Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 189: Five Crossbow Stones! (3, please complete the order!)


With the joint efforts of Xiuyuan and Zhengguo, the keel waterwheel ran quickly.

In between, the lake water was transported up by grid-by-grid troughs, and then flowed into the rice fields through the irrigation troughs.

And the speed is not slower than Lin Han splashing water with a bucket himself.

"Nice job!"

Lin Han is very happy to see that his method works.

He slightly modified the manually stepped pedal and turned it into a pulley that can be turned by stepping on the sole of the crocodile. Therefore, as long as the forelimbs of the two crocodiles keep moving forward, the keel waterwheel can run.

Very ingenious.

Before you know it, Lin Han has transformed from imitation to creation!

Imitation is always the ancients, only the creation of love belongs to oneself.

Although it is a small change, Lin Han is very satisfied.


When Xiuyuan stepped on the pulley hard, she turned her head and complained to Lin Han.

The aggrieved expression directly amused people.

"Okay, I'll give you grilled fish later.

Lin Han patted its head and said with a smile.


Xiuyuan seemed to understand, and immediately became excited, "Orbit cei Orbit cei..." Speeding up.

Its treatment is worse than that of big flowers and small flowers. Most of the time, he fishes by himself, and what Lin Han gives him is raw fish. You can only get a grilled fish when you work hard and make an effort.

Therefore, the allure of grilled fish is quite big.

With their help, Lin Han can save an hour of hooking every day.

"Cool crocodile..."

"Let the crocodile step on the keel waterwheel, and Lin Shen will fly beautifully!"

"I'll just change my name to Xiu Shen in the future."

"Poor Xiuyuan, a grilled fish was bought. 33

"Xiuyuan, follow me, I have two grilled fish every day.

"I have three!"

When netizens were booing and ridiculing, Lin Han saw that it was still early, so he took the military shovel to the pine forest, and he planned to fight back the small-leaf red sandalwood tree.

It is unrealistic to hit the whole tree back, after all, this tree has at least two tons!

Lin Han sawed off the middle and took a two-meter-long trunk.

For a bow, a height of about one meter five is enough, and two meters are taken just in case.

The trunk has a natural curvature, which is very suitable for bowing.

Lin Han only needs to process and polish it without destroying its stem structure.


Lin Han held the tree trunk in both hands, shouted loudly, lifted the tree trunk more than two meters long, and placed it lightly on his shoulders.

He obviously felt 550, and his body sank.

"Drink, it's twice as heavy as I thought!"

Lin Han held his shoulders with one hand to prevent the trunk from slipping. One hand drags in front, keeping balance.

Ordinary trees are so thick, one meter is at most one hundred pounds.

But the lobular red sandalwood weighs at least two hundred kilograms per meter!

However, at four hundred pounds, he could easily drive with his current strength.

[Ding, it is detected that the host intends to make a weapon, rhyme task: bow making!

Mission introduction: To get enough meat in the wilderness, weapons are essential tools. Ask the host to make a powerful bow, the task is completed, and the reward for the archery level is successful. If the mission fails, the bow and arrow crafting craftsmanship will be rewarded)

Just as Lin Han took a step, a complicated voice rang in his ears.

He was startled,

"Failure is also rewarded! 99

It seems that it is the first time that you can get a reward even if you fail. Before, if the mission failed, there was no reward.

Of course, no punishment is good enough.

"Specialized in bow and arrow making skills?"

Lin Han smiled lightly, he definitely won't get this kind of reward. Jing Wangxiao, his grandfather is a skilled carpenter. When he was young, Lin Han had no money to buy toys, all his toys were made by his grandfather.

Wooden swords, bows and arrows, wooden horses...

Weapons are boys' favorite toys, so when Lin Han grew up, he also learned how to make toy weapons when he was a carpenter with his grandfather.

He once killed three turtledoves by going up the mountain with a bow and arrow made by himself.

The bow that Grandpa used to praise him was very good.

Therefore, now that the materials are sufficient, there is no problem for him to make a strong bow.

Back in the courtyard, Lin Han couldn't wait to start processing because it was still dark.

But to turn a bucket-thick trunk into a baby's arm-thick bow requires not only patience, but also talent!

First of all, your understanding of the internal meridians of the trunk goes, and the meridians will not be damaged when it is processed.

If these meridians are destroyed, its transverse force will be weakened and the toughness of the bow stem will be greatly reduced.

In other words, if you use too much force, it will break.

