Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 192 Li Nvxia takes action, please enter the urn! (3, please complete the order!)

It has been almost three months since he came to this island, and Lin Han has never hunted seriously.

Of course, this time was no exception.

With his current strength, if he is serious about hunting, I am afraid that all the wild animals on this island will be wiped out by him.

So, just get enough food, no need to kill.

Xiaobai discs signs in the sky, looking for traces of prey.

There are many meat resources on this island, goats, wild boars, antelopes, jackals, rabbits, bamboo rats, leopards, tyrannical wolves, etc...

The preferred target is naturally wild herbivorous animals such as wild boars and goats.

They are less dangerous and have better meat than carnivores.

Because the perception of the earth consumes mental power, and the range is only one kilometer, it is not as wide as Xiaobai can see in the sky. So, Lin Han asked it to help find the prey.

However, because this is a jungle, Xiaobai can only find large prey, or prey with skirts.

Small things, it's hard to find.

"Lin Han look over there, there's a big bird!"

As he was walking, Li Shuixin suddenly grabbed Lin Han and lowered his body quickly, for fear of scaring the prey away.


Lin Han looked up and was speechless.

This is too neurotic, it is just a Mori warbler with no plucked hair and no flesh.

"Where do you see the word 'big' from it?"

Lin Han stood up speechlessly.

He really admired Li Shuixin's eyes, how did you find such a small bird.

Li Shuixin was completely subconscious when she saw the prey, and when she saw clearly that it was just a small Mori warbler, she suddenly blushed.

"It's not enough to read it wrong."

Being laughed at by Lin Han, she was in a bad mood. With a snort, he straightened up and continued to look for his prey.

However, in the dense forest, most of the prey found are small birds, or insects and snakes. The two turned around for a long time, but no mammals were found.

Seeing Li Shuixin searching without a clue, Lin Han08 couldn't help shaking his head,

"You're looking for this way, and you don't have district police."

Although Li Shuixin had done a whole year of homework, only one year would not be enough to survive in the wilderness.

For example, on the matter of finding prey.

Li Shuixin looked very outside.

In the past year, she has only focused on the skills of killing animals, while ignoring the skills of finding animals.

Think about it, if you can't even find an animal, what's the use of the best solo killing skills.

"Then what do you say.

Li Shuixin was also a little impatient after not finding the prey for a long time. With beautiful eyes, she gave Lin Han a sideways glance.

This guy, if he doesn't know how to help, doesn't matter, he's still talking nonsense next to him.

Too Damn it!

"When looking for prey, first of all you have to figure out the living habits of the prey. For example, what animals do you want to kill, what do you like to eat, and what are the living environments? If you don't even understand these basic things, if you look everywhere, you will just sit back and wait. To put it euphemistically. This is simply the opposite.


Lin Han didn't want to say such heavy words at first, but let Li Shuixin lead the way, I'm afraid I really have to go home empty-handed tonight.

This button is a complete bummer.

Li Shuixin bit her lip, looking a little aggrieved. It was the first time that Lin Han had said such a heavy word to her.

But she knew that Lin Han was not malicious.

These are valuable experiences.

Take a lesson now for the better in the future.

In the future, if she survives alone, these experiences are likely to save her life.

""Look at this forest, how much grass, what kind of animals do you think would live here? Monkeys, or spiders?"

There are not many places like this that want to find suitable prey.

There are quite a few monkeys jumping around on the tree, but monkeys are primates, and they use it as food, so they need to overcome a big psychological barrier.

No one will choose to kill monkeys until they reach a dead end.

A forest without grass and young leaves would naturally not be visited by herbivorous mammals.

"Goats like to eat grass and young leaves, and wild boars, antelopes, and rabbits also like to eat grass. So instead of wasting time here, we might as well find a pasture.


Li Shuixin responded aggrievedly. All this knowledge was ignored by her.

"Shall we go west?"

She raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Han with inquiring eyes.

"You decide.

Lin Han did not give the hook attitude.


Li Shuixin changed his direction and walked to the west of the island.

She did not choose wrong this time, Xiaobai had already found a skirt of goat in the west of the island.

However, there are still police hunters in the west of the island.


