Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 191 The right way to hunt! (2, ask for full order!)

Lin Han showed his magical skills, which attracted netizens to give crazy rewards and worship.

Li Shuixin, who was just in front of him, could imagine how shocked his heart was.

When Lin Han stopped her arrows, Li Shuixin quickly ran to the big tree. On the top of the tree trunk, the small holes with the thickness of her fingers surprised her and asked Xiao Zui.

"Lin... Lin Han, you can actually shoot five stones, and... you have such a miraculous archery skill!

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han, her beautiful eyes filled with admiration.

"Ah, natural strength is relatively large. 19

Lin Han smiled lightly, explained something casually, and then lowered his head to look at the bow.

Top-notch feel, full of power!

He doesn't know what those famous bows were in ancient times, but this bow can definitely be called a treasure!

In ancient times, Baibu Chuanyang was an archer.

If it is calculated according to the ancient step of 1.5m, it is only 150 meters.

Lin Han felt that he could easily shoot his arrows out five or six hundred meters away, and within three hundred meters, and he could reach a target the size of a goose egg!

"Shui Xin, I think this piece is more successful, you help me give it a name.

Considering that it was too late to name it, Lin Han decided to let Li Shuixin name it.

"More successful? I think it's too successful, very successful! Those famous bows in ancient times may not be as good as you."

Li Shuixin gave Lin Han a sullen look, followed by thinking.

"This bow has five stones and is made of sandalwood and mussel tendons. When She goes out to arrow, there will be a series of sonic booms, why don't you just call it broken sound?

Not good, the broken sound is a bit vulgar, and it does not reflect its domineering.

"Five Five Zeros" Li Shuixin muttered while thinking.

In fact, Lin Han thinks that the broken pitch bow is very good, if he is, it is estimated that he will choose it.

But Li Shuixin pursues better, let her.

Gangpeng's few small wooden sticks had been broken, so he had to find a few more dark ones, and sharpen one end of the wooden sticks with a saber.

Possessing the power of five stones, even if there is no arrow, it has extremely strong lethality. So there is no need for Lin Han to pursue the iron arrow.

As long as it is sharpened, he is confident that an arrow can pierce the skin of a wild boar.

"Lin Han, what do you think of the name Frost?"

While Lin Han was processing the second arrow, Li Shuixin walked over thoughtfully.

Apparently, she was very concerned about the name.

If it were Lin Han himself, he would probably have woken up long ago.

"The hall is full of flowers and drunkenness, three hardships, and fourteen states with one sword and frost?" 99

Lin Han gave her a strange look, "But, the portrait is a sword, not a bow and arrow.

frost bow,

The name is good, but the meaning is a bit too far-fetched.

Li Shuixin explained, "There is a meaning in this aspect, and it makes sense to shoot Frost and Frost in the Fourteen States. Also, this is a bow you made, so it's okay to take a word from your name, right?

Moreover, the arrows rhymed with this bow are so powerful that they are like frost condensing the wind and rain, solidifying the earth. Therefore, the word "cold frost" is very powerful and worthy of this bow. "

"Then the Frost Bow.

Lin Han nodded.

This bow is indeed like what she said, the rhythm of the arrow will set the four directions!

"By the way, Shui Xin, go and help me pick a palm leaf. 99

Lin Han continued to sharpen the tip of the arrow.

"Are you going to do arrow feathers?



Li Shuixin turned around to pick the palm leaves.

Because the palm trees were all on the shore, when she came back, Lin Han had already made eight arrows, and also used a bamboo tube, put some grass and hay in it, and made a quiver.

Three of the arrows are directly sharpened, and the outer five arrows are made of very strong sea fish bones.

"let me help you."

Li Shuixin picked up the military shovel and carefully cut off the palm leaves.

Three centimeters wide, six or seven centimeters long.

"Good job."

Seeing the palm leaves she cut, Lin Han smiled and praised.

When Li Shuixin lived alone in the north of the island, he made bows and arrows. Although her bows are far inferior to Lin Han's, her feather arrows are still good.

At the other end of the stick, Lin Han used a saber to cut a cross. Then snap one-third of the palm frond arrows inside the opening and leave one-third outside.