"Friend, do you think Lin Han can make a bow?

Seeing Lin Han busy all the time, Zhao Cen asked excitedly.

bow making, sword forging,

It is already a very rare craft in contemporary times, and only very few people know it.

The sword has Longquan, which is very famous.

However, it became more and more lonely and gradually forgotten.

This is why Zhao Cen was excited and worried when he saw Lin Han making a bow.

"You can definitely do fishing, but what I'm worried about is that he doesn't know the craftsmanship of making a bow, and he can't cut a bow well, and such a good material is wasted in vain.

Zhong Yuyun said worriedly.


Zhao Cen's research on this subject is not as good as Zhong Yuyun's. He didn't know what the craftsmanship of bow making was, so he cast an inquiring look.

"The so-called craftsmanship can be summed up in twelve words: making tendons in summer, picking corners in spring, cutting wood with skill, and asking about it!

If you want to make a good bow, you need to take materials all year round and go through two hundred and eighty processes before you can complete it. All of the famous bows mentioned by Lin Han took several years to complete.

Although Lin Han now has good materials, he lacks the tools to process these materials. I'm worried that he won't do well in the first two steps.

Zhong Yuyun's tone was full of worry.

Lin Han has always been a very dazzling presence.

What Lin Han has done is almost perfect in a sense. So they hope from the bottom of their hearts that what he does this time is perfect.

But many objective factors are too immature, causing him to have a 99% chance of making a failure.

In fact, even if it is a failed product, as long as it can be hunted.

But Dao's expectations for Lin Han were too great, and it was difficult for tens of thousands of viewers, and Lin Han was not allowed to use the failed products to cross the line.

"What are the first two steps?"

Zhao Cen asked curiously,

Hearing so many processes in 280, his heart began to beat.

How hard is it to make a bow?

"The first step, beating the tendons! The ancient craftsmen usually used beef tendons to make bows. A good beef tendon bow is at least a crossbow. The beef tendon fibers are loosened. Then tear the loose beef tendons into hair thicknesses, place them one by one, and tie them into small bundles for use.

I'm not worried about the first step, because mussel tendons are the best bowstring material, so you can skip this step of hitting the tendons.

What worries me the most is the second step!"

Looking at the screen, Lin Han who seemed to be sawing wood without any scruples, Zhong Yuyun's brows furrowed tightly. Worries are intensifying.

He couldn't wait and got into the screen to stop Lin Han from doing so.

"The second step is to make the bow tire. Lin Han intends to use the whole wood to make the bow tire. In fact, doing this is three or four levels more difficult than the method of sawing and sticking. To do this, two conditions must be met: The woodworking skills are extraordinary, and they have a very good understanding of the selected wood. Because only when this state is reached, the natural tissue of the trunk will not be damaged, and its toughness will be guaranteed!

You are very skilled in woodworking, and I have no doubts about Lin Han. However, looking at his approach, it is obvious that he does not understand the structure of the meridians inside the lobular red sandalwood. He is so wide open, it is easy to damage the meridians of the trunk.

The mussel tendon can open three cross bows, but unfortunately, the bow tires he made cannot withstand such a great force.

Zhong Yuyun was a little distressed,

He felt that Lin Han failed this time.

Is it really like this?

of course not!

The police watched Lin Han wide open the room for sawing wood, because, as Zhong Yuyun said, he had already reached the realm of rhythm.

Superb woodworking skills, this has been proven many times.

Martial arts (aifb) is perfect, allowing him to control power and accuracy to a perfect state. Therefore, no matter how strong and how deep, he can precisely control it, no difference!

As for the knowledge of material selection,

The plant illustration and the sense of the earth comparable to ultrasonic waves make it clearly visible to every tissue of the tree trunk.

No one knows plants better than him!

Rao is so, Lin Han also spent three days to complete the bow tire.

After the bow tire is made, it cannot be used immediately.

Lin Han then put the bow tires and mussels together and soaked them in the water of life for a day.

Sandalwood and mussel tendons fully absorb the water of life, making their internal molecules more plump, which can improve their toughness and strength.

The mussels absorb the moisture of the day and become very soft and plump.

Binding is the best at this time.

Because, its tension has reached the maximum critical value. Tie it tightly to the bow at this point and leave it in the sun for a day. Let the water in the spider tendons evaporate, re-shrink and shorten, and the bowstring will be tighter!

took six days,

A sandalwood bow is finally done!

