Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 186 The Ancient Irrigation Artifact - The Keel Waterwheel! (4, please complete the order!)

"Wow, the eldest daughter is here, it's so heartwarming, and I brought them water. 59

"Sure enough, my daughters are all sweet little padded jackets, and I will have one in the future.

"Huh? Upstairs, are you going to have a big flower?!!"

"Awesome, my heart can't help but be filled with admiration and admiration for you!

No matter what the topic is, netizens can always expose the essence of Bao sand sculpture,

People just want to have a daughter,

Can you think of humans and beasts?

What a big brain!

Dahua put the water tank on the shady field ridge next to it, and then called "meow meow",

(Master, take a break and drink some water?)

That's probably what it means.

After raising it for so long, I know that I feel sorry for the owner.

Lin Han smiled comfortably, washed his hands and said to Li Shuixin, "Shui Xin, the progress is not bad, let's take a break.

"I'm much slower than you."

Li Shuixin pouted, a little unhappy.

She felt that she was procrastinating.

Lin Han was amused by the way she was angry with herself, "The first time you planted seedlings, you wanted to be more than a few years old master? If you are surpassed, how can I feel?"


Having said that, Li Shuixin's mood instantly improved.

Now she can walk "five five zeros" in the mud freely without falling.


Quickly, come to the top of the field ridge,

Touching Dahua's lovely head, "Thank you, Dahua! 93

Dahua gave her the palm with her head, "meow meow"

It should be saying (no thanks.)

"Dahua is really nice.

Lin Han also came over and touched Dahua's head as well. The latter enjoyed it very much. He used his head to give Lin Han's palm, and his body also wrapped around Lin Han's feet to help him get rid of the mud on his calf.

Its attitude towards Lin Han and Li Shuixin is obviously much better.

"Wow, touch the head and kill!"

"Looking at the small expression that Dahua enjoys, it seems to push Dahua away and replace it with me. 99

"Push away Dahua? You probably haven't seen the scene where Dahua killed a jackal with one bite. Old girl, do you think your neck is harder than a jackal?

"Have you noticed? It's also touching the head. Why does the heroine feel so casual when touching it. But God Lin is enjoying it so much when touching it?"

"Don't you know that Dahua is a woman??"

Dahua's attitude towards Lin Han really made Li Shuixin a little jealous.

Although, Dahua is also very good to her, but compared with Lin Han, there is always a strangeness.

She had a feeling that the reason why Dahua came forward to save her when they first met was to find a partner for Lin Han...

Otherwise, she really can't think of any reason why Dahua risked her life to save someone she didn't know!

"Dahua, you got yourself dirty."

Lin Han quickly pushed it away, but Dahua insisted and wiped the mud off its body.

"Meow meow~"

Dahua used her soft hair to wipe the mud on Lin Han's calf.

At this point, it has completely replaced a new layer of hair.

Whether it is the slightest bit on the body or the quality of the hair, it has become better than before.

What surprised Lin Han even more was that even the troubles on it and Xiaohua disappeared, and they never grew new.


"Well, it's all dirty.

Lin Han was helpless for Dahua's insistence.

Aside, Li Shuixin dripped with jealousy.

"That Shui Xin, Zheng?

Lin Han also noticed that there was something wrong with this sister's face, but Da Hua couldn't read her words. You can only relieve the embarrassment yourself.

"Fortunately, the waist is a little sore. 99

Li Shuixin rubbed her waist.

It will be a little uncomfortable to keep going to the waist all morning and suddenly straighten up.

However, Lin Han is not like that. His physical endurance is extremely strong, and he will not feel uncomfortable even if he does this kind of work for a whole day. At most, it will be a little difficult.

"Why don't you rest and leave the rest to me. 11

Lin Han felt that she just wanted to experience the novelty.

But it's not.

Li Shuixin really wanted to help him with his work,

"It doesn't matter. Before weaving has been sitting, and the body has not moved for a long time. It doesn't matter."

The two rested for a while, and then went on to plant the seedlings.

In the morning, the two had almost completed half of it, and the speed was already very fast.

Usually, two people need one and a half to two days for artificial planting. For two people who are faster, one day is enough.

Lin Han's speed is very fast, which makes up for Li Xin's speed,

For lunch, I made some random food. When cooking, I steamed a sausage, a plate of ham, fried fish pieces, and fried bacon with peppers.

Plain and simple.

Because they thought of planting it all in one day, the two of them were very energetic in the afternoon.

Li Shuixin's speed also increased.

It only took three hours, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, it was all planted.

"All done!

After planting the last seedling, Li Shuixin made a V in front of the camera, and then rushed into the lake impatiently to wash off the mud on his feet.

The body has been roasted by the sun for a day. At this time, I take a cold bath and feel that the whole world is cool.

