Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 240 The statue of the great emperor, the tenth wonder of the world! (1, please complete the

Bai Zhaocen looked through a lot of information, but couldn't find any deeds about Zhuge Pingchuan. After all, he is not a special image of the history of the Three Kingdoms, so he does not know about the Three Kingdoms. However, he quickly thought of a person. He was so impatient that he quickly took out his phone and called that person, "Hey, Lao-Yi, I, Zhao Cen!" "Zhao Yuan? Why did you suddenly remember and call me? Called, we have been out of touch for a few years!" The other party was a little surprised. Although they knew each other, they didn't work together, not in the same city, and only met at the academic exchange meeting a few years ago. However, Zhao Cen is the director of the Ancient Culture Research Institute. As a relatively well-known scholar in the study of the Three Kingdoms, Yi Tian naturally knew him. "Old Yi, I'm asking you something, do you know a man named Zhuge Pingchuan in the Three Kingdoms Soochow? He lived in Huanglong for three years, and was even given the title "Floating Sea Snake" by Sun Quan. You are a portrait of the Three Kingdoms, There are few people in the world who know the Three Kingdoms better than you, but do you know there is such a person?" Zhao Shao was a little nervous. As he said, there are not many people in the world who understand the Three Kingdoms better than Yi Tian. If Yi Tian doesn't know, this person may become confused. "Hahaha..." After he finished asking, Yi Tian suddenly laughed loudly, "Zhao Yuan, I guessed that you were looking for me because of this!" Zhao Cen was stunned, "You are also looking at Lin Han. Yi Tian laughed and joked, "Now the whole world is watching his live broadcast, how can I fall behind. Those who knew him knew that he was a humorous man. In the university, it is very popular among students. Zhao Cen was eager to know the answer at this time, and this kind of humor was naturally ignored late, and he asked excitedly, "That's good, you know the situation, listen to your tone, it seems that you know this person, tell me quickly. 22 Yi Tian smiled and said, "Zhao Yuan, you should know this person, he is very famous in the history of ancient culture research. Because, he was the first person to bring culture to the island. "Zhuge Zhi!" Zhao Cen was shocked and asked again, raising his voice, "You mean, Zhuge Pingchuan is Zhuge Zhi?!!" , has the meaning of pacification and direct access. Therefore, Pingchuan is the interpretation of Zhi, and I think its meaning should be to restore the mountains and rivers. There are incomplete data that show that Zhuge Zhi is Zhuge Pan's younger brother, and some say he is a cousin. , It is impossible to determine the specific identity. But the word "floating sea", Zhao Yuan should be able to think of him. In the second year of Huanglong, Emperor Wu Sun Quan ordered Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen to go to Yizhou and Xuanzhou together. Hai Dabo is the word "floating sea"! From this, it can be inferred that this floating sea Jiao must be Zhuge Zhi!" Yi Tian explained with great certainty. "But... Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen, were not in the third year of Huanglong, were they imprisoned and killed by Sun Quan for "violating the edict without merit"? This incident is clearly recorded in history. 3) Zhao Cen said excitedly, "The emperor has the final say on how history records, and Zhao Yuan should know this. 99 Yi Tian said quietly. Although history books are the best basis for studying history, there are some things that cannot be completely believed. If all the history books said were true, there would not be so many incomprehensible historical confusions. "Forget it, no matter who he is. Anyway, there should be no such person among the top 100 famous generals of the Three Kingdoms. But we can make a simple calculation to know how great this person is. Lin Han did not. The identity of this person is entangled. After all, the Three Kingdoms era was an era of heroic rhyme, and not everyone's name was well known to future generations. For example, Li Shujie mentioned in "The Story of Heroes" written by Wang Can, must be many fans of the Three Kingdoms. You may not know this person. But people who study history will find an interesting thing. From some simple descriptions, you can speculate that this person seems to have single-handedly defeated Lu Bu's army! His military power seems to be higher than Lu Bu... Of course , These things have no way to be elegant, no one knows whether this person is really powerful.

Lu Bu's identity as a god of war has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so even if this research is true, it is difficult to shake Lu Bu's status in the hearts of fans of the Three Kingdoms.

