Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 198 The broadcast has been cut off for two days, but the popularity has exceeded 10,000! (3,

It was said that it was a two-day break, but in fact, the two were still not idle. It's just a lot easier than the past half month.

That day, Lin Han found saltpeter on the island.

This natural saltpeter is rare in China, and some are not easy to mine. They are important raw materials for making black fire yao.

Just as Lin Han was preparing the materials, the program team also issued a notice:

"Dear viewers and friends, it is illegal to make fire yao in our country, so it will not be promoted. But the players do this for better survival, so the program team will not interfere with it.

Announcement on the adjustment of the live broadcast during the production of Huoyao by contestant Lin Han: When Lin Han is making Huoyao, the live broadcast of the first perspective will be suspended, and the audience can watch the surroundings of Hanshui Island through the second perspective and the third perspective. landscape.

At the same time, the program team also distributed corresponding benefits to Da Da and launched quiz activities. The activities are as follows:

Can player Lin Han make fire?

Answer 1: Yes!

Answer 2: Can't do it!

The players who answer correctly can share 200 million cash!

I hope you all have a good time watching the live broadcast, and the Wilderness Survival program group sincerely!

The announcement was quickly pinned to the top, and the link to the event was quickly posted to the most prominent position.

There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about Lin Han's desire to make fire yao.

The program team will respond to inquiries, which is expected by everyone.

However, no one expected that the program team would be so arrogant!

Directly, throw 200 million in cash to the audience.

"About whether Lin Shen can make fire yao? Isn't this a question to give points! - What's wrong with the shrewd program team, has also begun to switch to the type of people, stupid, money, and more?

"I think, whoever chooses the second answer, is either stupid or has not experienced social beatings.

"Damn it, I'm talking nonsense upstairs, this sub-question is obviously to choose 2!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, brother, for reminding me that this question really chooses 2. Friends who want to share 200 million in cash, hurry up and choose the second answer with us.

"The police ask, ask is to choose the second one!

Lin Han's old fans have followed the rhythm in the live broadcast room. After fooling the new audience, they quickly clicked the link and chose 1 decisively!

This sub-question must choose 1,

Just kidding, Lin Shenhui can't make fire yao?

"Dude upstairs, I'm new here, can I really share 200 million cash by choosing the second one?

"Ask if you don't understand, and get the correct answer."

"Of course it's the second one. Did you see that we all chose that?"

"You don't even think about it, if the explosives are so easy to catch, the money banks in the world can be safe? So, the choice is the second. 33

"I admit that Lin Shen is very good, but I really don't like him when it comes to fire. Therefore, I have long chosen the second answer.

Old fans, the caliber is the same!

He also warned that those new fans who were attracted by the bonus, believed it to be true, and really fooled many people to choose the second answer.

Dividing the bonus, naturally, the smaller the number, the more you will get.

Old fans naturally don't want those viewers who have never supported Lin Han to divide up their prize money.

However, after all, there are only a few people who have been fooled, and many people are still relatively rational.

After some serious thinking, I resolutely chose the second one!

Survive in the wilderness, what are you doing fire yao? Funny.

The new netizens haven't watched Lin Han's live broadcast and don't know much about Lin Han's abilities. They are just subjective judgments. Huoyao is not that easy to do.

And, when they heard that Lin Han just wanted to make dynamite based on the knowledge from the high school chemistry textbook, they immediately laughed.

High school textbooks just have to be able to make dynamite?

Many people said that they are willing to eat three years of chemistry books!

Therefore, most new audiences still choose the second answer: can't do it!

When everyone was discussing wonderfully, Lin Han was also working hard to make explosives.

Materials are readily available, natural saltpeter, lump sulfur, and plant ash.

Mixed together according to a certain proportion, you can make a black fire gap.

The traditional black fire yao, of course, is not comparable to the current explosives, and the power is much smaller. But if the amount is larger, it should not be a problem to mine!

Program Team Technical Department,

"How's the backstage situation...?"

Liu Han came to ask.