After taking a bath, Li Shuixin wore loose clothes and sat lazily on the stone bank, enjoying the last sunshine in the evening.

"Lin Han, what are you going to do?

She saw that Lin Han dragged a few pieces of wood over, and her curiosity was instantly piqued.

Every time, Lin Han can do magic hooks.

Netizens are also very curious,

"Lin Shenniu, after a day's work, the energy is still full!"

"Lin Shen is very open, is it infinite buff? 99

"If I had been working for so long, I would have been paralyzed long ago. Lin Shen is still able to drag a few hundred catties of wood to run around, what a bull!

"The action of the male god holding the wood is so handsome.

"I really want to know, what is Lin Shenda planning to do?

Like Li Shuixin, everyone has always been very enthusiastic about Lin Han's work. From the original Luban stool, the rabbit cage, to the later pottery making, furniture making, valley windmills...

When everyone sees Lin Han doing things, it's like witnessing the birth of a miracle.

Therefore, everyone enjoyed watching it very much.

"Rice fields now need more and more water, and it is too troublesome to splash water every time. I plan to make a water diversion tool to divert the water from the lake into the rice fields.

Lin Han explained.

Rice is not a drought tolerant plant and needs a lot of water for irrigation in the early stages of growth.

"What tool can lead water to high places?

Li Shuixin and Qu were completely hooked up, and suddenly they didn't feel tired, and came forward curiously.

"An ancient irrigation artifact was invented by people more than 800 years ago. But until now, some remote places are still in use."

Lin Han threw a pile of wood in the usual processing place and looked back at Li Shuixin.

Speaking of the wisdom of the ancients, Lin Han is full of admiration. …

Think about what conditions were like 800 years ago, but the man-made things of that era have been used for so long!

"It's getting more and more mysterious.

Li Shuixin gave Lin Han an angry look, this guy has his old troubles again, he always likes to sell things.

She didn't know because she had never been exposed to these things since she was a child.

However, the power of netizens is powerful,

Soon someone guessed what Lin Han was going to do.

"An ancient irrigation artifact? I know! Lin Shen plans to make a keel waterwheel!

"Waterwheel? Is it the same thing as the big waterwheel in front of Shian? Lin Shen plans to make another set of tap water systems?

"I don't understand and ask: Excuse me, are the keel waterwheels made of dragon bones?"

"Mom asks you to read more, but you just don't listen. Do you know how ignorant you are now? Where is there a dragon in this world, the keel waterwheel must be replaced by the bones of a snake.


Netizens, happy netizens.

Like Li Shuixin, Da and Li Shuixin are both waiting for Lin Han.

But this guy, talking less and less recently, only doing things, not talking.

After waiting for a while, Li Shuixin saw that she couldn't help, so she obediently cooked, but the netizens couldn't wait.

"What the hell is a keel waterwheel, and what does it look like? There are some big guys out there.

"-It was invented by someone eight hundred years ago, dare to ask who is it?

At this time, there is a big guy standing rhyme coming,

[Zhong Yuyun: "The keel waterwheel is our country's intangible cultural heritage. It is impossible to know who invented it first. We only know that it began in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Later, it was invented by the Three Kingdoms and improved like Ma Jun, and it has become what we see today. to the keel waterwheel.

It mainly uses wooden boards as grooves, and there are small runners under the grooves... In fact, it is like a closed groove crawler. By turning the large runner, it drives the small runner under the wooden groove to transport the water from the lower part to the higher place. .

Zhong Yuyun is the president of the Dragon Country Woodworking Association. He has very high attainments in the research of woodworking.

He and Zhao Cen are good friends. The two recently made the Luban stool together, and they are now vigorously studying the craftsmanship that Lin Han said.

5.1 "Three Kingdoms period, Ouban!"

"Three Kingdoms is my favorite era, capable people hook. 99

"After listening to the explanation of the boss, it seems to be very complicated, everyone said that it would take Lin Shen how many days to make it?

"Because it's too troublesome to make a super complicated waterwheel, Lin Shen is really not ordinary willful."

"Sit and wait for a miracle to happen."

"I think it is a very meaningful decision for the country to grant Lin Shen the title of cultural heritage ambassador. Just imagine, after listening to something from more than 800 years ago, if it wasn't for Lin Shen, who would have the chance to see it? 39

"Yeah, more and more cultures have lost their inheritance and are about to be submerged in the long river of history. Fortunately, we have Lin Shen.

The keel waterwheel looks more complicated, but it is actually not as difficult as imagined.

Lin Han's biggest problem is the lack of tools.

It would save him a lot of money if he had a saw that could make planks quickly, and nails.

Nails, saws, these all require iron...

Only by truly entering the Iron Age can it be regarded as a leisurely life...


When Lin Han was working on materials, he was also thinking about these issues in his head.


He remembered that he found a lot of reddish-brown iron ore in Lanshan Island!,

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