Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 193 Human hunting is survival, forest god hunting is a game! (1, please complete order!)

"Lin Shenshou!"

"So handsome, a moving target 100 meters away, headshot with one arrow!"

"Quick, accurate, ruthless! Direct headshot, this arrow is so handsome! 91

"This bald man is so handsome and inhuman, he doesn't leave any room for the police at all! 33

"Damn it, I'm too happy to be a woman in front of Lin Shen. May I ask you, great gods, is it too late for me to go to the coconut country now?"

Netizens fry the pot Xiao, and some people are excited and madly typing on the keyboard.

This is the best hunting ever!

You know, it is more than ten times harder to kill a goat that runs away in panic than a goat that stays in place to graze!

Lin Han's archery skills are extraordinary, and he instantly attracts countless fans!

As for Li Shuixin, who was standing behind the stone, she stared blankly at Lin Han through her head,

Surrounded by a sudden sense of happiness, she instantly felt that as long as Lin Han was behind her, she had nothing to worry about even facing the whole world.

Because even if the sky falls, this man can go back up!


Suddenly, where the grass and the jungle meet, there is a howl!

That is the leader of the jackal, the attack signal of the hook!


More than a dozen jackals all barked and roared, frightening the surrounding animals to flee in all directions.

Even the huge leopard in the distance chose to give up and jumped on the tree to watch the fun.

The new reputations stink, but their intelligence is recognized.

Li Shizhen, the author of "Compendium of Materia Medica", thinks that the new energy is superior to its kind, and he knows how to sacrifice to animals, so it can be said to be the successor.

This shows that it is a very intelligent animal!

Moreover, they are the strongest canids in existence, and they are also the most ferocious and flexible canids. Although they are smaller than wolves, their fighting power is higher than most wolves.

They are powerful because they fight physically.

There is a saying that a good tiger cannot hold back many wolves.

A dozen of them rushed out together, and even a large cat like a leopard had to retreat.

This is why, every time the leopard catches prey, it is brought to the tree to enjoy.

A pack of jackals ran wild in the grass,

However, they usually do not actively attack humans, so Li Shuixin is safe. Their target was the goat killed by Lin Hanshe.

Their tactics were very good. After rushing out of the woods, they immediately divided into two waves.

- One wave where Lin Han and Li Shuixin, another wave, rushing to the prey.

If the owner of the prey is still on the scene, they will adopt this rotation method, taking turns enjoying the real thing. After eating, retreat collectively.

They depend on each other and trust each other.

The power of the skirt is powerful!

However, at this moment, Lin Han suddenly rushed out, and while he was running, he quickly drew his feather arrows,



He still had two arrows left, and quickly she went out.

If the camera is slowed down dozens of times, people can clearly see that two arrows are flying in the air one after the other.

"Um... woo!"

The leader of the jackal, who rushed in front, fell to the ground with an arrow!

Next to him, a larger one followed closely. While running, he suddenly changed ninety degrees and flew out, falling five or six meters away.

"Watch out, kill!"

Seeing that Li Shuixin was still looking at him stupidly, Lin Han hurriedly said.

Their dinner had come, and one goat was enough for them to eat for a while. However, pets still have to eat.

As the leader was killed, the Jackal Skirts instantly became panicked and chaotic, they immediately changed direction, abandoned the goat and quickly fled towards the west coast.

The speed was very fast, and Li Shuixin suddenly distanced herself, and she lost the best time to strike.


"Aww one by one


Big flowers, small flowers, and little whites, attack quickly!

After being nourished by the water of life, their speed was obviously faster than before.

The big flower fluttered away, like an afterimage, quickly cutting off the way for the jackals.

It was originally an assassin-type player, ambushing in the best position of Lu, and suddenly killed, scared the jackals to panic and lose their souls!


It opened its big Zui, bit one's neck in one bite, and pushed it to the ground.

Then the two jaws bite hard, easily biting off the neck and trachea of ​​the shot.

That one, instantly killed!

Xiaohua is also very fierce, it pounces on the ground very accurately, and throws a jackal that is much bigger than itself to the ground, biting its neck firmly.