The netizens in the live broadcast room stayed for six days, and it was an exciting time again.

Looking at the bow in Lin Han's hand, Zhao Cen glanced at his old friend Geng Xiao, "Old friend, it looks like the bow he made is very good. It looks good. 99

Zhong Yuyun had always said that Lin Han had made the bow useless, but now that the finished product was in front of him, he could not allow him to question it.

Zhong Yuyun still shook his head, "No, it took him six days, how can it be so easy to make a bow.

Aren't there still few examples of gold and jade on the table?

To verify the quality of a bow, just looking at it is not enough, let alone we can't hold it in our hands and look carefully. The best way to prove it is to use it! After using it, you will know whether it is good or not!"

"Uh, what do I think, you're raising the bar?

Zhao Cen teased.

"I also hope that he can do a diligent job. After all, there are too few people in our country now, and too few good bows have been made, and it has been many years that he has not won an international ranking.

If Lin Han can catch an amazing bow, it will be an honor for our country.

It's a pity that he did it too fast and too rough, all of which show that it can't be a good one. "

Zhong Yuyun had no intention of joking at all, and talked freely.

Of course he supports Lin Han,

However, he is also a serious and realistic person.

At his age, he naturally regards the honor of the country as more important than his own face.

"Okay then, after a while Lin Han tries it, I'll know."

Seeing that Zhong Yuyun was so serious, Zhao Cen did not continue to laugh at him.

However, netizens are not as serious as him.

When I saw the bow in Lin Han's hand, I just thought it was very handsome!

"Wow, this bow is too handsome, Lin Shen holds it in his hand, and he is chivalrous."

"This is the real thing. The eldest sons of yew wood made rhymes that I searched on the Internet are really low.

"As soon as it is air-dried, the beef tendon bow can reach one stone. Guess, how many stones can the mussel tendon bow reach?

"I don't think Lin Shen can make such a handsome bow, he won't be able to draw it by then?

"Can't pull it off? Are you kidding me, a wild boar with more than 400 catties beats people running all over the mountain, do you think he can't pull a bow?

"It's arguing, everyone, look, Lin Shen is going to sh*t!

"Huh? That doesn't sound right.

In fact, Lin Han just picked up the bow and tried the strings, he didn't even have an arrow, how could he?

He hooked the mussel tendons with two fingers and gently pulled the bowstring.



I thought that with my own strength, I could easily open some arcs, but after a try, I found that this bow is too heavy!

He used almost a third of his strength to pull the seam open by half.

"It's a good one!"

Lin Han put the bow on the table and went around to look for something to make arrows.

When he came, Li Shuixin was holding the bow.

"Wow, this bow is so heavy, it must weigh more than ten pounds! 99

Li Shuixin almost lost his grip in one hand, and after trying to dry the weight, he was very shocked.

The bows she played with before were all two or three pounds heavy, and it was the first time she had seen such a heavy bow.

"It looks like fifteen catties and sixty taels."

Lin Han took a straight branch and said with a smile.

"Fifteen pounds! Squirt.

Li Shuixin clicked her tongue in peace, no wonder it took so much effort to pick it up.

"I'll try.

She holds the bow in her left hand, and the two fingers of her right hand rest on the bowstring, which is the standard posture.



Can't pull!

She glanced down in surprise, thinking that her fingers were hooked in the wrong place. She felt that what she was hooking was not a bowstring, but a fixed iron rod.

"It's so heavy!"

Li Shuixin was shocked again.

Not believing in evil, she grasped the bowstring with her whole hand, exerted all her strength, and then barely pulled the bow a quarter of the way.

"Huh... I gave up. What kind of bow are you making? It's too difficult to draw. This bow has at least three stones, right?"

Li Shui angrily threw the bow to Lin Han,

To make this kind of bow is clearly to make things difficult for her.

"I'm going, Sanshi!"

"I just saw Lin Shen pulling so easily, I thought it was at most one stone, three stones, it was too scary.

"Aite [Lu Bu among the people, Lu Bu is great, how many stones did you pull when you shot the halberd at the gate?"

[Lu Bu among the people]: "..."

Although he liked Lu Bu very much, he really didn't know about this, and it wasn't written in the book.

"It is said that Huang Zhong opened the biggest three-stone bow, and Lin Shen's three-stone bow is really powerful!"

"Lin Shen is a big bull!"

Lin Han took the bow, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian, "Three stones? You underestimate it, this bow has at least five stones!

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