Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 241 101 Heroes Array, the legend may come true! (2, please complete the order!)

The carved inscription with three rough characters records the birth process of this statue in detail!

The high-definition blue-ray drone, after shooting it, immediately had a special image of the ancient dragon, and translated them.

It is very simple to record the deeds of carving, the literary value is not high, but the historical significance of the exposure is significant.

"I drop the Jade Emperor of the Three Qing Dynasty, this statue is actually carved from a mountain, the wisdom and creativity of the ancients are too strong!

"The total height is 231-meters, the height of the statue is 132 meters, the height of the base is 99 meters, a total of 999 steps, each step is 9.9 cm. It is hard to imagine how the ancients were so precise and how they kept these things rough. For many years! It stands to reason that this island is full of clouds and mist, and the buildings are very easy to get wet and eroded. Are these statues and buildings made of special materials?"

"Looking at the ancient and modern world, this should be regarded as the tallest statue, right? Moreover, it is also the only work of art that carves the whole mountain. So, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ninth wonder of the world? 9)

"Isn't the ninth wonder already happening? It should be the tenth wonder!

"The Pyramid of Khufu, the Hanging Gardens, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Olympus, the Mausoleum of Mausolus, the Colossus of Rhode Island, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum, plus the Sanxingdui Ruins. So, This should be the tenth wonder of the world!

According to the manpower invested, the time of construction, and the craftsmanship and scale of construction, it is comparable to any miracle!

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with listing it as a wonder of the world.

The evidence is conclusive, and the ancient culture researchers of the Dragon Kingdom are busy working on it.

If you can apply for "May 97" successfully, then the Dragon Kingdom will have one more miracle, and its influence in the world will also increase.

However, these are all things that experts should worry about, and Lin Han's mind is not on this at all.

He just wants to get things done quickly now.

The "Eight Spirit" mentioned above in the engraving made him a little worried.

Obviously, Zhuge Pingchuan and the others spent such a huge price to build statues and city walls, and even the special force field mentioned by Fantong, all to deal with "Eight Spirits".

Zhuge Pingchuan thought that the water in the mountains was an immortal spring, the fungi in the mountains were immortal grass, and the fruits were immortal fruits, so he wanted to occupy this place and continuously deliver these things to Emperor Wu. However, angering the gods who guard here, the fog is getting deeper and deeper, making it difficult for them to walk on the island.

The building ship moored on the shore was also smashed by the storm and sank into the sea.

Although the descriptions they describe are very magical, except for the Eidolon, other phenomena can be explained by modern knowledge. Heavy rains shattered buildings and ships, and landslides after heavy rains are all natural phenomena.

"Fantong, do you know what Yeling is?"

Lin Han searched around the statue and couldn't find any description of Eidolon.

Only know that they are like ghosts, hooking to kill at night. Moreover, their strength is very powerful, not only invulnerable, but also can easily break their weapons.

Damn, this is a legendary beast.

In reality, how can there be such an exaggerated beast!

[Traditional traditions do not know. ]

Tradition return.

All right.

Lin Han was speechless, even the system didn't know, this thing became more and more mysterious.

"Then what am I going to do to complete the task?"

The ruins have been found, and the owner who built the ruins has also figured out, so it doesn't count as completing the mission?

How complicated is this task?

【Explore the whole picture of the ruins and uncover the historical mystery to complete the task. If the host can figure out the identity of Eidolon, the task score can be improved and extra rewards can be obtained! 】

Traditionally introduced.

"Find out the identity of Eidolon?

Forget it, I'd rather not have that extra bonus.

Lin Han hurriedly waved his hand, Zhuge Pingchuan - how many people have been killed by this thing, and they took the initiative to find them?

Find death!

"Mr. Yin, it's very strange. After our drone left Lin Han 100 meters away, the signal became weaker and weaker and almost lost control. But when we got back to Lin Han, the signal was restored."

The photography team was ordered by Yin Tiancheng to control a drone to check the surrounding situation.

However, when he controlled the drone to fly away from Lin Han, the farther away from Lin Han, the weaker the signal.

"Anything like this?

Lin Han, Lin Han, am I underestimating you?"

Yin Tiancheng stared at the frowning Lin Han, and the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

"Mr. Yin, what should I do? Do you want to continue investigating?"

