Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 212 The most expensive kitchen knife in history, five million! (2, please order all!)

Most people scoff at iron, which is ten times more expensive than gold.

Most people think this is a hype.

Just like the sky-high price of watermelon that costs a few dollars a pound, and the sky-high price of lychees of hundreds of thousands, they are all artificially hyped.

"A piece of iron is worth five million yuan? You are too good to blow it. Even if it is high-density iron and gold, it can't be smelted with current technology? Is it because you know that you can't buy the anchor's iron, you are deliberately sensationalizing here. Yes.

Soon, a discordant voice appeared in the adoration.

Many people think that the price quoted by Mowen is too outrageous, and basically has no credibility.

"There must be 60 or 70 yuan for this kind of iron anchor, and 5 million yuan for a jar. Isn't 70 yuan more than one billion yuan? It's really as precious as you said, how can it be possible to make so many rhymes all at once? You should put away your acting skills without IQ as soon as possible, and don't be embarrassed here.

Aite "[Long Yuanmo Wen], please leave your contact information, I have a lot of black iron, don't need to listen to five million, just listen to five hundred yuan (funny life-saving) .

All kinds of doubtful voices swept over the sky.

Almost, I didn't spray Mo Wen, who was first involved in the live broadcast industry, into doubting his life.

Surprisingly, the rangers did not speak for him this time.

The forest protector is also afraid of getting burned. Five million pieces of iron per piece is too outrageous, and even they feel that this wave of pretense is a bit blunt.

Seeing this overwhelming water spray barrage, Mo Wen vomited blood in depression.

However, Quan Zhenguo seemed to have seen himself back then, and almost didn't laugh.

The head of the Longyuan faction actually had such a scar!

Of course, only those ordinary people were sprayed. They don't know the other side of this world, let alone the existence of the martial arts world.

I don't understand, what does the four words Long Yuanmo ask mean!

But people like Quan Zhenguo clearly know what kind of weight Mo Wen's words have.

Don't you see, the vision of the seven snakes swallowing the sky lasted for a full four days! It erupted more than a hundred times in succession!!

Can the iron smelted by such a vision be ordinary iron?

Don't ask for a rough five million to buy iron, if it is cast into a weapon by his hands, the price of selling it will probably increase tenfold, and there are many people rushing to ask for it!

Of course, people who understand this truth disdain to reason with netizens on the Internet.

"Lin Han, you say this is a kind of steel? But isn't steel all less dense than pure iron? 33

It was too hot next to the earthen kiln, Li Shuixin helped Lin Han to transport all the iron to the hut.

In the past few days, Lin Han made a simple casting furnace.

These iron tools must be cast to open the front, otherwise it will be a pile of scrap iron.

"The steel you are talking about is carbon steel with a lower density than pure iron, because the density of carbon is lower than that of iron. But this kind of steel should have added heavy metals such as manganese, chromium, and tungsten, so the density is much higher than that of pure iron. 99

Lin Han put the iron bricks in a cabinet, put them away temporarily, and used them when needed.

As for other iron tools, he plans to try casting a kitchen knife first to find out.

"Lin Han, I didn't expect you to be able to strike.

Seeing Lin Han walking to the casting table and skilled operation, Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

This boy can really do anything.

"Aah, when I was a child, I saw the blacksmith in the village made iron, but I never did it myself. So, I can only try it out.

Lin Han smiled lightly and explained casually.

In fact, he now has casting skill Lv5, and the level of casting has surpassed many people, so he will adapt quickly.

"Look at it??"

Li Shuixin wanted to say something: Freak.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?

She's used to it, Lin Han does things well, and he fights beside him.

In the past, she was indeed very strong, and that was because she had not found a man who could turn her into a little woman.

Found it now.

"Bring me some charcoal and a bucket of water for the spring at the back of the house.

Lin Han thought for a moment.

Every time Li Shuixin wanted to help, he would not refuse, but every time he would not let her do heavy work.

For things like pulling the bellows, he can do it himself.

"Is Lin Shen going to start ironing? Officially entering the Iron Age!

"With all due respect, when I was young, I watched the policemen strike iron, and the chances of Lin Shen's success might not be very high. At that time, I will smash the hard-earned iron to waste."

"Did you hear what Lin Shen said, he used the spring water at the back of the house to forge iron! My dear, that's a sky-high price of four hundred knives a liter, do you want to be so extravagant?