The technician adjusted the data, "This activity has attracted almost all the attention, but many of them are accounts that have never watched our show. Some are new accounts that have just been registered, and some are old accounts.

However, these new audiences did not have a good drainage effect for Lin Han. About a third of it provided him with popularity.

The technician is also a fan of Lin Han, and was slightly disappointed by the result.

Many people came and voted and left. Without staying in the live broadcast room, the effect of increasing Lin Han's popularity would not be achieved.

"It is reasonable for this situation to occur, after all, Lin Han's live broadcast room does not have any substantive content now, and there is no way to keep those viewers who are attracted by money.

As for those old accounts you mentioned, they may be fans of other types of live broadcasts, and it is difficult for these people to be attracted by the show.

Liu Ha analyzed.

The technician nodded and praised secretly in his heart. As expected of the director, he could get to the point at once.

He actually had an idea in his heart, but because of Liu Han's identity and aura, he was a little afraid to speak out.

"Qing, such a large proportion is unexpected. 59

Liu Han couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the result of the choice of the answer. "Some people, you really give them money, they can't catch it.

A total of more than 40,000 people participated in the event, and nearly 10,000 people chose the second option!

Nearly a quarter of the people chose the option "Lin Han can't make fire",

Make Liu Han very surprised!

The technician said, "There are a lot of people here who are new viewers of our show. Some of them are rhythmically driven by old fans and fooled. Some people think that Lin Han can't do enough.

Maybe it's because of stubbornness, or want to make a big difference. After all, to divide the cash, the smaller the number of people, the more.

"You're right, if I didn't know Lin Han, I might have this mentality too.

Divide up 200 million with one rough ten thousand people, or divide up 100 million with three difficult ten thousand people, I believe there will be some people who will choose the former.

After all, the former is more divided.

After being praised by Director Liu, the technician was a little happy and became more courageous.

"Mr. Liu, I have an idea that may help Lin Han retain some fans.

His popularity has now reached sixty-nine million, and he is still less than a jar of ten thousand popularity, and he will be able to rush to eight Ji ten thousand people. This is a good thing for him and for our program team.

The technician raised his head and gathered his courage to look at Liu Ha.

There was a flash of surprise in the latter's beautiful eyes, and said, "Tell me about it."

"I think during the period when Lin Han was making fire yao, instead of playing the scenery, it is better to make some wonderful clips and hook the wonderful moments before Lin Han. I believe this will attract many people to stop and watch. 99

Technician suggested.

After listening, Liu Ha's beautiful eyes brightened a little, "Your idea is very good, just do as you say, you are responsible for this matter!

The technician was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly stood up, "Yes, Mr. Liu!"

Sure enough, you can't be shy in the workplace.

Only the courageous can seize the opportunity!

When the others heard Liu Ha's words, they all cast envious glances.

Making fire yao by Lin Han is a long process. But this process cannot be played out.

Therefore, it is difficult to retain the audience with the scenery.

After a while, in the live broadcast room, a wonderful clip is suddenly played!

In an instant, it attracted a lot of fans who came to stop!

"Damn it, the anchor climbs the tree too fast, and the monkey is not as fast as him!"

At the beginning, Lin Han challenged the coconut tree and broke the world record with a time of 20.86m in 6.42 seconds.

These wonderful clips, coupled with the text description, are still very shocking.

"Excited brother dei, this jar has just started.

"Calm down, Shit!

Not excited?

is it possible.

The anchor killed a wild boar with one punch, tell me why I'm not excited!

A section of wonderful video, presented in front of everyone.

For the past three months,

There are wonderful challenges, incredible creations, and delicacies that make people drool every time they see them!

There is the funny of provoking crocodiles, and the joy of killing mussels in their rough years.

There are too many wonderful moments, if they are all released, they may not be finished in a day or two.

The program group just selected a part,

As a result, unexpected results were achieved.

Not only did it keep the new fans, but it also attracted a lot of repeat customers.

"Fuck, surrender the shark with your bare hands!! This anchor, it's over!"

"Damn, seeing the anchor surviving in the wilderness, actually living better than me, eating better than me, and the girls around me are better than mine, I cracked.