History can bury heroes, but the deeds of some heroes are real!

"Friends, we originally came from Shan Yayun, the major direction should be south, and we flew in a helicopter for one night with an hour stopover. Therefore, the flight time should be eight to nine hours. According to the speed of ordinary helicopters, it is 250km/h, that is to say, the place where I am now is more than two kilometers away from Shanya City.

According to the ancient sailing speed, it usually takes two to three months to reach the two rough kilometers. This is enough to show that our country's navigation technology was already very good at that time. "

Since the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Maritime Silk Road was opened, and the navigation technology of the Dragon Kingdom was at the world's leading level until the wild boar skin entered the customs.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Soochow's navigation technology was the most advanced.

The giant building ship built by Soochow is equivalent to a modern aircraft carrier. One ship can accommodate many people in the trilemma!

Therefore, it is not surprising that they can cross more than two kilometers to this sea area.

The question is, what is the reason for them, Yun is now in this sea area? What is the reason for them to stay here forever.

They built the city wall, which must have been locally sourced, and the purpose was naturally to defend against enemy attacks.

Are they stationing troops here? Or are they here, helpless to defend?

All kinds of doubts shrouded the hearts of Lin Han and Nan Wan's netizens.

"I think now everyone should be like me, very interested in this story that has been covered in dust for more than 700 years. Then let me take a big shock and let's uncover the truth of history together.

Lin Han put down the floating sea dragon because he couldn't use a gun.

Instead, he took out the Cold Water Sword and cautiously walked towards the city.

"Building a city so far away? Could this group of people betray Soochow?"

The call between Zhao Cen and Yi Tian did not end, and the two also discussed and studied this matter together.

Because of historical records, Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen were killed by Sun Quan, but they not only survived, but also ran to such a far place.

Yi Tian shook his head and said, "The possibility of defections is unlikely. This weapon was given to Zhuge Zhi by Emperor Wu, Sun Quan, who ordered someone to forge it in the third year of Huanglong. Killing Zhuge Zhi was to cover up and quell public anger, and giving him weapons was obviously an important task.

So I think they should have received Sun Quan's order to go out to sea, encountered a big storm at sea or something like that, and made a mistake and came to the island where the anchor is. What happened next is hard to guess.

Maybe they didn't want to go and lived a life like a paradise on this island. It is also possible that because of various reasons, they cannot go and can only survive on the island. "

"Makes sense."

After listening to Yi Tian's analysis, Zhao Cen suddenly became enlightened.

As Lin Han went deeper, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Because the surrounding is too quiet, you can't hear any insects. It was as if he had entered a soundproof room, and the roars of the beasts that he heard outside, which had never been interrupted, also stopped abruptly and disappeared.

Just walking a few steps, it's like walking a few brown rice away.

Like, two worlds!

"My friends, it's too weird here, and the silence is a little scary. To be honest, I'm a little flustered.

Lin Han, facing the camera, relieved the tense atmosphere and inner pressure by making fun of himself.

"Hey, Lin Shen, you are skinny."

"Lin Daan also panics? You can be funny.

"Lin Shenjing panicked, 100 million netizens supported you behind your back. Although we can't accompany you to explore with you, we can shout 666' ah.


The tense atmosphere suddenly became active.

Lin Han carefully groped forward for dozens of meters, and a row of houses appeared in front of him.

"Hey, the fog here seems to be a lot lighter."

He found that his vision suddenly improved. Gangji could only see a few meters away, but now he can see a hundred or two meters away.

Suddenly, a majestic architectural skirt hook appeared in front of his eyes!

What attracts the eye is a huge statue!

The statue towers into the sky, like a mountain standing proudly!

Its base is a square platform with countless steps! On the square platform, a majestic, sturdy man with a jade crown and a python robe stares proudly ahead.

As you can see from the attire, he is an emperor!

Netizens turned into a fool when they saw the statue!

"I'll be darling, this statue is too big, is it really built by the ancients?"

The "wisdom of the ancients" shocked us again. I think that even modern technology may not be able to make such a large statue.

