Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 188 The moment to witness the miracle! (2, please complete the order!)

"The longbow of the Eagle Country you mentioned is indeed famous in history. But the police forgot that their history is a few rough years less than our country's!

Let me ask you a very simple question, which one is better, a soldier's weapon, or a general's weapon?"

The corner of Lin Han's mouth lifted slightly,

This is almost a question with points, and children know how to answer it.

"Generally speaking, a general's weapon is better."

Li Shuixin didn't understand how this question was related to the previous question, but she still answered very seriously.

"Yes, soldiers' weapons are made in batches. They can only be refined as much as possible, not perfect. Only those generals, the weapons used by famous generals, can be called magic weapons and go down in history together with their masters. !

So if you think about it carefully, does the history of the crooked fruit have such a weapon?

Lin Han took a mouthful of honey lemonade, raised his head and looked at her with a smile.

Li Shuixin shook his head.

Netizens seem to understand.

"Yes, although the Eagle Kingdom longbow is powerful, their battle formation and tactics are excellent, and their opponents are not very strong. Looking at the rough history of the Dragon Kingdom, there are too many divine bows that have gone down in history with their masters. And these, the best material is of course black iron! The second is ebony, and the second is sandalwood! 3

Lin Han likes to study history, like those heroes and their legendary deeds.

In the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom, every hero who was famous in later generations would have two treasures: weapons and mounts!

"The representative work of the black iron bow is the Overlord Bow, which is too legendary. It is estimated that even if it is done now, no one can pull it off!

The representative work of ebony is the Xuanyuan bow, which is also a bit mythical, but the strength of ebony is very high, and it is indeed suitable for bows. Unfortunately, this material is too rare.

Most of the famous bows in the Dragon Kingdom are made of sandalwood. Such as the flying general's Lingbao bow, Lu Bu's dragon tongue bow, Huang Zhong's Wanshi bow, Xue Rengui's shocking bow, and so on, all of them are made of sandalwood. Moreover, most of them are made of rosewood!

So when it comes to making bows, our Dragon Kingdom is much stronger than Crooked Fruits. You know now, what materials can we use to make it?

"Little-leaf rosewood!

Li Shuixin nodded in understanding.

At first, they found a fallen rosewood tree in the pine forest. Its trunk is very complete, so there is absolutely no problem in making a bow.

It's just that the lobular red sandalwood is very strong, and it may take a lot of work to process it.

"After listening to Lin Shen's explanation, I really wanted to give myself two big ears, but I always thought that the yew wood inlay of the crooked fruit was the best material for making bows...!"

"Think about it carefully, there are too many famous sayings and famous generals in our Dragon Country."

"Actually, Lin Shen left out one person, Yang Yuji, who is more powerful than the flying general.

"Little-leaf red sandalwood, mussel tendons! I'm very much looking forward to what an amazing bow Lin Shen can make!

"Looking forward to it!

To do this, there is no rush for Lin Han.

do things one by one,

Now, he has to work on the keel waterwheel first.

The next day, Lin Han spent most of his time making materials for the keel waterwheel. As long as all the materials are processed, it's time to assemble.

Everything else, Li Shuixin was all wrapped up.

Therefore, Lin Han concentrated on doing this, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, he finally got it all done.

At this moment, beside him, there were a pile of components, about a hundred large and small.

Netizens couldn't help but be amazed,

"With so many materials, Lin Shen is too good to handle it. 11

"I didn't expect the keel waterwheel to be so complicated. There are at least a hundred quick parts here. Lin Shen is too good, and he made it in two days."

"Lin Shen doesn't have any blueprints, I really want to know what structure his head is, and why he can know so many things! So many parts, it takes me a few weeks to remember...

"I bought a bedside table on the Internet before, and it took you more than two hours to assemble it according to the drawings. The keel waterwheel that Lin Shen is going to make is hundreds of times more complicated than the bedside table. Even if you give me the drawings, I guess I can't even fight. So, give Lin Shen a thumbs up!

"Watching Lin Shen do it again, I'm exactly the same. I can't even look at it, and I'm completely crippled!

"Lin Shen, the man who creates miracles."

Almost all netizens gave thumbs up.

Everyone, admiration.

All kinds of rewards in the live broadcast room, brushed up.

Although the amount is not large, but never stopped.

"Okay, the next step is to assemble. After completing the most difficult part, the rest is easy."


Lin Han looked at the sky, it was still early.

So, he plans to finish the keel waterwheel today.

Because of the keel waterwheel, it is difficult for one person to carry it. So Lin Han first took these materials to the other side of the lake, where they were assembled.

The first is to assemble the board slot,

Then, keel, close the track, turn the wheel, turn the pedal...

Pieces are pieced together slowly,

An hour later, a ten-meter-long keel waterwheel lay in front of everyone. All the materials have been used up, not more than a piece, not a lot.

"Wow, is this a keel waterwheel, it does look like a keel!

"It's amazing, I feel very powerful when I look at it, Lin Shen is very mighty!"

"Just around Du Niang, it seems that it is better than the ones on the Internet. Lin Shen's hand is really a coincidence, he can catch anything. I feel that as long as you give Lin Shen enough tools , he can really develop this island into a paradise on earth!"

""Lin Shen, give it a try, I can't wait to witness your miracle. "

Seeing the birth of a keel waterwheel with their own eyes, netizens were very excited and called it incredible!

All kinds of rewards are also frantically brushed up.

[Read it upside down, it's still the king] I marked the anchor's 500 treasures: "I just showed this to the old man. He said this thing, and it instantly reminded him of his childhood. These 500 treasures are the old man who asked me to play them. rewarded.

"Fuck! Wang Tiandi's old man is the atmosphere! 99

"Five hundred treasures, five hundred fish balls..."

"666...I follow!"

"Laozi trinity fish balls, all studs.

After checking that there was nothing wrong with the keel waterwheel, Lin Han put the water diversion end into the lake.


"Xiuyuan, Zhengguo, come here!"

Lin Han waved to the couple who were resting.

Yesterday, Lin Han finally found out the reason why Xiu Yuan loves his wife. The principle is that Zhengguo is about to lay eggs. Moreover, (Li Li's) dropped two!

Lin Han didn't have the idea of ​​hitting the two crocodile eggs, he ate them and they were gone. With them, there will be two more coolies in the future. This sale, Lin Han will still settle accounts.


The couple came to Lin Han and asked what was going on.

Lin Han grabbed the pedal and turned it to dry with his hands, "Can you see clearly, let's try it out.

"Poor Brother Xiuyuan, eternal coolie!

"It's okay, husband and wife match, work is not baby copy!"

"Using a crocodile to step on a keel waterwheel, Lin Shen is too thoughtful."

"I feel, will they dismantle the keel waterwheel that Lin Shen worked so hard to hook?"

"Lin Shen: Take one and try it out, and arrange a crocodile dinner in the evening! Xiu Yuan: Master Lin, I dare not! 99

After a few minutes of Lin Han's teaching, Xiuyuan and Zhengguo probably figured out how to operate.

in a while,

The water follows the wooden trough and is slowly brought up by the band gap.

Miracle, born!.

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