These are the hunting skills handed to it by the big flower.

But its bite is not as strong and its teeth are not as long.

Therefore, there is no way to directly bite that end to death.

Prompted by the desire to survive, she struggled desperately and ran away quickly with Xiao Hua.

However, Xiaohua bites so tightly that she can't get rid of it.

In the sky, Xiao Bai rushed down like a sharp sword, threw one end to the ground, and then took it into the air and threw it down.

Falling from a height of tens of meters, the head immediately shattered to pieces!

Xiaobai was extremely fast, culling two ends one after another!

I have seen its ferocity early in the morning, so I am only surprised, not surprised!

At this moment, everyone is paying attention to Xiaohua's battle!

"Xiaohua really surprised me this time. I always thought that it would only be cute, but I didn't expect it to be so cruel when hunting! 22

"Come on Xiaohua, you can definitely do it!

"Bite it and you'll be the first jackal to kill a shot!!"

In the live broadcast room, seeing Xiaohua fighting to the death, many people cheered for it.

But there are also many people who are worried about its safety.

"Xiaohua is a tyrannical wolf after all. According to the distribution of the food chain, it is still under the new one, and it is the target of shooting and killing. This courage is already very good, but it is too dangerous to kill a jackal that is much larger than himself.

"Agreed! That one is running away in a panic. If he fights back, Xiaohua is really dangerous."

"Lin Shen, stop Xiao Hua, your daughter will die!"

"Xiaohua is too brave, but that's not the prey you can kill!"

Some netizens clenched their fists and their palms began to sweat!

At this time, the jackals had already run back into the woods, and Xiaobai could no longer use it.

Only Dahua followed Xiaohua, and strangely, Dahua did not help.

"What is Dahua doing, he's chasing after him, so why don't you help! You bite that end to death in one bite.

Dahua's "turning a blind eye" made netizens smash the table in a hurry!

They can't wait to rush over and help Xiaohua kill that shooter!

"Lin Han, why didn't Dahua help? Xiaohua, would it be dangerous?

Li Shuixin was worried.

Xiaohua is now completely dragged away.

I don't know if there is any injury, but as long as the other end reacts, or the other jackals come back to help, Xiaohua must be in danger.

"Don't worry, Dahua is watching, there will be no danger.

Lin Han believes in big flowers,

"This is Xiaohua's battle. It hasn't conceded defeat yet. If we help, it means harming it. How can you become a good hunter without going through the test of life and death?"


This sentence made Li Shui Xin feel as if she was electrocuted, her pupils suddenly opened, and she stared blankly at Lin Han.

She suddenly thought of what another man said to her, "If the chicks want to be better and get their own sky, they must dare to take risks and dare to challenge. Always rely on the protection of their parents, and there will never be a way to obtain their own. Sky!"

The expressions of the two of them when they said this were like!

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this?"

Lin Han noticed her strangeness and asked curiously.

"When you say this, it's like a person.

Li Shuixin clenched his fists and sighed softly.

"Tell me like your boyfriend you.

Lindsay quipped.

However, Li Shuixin was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and instantly exploded Mao Xiao, "You lie, I... have never been in love, where is my boyfriend!"

"Am I talking say, do you have it?"

Lin Han suddenly turned around and glanced at the drone's camera with a mysterious smile.

Netizens were instantly happy,

"Understand in seconds!"

"Whether you had it before, you have it now, my silly girl!

"Who told me that Lin Shen is a straight steel man of level 11? Is there such a straight man who can flirt with girls!

"I don't deserve to be a straight man.

"Lin Shen is this a veiled confession? Unfortunately, the heroine doesn't seem to understand.

Surprised and happy.

On the other side, Xie Skirt was scared away by Dahua and Xiaobai. The remaining one was bitten by Xiaohua until it died, and Xiaohua released it.

Although Xiaohua lost a lot of hairs, it did, successfully, killed a Xie!

Everyone, cheers for it!

Let's go", to pack the prey!

Lin Han patted Li Shuixin, who was still reminiscing what he just said, and walked towards the body of the prey with a smile.