0... ask for flowers,

"Is this really made by humans?

"I want to know how tall this statue is? This should be the tallest statue in the world! 99

"Lin Shen is like a grain of rice in front of the statue, which shows how huge this statue is! - It is a miracle that people from more than seven hundred years ago were able to build this kind of statue!

Global netizens are amazed,

And those of you who study the ancient culture of the Dragon Kingdom are so excited that you cry!

This discovery brought another great miracle to the Dragon Kingdom!

The height of the statue, the technicians of the show team quickly measured the hook,

"Mr. Yin, this statue, including the steps, is 231 meters high. Not counting the steps, the height of the figure is 132 meters. The square steps are 108 meters long at the bottom and 68 meters long at the top."

State-of-the-art drones with ranging capabilities.

This point, the program group took into account before starting, so it is very easy to calculate these data.

"Look how many steps there are!

Yin Tiancheng moved his lips and seemed to be calculating something.

After a few minutes, the technician has calculated the data, "There are 999 steps in total!"

"Sure enough!"

Yin Tiancheng's eyes burst into a burst of light, which was extremely bright.

"The total height of the steps is 99 meters, with a total of 999 steps, each 9.9 cm. It has the meaning of the honor of ninety-five!

Huh, Zhuge Zhi, Wei Wen, you really look up to Sun Quan. "

Yin Tiancheng hummed.

Because Zhao Cen exposed the identity of Zhuge Pingchuan in the live broadcast room, everyone knew that these two were the first Soochow people to land on the treasured island and brought the mainland Wenhua to the treasured island.

Therefore, the identity of this statue wearing a jade crown is easy to speculate.

As a minister of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, a person who is highly hoped by Sun Quan cannot spend a lot of manpower and material resources to create a statue of Liu Bei or Cao Cao.

"It's really not easy for them to build such a statue." Although Yin Tiancheng dismissed the meaning of 'Nine Five Perseverance', from the perspective of future generations, it is truly amazing to be able to complete such a large project. admire.

"However, this statue seems a little odd!

Distribute a drone and walk around to see if there are any other statues!

Yin Tiancheng narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the screen tightly.

No one noticed, his expression was slightly nervous.


Lin Han has finished measuring,

"My friends, it's so shocking! It's simply a miracle in the history of human sculpture!

I just measured it, the bottom edge of this statue should be 108 meters, and the top edge should be 68 meters. A total of 999 steps! This is an emperor statue with 999 steps, which should be the meaning of the ninety-five. 33

Lin Han has already walked to the top of the steps, where the light is relatively abundant, and there is no fog condensing.

He soon discovered the engraved inscription at the foot of the statue!

Huanglong "In the sixteenth year, in September, in the thirteenth year of the calendar, the digging of the mountain was completed!

There are a total of three difficult and multi-character classical Chinese. The handwriting is clear and neat. Although it can be seen that it is old, it is not blurred at all.

This area does not seem to have been weathered in any way, and it has not been damaged at all.

Lin Han finished it in one go,

Because he likes history, Lin Han often studies classical Chinese. He once read the Three Kingdoms, Records of the Grand Historian, Thirty-Six Strategies, Warring States and other books in one go, all of which are in classical Chinese.

Therefore, there is no pressure on him to understand this engraved inscription.

"Sixteen years of Huanglong? If I remember correctly, Huanglong's era should only be three years.


Lin Han said with a strange expression, "Could it be that after they came out of Huanglong for three years, they never went there and always thought that the era name used by Soochow was Huanglong?"


"Puff, friends, these people are amazing!

The inscription on this carving says that they spent thirteen years with a pot of more than 300 people to carve a mountain into the statue of Sun Quan the Great! A total of 29 people died in this project. .

It said that they went out to sea for the elixir of immortality and came to this island by accident. Seeing that the island was surrounded by thick fog, I thought it was an immortal island, but no immortals were found, so I wanted to incorporate this island into the territory of Soochow and deliver elixir to Emperor Wu Sun Quan.

However, as mentioned above, they were attacked by the Eidolon...

Eidolon? What the hell! Xi,

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