Yin Tiancheng waved his hand, "No need for a gap, just follow Lin Han live."

Leaving the pedestal of the statue of Emperor Wu, Lin Han continued to walk forward.

Crossing a square, I saw a row of houses. The house is all made of wood, stone, and brick, some of which have collapsed.

But there are some, well preserved.

"Friends, this is a real Han Dynasty architecture, as you can see, the level of architecture at that time was already quite sophisticated.

Do you know what the original meaning of the word intrigue is? It refers to the interlacing and ingeniousness of architectural structures. Almost all of these buildings were built with mortise and tenon joints, and many of them had very clever mortise-and-mortise structures. It can be seen that there are many talented people in this sailing team.

At least for now, there are builders and carvers.

Let these people hook the sea with them, which shows Sun Quan's sincerity in seeking immortal medicine.

The most magnificent of these houses is a mansion called Fuhai Pavilion. As you can tell from the name, it must be the residence of Zhuge Pingchuan.

Lin Han found some files in this mansion,

From the dossier, he obtained a lot of information and knew the identity of Zhuge Pingchuan!

Zhuge Pingchuan, whose real name is Zhuge Zhi!

Zhuge Jin's moving!

There is a story here, because Zhuge Liang had never had a son, so Zhuge Jin adopted his son to him. One is Zhuge Qiao, the direct descendant, and the other is Zhuge Zhi, who is diligent!

Therefore, Zhuge Zhi grew up with Zhuge Liang since he was a child.

Later, Zhuge Liang gave birth to his son Zhuge Zhan, and Zhuge Qiao always served by Zhuge Liang's side, so Zhuge Zhi returned to Eastern Wu to serve.

But because of his gratitude to Zhuge Liang and Shu's upbringing, he vowed not to use troops in Shu. Sun Quan did not force him. After Huanglong became emperor in the first year of Huanglong, he had the same desire to seek immortals and ask for longevity just like Qin Shihuang.

Because Zhuge Zhi learned a lot of skills from Zhuge Liang, he asked Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen to train sailors, build large boats to fish the sea to find immortals, and seek the elixir of immortality.

Sun Quan was afraid of being criticized, so this matter was carried out in secret, unlike Qin Shi Huang's fanfare.

In the second year of Huanglong, Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen crossed the sea to Dengyizhou, but ten thousand people went, and when they heard back, they suffered heavy losses.

In order to quell the public anger, Sun Quan sent Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen to prison with "no power".

However, doing so is just to hide from the public.

Sun Quan did not kill them, but played a trick of changing the civet cat for the prince, deceiving everyone with two ghosts. Then in the third year of Huanglong, Sun Quan ordered Zhuge Zhi and Wei Wen to lead the tiger soldiers under the car whose numbers had been cancelled in the trilemma to go out to sea again!

They were originally going to Maozhou to seek elixir, but they encountered a storm at sea, lost their way, and came to this island by accident.

Because the island was shrouded in clouds and mist, they mistakenly thought that this was the immortal island of Maizhou.

Later, all kinds of huge "immortal beasts", huge "immortal grass", and immortal springs that can enhance their strength and shock their spirits were discovered on the island.

After some inspection, they learned that there were no immortals on this island, so they had the idea of ​​occupying the immortal island.

But later, was attacked by "Eight Spirit".

Eidolon and portraits are described in detail in the dossier.

The author believes that Eidolon can control the beasts on the island. When they stepped into the mist, they were attacked by wild beasts.

They slaughtered for three days and three nights, lost hundreds of people, and finally cleaned up the beasts in the fog.

However, as soon as they entered the depths of the fog, it started to rain heavily. The heavy rain did not disperse the thick fog, but brought disaster. The mountain collapsed, and countless mud rushed down from the mountain, blocking the fishing route.

Warriors of the Trilemma, the casualties are too hard!

They were swallowed in the mist.

In order to survive, resist the attack of Eidolon, and gain a firm foothold on this island. Zhuge Zhi made a major decision to build a fortress and rule here. Arrange a trick formation to stabilize the fortress.

Seeing this, Lin Han finally understood what the artificial force field that Fantong was talking about was.


Since this guy is Zhuge Liang's adopted son, he naturally learned some of Zhuge Liang's skills.

Legend has it that Zhuge Liang has a clever plan, knows the past, and knows the future.