The last time they went to the west of the island to pick small fruit soaps, they met the jackal. That is a huge family, there are more than ten in number.

Therefore, to compete with them, there is a certain pressure.

Through a jungle, soon came to the west open bushland.

Looking around, people with good eyesight can quickly spot many prey.

Goats are leisurely grazing, large-scale long-eared rabbits with high alertness, as well as animals such as bucks, moles, and fawns.

The two rarely come to the west of the island, but they did not expect that the species here are so rich.

Of course, so many animals naturally attract a lot of prey.

Lin Han and Li Shuixin found that there were quite a few jackals, foxes, and even leopards around!

Therefore, there are many competitors.

"Don't act rashly, the situation here is too complicated. 99

Lin Han was afraid of Li Shuixin's impulsiveness, so he went straight up to hunt animals. At that time, the balance in front of us will be disrupted, causing huge chaos.

Even, let Xiaobai rise to the sky, so as not to frighten these prey.

Xiaobai is the overlord of the sky, standing at the top of the food chain, if it is a fisherman, the success rate of hunting will become very high.

But today is Li Shuixin's home court, mainly to exercise her hunting skills, so Lin Han will not let Xiaobai shoot for the time being, and he will not shoot himself.

"What now? If we kill a prey, the wolves around will surely come and snatch the prey."

Li Shuixin frowned.

The jackal is an animal with a bad reputation, they like to get something for nothing.

But they are skirt-dwelling animals, and a dozen of them came together, even if they were lions and leopards, they could only reluctantly give up their prey and were forced to leave.

An experienced leopard will not choose to do it when there is a shooting nearby.

Usually, they give up hunting and wait until the jackal has left.

"Definitely. However, we can play a show of inviting you to enter the urn. 99

Lin Han's mouth twitched.

Although shot meat is not as tasty as mutton, it is also meat.

The two of them don't like to eat, but the guys like Dahua, Xiaohua, Xiaobai and Hutou like it.

As long as it's meat made by Lin Han, they are not picky eaters.

"What do you mean please enter the urn?

Li Shui was puzzled.

"Please enter the urn? I feel that Lin Shen is suffocating again."

"According to my understanding of Lin Shen for so long, those jackals are about to fall!"

"Lin Shen's eyes have already explained everything.

"Everyone thought that Lin Shen was going to kill the sheep, but in fact, he had already set his sights on the wolf.

"666, wait for Lin Shenxiufei!

The drone just caught Lin Han's eyes looking at the new dress in the distance, and netizens immediately felt that there was a good show to watch.

They were all too familiar with Lin Han's eyes.

Those jackals are out of luck.

Although you don't know, why does Lin Han stare at those jackals instead of the plump goats next to him. But netizens don't care about these, anyway, no matter how delicious the meat is, they can't eat it. They just need to be able to see a good hunting scene.

"Are you sure, She killed a goat?

Lin Han did not answer Li Shuixin directly, but instead asked.

Li Shuixin stared at the goats in front of him with a dignified expression.

After hesitating for a while, he said in an uncertain tone, "I'm not 100% sure, I can only try. 99

She's not the type to talk big for the sake of her son.

Even if she is 90% sure, she will not be full of words.

"Your bow is a seven-dow bow. If it is fully drawn, it is powerful. Within 50 meters, it has absolute lethality. So, it depends on you."

Lin Han reminded.

Seven buckets, one bucket twelve jins, that is, 84 jins of power.

Although Li Shuixin is a girl, her physique is very good, and with the transformation of the water of life, she also has more than 200 jins of strength, and it should be enough to open the seven bucket bows.


Li Shuixin took a deep breath and nodded heavily, "I leaned over quietly."

She catted herself, took the cover of the grass and bushes and slowly approached the sheep skirt.

at the same time,

In a mansion far away in the imperial capital,

A middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Li Shuixin, saw her getting further and further away from Lin Han, and a heart couldn't help but worry.

He was afraid that if Jackal Skirt suddenly targeted her at this time, Lin Han would be too late to rescue her!

Because he was worried, he couldn't help posting a line of barrage,

[Peach Blossom Island Lord]: "Lin Shen is obviously planning to find a bait to lure those jackals and let the little fairy go over alone, wouldn't it be too risky.

