Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 194 One more point, not afraid of your pride! (2, please complete the order!)

"Lin Han, I still want to eat the pork belly wrapped in coconut zhi last time!"

On the way home, Li Shuixin was already imagining how to deal with this goat.

She has been obsessed with it since she ate lamb belly once. She has been thinking about the goat in captivity for a long time.

I finally caught one today, so I naturally have to make good use of it to satisfy my desire to eat lamb belly again.

"Ah, I ate so much last time, but I haven't eaten enough yet."

Lin Han chuckled lightly.

He still remembers that the last time Li Shuixin ate lamb belly with pork belly, his stomach looked so round. A little silly, but cute.

"How can you eat enough delicious food at one time. I don't care, after a day's inspection today, I will eat lamb belly!


Li Shuixin actually started to act like a spoiled child!

Is this still the brave woman we all know?

"Today is too late, it is more troublesome to make lamb tripe with pork belly, and you can't eat it in four or five hours. Why don't I make another kind of food.

Lin Han suddenly thought of another food, and he couldn't help drooling.

I remember the day I just met my adoptive parents, and they took me to eat this kind of food. Lin Han didn't know, the shop didn't make the authentic ones, but the taste was unforgettable.

Now that I have the conditions, and I am proficient in cooking, I can try to make it myself.

“What kind of food?!”

Li Shuixin hurriedly widened his eyes!

Obviously, the word "food" is not a small temptation to her.

Lin Han smiled and deliberately bought a pass, "You'll know when it's made.

"Uh... well."

This guy has a slap in the face!

After all, what kind of food is it?

Li Shuixin tilted her head and tried to look through the recipes she knew. But he couldn't figure out what Lin Han was going to do.

Oops, nerve-racking.

"Come on, it's going to rain in half an hour.

Lin Han looked at the sky, and when he was just around, the weather forecast function had already alerted him.

He had seen the weather a long time ago and knew that it was raining today. But in the afternoon, because Li Shuixin wasted some time, the time was so tight.

"Is it going to rain?"

Li Shuixin subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky, and sure enough, a dark cloud floated from the east.

Fortunately, they now have shoes made of wild boar skin, and the speed of 550 is not slow, and it takes less than half an hour to reach the bamboo house.

"Shui Xin, collect the dry goods outside, and I'll cook."

In the yard, there was something clamoring.

If it rains and gets drenched, they are likely to grow emblems. Therefore, it must be taken back as soon as possible.

"Okay, you can concentrate on cooking and leave the rest to me!"

Li Shuixin smiled playfully.

After an intense afternoon of hunting, she was indeed Russian. In his mind, all the food that Lin Han is about to make.

In the yard, the bees have already sensed the change in the weather and all flew back to the hive.

The little rabbits and the little piglets all returned to their cages.

Lin Han used a saber to cut open the skin of the goat, and skillfully trimmed off a complete goat skin.

Because it is going to rain, there is no way to put the goat skin outside, so it can only be hung under the eaves to dry in the shade.

However, the smell of goat skin quickly attracted flies.

Fortunately, I collected some wormwood before and used the method of smoking wormwood to disperse flies and mosquitoes.

After working for a while, Lin Han proceeded to dissect the goat.

At this time, the light rain had already started to fall, and Li Shuixin also came to the Ling Peng to help Lin Han.

"Lin Han, are these intestines still thrown away?

Li Shuixin looked at the intestines that Lin Han threw into the pot, and asked reluctantly, "Can I use them to make sausages?"


Now that it has become one of her favorite foods, she naturally wants to drink more, eat it every day, and feel that she will never get tired of eating.

"Theoretically yes, but we don't have pork. Lamb enemas are too swollen and not tasty."

Lin Han explained while taking out the liver.


Li Shuixin felt a little pity.

Before, the two of them had eaten one third of the sausage.

There seemed to be a lot more, but she always felt that she would be finished soon.

"Let's throw it to Xiuyuan and Zhengguo, they prefer to eat this stuff. If you want to eat sausages, when the weather is fine next time, let's kill a wild boar. It's very simple, no need. A pity. 22

Here it is!

Lin Han took out a large piece of lamb liver, and then threw it into cold water to soak it, helping the lamb liver chop (aifb) to lay down the blood inside.

