Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 224 Jiancheng, move the Quartet! (2, please complete the order!)

At the beginning, he realized a grain of mountain hammer method, and he was proud for a long time.

And Lin Han, who he wanted to accept as his apprentice, knew the complete Grain Mountain Hammering technique, so he was caught off guard.

Mo Wen has since dismissed the idea of ​​accepting Lin Han as his apprentice.

Even, I want my two boys to worship Lin Han as a teacher.

Lin Han's casting level has far surpassed his casting master!

Besides, Lin Han is in the same vein as him, and he does not lose Long Yuan's face when he apprentices.


Lin Han can't remember how many times he beat, this weird rhythm makes him feel extremely tired!

The strength and spiritual power in the body are like the river water that has opened the gate, and it is draining out madly!

In front of him, he had been hitting the iron all day and it was fine, and he didn't feel abrupt at all.

But after using the Grain Mountain Hammer, the feeling of exhaustion instantly increased a hundred times, and in just half an hour, I was already sweating and sweating like rain.

Although his strength and stamina can still persist, his mental power has been squeezed out.

If you continue to persist, you are very likely to faint on the spot!

"Father, why did he get together like this after so much time?"

Seeing Lin Han sweating profusely, it was obvious that he had reached his limit.

Mo Yusheng was a little puzzled.

I've seen Lin Han working hard all the time, and there's no problem with sticking to it for a day.

Why today, even an hour later, he couldn't move.

"What do you know, boy!"

Mo Wen turned his head and glared at him, his old face was ashen and angry, "What does it mean to spend so much time around, the grain mountain hammer technique is a technique that consumes a lot of energy and physical strength, and it is the top hammer technique in our casting world.

It is recorded in the genealogy fragment that even the ancestors could only last for one hour! 99

"What! Even the ancestors can only last for an hour?!

The two were startled,

Old Ancestor, that is a mythical existence.

This technique is too scary.

Although they were shocked, they had no idea.

But don't ask the difference.

Mo Wen realized a grain of mountain hammer technique. Every time he used it, his physical energy and mental strength accelerated, and his fatigue increased wildly.

With ordinary casting techniques, he could persist for three days without any problem, but he could only persist for half an hour each time using the one grain mountain hammer method!

He knew very well that he probably didn't even have one-tenth of the Grain Mountain Hammer Technique that he had comprehended.

That's all, it can only last for half an hour!

Lin Han has mastered the complete Grain Mountain Hammering technique and also persisted for more than half an hour. Only his 580 knows what it means!

Therefore, hearing the second son Gang Ji questioning Lin Han is like saying that he is a waste, can you not get angry?

"Lin Han, what's the matter with you today, are you not feeling well? Why don't you take a rest first."

Li Shuixin, who was collecting honey beside him, glanced here inadvertently and was shocked!

Lin Han's back was already wet, and sweat kept dripping down his cheeks.


Sweat fell on the hot iron sword and immediately turned into a puff of blue smoke.


Lin Han continued to strike the iron sword with some strange hammering method.

"I'm... all right!"

He gritted his teeth, turned his head and glanced at Li Shuixin, with an ugly smile on the corner of his mouth.

Every time the hammer hits, it is like a bell tolling in the head,


Made him almost pass out.


Lin Han doesn't want to give up!

[Ah, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, endurance +3, mental strength +3!]


[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, endurance +2, mental strength +4! 】

Finally, I touched the limit barrier again.

At this time, Lin Han naturally has to grit his teeth and persevere, because every perseverance can get exciting improvement!

In just a few minutes, Lin Han's improved attributes are equivalent to ten days of ordinary growth!

"Then I'll bring you water to drink!"

Li Shui felt distressed, and hurriedly ran to the back of the house to scoop up a spoonful of fresh water of life.

Afraid of disturbing Lin Han, she went to find another straw.

"Lin Han, come take a sip of water."

Li Shuixin held the water, and when Lin Han just dropped the hammer, he quickly handed the straw to Han.


He picked up the water glass and took a sip.

His throat was like a soldering iron, dry and smoking.

This sip of water is poured down, like a long drought and rain, it is extremely happy!

The energy endowed by the water of life lifted his spirits.


