Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 223 Before the thistle, the sword was cast! (1, please complete the order!)

More shocking than the netizens was Li Shuixin who was at the scene.

From the moment Lin Han hit the first stick, she was dumbfounded. Until Lin Han smashed the last stick, she continued to regain her senses.

"I'm afraid this is the only one in the world who can do such a good job. 9

Seeing Lin Han so strong, Li Shuixin was even more delighted.

That girl doesn't want her boyfriend to be strong.

"Uh, I don't know, I didn't plagiarize the police anyway."

Lin Han teased.

"Plagiarism? Then someone can do something to get around it. This stick is only 60 to 70 pounds, who can lift it as easily as you? I see, no one will copy you, because No plagiarism. 3

Some creative ideas can't be copied!

"Next, how are you going to punch the rest in?"

Li Shuixin was full of curiosity.

With Lin Han, there are always unexpected surprises.

Although, the remaining two-thirds are the hardest.

But she subconsciously thought that it was a piece of cake for Lin Han.

"The rest? Just shoot it in.»

Lin Han smiled slightly.



Before Li Shuixin could question, Lin Han opened his palm and patted it hard. The wooden stick beside him immediately sank twenty or thirty centimeters.

Li Shuixin: "2(Qvoa..."

It is said that the shooting is really shooting!

And, he really shot it in!


Lin Han slapped again, and the stick sank again...

"The monument,

After three or two palms, the stick had completely submerged into the soil.

Everyone, dumbfounded!

There was a mysterious silence in the live broadcast room, and for a few seconds, there was not even a barrage!

However, after a few seconds,

completely boiled,

"I'm in middle class, it's more exaggerated than I thought to smash with my fist, Lin Shen actually slaps with his palm?!!

"f*ck, if Laozi hadn't been following the stream for three months, I would never have believed it was true.

"Is this true?"

"Who can tell me what happened in the first few seconds?"

"This f*ck, is more ruthless than a bully who slaps nails with his hands! As expected of Lin Shen, he will cut something unexpectedly again.

"It's too fake, you actually believe it? I suspect that there is sand buried underneath.

Lin Han's live broadcast room never lacks new viewers.

Their questioning is the fun of old fans.

"Sand? You're a fool, aren't you, Lin Shen wants to build a house on top of it, you say he secretly digs the sand for the foundation in order to pretend to be compulsive? Such a brainless idea, only brainless Ji can think of it. .99

"Even if it's sand, you can't shoot with such a thick stick?

"Police him, it must be someone from another live broadcast room coming over to gain a sense of presence.

"Sit back and wait for Lin Shen to slap him in the face!"

on site,

Li Shuixin was stunned for half a minute.

A pair of beautiful eyes, in addition to being shocked, they have not found the mood of the police.

She walked over to the stick, jumped up and stepped on it hard. However, the wooden stick was exceptionally strong and did not move at all!

Obviously, with her hundred pounds, she dreams of shaking that stake.

Li Shui was not reconciled, so he came to the other sticks and patted with his palms like Lin Han did.

"Humph! Humph!"

She slapped Xiao Xiao continuously seven or eight times, and the palms of her hands were all red, but the wooden stick still did not move, and the height of the drop was probably not even a millimeter.

Li Shuixin found several other wooden stakes to try, but none of them were shaken.

"I don't believe it!"

Li Shuixin committed another crime, and went to find a big rock, arguing with a wooden stick and smashing it down with force.


The stake sank two or three centimeters.

She held the stone and smashed it seven or eight times, but she couldn't reach Lin Han's slap.

"Huh... well, I gave up."

Li Shuixin thought it was a good hit, but after some attempts, she reluctantly gave up.

Lin Han gave her a meaningful look, and already understood her intentions.

In fact, she doesn't have to try to believe that Lin Han has this ability.

But after all, it is a live broadcast, such an exaggerated thing, it is easy for people to suspect that they are cheating. Li Shuixin's busy work is to dispel the suspicions of the police and make everyone believe in Lin Han.

I have to say, good work.

When she threw the big rock, netizens immediately started spraying,

"Those who come to Lin Shen's live broadcast room to find a sense of existence, may I ask if their faces hurt?"

"The sound of Li Nvxia lifting a stone and hitting a stake is so similar to the sound of slapping the face yesterday.

