Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 199: The Black Forest God? The national bosses disagree! (1, please complete the order!)

For the sudden reward, it is definitely a surprise.

Although he lacks everything now, if he wants to improve his quality of life and truly live a leisurely life, he still needs the help of many things.

The first is electricity!

Like fire, electricity is a major advancement in the history of human civilization.

It is obviously unrealistic to ask the program team to call you. Most of them, give you two AA batteries.

Lin Han turned around, looked at the girl next to him, and suddenly asked, "Shui Xin, do you want to fish?"

Fishing is a leisurely activity, busy Zheng Xiao, sitting by the lake fishing and fishing, to pass the afternoon, leisurely and relaxed.

"I know what you're thinking, but wouldn't it be nice to have a machete?

Li Shuixin glared at Lin Han with beautiful eyes, as if afraid that he would choose unreliable things.

However, Lin Han shook his head and insisted on his choice,

"This may be the last time we enjoy the welfare gap brought by the audience, so we must cherish it.

"Then we should choose something more useful to us?

Li Shui was puzzled,

What's wrong with Lin Han today, he made his head stupid by taking zha medicine? Can't understand such a simple reason??

"The machete is really useful, but it won't take long for me to do it. So, I think it's better to choose a set of fish tools. Think about it, how leisurely you can sit by the lake and fish when you're not busy? "

The corners of Lin Han's mouth showed a confident arc.

Although he still doesn't know about blacksmithing and iron smelting, he believes that Fantong will not sit idly by.

Ironmaking and forging, it's just a matter of time.

"Make a machete... well."

Thinking that Lin Han wanted to make iron, Li Shuixin immediately gave up the persuasion.

After going through so many things, she has no brains to believe in Lin Han, just like the brainless fans of Lin Han.

"Well. Then give me a set of fishing tools."

After the two reached an agreement, Lin Han turned around and smiled at the crocodile.

The latter also grinned, "Do you want a fishing rod, a fishing line, or a fishing hook? According to the program group's regulations, these are three things."


Lin Han was speechless for a moment, can this be broken down into three ways?

"So, do you still choose this?"

The crocodile noticed the word "depressed" on Lin Han's expression, and couldn't help laughing, "Be content, at least you have a chance to choose, other anchors haven't even received a gift yet. 93

"Hook it.

Lin Han didn't bother about this. If he wants to fish, the hook is the most important thing. The other two things can be done. There is only a fish hook, and there is no substitute for it.

567 He is not the kind of person who likes to hesitate. Now that he has made a choice, he should be a little more straightforward.

"Is it a mother-in-law hook?"

Afraid that the show team would continue to play, Lin Han hurriedly asked.

"No, a single hook, but you can choose the size."

Crocodile shrugged helplessly, saying that there was nothing he could do about the arrangement of the program group.


Lindsay was speechless again,

Do you also buckle something so small as a hook?

"No, no matter what, I have to give me two hooks."

Lin Han insisted.

There are two of them. They can't be one of them fishing and the other person watching, right? What kind of leisurely life is this?

The two were deadlocked for a while, and finally Crocodile chose to compromise," I asked above.

He walked to the side and communicated with the above.

"The above agrees to give you two hooks of whatever size you want. 93

The crocodile went back to Lin Han.

"Then I have a choice. 1

Lin Han came to the tool kit, picked up two types of hooks, one large and one small, and chose one for each, "Thank you.

After choosing, return the remaining hooks to the crocodile.


The crocodile closed, then turned to say goodbye.

"In such a hurry, I still want to keep you for dinner."

Lin Han joked with a smile.

Last time, the embarrassment of the crocodile was still vivid in my mind.

He found that this guy with a grim face was actually very simple, and he was very happy to make fun of it.


A string of black lines fell from the top of the crocodile's head, and he sped up and left.

Keep me for dinner? Believe you.

"Pu Chi one, you are too bad."

Li Shuixin on the side was amused.

"How can I be so sincere.

Lin Han is serious.

"Okay, come and finish the meal today, I have to make some leads. 33

It was getting dark soon, and Lin had to hurry up and finish the lead.

After Li Shuixin turned around, he pushed away his palms, and there were three, three, and six fish hooks lying quietly on it.

The show crew didn't say they couldn't borrow it.

Besides, if you have this ability, why not borrow it?

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day. Lin Han's gunpowder had been made, and there were twenty-six bamboo tubes. In addition, more than 30 meters of lead wires were made.

It is enough for running.

Because the gunpowder is ready, the live broadcast is normal.