"The local tyrant Lin, nicknamed Hao, is inhuman. A meal can eat a suite, and what is a bottle of water for four hundred dollars."

"I'm surprised, I just didn't hear the boss say, is this piece of iron worth five million? It's nothing compared to that.

"Damn, no matter whether the boss's statement is true or not, but every time I see Lin Shen doing things, my heartache is definitely true.

Lin Han and Li Shuixin acted separately, and the forging materials were ready in no time.

The forging hammer is directly poured with molten iron. This thing does not need to be opened, and is used directly. The 24-pound forging hammer was a little lighter for Lin Han, but it was relatively easy to use.



Lin Han quickly pulled the bellows, and the flame in the furnace quickly heated up.

It stands to reason that the flame of charcoal can't reach the melting point of steel, but this furnace has been specially blessed and has an extremely skillful structure to heat up the fire, so the temperature is sufficient.

A few minutes later, the flames in the furnace turned red, and even Li Shuixin, who was five or six meters away, could feel the heat coming towards him.

After thinking about it, she turned around and helped Lin Han bring a bucket of water and a towel.

After the flame warmed up, Lin Han threw a kitchen knife mold into the stove and let the high-temperature flame burn it.

In less than three minutes, the kitchen knife was burned bright red.

Lin Han has no iron pliers, so he can only use a military shovel to produce it, and then clamp it with a wooden clip for forging.


When the wet wooden clip met the scorching iron, it immediately emitted a burst of blue smoke, quickly turned black and carbonized, and then burned.

This shows how high the flame temperature in the furnace is!

Wooden clips can't last long, so Lin Han must hurry up.

I saw that his left hand was fixed, his right hand held a big hammer, his body twisted away, and then he inserted it hard.


The sound of gold and stone crossed the mountains and forests, and the harsh sound scared away all the insects and birds around.

Li Shuixin, who was standing behind Lin Han, hurriedly covered her ears.

Where the hammer fell, the flames splattered.

If you look closely, you can clearly find that there is a pit on the kitchen knife.

This hammer contains unbelievable strength!

But technically, it seems extremely jerky.

Longyuan Pavilion,

Mo Wen, who was watching the live broadcast seriously, did not know when two young people came behind him, both of them were handsome guys who looked very classical.

The appearance of the two is somewhat similar to that of Mo Wen, from which we can infer their relationship.

"Father, this person's forging skills are extremely unfamiliar, and he should not have any forging experience. Are these precious black gold really smelted by him?"

Mo Wen's youngest son, Mo Yusheng, couldn't help frowning when he saw Lin Han's first hammer.

It stands to reason that the forging skills of smelting masters are usually not very good.

But Lin Han's hammer directly exposed his identity as a layman.

Make kitchen knives out of Ugin...

The muscles on the eldest son Mo Mo's face were constantly twitching, and his distressed heart was trembling.

The iron used for the kitchen knife is said to weigh two pounds, and it is worth four or five million. He actually used it to make the kitchen knife...

If people from other sects knew about it, they would probably vomit blood.

Mo Wen's face also twitched, gritted his teeth and said, "It is indeed a waste, but the iron is his, he can use it how he wants, we can't control it.

The thing to do now is to contact him quickly after he leaves the island, and definitely not let people from other sects take the lead.

Boss, when the time comes, you will personally contact the southern faction and ask about the strength of the second faction. As long as we arrive first, the other sects will not dare to act rashly.

"What does father mean, let the child take people to a desert island to pick them up?"

Mo Mo said.

"Father, this is too exaggerated, he is just an ordinary person, does he need the eldest brother to thrips himself?

Mo Yusheng was equally puzzled.

He had seen Lin Han's profile and was just an ordinary person.

The Longyuan School is a first-class school in the Dragon Kingdom martial arts world, and its status is detached. Wouldn't it be too much of a loss of identity to pay so much attention to an ordinary person?

"Ordinary people?"

Mo Wen glanced at him and waited for his younger son, "Do you think that an ordinary person can clearly run a furnace with seven stripes and smelt a hundred times?"

Then, the misty-eyed eldest son said, "I asked you to pick him up because I didn't want these black golds to fall into the hands of others. The more important reason was that I didn't want him to fall into the hands of others. This man built the smelting platform, and it was Mo Dry stove! Do you see what I mean?"