"I suspect that the heroine did it on purpose, but there is no evidence.

"Has anyone noticed the rock that the heroine moved? It's such a big rock, let's say it weighs ten or twenty pounds! 99

"That rock weighs 20 pounds at least, but the heroine lifted it up easily, and even smashed it seven or eight times! I'm a boy in the sports department, so it's not easy to do.

"The more I live, the more I go back, I'm not as good as a girl..."

Li Shuixin's hard work has paid off, not only confirming Lin Han's terrifying power, but also making netizens look at her.

Since meeting Lin Han, Li Shuixin has gained a lot of weight, but her figure has become slimmer.

The energy she ingested was turned into power and stored in her body.

The water of life constantly washed away her physique, increasing her strength a lot. At this time, her arms had at least 200 to 300 jins of strength, and a 20 jins stone was like playing in her hands.

Of course,

It can't compare to Lin Han's strange power.

"Lin Han, how many times are you going to surprise me?"

Li Shuixin patted the dust in his palms, tilted his head and looked at him seriously.

From the first day I met, I have never stopped being shocked.

Whenever she thought that she had understood Lin Han, there would always be a new shock.

This man is like a confused person, the more you explore, the more you don't know.

However, this makes people want to get to know him even more.

"Well, I don't know either, because I'm constantly improving. 9)

Lin Han shrugged and smiled.

With the help of Fantong, he doesn't know what abilities he will gain in the future.

"Then it seems that I have to work harder, otherwise the gap with you will get bigger and bigger.

Li Shuixin suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

She has always been confident in herself, thinking that no matter how good a man is, she will not let her prepare herself.

But now facing Lin Han, she feels more and more that she is not good enough.

"Really, I don't think so."

Lin Han smiled.


Keep shooting great!

The water of life can wash Li Shuixin's body and strengthen her physique, which is also effective for Lin Han. The water of life is like double the experience pill, usually exercise for a day, only increase one or two points of strength. Since drinking the water of life, I can increase by three or five points every day.

When exaggerating, 10 points long is not too much.

Therefore, Lin Han's strength has improved a lot compared to when he made the mussel bow.

For making the Frost Bow, Fantong rewarded a basket of 200 jins of strength, at that time Lin Han's strength had reached over 700 jins of a basket. These days, he has gained more than 100 jins. At this time, his strength has exceeded a cage of 900 jins.

The power of a palm is naturally much stronger than that of Li Shuixin using a big rock!


Lin Han kept slapping the stick base, basically one every ten seconds.

That row of pile foundations submerged into the soil at an extremely fast speed.

The benefits of the water of life are definitely not only the increase in strength, but also the improvement of the system.

These include the strength of the body, the ability to heal wounds, the ability of the body to resist poison, speed, endurance and so on.

This is a comprehensive improvement!

"It's amazing, it's almost like watching a movie."

"No, no martial arts film dares to shoot like this, the director doesn't have such a big brain.

"It took a few seconds to lay a stick, is Lin Shen's hand made of iron? It was said before that it would take a month to lay so many structures, but it didn't even take an hour!

"Aite (please call me a little handyman), the big guy is quick to explain, what kind of kung fu is this, and where can I learn it? If I master this kung fu, I will go to the construction site and grab a job from the stick machine.

Quan Zhenguo: "..."

This old man has been in martial arts for decades, and this is the first time I heard that kung fu can be used like this...

This brain hole, very netizen!

However, he has learned to be smart, and he will never speak again in the future.

After hitting the thirty-six main bridges, the next is the thirty-six auxiliary rods around them, which are used to stabilize the surrounding soil and prevent the soil from being squeezed, deformed or flowed.

These sticks don't have to be very precise, Lin Han plays them intuitively.

In less than a morning, all seventy-two sticks were struck.

In the afternoon, Lin Han went to inspect the earth kiln.

The temperature inside is still not fully dissipated, and the kiln cannot be dismantled at this time. So Lin Han felt that he might as well wait a few days.

The kiln is cooling down, and there is no hurry.

He planned to use this time to visit the island Chang Hao mentioned.

Even if the foggy jungle is not as magical as he said, it doesn't matter, at least he can complete the task.

Also, that island has quartzite and gravel, and Lin Han can bring some back to burn glass.