"Wake up upstairs, I had a dream, where did you come from, girl?"

Although I couldn't watch the live broadcast,

But happy atmosphere, bring it up!

The picture jumped to Lin Han digging up royal jelly and soaking it in water, which attracted countless people exclaiming,

"Hey... this is the little elf royal jelly that costs a lot of money, I have learned a lot.

"Fuck, such a big blue lobster, how much did the anchor eat?

Food articles that make people drool and marvel at the same time!

"If you have something to say, brother, put away your saliva first."

"It's just a blue lobster worth three million, so shocking. Lin Shen just eats it, it's all a house. 93

fi^" To tell the truth, my salary is 30,000 yuan, which is considered a high salary, but the food is not as good as Lin Shen's pet.

"It's from the brain-damaged fans of other anchors. I ask you guys, is this really a wilderness survival program? Did I choose the wrong channel? Why do the anchors I follow live in a dark cave and eat black food? Huge barbecue, every day I wake up and say I'm going to find something to eat. Messy hair, unshaven beard, living like a savage.

The anchor in front of me lives in a luxury small police villa, eats delicacies from mountains and seas, and even has clothes to wear! Are they really participating in the same show?

"Ask, ask is that God Lin is not a human being."

At five or six o'clock in the afternoon, the technical inspection department of the program group came to

Lin Han's popularity has reached more than seven million.

There are still more than 2 million, and they will be able to break through the eight difficulties.

At this time, Pharaoh and the others could not sit still.

Success is just around the corner, let's help!

At this time, [inverted to read still the king] [Peach Blossom Island Lord] [Lu Bu among the people] [Life is so boring." These big bosses, divided into dozens of treasures, indeed, it was jaw-dropping.

These people are inhumane!

Also warned that this method is simple and crude, but the effect is excellent.

In less than 30 minutes, Lin Han's popularity finally broke through Xiaoba's difficult mark!

Lin Han's fourth gift, get it!

At this point, after two days of busy work, Lin Han finally made a lot of black fire yao, and there were twenty or thirty bamboo tubes with thick fists to hold fire yao!

He was afraid of low power, so he made a lot of it.

Just as he was about to close, the crocodile found out.

"Lin Shen, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

The crocodile wasn't grumpy because he didn't have a meal last time.

For Lin Han, he is as supportive as ever.

"Lin God?"

Lin Han looked at the crocodile in surprise, not understanding why he came.

"Aah, that's what your fans call you."

Crocodile explained with a smile.

"Uh, you mean, my people (Li Wangzhao) qi has broken through eight difficulties?!!

Lin Han glanced at the rescuers behind the crocodile, carrying five large bags.

Eight difficulties!


"Fuck, are you all so powerful!"

Lin Han is not surprised by an extra gift, but is happy to know that so many people support him!

There is another reason, every extra dilemma means more than 50,000 bonuses!

Eight difficulties are popular, which means that now I have a bonus of 450 million yuan!!!

Damn, this is a billionaire!

"Dad, Mom, I will definitely find the best heart for you, so that you can live a long life!"

Lin Han's heart is full of confidence!

"There are so many words in my heart, I don't know what to say, but in short: Thank you for being shocked!

Lin Han walked to the camera and bowed respectfully.

The crocodile touched his nose and said with a weird expression, "Uh, to be honest, you are not streaming right now! So you have to be thankful, and the big image can't be seen. 22

"Not live? Why!

Lin Han frowned.

Isn't the drone in front of me, is there something wrong with my show?

Li Shuixin also came over and said worriedly, "What's going on?

"You don't have to worry, it's just a temporary interruption of the broadcast, and it won't affect the challenge of the two of you. It's just that you are making fire, and this kind of thing can't be broadcast live.

Crocodile reminded.


Lin Han nodded, and then he remembered that it is illegal to live broadcast the production of fire yao, and the show team did this for his own good, "the show team has a heart.

"It's you who is so shocking."

Crocodile smiled softly, "So, you can choose a tool, please. 99

He beckoned, and the man behind brought the kit over.

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