Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 187 The idea of ​​making weapons, how to make the best bows (1, please order all!)

"Yesterday taste ~ brown taste."

In front of the hut, the sound of sawing wood could be heard constantly.

The most important components of the keel waterwheel are the grooves and tracks composed of pieces of wood. Therefore, the number of wooden boards that need to be made is also the most.

However, it is not easy to make veneers into grooves without nails.

Lin Han needs to make holes in the wood, even grooves.

Then assemble them through some simple tenon and tenon structures. When necessary, wooden wedges or bamboo skewers are also used.

As for rosin, although it has a strong sticky effect.

But once they set, they become very brittle. Strong movement and friction can easily destroy their composition.

Therefore, even if it leaks, Lin Han will not use rosin as an adhesive.

Because the tools are simple, it takes an average of twenty minutes to process a piece of wood.

However, life on a desert island is really not short of time.

Once Lin Han has identified one thing, he will insist on doing it seriously and do it well!

Two hours later, more than ten pieces of processed wooden boards had been piled up beside him.

Being proficient in handicraft, he has a good understanding of the structure of the keel waterwheel. Therefore, the appearance of each piece of wood is in his mind. What needs to be slotted, what needs to be drilled, a few pieces are long and some pieces are short, there is a table in his heart, which is listed in great detail.

"Lin Han, it's time to eat."

The sky was already dark, and Li Shuixin also prepared dinner for the two of them.

"There's one last piece, come when you're done.

Lin Han raised the wooden board in his hand, which was already half-hearted, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Even the smallest things can be accomplished.

"Then I will prepare food for the pets first."

08Li Shuixin began to cut meat and prepare real objects for pets.

Soon, she found the problem.

These days, Lindsay has no rhyme to hunt, but the daily consumption of pets is huge, and the food prepared before has almost been consumed. The snake meat has been eaten, and there is not much wild boar left.

There used to be hundreds of fish in the fish pond, but now there are not many left.

After feeding the real thing, Lin Han is also busy,

two people sitting at the table,

Every time this time, the picture is like a young and loving couple, the husband has worked hard all day and ate a delicious dinner made by his wife.

Then, the wife will talk to her husband about the situation at home.

For example, what is missing in you.

"Lin Han, we don't have much meat left.

Li Shuixin gave Lin Han a bowl of rice and said something when handing it to him.

I calculated an account before that pets consume 60 to 70 catties of meat every day. This number is huge, equivalent to a fat goat.

However, pets occasionally bring some prey to usher in subsidies.

The big flower brings the gradually growing small flowers, and occasionally brings back some small animals such as bamboo rats and deer.

Tiger head and Xiaobai, and sometimes also bring some fish, and small mammals.

But because Lin Han has assigned them the task of guarding you, they have very little time to hunt in the field, which makes it difficult for them to be self-sufficient in food and need to rely on the inside to get around.

In fact, Lin Han naturally discovered the problem that Li Shuixin mentioned.

It's just that I've been busy growing rice recently.

"When the keel waterwheel is ready, I'll take you hunting." Lin Han knew that Li Shuixin liked novelty and adventure, so she guessed that if she was hunting, she would also like it.

This is true.

Hearing that Lin Han was going to take her hunting, Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she stared at Lin Han with wide eyes in surprise, "That's great, I've wanted to go hunting for a long time!

A month ago, when she lived alone, although she also hunted, she seldom got anything.

Except for the goat that was bitten by the big flower and finally died on her forehead. The real prey caught by themselves are only two bamboo rats, a snake, and some fish, shrimps, conch, sea shells, crabs, etc.

She is looking forward to going out hunting with Lin He, looking forward to harvesting large prey like wild boars!

"But Lin Han, we don't have any weapons. How do we hunt? Set traps?"

Whether it's in survival books or in Master De's training class, trapping prey is the most common method used by survivors in the wilderness.

Li Shuixin naturally thought of this.

"There is no weapon, just make a weapon, it's very simple.

Lin Han picked up a piece of crystal clear bacon and put it in his mouth, chewing it with satisfaction.

The fat of the fatty meat exploded in his mouth with a strong fragrance. The sweetness of lean meat, mixed with it, makes for a wonderful flavor!

The bacon made from wild boar is even better than the pigs he raised with grain!

Lin Han looks forward to being able to capture a wild boar again!

“It’s easy???”

Li Shuixin was speechless to the extreme, you guy, you really don't have back pain while standing and slipping.

This is the wilderness, how can I make a weapon?

Are you going to kill a wild boar whose scalp is thicker than armor with wood?

Li Shuixin's depressed expression made netizens laugh,

"Lin is very simple to understand?"

