Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 243 Next, give the big science a gossip array (1, please complete the order!)


"Lin Shen, please don't go in. This kind of underground tomb, which has been buried for a long time, must be full of miasma, and maybe there are traps left by the owner of the tomb, so you can't go in!

"Lin Shen let it go, I am a descendant of the mountain, let me come!"

"Is this the beginning of a tomb treasure hunt?

"Suddenly there is a question, if Lin Shen discovers the wealth that shocked the world, who is it? Is it from the show team or Lin Shen?

"It must be Lin Shen. If the program team wants to, it would be too shameless."

Netizens were worried that there was really treasure in it, so they gave the program team vaccinations in advance.

This was found by Lin Han at the risk of his life, and they naturally didn't want to be divided up by others.

As a fan of Lin Han, it is your duty to defend Lin Han's property!

Of course, it would be even better if the local tyrants could be given a bigger share.

After the tomb door opened, there was a sloping staircase in front of Lin Han. The stairs are so deep that you can't see to the end. But it is strange that there is light in such a deep tomb. Also, the light is no worse than in a foggy valley.

Lin Han was very surprised.

"Friends, have you seen it, there is actually light inside!

Lin Han holds a drone and shoots inside.

The new drone hadn't woken up yet, so there was only one drone left behind him.

"I thought it would take a while to make some torches, but it doesn't seem necessary now. 39

Lin Han hesitated for a moment and stepped into the passage.

"Fuck, Lin Shen is too reckless, how dare you go inside casually?"

"This passage looks very deep and the light is very strange. If I would turn my head and run away in fright, those who say they dare to enter are heroes!

"It's amazing, could it be that this is Sun Quan's tomb?"

"There must be a lot of treasures in the emperor's tomb, Lin Shen has made a fortune! 99

"Why do I think it's too fake, let's make a movie, how can there be such a place in reality. For the effect of the show, the show team has really put a lot of effort into it. 3

"You can get out of here if you don't watch it, and you didn't ask you to spend a penny, looking for a sense of existence? I still want to let us know that there is an idiot here!

"Even if it's a movie, it's free, and it's more exciting than those blockbusters."

"Nonsense, Lin Shen's live broadcast is a blockbuster!

Worried that there would be danger inside, Lin Han held the sword with one hand. As long as there is any disturbance, the sword can be drawn.

The slope of the steps is very gentle, and after walking more than ten steps inside, flames suddenly ignited on the stone walls on both sides.

I saw that every twenty meters on the stone wall, there was a torch on the left and right sides.

As long as Lin Han is within five meters, the torch will burn, which is amazing!

As for the reason, Lin Han was too lazy to investigate.

Police ask, ask is the wisdom of the ancients!

"666, the voice-activated torches are all arranged, and I dare to say that it is not a movie.

"If this is a live broadcast, what if Laozi's handstand is live..."

"It's too fake. Can you use snacks for the show crew? Look at how exaggerated the walls around Zhou are, and it looks like they're made of plastic foam."

There are so many people with red eye disease these days.

So Laozi tracked the live broadcast for four months and told you that I was posing?

Although, what I saw in front of me was indeed incredible, but if I put it on Lin Shen, I would be completely right!

Netizens don't want to justify anything, and explaining with these sand sculptures will only lower their IQ.

They sprayed, we sprayed it back and it was over.

Lin Han is very nervous now, even if he knows about these trolls, he doesn't care about it anymore.

To be honest, Ye Ling is not afraid of him, he is only worried about traps.

Fortunately, he carefully walked more than a hundred steps, and did not catch the scene in the movie. Accidentally stepped on the trap and fell, or a bunch of random arrows were hooked.

The journey was very peaceful, and there were no surprises.

The only feeling Lin Han felt was that the sense of oppression became stronger and stronger. It was as if he was stuck in the mud, his movements became sluggish, and even breathing and walking became very difficult.



It is a unique skill of the Dragon Kingdom. It has been inherited for a long time, mysterious and powerful!

However, in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, there have been several alien invasions, which have led to many faults in the inheritance of skills. The skill of array has almost disappeared.

Even in the martial arts that have been passed down, not everyone knows the formation technique.

The change of history has put on a layer of mystery for it.

"Fortunately, in the past few months, my physique has improved a lot. If I entered here a few months ago, I'm afraid I would have suffocated"! 19


Lin Han muttered as he walked forward.

After about fifteen minutes, I finally got to the bottom of the corridor!

He noticed that he still walked nine hundred and ninety-nine steps. But the height of the steps inside is much higher than the outside. So Lin Han speculated that this place should be underground!

" a gossip?"

Introduced into the eyes, is a spacious hall.

The main hall is very empty, with only eight lampposts standing at the eight poles. In the middle, there is a pool that divides Yin and Yang.


Lin Han had a big head,

Well, I don't know how to play at all.

"This is... a set of formations!"

Yin Tiancheng stood up from his seat in shock and said, "Big hand, big hand! What the hell is Zhuge Banning? It took more than ten years to build an upgraded version of the prison dragon array outside, and inside, gossip was deduced. , to upgrade the gossip array!