"Hey, the live broadcast started today, where is the gunpowder of Lin Shen?

"It's time to reveal the answer, excited!"

"I seem to see the red envelope beckoning at me.

"Friends who choose 1, prepare your left thumb, and prepare to grab the red envelope!

"Brother, why is the thumb of the left hand, what should I do with the right hand?"

"The left hand has not wiped the pi stock..."


Early in the morning, before Lin Han and Li Shuixin got up, the live broadcast room was already lively.

The answer will be announced at 8:00 today, and the lottery will be drawn at 8:30.

So, everyone is waiting for this moment.

"Wait, why is 1? That's not what my buddies said two days ago (wronged to cry)"

"The answer can't be 1, unless the show team is tricky, no one can make gunpowder on a desert island! 99

"Yes, gunpowder fishing can be done on a desert island, Laozi broadcasts a five-speed electric fan!"

"If Laozi sees the anchor showing off with gunpowder, he will immediately go to the notary office to report it. This kind of garbage show, watch the ball!

When a show is popular, many people will definitely be jealous.

The technical department of the program team monitored that a considerable number of those who said they wanted to report the program actually chose 1.

Then, the identities of these people are also very obvious.

Either it is a commercial competitor for survival in the wilderness, or it is the trolls and navy they invited.

"Mr. Yin, the result has been hooked. There are at least 300,000 sailors in the live broadcast room. As long as we announce the answer, they will immediately spread rumors and create negative news for our program team.

In the conference room, Liu Ha, director of the technical department, tapped the keyboard, and some data was immediately displayed on the projection screen.

Through these data, we can clearly distinguish who is a fan and who is a troll.

"Stop all these people, what are you waiting for?"

A shareholder said angrily, "Damn, it must be the grandson of Yang, who is jealous of us!"

"Don't worry about them, let them make trouble, it's not a bad thing for us.

Compared with the restlessness of others, Yin Tiancheng is much more calm.

With a calm face, with a touch of confidence.

It seems that, in a kind of strategizing, the decisive victory is outside the jungle!

He is so confident.

"I agree with Mr. Yin's approach. Now that we are titled, it seems that we are guilty. We have enough evidence to prove that there was no fraud during the program, and there was notarization by the Ministry of State Supervision. Anyone who tries to maliciously slander us wants to succeed.

They racked their brains and emptied their minds to plot against us, and in the end they found out that all they did was just propaganda for us.

A rare smile appeared on Liu Han Bingshuang's face.

"Let's draw the lottery on time."

Yin Tiancheng said lightly, and Yu Ji glanced at Liu Ha.

The latter understood and switched the screen to Lin Han's live broadcast.

Today, Lin Han's mission is very clear, to make a canoe, the kind that is airtight.

The bamboo raft I made last time has no waterproof measures, and just relies on the buoyancy of the fort to sail on the sea.

This time, he was going to carry ore back from Lanshan Island, and the bamboo raft must not be used, so he had to make a small canoe.

Canoes are much more complicated than bamboo chopsticks.

A bamboo raft can be fished in two or three hours. But Kayak, Lin Han's plan was three days.

Soon, it was eight o'clock in the morning in the country.

The drone filmed the zha music made by Lin Han. There are 26 zha music tubes, (aifb) each tube is as thick as the mouth of a bowl!

Lin Han is standard production, big and small.

The big one is two pounds of medicine, and the small one is one kilogram of music. On top, with the lid on, cha on the leads.

Although we can't see the whole picture, everyone can guess that it is Zha medicine.

"F*ck, in just two days, Lin Shen actually made so many medicines!"

"Lin Shenda is too talented, if this is in the army, it is worth an artillery company. 93

"Lin God, the almighty man!

"With so many medicines, I feel like I can knock down a mountain."

"Wait for the red envelope 666."

Fans who really like Lin Han did not have any thoughts because of the two-day interruption. Seeing such results, two days of waiting was enough.

Even if there is no red envelope, they can understand the practice of the program group.

After all, once this kind of thing is played out, it will have a very bad effect. It's not a good thing for the show team and Lin Han.

"It's awesome, so many medicines, why don't you go to heaven!"

"If these are caught by the little bald head, Laozi will immediately live stream the inverted five-speed electric fan to eat shi!"

"The garbage program group operates in the dark. It's fair, just and open. If you favor a host like this, it's fair to other anchors? The garbage program group, curse you to end soon. 99

"Ah, it's really easy to play. Stop broadcasting for two days, and then transport the gunpowder ashore when no one can see it, pretending it was made by the anchor. You can also imagine this kind of trick to deceive elementary school students. Come on. Junk show, report it! 59

"Everyone is gone, there's nothing good about this kind of shit show.

