in a few seconds.

Three points and one line, the same distance. The depth is the same, it looks perfect!

Mainly, the speed was so fast that everyone didn't see what was going on, and he was already planted.

"Suddenly discovered a secret, Lin Shen must still be single! Because, only a single dog always has such hand speed!

"It's so fast, I can't even see what's going on! 33

"@Please call me a little handyman, the handyman is here, let's see what kind of kung fu this is?

"Three o'clock and one line, the spacing of each seedling is exactly the same. Also, I just slowed down to look around and found that the three seedlings caught by Lin Shen were different in height, but after he planted them, they were all the same height. ! This grasp of strength is too awesome.


"With such a fast speed, it seems that the machine will lose to Lin Shen.

Lin Han quickly planted and dried three rows of seedlings, forming a very standard square!

These, of course, are the merits of martial arts.

Because of the essence of fusion martial arts skills, Lin Han can precisely locate, precisely control force, speed, and orientation!

Because of this, he was able to plant so quickly, so accurately, and so beautifully.

"Okay, let's try it. But be careful when walking backwards, the policeman fell.

After giving her a sample, Lin Han stepped aside.

Two people, it is best to plant from both sides to the middle, so that there will be no conflict.

"Well, I'll be careful. 99

Li Shuixin nodded and said confidently.

At this time, the sun was already getting some strength, Lin Han went back to Tianlong to get a hat, and put it on Li Shuixin's head to help her keep it healthy and prevent it from falling.

Then go around to the other side of the paddy field and start planting from there.

Li Shuixin has mastered the skills of planting seedlings, she has a good memory and does not need to be repeated by Lin Han.

Next, is practice.

However, Lin Han doesn't expect her to plant quickly, as long as she can plant well, don't let him go back to work twice.

At the beginning, Lin Han would look to her side when she was planting, and through the perception of the earth, she would check her inappropriateness. But obviously, his worries were superfluous. Li Shuixin was very serious, making sure that he had planted each one well before proceeding to the next one.

Therefore, she was very slow at first.

She has three plants at a time, while Lin Han has four plants at a time. Lin Han has finished planting twice, and her one trip continues for one third.

However, her serious look is really reassuring.

Lin Han put away his attention to her and planted it seriously.


four seconds,

A row of four seedlings is planted.

His technique was very fast, and I saw his figure, constantly moving in the rice field.

Soon, an hour passed, and Lin Han was almost a third of the way through.

On Li Shuixin's side, the speed has also been raised, and he has completed two trips.

"Meow meow"

At this time, Dahua came over, biting the bamboo tube they usually used to hold water.

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