He arranged a stone formation a few years in advance, which anchored Lu Xun's army of 100,000 people and saved Liu Bei's life.

The people of later generations believed that it was just fiction and not true.

But seeing this dossier, and feeling the tricky formation, Lin Han began to think that these legends are probably true!

This large formation, called the hero formation, condenses the heroic righteousness of the heroes, and has the energy efficiency of suppressing evil and eliminating darkness.  …

It is a formation created by Zhuge Zhi based on what he has learned.

Obviously, his formation did not have the expected effect, and the formation that took 13 years to build still failed to change the situation where the trilemma tigers were entrenched.

"What the hell is this Eidolon? Why did they meet them as soon as they landed on the island, but after twenty years they launched a general attack and killed all the people on the island?

After reading several files, Lin Han was full of doubts.

He took out another dossier detailing the Eidolon, which had a painting of Eidolon, but it was very ancient.

The Eidolon in the picture has sharp claws like steel knives and fangs like saber-toothed tigers. It has a human head and a beast face, but its body is a cloud. Even if they are pierced with a sword, they will not die.

Seeing these materials, Lin Han's head was full of black lines.

"Crap, I now wonder if these stories are true, how could there be such a creature in the world..."

As a new youth with higher education, Lin Han naturally does not believe in these superstitions.

There might have been some kind of powerful creature that attacked them, but it was definitely not a human head with a beast face and a cloudy body.

What about writing fairy tales?

Leaving the house, Lin Han took these scrolls with him.

Although the content inside is very nonsense, it is written by the ancients and has good research value.

Lin Han intends to dedicate them to the country after the challenge is over, which can be regarded as a little reward to the society.

For live broadcast effect, share with netizens,

When Lin Han read the dossier, he always read the hook. Therefore, netizens also know the content inside.

Some people, like Lin Han, think that the "Eidolon" is a rhyme made up by the people on the island. But some naughty netizens felt that Lin Han really stepped into a fairyland.

And some people, the curvature of the corners of the mouth is meaningful,

"Is this really the hero formation?"

Yin Tiancheng raised the corners of his mouth, expressing disdain for this statement, "It's really nice to say.

"Mr. Yin, what are you talking about?"

Liu Han next to him looked at him puzzled.

Looking at Mr. Yin's appearance, it seems that he knows this kind of formation?

"Nothing, there may be a good show to watch next. 12

Yin Tiancheng smiled and said with great interest.

"According to the description in the book, there are a total of 101 hero statues in the hero formation. Zhuge Zhi uses the statue of Sun Quan as the formation's eye, which means that there are still 100 statues around! It's still early, everyone follow me Go look for it."

Lin Han wandered around with the drone,

Soon, several statues were found 100 meters away!

"Awesome, these statues are at least 100 meters high, I really admire these people, how they carved hooks!

Through the remote shooting of the drone, you can clearly see that there are a total of four statues here, and the height of each statue is different, decreasing from left to right. However, the shortest one is 100 meters long!

When netizens were amazed, Lin Han had already gone to check the identity of the statue,

The statue with a gun on the left is the eldest brother of Emperor Wu Sun Quan, Sun Ce, King Huan of Changsha! The second with a sword is Sun Yi, the general Pian; The fourth person with a big sword was Sun Lang.

Sun Quan's four brothers!

In addition, Lin Han also found other statues, no more, no less, a hundred!

Some of the statues have clear inscriptions that know their identities. But some statues have engraved inscriptions that have been blurred or even ground away, making it impossible to determine their identity.

Among them, there were Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and other Wujiang officials, as well as Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Zhang Zhao, Lu Su and other civil officials.

To Lin Han's surprise, there were actually generals of Shu State among them.

For example, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong; also Jiang Wan, Fei Wei, Ma Liang and other Shu civil servants.

There are a total of 101 statues, the shortest are 40 to 50 meters, forming a very huge sculpture skirt!

I have to say, this is an ancient miracle!

Such a huge project, it took only sixteen years to complete, it is amazing!

It is a pity that it has been sealed here since it was built.

"Fantong, I think this formation is a bit weird, it's not like a heroic formation with a mighty righteousness, but rather depressing, as if these statues are suppressing something.

After seeing all the statues,

Lin Han can be considered as well, knowing the whole picture of this miracle,

In my heart, many doubts suddenly appeared!

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