After a while, it is very fragrant to make sizzling lamb liver, or roast lamb liver.

"Hmmmm. 97

Hearing what Lin Han said, Li Shuixin was instantly relieved.


Lin Han's archery is so powerful, can't kill anything he wants to eat?

"No, how could I have such a thought? Li Shuixin, Li Shuixin, why have you fallen? You have to improve your archery skills quickly, or when will you be able to hunt a wild boar by yourself!"

Although it was pure bad luck that the goat was not killed today.

However, this also shows that she has a problem in grasping the timing and does not know enough about the dynamics of the prey.

If she can be like Han, who knows everything at a glance, how can she let the horns push the arrow back.

She is sensible, but also very competitive!

Archery is an important survival skill in wilderness survival.

So she will definitely practice archery well!

Goat liver, goat heart, goat lung...

Lindsay knew the structure of sheep like the back of his hand, and after a while, he fished out all the bits and pieces inside.

Before, together with Li Shuixin, I made a lot of clay pots and pots, which came in handy at this time.

However, so many internal organs could not be eaten by two people in one meal, so they had to save some for detours.

"Shuixin, first soak the sheep's heart and sheep's lungs in spring water, put them in a sealed bamboo tube, and let Xiuyuan take them to the bottom of the lake for refrigeration.

Lin Han found that the water of life not only has many magical effects, but also keeps food fresh.

If the food is soaked in ordinary water, it will go bad in a day.

But the food soaked in the water of life, fished out after three or five days, is the same as fresh. If it is placed next to the spring at the bottom of the lake where the water temperature is only a dozen degrees, it will not be a problem to keep it for more than ten days.


Li Shuixin nodded and picked up two bamboo tubes to pick up the spring water.

It was a pattering tropical rainstorm outside, but in the pet shed, it seemed extraordinarily warm.

Li Shuixin sometimes helped Lin Han, sometimes fiddled with the fire, and smoked the surroundings with wormwood to disperse mosquitoes.

The busy figures of the two are calm, but give people a warm feeling.

Especially those urbanites who are under the pressure of work and life are envious of their quiet and warm life.

After an hour of busy work, Lin Han finally cooked the mutton and started cooking.

First stir fry with hot oil, ginger slices and a little oil,

When the lamb is medium cooked, pour it into the washed rice.

"What kind of food is this?

Li Shuixin is still stunned. She has eaten many high-end delicacies, but she has never eaten this kind of food with local characteristics.

It was the first time she saw meat cooked with rice!

"Uh, haven't you eaten?

Lin Han looked at her from a different place. This kind of food is very famous in Long.

Li Shuixin shook his head, "First time seeing you.

"Okay, it's a special delicacy of our western Xinjiang province, mutton pilaf. The essence of pilaf is that the mutton oil boiled with smoke and the rice are melted together, so that the rice is full of mutton flavor, making it even more delicious. Strong and tasty.

The mutton should be large, with small bones, and the cooked rice will be more fragrant.

The fly in the ointment is that we don't have yellow grapes. "

Lin Han poured the fried mutton into the rice-cooking pot, and stirred it well.

The water used to steam the rice is the soup that was used to cook the mutton before. This helps to let the flavor of the mutton get into the rice more fully.

"When making mutton pilaf in Xijiang Province, we usually add some raisins and almonds to add sweetness to the pilaf. Unfortunately, we don't have either, so I plan to try it with dried mango. It's all fruit, and the taste may be There will be a little difference, but the effect will not be too bad.99

Lin Han chopped some dried mangoes into pieces, poured them into a clay pot, sprinkled with seasonings, stirred them well, and cooked them on the fire.

"It turns out that God Lin wants to make pilaf, really, you can think of any kind of food!

"Li Nvxia has a good time. 9

"Why did my mouth water when I started making this jar?"

"Although there is no Hu Fei, I think the taste made by Lin Shen must be good, drooling +1!

"Nonsense, what's not good about the level of Lin Shen Jiuxing chef?"

Under the witness of netizens, another delicious food was born.

During the cooking process, Li Shuixin swallowed his saliva all the way.

The smell of mutton pilaf filled the whole small courtyard. Xiaohua and Dahua couldn't resist the temptation, and they also came over.