In the live broadcast room, a bunch of trolls appeared in an instant.

Soon, many negative comments appeared on the Internet.

The most popular program in the country - the black box operation of wilderness survival?

Nineteen-year-old desert island survival anchor, made a ton of music in two days, what could be more nonsense than this!

When will the popular show openly play routines and deceive the audience?

Various posts were searched on the top, and the show Survival in the Wild was instantly pushed to the cusp of fishing reels.

"Damn, where did a bunch of idiots come from, brainless squirting?"

"Just this IQ, you still watch the live broadcast, go back to your mother's arms and eat nai as soon as possible.

"Lin Shen still needs to cheat to be a gunpowder?

"A group of idiots who suffer from red eye disease, I advise you to get rid of the disease as soon as possible, and if you delay it, it will be a terminal illness.

For those negative news, they were quickly counterattacked by fans of the Wilderness Survival show.

Ordinary fans, the favorite is this kind of tearing behavior.

Bickering, who is afraid of whom?

At first, the two sides quarreled.

The Wilderness Survival program group, and even the Yin Shiji behind it, have been bombarded by major media in turn. At the entrance of the Yin Shiji Building, media reporters from all over the country gathered.

However, what makes people strange is that the person in charge of Yin's collection has not had a floor for a long time.

Even the program group did not respond to these negative news. Everything is netizens, helping them fight back.

At 8:30, according to the regulations of the event, all those who participated in answering the questions and got the correct answers began to share 200 million in cash.

Those who answered correctly have a total of more than sixty thousand difficulties.

However, some people showed up too early and attacked the show group. Their accounts were blocked by the program team, and they were placed on the list to be divided up.

There are more than 10,000 people in six difficulties, and 200 million in cash is divided, and the average person is only about 3 yuan.

However, the program group did not set a single red envelope to go online. As long as the character is good, it is possible to draw tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

At 8:30, the lottery draws!

"Wow, I got it, I got it, it smells like a red envelope...ahem, what the hell is 0.55..."

"Niuban, I am one eleventh of yours."

"Is it all small red envelopes, I also sew more than one yuan.

Just started to open, are small red envelopes.

Jackpot, in the back.

"Quack, quack, so happy that she laughed like a goose, the old lady is three hundred and six hundred yuan, and she is envious of the dog and water friends.

"Three inlays and six hundred yuan, you are arrogant, how can I say ten thousand eight hundred?"

"I got money for a plane, thanks to Lin Shen for bringing us such an interesting program and red envelopes. It stands to reason that these are what Lin Shen deserves, so a plane is sent."

Haha, I got 8 yuan, my sister is going to get rid of the 4 yuan hot dry noodles today... Boss, here is a beef noodle that costs 12 yuan. "

"Although I got 13 yuan, thank you Lin Shen. We believe in you and the show team. We hope that those dogs who maliciously slandered the show team will disappear from this earth as soon as possible and pollute the air again.

"Support Lin Shen, support the program team!

As things intensified, soon the bigwigs began to speak up.

on a popular website,

Li Bolin, a leader in the domestic construction industry, commented, "Lin Han is the most enchanting Tianji I have ever seen. His engineering attainments have definitely reached the world's top level. It is possible that in a few years, he will become the father of railways. the same existence.

This kind of circumstance, I don't think he will use cheating to achieve some dispensable purposes. "

He Tianlin, Minister of the Ministry of Culture, who once awarded Lin Han the title of Cultural Heritage Ambassador, issued a statement: "Lin Han is a treasure of the country, and no one is allowed to smear his reputation! I believe that your supervisory authority will give a fair answer. , I also believe that the show team of Survival in the Wild will not do such things that self-destruct their future. I hope those who maliciously slander others will do it for themselves! 99

Wang Yida, the name represents everything, "Lin Shen is one of my favorite anchors, and the only person I admire in this world. I hope those who have no brain spray can have a little brain. A person who is proficient in various cultural inheritance, even Luban lock This kind of magical thing can be a powerhouse of rhyme, and you need to cheat? The brain is a good thing, I hope you have it.

After many bigwigs stood up and spoke out, the supervisory department also released a video to prove that no one landed on the island during Lin Han's production of zha medicine.

As a supervisory authority, he naturally has the authority to view the whole process of Lin Han making zha medicine.

They just released some clips, which is enough to slap those brainless sprays in the face.

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