In fact, many people, like him, are worried about Li Shuixin's safety.

Compared to being in the wild, there are too many risk factors.

[Please call me a clerk]: "Don't worry, Lin Shen's archery skills, don't worry. I don't dare to say that from a distance, even a fly within 300 meters is tried to get close to Li Nvxia. He is behind him. , foolproof! 22

Although the little handyman was always ridiculed, he was shocked to know that this guy was definitely a god.

Therefore, his words suddenly calmed the nervousness of the audience a lot.

[Peach Blossom Island Lord] rewarded anchor Lin Han with 10 treasures: "The safety of the little fairy is left to you.

Li Shuixin kept walking through the grass with a cat, and after a while, she distanced herself from Lin Han.

The grass around here was deep, and there were many low shrubs, and it was about the same color as the linen she was wearing.

If it weren't for the drones in the air, it would be almost impossible to find her.

It was the first time she had hunted alone since they met.

Naturally, Lin Han was not 100% relieved. Using the sense of the earth, he helped her check the surrounding grass. Make sure there are no poisonous snakes inside.

Dahua and Xiaohua also left Lin Han's side and lurked in the grass.

As long as Li Shuixin is in danger, they can rush to rescue in time.

Under the all-round protection, Li Shuixin can concentrate on hunting, without thinking about anything else, close to the goat skirt.

100 meters,

eighty meters,

fifty meters,

In order to make sure that nothing goes wrong, Li Shuixin plans to approach 30 meters before starting.

Thirty meters away from the goat skirt, there is a stone that protrudes from thistle grass, which can give her cover and leverage.

It's just that the place was too far away from Lin Han, and she didn't notice it herself.

After arriving behind the stone, Li Shuixin's heartbeat accelerated a little.

She took a few quick deep breaths and adjusted her state.


Fortunately, the goat didn't find her. Only the old goat in charge of vigilance sometimes raised his head to look around to ensure the safety of the clan skirt.

The qun shot in the distance was also hidden.

At this time, they will hide themselves as much as possible, wait for the prey to be killed, and then rush out to snatch it.

Tactics, well used!


Li Shuixin quietly hooked a feathered arrow, and with the help of the cover of stones and grass, he quickly locked on the prey in front of him.

a total of sixteen goats,

The one closest to her was already less than thirty meters away.

So, her chances are great!

After quickly adjusting her mentality, the theoretical knowledge taught by Lin Han quickly went through her mind.

"Use your heart, not your eyes!"

Li Shui's eyes widened and he murmured in his heart.

The sign is about to hit the arrow on the bowstring, and quickly raise the bow to check it out!

The long arrow "Qin - piercing the air" quickly flew towards the goat.


The goat was still relatively alert, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. The old goat in charge of vigilance issued a warning, and the sheep skirt suddenly became restless.

Li Shuixin originally locked the goat's neck, because only the neck or head of the goat could be killed with one hit. With her strength, She's midsection couldn't kill an adult goat.

Originally, the arrow was very precise and flew directly to the neck of the goat.

Unfortunately, the goat just raised its head and looked towards her.

"When! 19

The arrow was blocked by the goat's horn.

"Wow hey hey-"

The goat was frightened and ran away desperately. The entire sheep skirt also lost control and flew towards the west coast.

"Ha? Li Nvxia lost her hand?!!"

You didn't see the goat falling to the ground, and they all felt sorry for their haircuts.

What a pity, "It's a pity, I was going to kill it, but the goat, Huihui, Li Nvxia's arrows instantly lost its lethality to it!"

"It's over, it's over, the goats have all run away, I'm afraid it's going to be empty today!

"I feel sorry for Nvxia Li, and it is estimated that she will be trained again."

"Great panic, Lin Shen hasn't hooked his hands yet."

"Look, Lin Shen is drawing a bow!


At this moment, a long arrow pierced through the sky and accurately slammed a fleeing goat into the air. The goat rolled four or five somersaults and fell to the ground!

One hit, get it!

"Lin Han!"

Li Shuixin turned around in surprise, only to see that man, holding a longbow, handsome and inhumane!

PS: They are all big chapters, please taste them carefully!

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