Lin Han dropped a hammer quickly, crisp and powerful!

He can hold on for at least ten more minutes now!

"Pin pin pin..."

A strange rhythm sounded again.

"Did we go wrong? Lin Han can still hold on!

After seeing Lin Han drink (aifb) a sip of water, he became energetic and powerful.

Blacksmithing is not meditation and cannot be interrupted.

It doesn't matter if you take a sip of water or eat something in between.

It doesn't even matter if you stop and rest for a while and then play again. After all, the iron is there, what you forge it is, it will not change or go away.

Some master swordsmiths spend months or even years forging a sword, how can they do it without rest.

"Pervert, this child is simply a pervert!"

Mo Wen couldn't help cursing.

He can only last for half an hour with a grain of the mountain hammer, while Lin Han can last for thirty or forty minutes with a complete one!

Compared with him, he is simply a waste.


[Ah, congratulations to the host for successfully challenging the limit, endurance +1, mental strength +5! 】

In Lin Han's continuous beating, the iron sword becomes more and more sharp!

Moreover, the attentive will find that,

The four-foot-long iron sword was actually shortened a bit.


Lin Han persisted until forty-six minutes, and finally couldn't stand it anymore. With a swipe of his head, the hammer in his hand was cut off, and he fell to the ground.

His mental power was completely drained.

With tenacious willpower, Ji did not fall into a coma.

"Lin Han, how are you, are you alright!"

Li Shuixin hurried over to help him, and hugged nervously with a pretty face, for fear that something happened to Lin Han.

Lin Han opened his mouth and Lu Qin smiled, "The police are worried, I'm fine. Quickly help me throw the iron sword into the spring water to quench it."

"What time is it, you are still worried about that sword!

Li Shuixin said angrily.

She wiped the sweat from Lin Han's forehead with her hands.

In her eyes, Lin Han's body is much more important than that sword.

"After working so hard for so long, I'm just one step away, and I can't lose one.

Lin Han said.

He also did not expect that the limit would come.

"All right."

Li Shuixin knew that it was Lin Han's hard work, and quickly picked up the iron sword with tongs and threw it into the spring water.


The hot iron sword boiled the spring water, and plumes of blue smoke rose.

Although Zheng became a dog,

But the harvest is also very rich.

The stamina has increased by 109 points, and the mental strength has increased by 324 points! So many attributes are worth the ordinary increase in the first half of the year.

After lying down and resting for an hour, his mental strength recovered by about 50%. Lin Han picked up the hammer and cast the sword again.

After the iron sword is one third completed, he intends to cast it today and blade it tomorrow!

Two days, casting a sword, the speed is already very fast.

It's a pity that no matter how he used the Grain Mountain Hammer Technique later, when he collapsed, he never touched the limit barrier.

Thanks to Lin Han's persistent efforts, on the second day, a sword that radiated cold light was hooked in front of everyone.

The whole body of this sword is dark, only the two sides of the blade are a thin white line, which is in sharp contrast with the sword body, which is amazing!

The iron sword, which was originally four feet long, was shortened by half a foot under the casting of Lin Han, and became only three and a half feet long.

The sword weighs twelve pounds, which is a little lighter for Lin Han, but very dexterous.

See this sword forged by Lin Han,

People in the martial arts can't be calm anymore.

Because of adapting to the modern trend, the communication between martial arts people has become modernized,

There is a skirt called Wulin Zongmeng, which is a place where various factions communicate on weekdays. Some words, they are not convenient to say in the live broadcast room, they will gather here.

"Dear fellows, have you watched Lin Han's live broadcast! The black sword is a white blade, that sword is the legendary death god!

One word stirs up the cover wave,

When they heard the word "Death", everyone couldn't calm down.

"I didn't watch the live broadcast, what sword, do you have any pictures?"

"Screenshot.JPG! (+108)

Because of the hundreds of pounds of black gold, Lin Han's reputation in the hidden martial arts has become more and more famous. Therefore, there are many martial arts people who follow his live broadcast.

"Wow, it really looks like a god of death!"

"What is the origin of this kid, to be able to create such a weapon? If I hadn't looked at the sword he made, I almost thought I had seen the true body of the god of death!"

