Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 211 This steel is worth ten times as much as gold! (1, please order all!)

"Shui Xin, quickly bring me the mold I have prepared!

Seeing the molten iron dripping out, Lin Han shouted excitedly.

At this time, there is a machete mold under the pottery tube. At this speed, the molten iron will soon fill the mold.

"Are you hooked, here we come!

Li Shuixin replied in surprise, and hurriedly brought over the molds made by Lin Han.

Having molten iron means they can make ironware.

Life without iron tools is too inconvenient.

So this time, Lin Han made adequate preparations, and only made a dozen of molds. Two machetes, two sickles, four kitchen knives, one hoe, one shovel each size...

He thought of all the iron tools that could be used in life.

Other than that, it's weapons.

Because Fantong said that this time there are 500 catties of iron, Lin Han also made a mold for an iron sword and two iron gun heads. Doing this is purely a personal hobby, I never thought it could be used to survive in the wilderness.

Their lives have been very peaceful, and they need to do something to cultivate their sentiments (to pass the time).

Of course, even if all these molds are made, at most one hundred kilograms of iron will be used.

The rest of the molten iron, Lin Han poured all into the cube mold. Store it temporarily, and reprocess it later when you need it.

From 3 o'clock in the afternoon to 6 o'clock in the evening, for more than three hours, the molten iron continued to stop flowing out.

"Should be gone.

Lin Han took a look inside the earthen kiln with his sense of earth, but as soon as he entered it, he immediately shrank back to dry.

call one by one

Lin Han let out a long sigh. For the first second, he felt that his mental power was burning wildly. If he hadn't pumped so fast, he would have burned out his mental power in a few seconds and turned himself into an idiot. !

Rao is so, his body also swayed, and he almost fell.

"Five six seven" "Lin Han, what's wrong with you!"

Li Shuixin hurriedly ran over to support him, her pretty face was roasted red by the temperature emanating from the earth kiln, but she didn't care at all, and there was only worry about Lin Han in her eyes.

"I'm fine!"

Lin Han shook his head, the reason why he was dizzy was because his mental power lost one third in just a moment.

Just take a break.

"Fan Tong, what's going on?"

When the two came to rest next to each other, Lin Han communicated with Fan Tong.

During the recent period, he found that FanTong has become more and more humanized, and he is not as cold as he was at the beginning, and he doesn't answer any questions.

[What the host has: The perception of the earth and the perception of the sea are both a kind of spiritual detection ability, which allows your spiritual power to perceive everything around you by special means. The area that the host just explored is a fiery space with a temperature as high as a dilemma, and the spirit detected the fiery temperature, so the continuation will burn wildly.

But don't worry about the host, Fantong has protective measures for you. When your mental power drops to 1%, it will automatically cut off your mental connection with the outside world, so that your life is not in danger.

But if the host just sticks around for a few more seconds, you may fall into a deep coma that will take a day to recover. "

Tradition reminded.


Lin Han nodded.

[However, the behavior of the host just around has inadvertently raised your mental limit by 46 points. Of course, this is an accidental behavior, and it is very dangerous, and it is not recommended for the host to try it.

Lin Han opened up his attributes and found that his spiritual power had increased.

However, in order to regain full mental strength, you need to rest for several hours to detour.

"Is it possible that my two detection abilities can expand the detection range?"

Lin Han asked.

Regardless of the perception of the earth or the perception of the sea, there is only one brown rice to explore. At first I thought it was good, but after I got used to it, I felt it was not enough. If the perception of the earth could cover the entire Cold Water Island, that would be awesome.

[Any ability can be upgraded, but the specific method needs to be explored by the host himself.


Lin Han understands this and cannot rely on the police for everything.

If everything depends on the system, then you will become the puppet of the system.

"Lin Han, are you feeling better?

After a while, Li Shuixin said with concern.

"I'm fine. 19

Lin Han smiled slightly and stood up.

"It scared me to death, I thought the male god fainted from heat stroke."

"It's fine, you're already amazing, man, you don't need to fight so hard!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were relieved to see that Lin Han's face returned to normal and he was still alive and well.

Their attention was quickly attracted by the iron from Lin Han's hook.

"I thought that Lin Shen had put up an ugly frame just for fun, but I didn't expect to actually make iron, and moreover, he made so much!"

"Lin Shen is too good to do it. This is a direct step into the age of iron civilization."

