Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 200 Fishing Tournament? Li Nvxia took the initiative to challenge! (2, please complete the o

Lin Han and Li Shuixin didn't know what was going on in the outside world, and they were still immersed in the fun of shipbuilding.

When you do one thing seriously, you will find fun everywhere.

Sometimes, isolation is actually a good thing. At least you won't be interrupted by so many trivial things, you can concentrate on doing what you want to do.

For the boat, the most important material is the circle.

In order to make it waterproof, Lin Han made a circle with a thickness of 2 cm, hollowed out 0.5 cm in the middle, and was 5 cm deep.

In this way, the wooden boards for shipbuilding are like building blocks, just spliced, and some boiled pine glue is put in it, which can achieve the effect of nails, which is very strong.

Building blocks are actually one of the simplest tenon-and-mortise structures.

It took one more day than expected, and it took the two of them four days to make a wooden boat that was one meter wide and two and a half meters long.

There is a warehouse in the bow and a support rod in the middle.

All woods are also very hard pine and birch, which are very buoyant.

However, the wooden boat that has just been made cannot be launched yet, and it must be placed in the sun for a day to make a detour to let the pine gum inside completely solidify.

After the pine glue is solidified, it will not dissolve in water, ensuring the stability and waterproofing of the hull.

The boat is ready and is drying.

The brick embryo is ready, and it is also drying.

Irrigation in the paddy fields, there are couples and keel waterwheels, almost do not need them to worry about.

The two of them stopped for a while.

"Lin Han, do you have any plans for today? I'm not used to being free all of a sudden. 99

After breakfast, Li Shuixin wandered in the small courtyard a little bored.

The flowers that are taken care of in every way on weekdays are not unusual.

She is used to being busy and always wants to do something.

"Let's go to the bottom of the sea? 3

Li Shuixin suggested.

The underwater world is so wonderful and fantastic that she wants to see it again.

"Today is a cloudy day, the light on the seabed may not be very good, there is nothing to see, just wait for the sunny day."

Lin Han looked at the sky, a large cloud covered Hanshui Island, the sunlight could not reach the nearby sea area, and the light on the seabed would definitely not be very good.

Moreover, with the weather forecast function, it will be cloudy all day today, with light rain at night.

So you have to prepare something to cover the brick embryos early to prevent them from being drenched by the rain.

"Then let's go hunting. The bow technique I learned last time was a little rusty. I happen to be free today. Are you taking me to practice it?"

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han expectantly.

"Yesterday, the yellow antelope caught by the tiger head hasn't finished eating yet, so too much meat has been caught all at once and it can't be stored, it's a waste.

Yesterday, Hutou and Xiaobai came together and caught a yellow antelope.

Although not much, the yellow antelope meat is more delicious than goat meat, enough for the two of them to eat for several days.

Being rejected by Lin Han again, Li Shuixin didn't know what to do.

"Then you say, what are we doing today, can't we stay at home all day?"

Busy people will be very uncomfortable when they are suddenly idle.

Lin Han continued to fiddle in the pet shed, looked at Li Shuixin, and smiled lightly, "Why, you're getting bored so soon? Come and help, I'll teach you how to fish today."


Li Shuixin's eyes widened and she came over curiously, "But we don't have a fishing line or rod, so how can we fish?"

When she mentioned this, she was very depressed,

It's not good for Lin Han to choose a fishing hook!

You can't fish without a fishing line.

You can't use hemp rope for fishing line.

"So let you come and help make fishing line.

Lindsay lifted the lid of the pot and used chopsticks to get some tendons out of it.

"This is... a sheep tendon?

Li Shuixin was even more puzzled, "Do you want to use these thick and short tendons as fishing line, then it's better to use hemp rope."

Although the hemp rope is not so strong, it is no problem to catch small fish under two pounds.

But sheep tendons are so thick and short, how to make fishing line?

Not to mention whether you can tie the hook on it, the fish will be scared away when they see such a thick line.

"So why do you think I called you here?"

Lin Han glanced at her angrily, this sister really doesn't have a long memory.

"Uh, don't know.