The police said that Zhuge Liang, even if Huang Shigong was alive, would be shocked to see this.

"Fantong, what should I do now? I don't understand the formation method at all."

The formation here is too weird, he seems to be in a quagmire right now, and every step takes ten times more effort than usual. Therefore, he did not dare to break into the eight formations rashly.

If he wanted to risk his life, he would rather give up the task.

[Ding, it is detected that the host is deducing the formation, and the deduction auxiliary function is activated!”

In a timely manner, a prompt sound came.

followed by

There are some words on the hook of the eight arrays, as well as the changing shapes of the eight arrays.

Lin Han only needs to see these things, and they will get into his mind.

It was as if there was a very good teacher who was trying to make up for the Eight Arrays for him.

As the words and the changing process entered Han's mind, the progress bar on the Bagua Array was also advancing rapidly.

In just half an hour, it reached 100%!

[Ding, congratulations to the host who has completed the deduction and has mastered all kinds of knowledge of the Eight Diagrams Array.

[Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of the host array to Lv3!]


Looking at the knowledge in his mind, Lin Han was amazed. It took him only half an hour to complete the gossip array that a person could not fully study in his entire life.

Although, there is a bonus of intelligence aura, but it is a bit too fast.

This traditional, very powerful!

He opened his eyes again and saw a completely different scene.

It was like doing a super-difficult geometry problem and finding an excellent auxiliary line, everything suddenly became clear.

"What is God Lin doing? He hasn't moved for so long. Could it be that he fell asleep?"

"Lin Shen Da, you should move a little bit, the police made us worry.

"It should be thinking about the problem, after all, the situation here is a bit complicated, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years."!

"God Lin, come on, you will definitely be able to do it."

Countless netizens are cheering for Lin Han.

But there are also some rats, who are stirring up the water.

"I'm afraid it's not dead, right? There are often bizarre incidents in the tomb, and it's not surprising that Qin is now the anchor.

"The anchor is dead, the whole show is over!

"Finish the flower arrangement!

These sand sculptures can't stand the forest fans and start to attack in life.

However, Pharaoh, who had already obtained administrator privileges, sent him a banning package directly.

There's no point in squirting with these sand 13s, the best thing to do is to shut them up!

In an instant, the live broadcast room was much quieter.

Without letting the big shock wait for a long time, Lin Han slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised a familiar arc!

Confident and charming!

"My friends, you must be familiar with the gossip array. Fortunately, the one I met in front of me is the gossip array.

Dahui, don't think that Zhen Zhen is a fiction fabricated to deceive people. They are really amazing. Take the 101 hero formation outside, for example, this formation has a very strong suppressing effect, and now I feel like I am stuck in a quagmire and struggling to move forward.

The Bagua Array is so famous, its ability is also very powerful.

In fact, all of this can be explained by science. The array is actually a man-made magnetic field. The Array Master arranges special materials according to the law to form a strange magnetic field, some of which can affect people's brain waves, causing people to hallucinate, excited and other effects. Some can change the surrounding force field, and various strange and natural phenomena appear.

The Eight Trigrams array is wonderful and infinite, with eighty-eighty-sixty-four variations. Moreover, he can not only brain waves, but also change the force field. Therefore, those who enter it do not understand the method of breaking the formation, and they can easily get lost in it.

Lin Han, introduced it to everyone.

"However, as long as you know the method of breaking the formation, it is like a simple math problem, and it is easy to solve according to the steps.

For example, in this gossip array in front of me, my position is in the gate of life.

There are eight gates in the Eight Diagrams Array. Anyone who likes to read novels should know this. They are: Kaimen, (Li Nuozhao) Xiumen, Shengmen, Humen, Dumen, Jingmen, Jingmen, and death. . Generally speaking, there are three gates for opening, closing, and birth, three gates for death, shock, and injury, and three gates for Dumen and Jingmen.

But the Eight Trigrams array is infinitely wonderful and ever-changing. The fortunes derived from different terrains are also different.

I am now in the gate of life, and there is almost no danger in entering this formation from here. It stands to reason that if you want to explore this underground palace, you can only enter from the door or the door. But the troupe was obviously trying to press something, so there might be nothing behind the door and the door.

The secrets hidden here are most likely to be killed, shocked, or injured!

So, everyone follow me to check one by one. Start from the dead door!

After deducing the Bagua formation, Lin Han has completely mastered this formation, and is almost as familiar with the formation.

So, it doesn't matter if he wants to go from there.

"Damn it, Lin Shen is a genius, and he still understands the formation technique! 19

"When I read novels before, I knew that Bagua Zhen was awesome. After listening to Linshen's explanation, I knew why it was so awesome. After watching Linshen's show, I could really learn a lot of strange knowledge! 22

"Show, then show!

"Knowing that death, shock, and injury are dangerous, but still entering from death, you are awesome!"

"It's so mysterious, if you copy down your words, you can write a book.

Netizens joked.

Everyone saw that Lin Han was so confident and didn't worry about him at all.

Instead, he is full of confidence in the secrets that are about to be revealed!

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