"Don't dry the stove!

The two exclaimed!

Mo Mo suddenly woke up, "My son understands. Father thinks that this person has a great relationship with our Long Yuan, and he may even be a descendant of the Gan Jiang line? He is very likely to hide an ancient inheritance?"

Knowing this, you will know the significance of Lin Han to the Longyuan faction.

The police said that he would pick him up in person, even if Mo Wen appeared in person, it would not be too much!

"Jun one-one-one-"

The speed of Lindsay's hammer drop was getting faster and faster, the sound of Jin Ge continued to sound, the rhythm became more and more flat, and the sound quality became more and more moist.

The crimson kitchen knife slowly deformed after he kept knocking it several times.

In the beginning, it was a thicker piece of iron.

After dozens of taps, one side became thicker and the other became thinner, and the blade slowly appeared.

[Machi, Blacksmithing +3!]

[Machi, Blacksmithing +7! 】

[Machi, Blacksmithing Critical Strike +21! 】

With each tap, Lin Han's blacksmithing experience increases. Occasionally, there will also be an experience crit.

As his experience improved, his forging skills became more and more proficient, and the rhythm and level of Lin Han's beating naturally became higher and higher.

Since the forging level has reached Lv5,

So he doesn't need to learn, just slowly open the skills. So in the eyes of others, he has made great progress!

I feel that every time I drop a hammer, it is a great improvement over the previous one!

"Father, his technique seems to be a lot more proficient!

Mo Mo saw that Lin Han's technique was much more clever, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was extremely shocked!

"This... now he looks like a casting apprentice!

Mo Yusheng was also shocked.

Casting a door, not only must have strength, but also rely on talent.

Usually, the talent is better, and it will take a year to reach the realm of casting apprentices.

However, Lin Han went from layman to casting apprentice...

It only took a minute or two!

Mo Wenye 567 gradually opened his eyes and watched Lin Han casting seriously.

Just following, he really felt that Lin Han couldn't cast, that kind of jerky couldn't be faked. But how long has it been since he has risen to this level?!!

"Jun Junjun—"

The rhythm of Lin Han's beating is getting faster and faster, and the sound of the hammer falling is clear and powerful.

The impurities in the iron block were removed little by little under his constant beating, and the blade became thinner and thinner.

At this time, the wooden clip had been burned out.

Lin Han had expected this situation, so he prepared a lot of wooden clips.

When Li Shuixin next to him saw it, he hurriedly sent a new one over.

"Jun Jun-"

Under the continuous high-intensity beating, sparks scattered, and the blade gradually revealed its rhythm.

"This... how is this possible! After more than ten minutes, his level has actually caught up with me! 35

Mo Yusheng was dumbfounded, and Xiao's eyes filled with shock!

Although his talent is not a monster, he is still very good in the casting world. At only twenty-one years old, he has reached the fourth realm of casting!

However, it took him six years to reach the fourth realm.

This is still calculated from the time when he was fifteen years old, and if he started to learn the theory, it would have been nine years.

It took only ten minutes for Lin Han to achieve what he could achieve in nine years...

"Is this guy a monster, or is he pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger?"

The muscles in Mo Mo's shocked face twitched.

This point, even Mo Wen is not sure.

If Lin Han really didn't know how to cast at first, it would be terrible Akatsuki. It took ten minutes to reach the realm that police officers can walk into for more than ten years. This is no longer a word to describe it.

I'm afraid, even the patriarch will bow his head in front of his talent.

"I am very curious now, what kind of terrifying identity he said about the blacksmith in their village! 39

Mo Wen was shocked.

What kind of old monster is he, and he can teach such a monstrous disciple!

Could it be that there are still hidden old monsters in this world who surpass Long Yuan in casting skills??

Lin Han didn't know that he was just making an iron, and he actually caused so many strange conjectures to the hidden sects.

He kept groping and adapting, and after an hour of beating, a kitchen knife was finally struck!

Because it was the first time he struck iron, his speed was not very fast, and he struck very meticulously.

Although there is still one last step to sharpen the edge!

But the blade is already very thin and quite sharp.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for raising the casting technique to perfection through his own efforts. Bonus: World Foundry Mastery! Grain Mountain Hammering!)

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