Li Shui thought for a while, and found that he couldn't help him even if he came here. Although he is skilled, such thick tendons cannot be tied to small fish hooks.

Lin Han does things, it's hard to guess...

"Take it and put it under the sun, and after the water is dried, tear it to the thickness of a hair, and I will go to the woods to find two fishing rods. 99

After Lin Han caught all the tendons, he threw the money to Li Shuixin.

Then, he watched the military workers shovel Jimen away.

Half an hour later, Lin Han came back with two thin and long mangosteens, which are the preferred material for fishing rods.

Because they are hollow, the texture is relatively light, the toughness is good, and it is not easy to break.

Even if it falls into a big fish, the bamboo can break, but it will never break.

After cutting off the branches and willows above, it is a good fishing rod after a little processing and polishing.

It is more than two meters long, which is very suitable for fishing.

On the other side, Li Shuixin also began to tear the tendons. She now understands why Lin Han uses tendons for fishing line.

The tendons will become very tough after cooking and drying. It is torn into strands of hair, and three or four are twisted together to form a thin rope, enough to bear the weight of hundreds of pounds!

Moreover, they are hydrophilic and are not easily found by fish when placed in water.

So they are the best fishing line material.

Li Shuixin carefully dried a pile of silk threads.

The two made them into thin ropes, and then linked them one by one. After a while, two unusually strong fishing lines were ready.

The fishing line plus the fishing rod is almost six meters. It is almost sea fishing, but the lake is completely enough.

"Do you want the big hook or the small hook?

After tying the fishing line, Lin Han pushed his palm away, revealing six black hooks.

Li Shuixin's eyes widened in surprise, "So many, you..."

She hurriedly looked at the drone, and as a result, the drone was right in front of her.

Well, I can't hide it if I want to.

"Didn't he only allow you to take two, how can there be so many?"

Li Shui asked helplessly.

"A reader, borrowed, borrowed."

Lin Han smiled, picked up a big hook and started winding the thread.

The show crew was too stingy, so he was a little more smooth when he took the hook.

Of course, readers are all borrowed.

The big deal is to return it to them after the survival of the wilderness is over.

Li Shuixin:

On a ship in the distance, the rescue teams who were watching the live broadcast were dumbfounded, especially the crocodiles.

"Damn it, I kept staring at him when he took it, when did he take so many!

crocodile face black,

The ants are all defenses, and the result is still Lin Han's way.

Damn, after all, I am also a special forces soldier, and it is shameful to let people do this kind of thing under my nose.

He secretly glanced at the captain, and saw that the latter's face was not very good-looking.

"Captain, I'm going to take the extras now! This time I won't be merciful, and only leave one for him!

The crocodile stared at the screen and said viciously, as if to eat Lin Han.

"Isn't it shameful enough? Just be honest with me, and I'll ask what it means.!

The captain came to the deck to make a phone call, and said politely for a while. When he hung up the phone, his face quickly turned cold.

"Hmph, the above said that it's fine this time. Next time something like this happens, your crocodile team doesn't have to do it."

"There will never be a next time!

Crocodile clenched his fist.

The captain patted him on the shoulder, "Relax, your strength is much worse than his, it's normal to be put together. Even if I go, I'm afraid it won't be much better than you. Recognize the emblem, brother."


Think of Lin Han's strength, but I have always admired it.

The crocodile's face collapsed instantly,

This job is so hard to do.

In front of the small lake, Lin Han taught Li Shuixin to tie a fish hook.

Many people can fish, but not necessarily with hooks. It is not easy to make the hooks look good and firm.

The hooks in their hands have no holes on them.

Therefore, some tricks are required.

There are many ways to check the hook. The most common method is to fold the sub-line in half, keep it in line with the hook handle, pinch the sub-line with your fingers, and then wrap the end of the sub-line around the hook handle. Loop, usually around 4-6 circles, pass the thread end through the coil in front of the hook handle, and finally pull the sub-thread and the sub-thread thread end, slowly tighten it, and finally reduce the excess thread end.

When Lin Han was a child, he used to do fishing by himself, and he was very skilled in fishing rods and hooks.

After ten seconds, the hook was tied.