As for, Lin Han roasted them a shot, but they felt less fragrant.

"Xiaohua, this is just what you killed, come, eat more.

Lin Han tore off a leg and handed it to Xiaohua, but the little guy was eating what was in the bowl and looking at the pot. Eyes kept going into the clay pot for cooking.

One shot, peeled off the skin and hollowed out the viscera, only left more than 20 kilograms of meat, just enough for the big and small flowers to eat for a day.

The weather on the island is very hot, and the dead animals must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise they will become stale within a day.

So, during the cooking process, Lin Han and Li Shuixin peeled off the skin of the remaining five.

These furs will be useful in the future, just keep them.

As for their meat, they are all used for pets to eat, so Lin Han did not handle it very carefully.

The internal organs are hollowed out, then hung on the shed, and the wormwood leaves are directly smoked.

Smoking can carbonize the surface of the meat, so that flies and mosquitoes have no way to lay eggs on the surface of the meat, and bacteria are not easy to breed, which can be preserved for a long time.

When the pets want to eat, cut them off and cook them. Simple cooking will make these guys eat deliciously.

After about forty minutes, the lamb pilaf was ready.

On the other hand, the lamb liver has also been cleaned, and after drying the water, Lin Han spent a few minutes frying a few pieces of lamb liver.

At noon, when Lin Han suddenly gained 1,200 pounds of strength, he clearly felt that his appetite had grown a lot.

Therefore, the preparation of food is also a little more than usual.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Li Shuixin placed a wooden board on the dining table, and then brought a pot of pilaf over. Use wooden rice gas to serve two bowls of rice.

At the moment when the lid of the pot was lifted, the strong fragrance rushed out, instantly opening her taste buds and stimulating her salivary glands fiercely. Saliva kept coming out.

So delicious!

The white rice is mixed with the mutton soup, and after cooking, it turns into a crystal clear mutton oil color, sweet and soft, and each grain is very plump and delicious.

Color, smell and taste!

The drone flew over and pulled a close-up shot,

The crystal clear rice and the fat but not greasy steaming chunks of mutton are presented in front of the camera.


Thousands of spectators swallowed together!

"Mom, it's a birthday! It looks so delicious!"

"I can't control my drool. 11

"You can smell the scent through the screen!

"Chef Lin is too good. Anything can be made into an unparalleled delicacy. I really want to be his woman. I am so happy!"

"When I saw Lin Shen making pilaf, I couldn't help but order a pilaf takeaway. But after seeing the pilaf made by Lin Shen, I threw the takeaway directly into the trash. Damn, What kind of stuff are you making, this is also called pilaf? I hope the boss who makes pilaf is also watching Lin Shen's live broadcast.

"Usually, when Lin Shen makes delicious food, everyone can make money by following the trend. But how do you follow the trend? The method is very simple, just change the raisins into dried mangoes, and the other ingredients are not as good as those sold in the store. .

"The reason is very simple, it's also a fried rice with eggs, made by a street stall, can it be the same as that made by a chef?

Indeed, when Lin Han used to cook food, many restaurants would follow suit.

Although it can't reach the height of Lin Han, it's good to have some similarities, and netizens will buy it.

But this pilaf, I really don't know what to do, the practice is almost the same.

However, why is the finished product so different?

"Lin Han, the pilaf you made is delicious too. The rice is full of zhi aroma, like eating a large plate of meat. Moreover, the rice grains contain the sweetness of mangoes, you can taste a variety of flavors in one bite. The taste is mixed together, it is a kind of taste enjoyment!"

"Really you are, so powerful!»

"too delicious!

Li Shuixin didn't even care about getting hot, and complimented him while piling rice into Zuiba.

At this time, she was so full of rice that she no longer had the image of a lady.

But, so cute!

"It's just a pilaf, what about it,

Lin Han smiled and shook his head. Seeing her eating so fast, he couldn't help reminding her, "You eat slowly, and be careful to eat your tongue. 99

"Never mind, it's delicious.

I heard that there is no perfect food in this world. But if I were a food judge, I would definitely give you 101 points for this mutton pilaf. One more point is not afraid of your pride!


Lin Han:

This lady is really too good to buy.

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