"Compared with Lin Shen, other anchors still live in primitive society. 99

"I now believe that those visions were forged by Lin Shen by refining iron. Someone seemed to have said before that the iron hook vision only exists in legends. How does Lin Shen explain this? 33

"As an old fan of Lin Shen, I only care how much these irons are worth?"

"Same concern +1009321"

Price is always the most concerned thing for fans.

From a few hundred pieces of horse jidan to millions of lobsters, people have become accustomed to Lin Han's inhumanity.

Originally, making iron in the wilderness was already a very remarkable thing.

But I don't know why, this kind of thing happened to Lin Han and everyone thought it was normal. For ordinary iron, they would be a little disappointed...

[Long Yuanmo asked: "The iron hasn't cooled down yet, so the exact price can't be estimated. After the iron cools down, I'll make a big quotation."

This is a new ID that was just registered.

After being roasted for an afternoon, Lin Han's skin was hot, and the clothes on his body also smelled burnt. Apparently, just a little spark can set them on fire.

Lin Han jumped into the lake, rinsed and dried, allowing his body to cool down quickly.

As for the iron flowing into the mold, it slowly cooled down.

The mold is made of soil embryos, just knock the soil off, and the rest is iron blocks and tools.

However, the tools at this time did not have a sharp edge, be it a machete or a sickle, none of them had a blade. They needed to be forged before they could become real tools.

Forging has reached Lv5, Lin Han has some forging knowledge in his head. Therefore, the forging furnace has been built a long time ago.

When Lin Han was swimming, Li Shuixin poured the lake water on the iron blocks to cool them down quickly.

Soon, a pile of iron blocks that were different from the usual ones appeared in front of everyone.

The iron block forged by Lin Han is black.

Seeing this, Li Shuixin panicked and shouted loudly, "Lin Han, come and see, why is our iron black?


Lin Han swam towards the shore.

In the live broadcast room, everyone has never seen Tie like this, and they are also worried.

"The black iron, it's not because there are too many impurities, it's not burned, right?

"Hey, did Lin Shen still fail after all?

"Actually, being able to make hook iron is already very impressive. Even if it is a defective product, it will not affect my worship of Lin Shenda.

"It doesn't matter, next time I will definitely be able to refine better iron!

"It's already amazing, isn't it.

Afraid that Lin Han would be disappointed, netizens comforted one after another.

However, in Longyuan Ancient Pavilion,

Mo Wen stared at the pile of black iron blocks with both eyes, and his body was shaking with excitement.

"Master, what happened to him?"

The disciple serving next to him saw Mo Wen's excited expression, his jaw dropped in surprise.

"I don't know, it seems like... watching the live broadcast...

Another disciple was speechless.

People of my generation actually look at this kind of plaything and despair, Master, you have fallen.

Originally reaching the status of Mo Wen, it was hard to be affected, let alone being surprised by something like this.


This black iron is too rare, too rare.

[Long Yuanmo asked: "You call this a failure?!!

Mo Wen excitedly typed out a line.

"What does the boss mean, the iron from Lin Shen's smelting rhyme is very special? However, it is different from the iron we usually see."

"That's right, isn't the iron we usually see is iron-colored. Also, isn't it that the whiter the iron, the better, and the more patterns, the higher the quality? Lin Shen, this black and not slippery, has no luster at all. It is obviously miscellaneous. Quality is not eliminated. 93

"You don't understand what the boss means. The boss is saying that Lin Shen's conditions can cure hooked iron, and he has been very successful. As for the quality of iron, there is no way to do it. After all, Lin Shen does not have professional tools and conditions. Too shabby.

Seeing the comprehension ability of netizens, Mo Wen was a little dumbfounded.

Now he is very similar to Quan Zhenguo in the past.

Lin Han walked out of the water and came to those black iron objects.

At this time, the temperature had cooled down, and he picked up an iron brick with his hand.

"Not right!"

Lin Han immediately noticed that the weight was not right.

"What's wrong?

Li Shuixin looked at him puzzled.

Lin Han took the iron block to Li Shuixin, who took it. After getting the iron bricks, I immediately felt heavy,

She stared for a while in surprise, raised her head and said, "It's much heavier than the iron we usually touch!

Lin Han nodded,

"This iron brick is five by five by fifteen, with a volume of 375 square centimeters. The density of ordinary iron is 7.8 per cubic centimeter, and a simple multiplication can give its weight, which should be 2925 grams, about six catty!

But this piece, how much do you think it weighs?"

"It should be six catties and fifty taels!

Li Shuixin widened his eyes and said 0..

Her medical skills are very clever, and she can control the error within a few tenths of the medicine.