The four Fang Lu's arrow feathers should be neat and consistent, and only in this way can ensure the smoothness of she's going out. Improve stability and shelving!

After the card is finished, use a thin rope to tie the wood up and down the arrow feathers.

This step is very important, if not tied, the arrow feathers may fall off during the high-speed flight of the arrow. At that time, She Yun's arrow will not be allowed.

The two of them asked, and they did it quickly.

In less than ten minutes, Eight Arrows was ready.

"Lin Han, why are the five arrows shorter and fishbone used as arrows?"

Seeing that the eight arrows were different, Li Shuixin asked curiously.

"That's for you.

Lin Han smiled.

That is, take out one end of the bamboo, cut it with a saber, and process it quickly. After half an hour, a bow made of bamboo and bark rope was completed.

This bow is lighter and smaller than the Frost Bow, which is very suitable for girls.

"Try it and see if you can take advantage of it."

This bamboo bow and arrow, Lin Han made no less than ten when he was a child. Because you know that he is very good at making, so other villagers will ask him to help make bows, and then a group of people will go up the mountain and catch hares.

So Lin Han did it very quickly, and it was done in less than half an hour.

"This is for me?

Li Shuixin was a little flattered and hurriedly accepted it.

It is also made of bamboo, but why does Lin Han look so good when he catches it?

Thinking of his first bow, Li Shuixin was a little shocked.

She picked up an arrow and aimed it at a tree trunk in the distance.

Then raise the bow, aim, draw the string,



In the standard posture, the arrow she sent out was also very precise, and it was directly nailed to the trunk of the pine tree more than 30 meters away.


The arrow sank into the tree trunk, and the body of the arrow trembled.

"Yes, this arrow is very powerful and accurate!"

Lin Han has perfect archery skills, and it can be seen naturally that Li Shuixin's professionalism is good. Unfortunately, it is a bit textbook-like and lacks a little flexibility.

"According to your words, it seems that there are still some shortcomings?"

If she had first met Lindsay, she would have been delighted to hear this.

But as he got to know Lin Han gradually, Li Shuixin knew that this guy had something to say.

"When you aim, you are already pulling the string full, which is not only very laborious, but also affects your explosiveness.

You can leave some leeway when locking on the target. When you are sure that you have locked the target and have the belief that one hit will kill you, then suddenly fill up. Remember, the instant release of the full pull, the explosive force is the strongest. 2

Lin Han commented.

"Leave some extra power when aiming?"

Li Shuixin frowned slightly, and while thinking, he twitched an arrow from the inside.

Then, according to the method taught by Lin Han, she shot again.

It's a pity that this time she didn't have a good grasp of the strength. After locking on the target, her finger slipped when she was full, causing the arrow to fly away.

"The fingers are too stiff. She arrows, she uses skill, not brute force! 99

Lin Han reminded at the right time.

Li Shuixin did not experience any psychological obstacles because of this failure.

Quickly adjust his mentality, recite the skills taught by Lin Han in his heart, pick up an arrow and try it.

Arrows "Buy and fly out—," "Monument."

Again, failed.

The arrow rubbed the bark and flew out, but did not hit the target.

However, it is a big improvement over the previous one.

This shows that all the things Lin Han taught her have been absorbed by her.

Lin Han nodded slightly and said nothing.

Li Shuixin was engrossed, staring at the tree trunk, and then quickly picked up an arrow.

This time, she didn't aim any more, and she shot the arrow.



The long arrow was precisely nailed to the tree trunk.

Although she hasn't reached the center yet, it's already pretty good.


Lin Han also feels that this button has made great progress, "Archery, it is not the eyes, but the heart! When you have a prey in your heart, then you don't need to aim at all.

Your talent is very good. If you continue to practice for a year or two, you should be able to achieve some results. "


Li Shuixin nodded seriously.

"Fuck, Li Nvxia has improved so fast, and it will take a year or two to continue to achieve results? Is archery so difficult to learn? I was so frightened that I quickly returned a bow that I ordered online.

"Li Nvxia's strength is obviously very strong, isn't the first shot very accurate, why do you have to re-learn according to what Lin Shen said? I don't understand!