"What do you mean by the words you just said around him?

Li Shuixin muttered and followed behind.

A few minutes later, Dahua came back with the one killed by Xiaohua in his mouth. Because of her size, Xiaohua couldn't drag her.

Lin Han piled all the prey together.

- one goat six thanks!


"Lin Han, we killed so many at once, is it alright?"

Seeing so many corpses, Li Shuixin suddenly asked worriedly.

"What's the problem? It doesn't seem to be the international protection of animals, right??"

Whether it is to protect animals, Lin Han really doesn't know.

But even if it is, it doesn't matter, because this is a desert island that does not belong to any country.

This is actually very understandable. For example, whales are internationally protected animals, but in some places where their owners have ancient whaling traditions, international law cannot restrain them. They are a village and kill three or four whales every year.

A more diligent whaler can kill seventy or eighty whales in a lifetime!

""Lin Shen, I am from the Animal Civil and Military Bureau. You are suspected of hunting and killing second-class national protected animals. Please come and have tea with me!"

"The show pill?"

"I just checked it, and it is indeed a second-class national protected animal.

"Shen Lin killed so many all at once, wouldn't he really be invited to drink tea? No, I don't want Lin Shen to be in trouble.

"Impossible, Lin Shen killed six before, and he was invited away long ago. 99

There was a heated discussion about whether Lin Han would be invited to tea.

"You're stupid, the first time you kill was a last resort, and human life is more important than everything you know? At that time, Li Nvxia was threatened with her life, and Lin Shen killed her to save the female hero, so naturally he didn't break the law. But this time was different, he deliberately lured Leah. Taking the bait and then setting a trap is a kind of active hunting and killing of second-class protected animals. Is it a violation of the law?

"If you offend your sister, you know a hammer! Have you ever studied the law? Here's a science. In our country, they are indeed second-class protected animals, but in other countries, few have listed them as protected animals. No one cares, understand?

To be precise, this deserted island belongs to the private property of Yin's Jichao, and the Long court can't manage it here.

Therefore, the laws of the Dragon Kingdom naturally cannot control this island.

Of course, this comparison is broadcast live in China, so in order to eliminate the influence of this aspect, the necessary public relations are indispensable.

Moreover, the subtitle group also wrote a striking reminder: It is illegal to hunt and kill jackals in China, please do not imitate!

Li Shuixin shook her head. Although she did not study law, she knew that the law was not transnational.

Therefore, there is no problem for them to kill here (Li Li's), compared to survival in the wilderness, those jackals are food and survival for them!

"What I'm worried about is that the shooter should be the top carnivore on this island. If we kill so many all at once, will it destroy the ecological balance here?

To achieve sustainable development, we must ensure ecological balance.

If the jackal is killed too much, it will lead to the proliferation of those herbivorous animals and destroy the ecological environment of the island.

"You are worried about this.

Lin Han was amused by the cute thought, "You forgot, we still have us on this island.

Moreover, after this period of observation, it seems that there are a lot of jackals on this island. If we don't kill some, it will affect the ecological balance. "

"Okay. 99

Li Shuixin shrugged and said nothing more.

"Today's good harvest, go home and copy!"

Lin Han carried the longbow, put the goat and two jackals, one leg of each, and grabbed them with one hand. Then, in the same way with the other hand, grab three of them.

The remaining one, which is 30 to 40 pounds, can be lifted by Li Shuixin with one hand.

Two people, two beasts and one raptor, with a full harvest!

"You can get so much by just hunting, and I really doubt whether the animals on the island will be killed by them. 93

"It's mainly Lin Shen Tai Niu gap, quite a novel, three arrows set the momentum of Tianshan!"

"I found out that other anchors hunt for survival, and Lin Shen's hunting is a game. As long as he is willing, it is not difficult to kill all the animals on this island."

"Yeah, compared with Lin Shen, the rest of the streamers are too miserable. Some people can be happy when they catch a rabbit. I really want to show them the meat in Lin Shen's hands!"

"Compared to him, the other anchors are human, but he is a god!"

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