However, when he was about to teach Li Shuixin, he found out that this is also a skill. Although the speed is a bit slower than his, the skill is fine.

After a while, the hook was also tied.

0.... ask for flowers,

"Tied up nicely.

Lin Han praised.

Li Shuixin's pretty face beamed with joy, she lifted her nose with her thumb, and said triumphantly, "That is, what did you say in the morning, you want to teach me how to fish?"

Lin Han nodded, revealing an interested smile.

Seeing her expression, I knew that this time fishing would definitely be fun.

"Let's have a game then, in the morning, to see who catches the most fish.

Li Shuixin suddenly ignited his fighting spirit.

It has been more than two months since she faced Lin Han, the first time she has such fighting spirit!

Although her childhood was very boring, except study was study, but when she got to university, she found a lot of hobbies for herself.

Including, archery, fishing...

In terms of fishing, she is considered a talented player, and her skills are very good. Every time she goes fishing with those fishermen, she can always get more harvest than others, which is enviable.

This is also how she dared to challenge Lin Han!

Indeed, Lin Han is excellent in every way.

But Li Shuixin believed that he could always surpass this guy in some aspects.

Anyway, I have been despised so many times, and I don't care about this time!

Li Shuixin, this is, the jar is broken.

"Hey, since it's a competition, there must be some luck."

Lin Han said something with great interest, with a strange smile in his eyes, looking at Li Shuixin's hair.

This guy, wouldn't he want to hit me!

Humph, I'm afraid you won't dare!

Li Shuixin raised her head and met Lin Han's gaze, "Of course, I initiated the challenge, so you can first state the conditions. 39


Lin Han thought about it, "If you lose, please help me massage for an hour every day. How about a month?

"One month!! Why don't you die.

Li Shuixin fried Mao Xiao!

This guy really dares to think, let Miss Li give you a massage...a month!

"So you admit that you are not as good as me?"

Lin Han smiled.

"Who said that! I must have caught more than you!

Although he knew that it was an aggressive method, Li Shuixin still gritted his teeth and jumped into the pit.

This is a battle of honor!

"In this case, you can talk about your conditions." Lin Han shrugged, indifferently, "No matter what conditions you offer, I will accept them."

Because, I will not lose!

Lin Han is so confident!

Li Shuixin is a talented player, so why is he not?

As a child, a homemade fishing rod nearly wiped out the fish in those nearby reservoirs. As long as he wanted to, there was nothing he couldn't catch.

According to the system's grading criteria, he has his own Lv5 fishing skills.

The point is, you can level up just by fishing!

Compared with people who are open, you will never get any benefits...

Lin Han Quotes.

Not listening to Li Shuixin's conditions, Lin Han had already gone to the neighborhood to look for bait.

In the countryside, the best bait is naturally the number of earthworms. The mud around the lake is shishi, and earthworms can be dug under the stones.

Throwing these earthworms into the still warm pet ashes, the earthworms are rolled up in the heat, and the aroma of meat is quickly roasted.

This kind of bait, fish likes to eat most.

"This guy!"

Seeing Lin Han who completely sacrificed himself, Li Shui gritted his teeth in anger.

"Hmph, this time I must make you pay for your arrogance! 99

She raised her small fist and hurried to find the bait.

Unlike Lin Han, she chose several types of bait.

Leftover rice, boiled earthworms, tender grasses picked by the lake, and some leftover minced meat.

Different fish like different bait, she is well prepared.

So, be confident!

As for the fish float, the two found an oval wild fruit.

This kind of wild fruit has a cotton wool-like structure, which is very light after drying, and is very suitable for making fish floats.

Moreover, it can be adjusted up and down, and the height can be adjusted according to different water depths.

"I said are you done, when can you start the game?"

Lin Han had already done it and was waiting by the lake. Even, I have pulled some leaves from the side and built myself a gazebo and a rack for putting fishing rods.

And Li Shuixin was still tinkering with the bait.

Fishing requires not only bait on the hook, but also some nests, commonly known as nesting.

At first glance, Li Shuixin is quite professional.

However, for some unknown reason, netizens support Lin Han who looks like soy sauce.


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