During dinner, he told Li Shuixin what he thought.

Li Shuixin had persuaded him once before, and when he learned that Lin Han was very determined to explore the island, he stopped persuading him.

At this time, the smart girl knows that supporting the canopy is the best choice.

Lin Han didn't germinate the next day,

Fantong reminded him that there may be danger in the mist, so Lin Han must be fully prepared to go in and explore.

He now has the Frost Bow, but it's not enough.

So he planned to make a close weapon.

The iron sword with the handle of Xizhu was originally thought to be interesting, and it was fun to do diligently, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Besides the iron sword, Lin Han also has to make a dagger and several iron arrows.

Now that you're ready, be prepared!

Forging a sword is a very complicated process. If an ordinary swordsmith wants to forge a sword, even if it is an ordinary sword, it will take three to five days to complete it.


Lin Han's casting level has been completed, and regardless of experience, skill or strength, he is much stronger than ordinary swordsmiths.

Therefore, he has the confidence to build what he needs within two days.

The model of the sword has been boiled, the sword is three and a half feet long, and the handle is half a foot long.

When building, it must be cast in sections.


Lin Han just started, casting with the ordinary hammer method. However, after smashing a few hammers, I found that the ordinary hammering method is too slow and the effect is not good.

You can't get the effect you want!

So, use the grain mountain hammer method instead!

When he used the Grain Mountain Hammer, the feeling completely changed.

He felt that he was striking iron, but fighting iron!

Those twenty pounds of iron seemed to have life, resisting his beating.

The iron elements seemed to leave the body one by one. All Lin Han had to do was to smash them away with the hammer in his hand.

This feeling is a bit like the game of whack-a-mole I played in my childhood.

"Jun Junjun—"

Lin Han kept waving the hammer in his hand, with a special rhythm, falling on the iron sword.

Where the hammer fell, the flames splattered, and the gold clattered!

The iron sword changes shape at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the edge of the sword is exposed little by little!

"This is... how is it possible!"

Longyuan Pavilion,

Mo Wen was suddenly startled with excitement, and the chair behind him was lifted more than ten meters away by him.

The wooden chair hit the wall and smashed to pieces!

The disciples around were startled, but he didn't notice it, his eyes were fixed on the computer screen!

"Father, what's wrong?!

His two sons had finished their work and returned to Longyuan Pavilion (Li Qian's), and continued to accompany him to watch the live broadcast.

Both of them were surprised, - the calm father, the reaction was so violent this time!

"Father, is the hammering method used by Lin Han strange?"

Mo Mo asked.

"Yes, tell me, what did you see!"

Mo Wen's heart gradually calmed down, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Boss, really talented in casting.

"His rhythm is a bit weird, I've never seen this kind of casting hammer method. However, his hammer drop is extremely powerful, several times stronger than the two hammers at the beginning!

This kind of power has surpassed himself, and it must be a problem with the hammer technique. "

Mo Mo analyzed.

Mo Wen was even more relieved, "It's good to see so many hooks.

I once saw a description of this hammering method in an ancient book. This is the hammer method created by the ancestor and the cadres when they jointly forged the Qixing Longyuan Sword. It is called the Rishan Hammer Method!

The old ancestor and the cadres, who took a view of Cishan, took Tie Ying Jijin, and forged it for seven days in this way, obtained dozens of catties of divine iron, and cast Longyuan, Tai'a, and Gongbu three divine swords.

Later, the king of Chu praised their hammering method, which has the magical effect of forging hills for rice grains, so it was named the grain mountain hammering method!"

He paused, and his eyes fell on the screen again.

Looking at Lin Han's hammer and forging method, he became more certain in his heart.

"In the beginning, I realized a little bit from the scraps, and I worked hard to improve it, thinking that no one in the casting world could match it.

I never thought that today, I saw the complete Grain Mountain Hammering! Thinking of how proud I was back then, how ridiculous. "

Mo Wen smiled wryly.

"Didn't my father often say that there are mountains outside the mountains, but there are people outside the people? The Dragon Kingdom is vast and has a deep heritage. Who can guarantee that there is no one stronger than himself in this world."

Mo Mo comforted Daoqin.

"Having said that, but I wanted to accept orders as a disciple before, it was simply too much.

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