"If I could kill a wild boar with one punch and blow up anacondas, I would think everything would be very simple. 99

"Those are not the point, I want to see what the female hero looks like.

"By the way, Lin Shenda hasn't hunted for a long time, looking forward to ing!

"Come on, let's guess, what kind of prey will Lin Shen catch? Wild boar, goat, or yellow antelope?

"If you say he hits a tiger, I'll believe it!"

"Wait, tigers are protected animals and cannot be killed. 93

As a matter of fact, Lin Han has long been skeptical about making weapons.

When he encountered some poison dart frogs, he said that he used the poison of poison dart frogs to hunt. Not just talking about it, but really having this idea.

The Indians are jungle survival experts, and since they can do it this way, so can Lin Han.

The poison of poison dart frogs is usually used in darts, javelins and bows and arrows.

So, Lin Han intends to do these things.

Seeing Li Shuixin's angry expression, Lin Han explained with a smile, "I see that you are becoming more and more stupid now. How come you have forgotten some simple common sense, now you are not like the girl when I first met you. man.

Think about it, around us, there are a lot of materials for making bows and arrows. "

Bow and arrow, is an ancient weapon, simple to make.

But if you want to make a truly lethal bow and arrow, you need to spend some thought.

The first step is to choose materials!

Not all wood is eligible for bows and arrows. It is necessary to choose wood that is tough and elastic and not easy to break.

It is also necessary to use a very tough winding to make a bowstring.

Li Shuixin made bows and arrows himself, but because there were no good materials at that time, the lethality of the bows and arrows he caught was very limited, and the accuracy was not enough.

But she knows how to make bows and arrows.

After being despised by Lin Han for a while, she seemed to have become a lot smarter all of a sudden,

"You mean, that snake tendon?!!

That's right!

To be precise, mussels!

Clams are huge snakes, and their tendons are very tough, making them the best material for making bowstrings.

There are many ancient books in ancient times, which classify snakes: one snake, two pythons, three turns, four mosquitoes, and finally a dragon!

Dragons and snakes are both legendary creatures, so mussel tendons naturally come first!

"The children can be taught.

Lin Han nodded, picked up a piece of sour faucet and threw it into his mouth,

"click click~"

The acidity is just right, it sounds crispy

Hunan people like to eat sour mushroom heads. It does not taste as heavy as sour garlic. It is sweet and sour and a little crunchy. It can be eaten with bibimbap and wine as a snack.

Moreover, these faucets of Lin Han are all lying on the secondary vegetable plots, and they taste very good.

He also said that if he eats a tap, he can make the audience in front of the screen drool.

Click "click~"

"However, the snake tendon is too difficult to open, it is estimated that the ordinary wood has been broken before it can be pulled apart.

Li Shuixin was worried.

When she was in school, archery was her hobby. Although it is not as professional as it is, it is still very clear about some theoretical knowledge.

This question is on point. 550

A good bow is like a good car.

If your car has a good engine, but other configurations are not good, it is impossible to play the best effect of the hook engine.

If you want to achieve the best results, you have to configure the engine for the installation!

The same goes for bows.

If you want to play the role of hooking mussel tendons, you must have a good bow stem!

"You know, what is the best material to make?"

Lin Han raised his head and looked at her with a little smile in his eyes.

When she asked this question, she knew how Li Shuixin would answer.

see his smile,

Li Shuixin suddenly felt a little guilty, and the answer he blurted out became extremely uncertain.

"Yes... yew wood?

Yew wood is tough and elastic. In ancient times, it was the best material for making bows and arrows. The King of the Eagle Kingdom even used it as a strategic reserve material, and no one was allowed to use it. Later, during the expedition to Spain, the longbow made of yew defeated the local primitive tribe, and the local primitive tribe became angry with the yew, and the legislation strictly ordered the eradication of all yew. "

Her bow skills were learned when she was studying abroad, and the knowledge she learned was naturally also the knowledge of the crooked fruit.

Of course, now more and more people think that yew is the best wood for bows and arrows.

Even some craft stores charge a high price for this bow.

However, Lin Han shook his head, "No."

Li Shuixin had already guessed the result when she saw the smile on the corner of Lin Han's mouth.

Some netizens who like bows and arrows are pregnant,

"Li Nvxia has made it very clear, it's yew wood!"

"I hurriedly saved my mother, it seemed that it was really yew wood, but why, Lin Shen shook his head?"

"Upstairs curls, if Lin Shen said no, then it must not be!"

"Lin Shen wouldn't say that he wanted to say Xuan Tie, right?

"Iron Tire Bow, understand?

66 "Surprised! Could it be that God Lin wants to forge?!!"

46 "Waiting for Lin Shen's answer.

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