"If you don't understand, ask God! 59

[Please call me a clerk): "Li Nvxia has just started, and she is really accurate...but her explosiveness has obvious flaws.

To give a very simple example, Taekwondo's moves are very good, but it is limited to viewing and sports, and the actual combat ability is very limited.

In other words, Li Nvxia's archery is for viewing. There is no problem with the fixed target made on the sea surface, but if you want to kill rough-skinned and thick-skinned animals, you are a little stretched.

The explanation of the little handyman made everyone understand instantly.

"It's no wonder that the goddess did the work herself a month ago, and she obviously got hit with an animal, but she didn't kill it. 99

[Please call me a clerk]: "Actually, it's very simple. You can see the first arrow and the fourth arrow that Li Nvxia went out. There are obvious district police. Although the first arrow is nailed in The arrow reached the top of the tree trunk, but the tail swayed, and the arrow did not penetrate deeply. For the fourth arrow, the tail was stable and the arrow did not penetrate deeply.

The quasi-head is the same, but the lethality is the alarm of heaven and earth!


"Thanks to the handyman for clarifying the confusion!"

"Have you done a lot of homework recently, the handyman has made good progress! 99

Little chores:

Special, these dog water friends!

[Please call me a clerk] took a deep breath, and continued: "Archery is a rather complicated skill, it requires high talent and a lot of patience.

An archer needs at least half a year of training to be able to go to the battlefield. And a master with a bow, without ten years of tempering, it is impossible to become a teacher.

Lin Shen said that Li Nvxia only needed one or two years to achieve some results, which surprised me a little.

"You are surprised, the goddess is talented!

"What Lin Shen said could be false?"

"I think it's jealousy for the little handyman."

Please call me a little handyman: "Pfft-"

Dead, don't disturb!

The arrows used by Li Shuixin are made of fishbone, so they can be recycled.

When she retracted the arrow and wanted to contact again, Lin Han suppressed her bow.

"The real training is actual combat, let's go, let's go for a walk in the woods. If you can harvest ten pounds of meat today, you are considered a master.

Lin Han raised the Frost Bow with one hand, said something with a smile, and walked towards the forest.

Hutou ", Xiuyuan, you see. Xiaobai, big flowers and small flowers, let's go hunting!"

Of course, when it comes to hunting, you have to be imposing.

"Isn't it just ten pounds of meat!

Li Shuixin shrugged and snorted lightly, and her competitive spirit was brought up.

"Need a poison dart frog?"

Entering the woods, Lin Han asked back.

"No, I have to rely on my own strength!


Li Shuixin's attitude was very firm. Hunting animals by the venom of the poison dart frog does not reflect her strength!

"Well then, it's up to you whether you can eat fresh meat today. 99

Lin Han turned his head to Xiaobai who was standing on his shoulder and said, "Xiaobai, reconnaissance in the air, looking for traces of prey. Dahua, Xiaohua, you can flank from both sides, and be ready to make up for the knife at any time! 33

"Meow meow"


Xiaobai fluttered his wings and flew into the air!

The large and small flowers showed their sharp teeth, indicating that they were ready.

Xiaohua is nearly four months old, and is getting stronger and stronger under the training of Lin Han. Only in April, there is the size of an adult tiger wolf, and the strength is also very powerful.

Now, it can easily crush a rabbit's skull!

As long as it does not encounter predators, it can even go out to hunt by itself.

The little hunter has been born!


Li Shuixin gave a strong ding!

Obviously, very dissatisfied with Lin Han's disbelief.

"Fuck, Xiaobai is reconnaissance in the air, Dahua and Xiaohua are flanking on both sides, and make up at any time! With such a strong lineup, what prey can't be hit?"

"Is this the right way to start hunting, too powerful Xiao.

Seeing Lin Shen, I couldn't help but think of the scene of other anchors hunting alone. Suddenly, I felt that the other anchors were having a bad time.

"Lin Shen Yun sign, no grass grows!"

"Using Xiaobai to scout for prey is equivalent to having one more eye in the sky. It's invincible!"

"Lin Shen looks so handsome with his bow drawn!"

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