"Since the last anti-aggression war, the Eyeless Daoist used the God of Death to slaughter a group of little devils, and the God of Death has disappeared. No one has seen it for so many years. How could Yun Yun be on a deserted island."

"What do you mean by saying that this kid has something to do with the Eyeless Daoist, and he casts the waist of the god of death in front of everyone? Is he sending any news to everyone? But I'll check the details of this kid. However, it is very clear, there is no sign that he is a martial artist."

"Master Atmo asks, can you rate this sword for everyone?"

The discussion was very lively, but in the end it was just a guess without any results.

If you want to understand Lin Han's intention, you must first determine whether this sword is a replica of the god of death.

If yes, what does Lin Han mean by imitating the god of death in front of everyone, knowing that he is broadcasting live?

Could it be that there will be another turmoil in the martial arts!

"From the outside, this sword is indeed very similar to the God of Death, but the material is different. The God of Death is made of black-yin steel, which is extremely suffocating, while Lin Han's sword is made of Wujin.

Everyone knows that the sword that Wujin made has a special meaning, it represents integrity and purity, while the god of death represents killing and death, and the meaning of the sword is completely different.

You can see this by watching the live broadcast. Lin Han's little friend sword has been completed, but there is no murderous aura, and ordinary people and birds and beasts have no fear. So this sword is by no means an imitation of the God of Death!

I guess, little friend Lin Han doesn't know the god of death at all, this sword is pure coincidence!

Mo asked explained.

Some people who came from the live broadcast room quickly echoed, "Master Mo is right, the sword does not have any killing intent.

"I've seen it too, although it's sharp, the sword is soft, completely different from the legendary death god.

"I'm afraid there is such a coincidence in the world.

Everyone knew that it was not an imitation of the Grim Reaper, and while they were relieved, they were also a little disappointed.

Wulin, it has been silent for too long.

They wanted something exciting to add.

But the name of the god of death is really scary!

Lin Han, and ordinary netizens did not know that this sword caused an uproar in the hidden martial arts.

"Lin Han, this sword is so sharp, it can chop down a piece of wood with just a few swords!

Li Shuixin held Lin Han's sword and played curiously.

Wulin people are depressed and broken,

Use Wujin to forge the sword that you asked for, and you actually use it to chop wood and chop wood...

There should also be a degree of tyranny.

You two, that's enough!

"It is indeed a good sword."

Looking at the chill coming from the blade, Lin Han also liked it very much.

He doesn't understand swords, but it doesn't affect his love for this sword.

"So... do you need me to give you a name? 33

Li Shuixin buried her head and thought hard.

"Aah, no, I'm already up. 19

Lin Han smiled slightly,

On the first day he was cast, there was already inspiration.

"You're up already! 19

Li Shuixin was a little surprised, her beautiful eyes widened. She knew how stupid Lin Han's name was.

She still remembers the original "Cold Heart Island".

"Lin Shen actually wants to name himself?!"

"You said, will God Lin call him black and white?"!

"Agree with black and white!

"White plus black +10086!"

Netizens were instantly overjoyed when they learned that Lin Han wanted to name himself.

"What's its name?

Li Shuixin tilted her head and asked curiously.

"Cold Water Sword."

Lin Han replied with a slight smile.

Li Shuixin: "..."

Rough Wan netizen: "..."

"Lin Shen, can you be a little more tender, you already have a good name?"

"This name is obviously from a female hero, not Bilian!

"It's not white and black, bad reviews!

Everyone complained.

"You are too tender, Li Shuixin said.

Lin Han explained with a smile, "It's not lazy, but the meaning. Look at this sword, the body of the sword is black, and the black represents the cold. The white is like a trickle, like water!

This word happens to be the name of the two of us.

In ancient times, there was the general Mo Xiejian, and now there is the Lin Han Shuixinjian, isn't it a good story?"

Hearing such an explanation, Li Shuixin's beautiful eyes suddenly became extremely gentle.

In my heart, it is as sweet as eating honey.

"This explanation is invincible!"

"Is Lin Shen so good at flirting with girls? I really doubt whether he has a dual personality!"

"Cold Water Sword, Ox!

PS: It's a day's drive, sorry for the late update. However, the author is working hard to code, and today's update will not be less! Please support!

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