Although she had never weighed something so heavy, the error would not be very large.

A simple comparison makes it even more surprising.

Why, this thing is so much heavier than iron!

"It's six catties and six taels, maybe a few grams and eight taels."

Lin Han corrected.

"Why, the iron you forged is so heavy?

Li Shuixin felt that her head was not enough, could it be that Lin Han did not make the hook from iron?

"I don't understand and ask: Why is Lin Shen's iron so heavy?"

"Six catties and six taels is 3,300 grams. If you push back, you can see that the density of this thing forged by Lin Shen is 8.8 grams per square centimeter. And the density of copper is 8.96. Is it possible, Lin Shen is working hard. copper?"

"No, although the density is similar, the characteristics are completely different from copper. Copper is divided into red copper, brass and green copper, but I have never heard of black copper."

[Long Yuanmo asked: "You don't have to guess, this is not copper, it is iron. To be precise, it is a kind of iron and gold, and the proportion of iron and gold is as high as 30% or more. The reason why it is Black, because of the incorporation of manganese, chromium, and high molecular carbon!

The reason why I didn't see the metallic luster and the smelting pattern was because the iron blocks had just been taken out of the soil mold and had not been polished and sharpened.

In the forging world, this metal is called Wujin, and it is the highest quality metal material in the steelmaking industry. The famous Gan Jiang sword and Mo Xie sword were made of this metal. It can withstand the baptism of the wind and frost of the hard year and remains unchanged, as sharp as ever, it can be called the divine iron of the forging world! 11

"Pfft~ Boss, why are you talking about so much useless knowledge, we don't want to learn to strike iron."

"That's right, you tell us directly, this kind of iron... No, just how much Ugin is worth. Others are useless knowledge to us. 99

"Stunned, watching Lin Shen's live broadcast, I almost became an encyclopedia.

“Only concerned about the price, thank you!”

Netizens voiced in unison.


Don't ask a mouthful of old blood that almost didn't spit out,

What kind of people are these people, I kindly introduce to you, what is your attitude?

Come on, let me talk too much.

"Ding dong!"

Mo Wen received a micro-message, opened it and saw that it was sent by Quan Zhenguo,

"Hahahaha... Brother Mo, do you have the urge to hit someone right now?"

Quan Zhenguo is gloating.

Mo Wen is a newcomer, far more than the sinister rivers and lakes in the live broadcast room.

"What kind of people are these people?" Mo Wen replied gloomily.

"Brother Mo, relax, just get used to it, just get used to it. 97 Quan Zhenguo comforted him in the tone of someone who had come over.

Mo asked:

Really "surprised, I didn't expect this to be the Iron Ujin you often call the God of Forging Soldiers? I'm also wondering now, how much is it worth?

As a martial artist, Quan Zhen certainly understands the preciousness of Wu Jin.


But this thing seems to only exist in legends. There are some magic weapons made by Wujin, but the unprocessed Wujin has not been seen for many years. I have never heard of it, who can smelt such divine iron!

Mo Wen paused, then typed in the live broadcast room,

[Long Yuanmo asked]: "The price of black gold is very expensive. In ancient times, adding a small piece of black gold when forging weapons can greatly improve the quality of the weapon. The price can naturally be doubled!

As for now, it has been many years since Ujin has not been seen. So there is no specific price, but if the anchor is willing to sell it to me, I am willing to buy the piece that the girl holds in her hand. 9

He really wanted to buy it, so he continued to give such a sincere price.

According to the value of ancient and modern currencies, the black gold in Li Shuixin's hand is worth three or four million at most.

Of course, rarity is more expensive.

In ancient times, there were smelting masters who could forge black gold, and now this skill has been lost, so it is not too much to ask such a price.

You know, that piece of iron weighs six pounds.

Enough, make a protective dagger!

Five million in a can!

"I thought you were just a big guy just like the little handyman, but I didn't expect you to be a hero!

"A rough five million to buy a piece of iron? It's almost the same to buy gold!"

"Ah, you look down on gold too much. The market price of gold is four hundred and thirty yuan. Think about it, the iron brick that Lin Shen smelted and hooked weighed six or six catties, which is three unbearable, equal weight gold. , and it won't be around 1.3 million. Don't ask the big brother Yun's price, which is ten times more than gold!"

"I'm darling, I thought that what Lin Shen had brought from refining the hook was a defective product, who knew that it was ten times more expensive than gold!

"Lin Shen, an increasingly invisible man!

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