Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 244 Passing without breaking, Lin Shen's identity is powerful and terrifying! (2, pleas

After gaining the mastery of the Eight Trigrams Formation, this formation is like the one that Lin Han arranged by himself, and he knows it well.

He doesn't need to break the formation at all, he can walk freely in it, without triggering any mechanism and being attacked by the formation.

Therefore, Lin Han is like walking in an unobstructed square, and it is easy to go wherever he wants.

It's like walking a maze. If you don't understand the routines of the maze, you may need to go around to test the fishing route, or even get trapped in it and can't rhyme. But designers who know the maze well, can naturally play the maze easily.

As for drones, there are traditional blessings, and it is also not affected by the formation.

Therefore, Lin Han was photographed as if he was walking through an ordinary square very easily, and in less than a minute, he reached the opposite side.

"Friends, this is the dead door, what will you see when you push it open? be honest, a little nervous. In case a group of night spirits come impulsive, you may not see me.

Lin Han pointed to a stone gate and teased himself to the camera.

However, netizens were stunned.

"Huh? This is a dead end? Lin Shen, stretch your head over, I promise to hold the brick in your hand! 99

"Just kidding, it's said that there are many dangers, and the formation method is weird? I just saw you walk a few steps, and nothing happened.

"Lin Shen, you deceived our feelings."

"The tense atmosphere has created Akatsuki for so long, so you will let me watch this?"

What netizens are looking forward to is that, like in the movie, there will be exaggerated special effects when breaking the formation, and at least the surrounding scene will have some changes, adding some dangers and difficulties to Lin Han.

Then, Lin Han solved these dangers with ease, and everyone cheered.

But Lin Shen, this is too easy for you!

Walk with me from the dormitory to the school cafeteria, are there any district police? This is the awesome gossip array you described for a long time?

Netizens were a little disappointed in this plot.

However, as the so-called layman watches the fun, the layman watches the 597 doorway.

Yin Tiancheng is a little dumbfounded

"What's the matter? Has this formation failed?

"It shouldn't be, this formation is so perfect that even if Zhuge Liang is reincarnated, it can't be better. Moreover, the poles of the formation's eyes are flowing, and there is nothing missing from the octopoles around it, even if the screen is separated from each other. You can also feel the strange and mysterious nature of the formation. It must be a living formation!

"However, how did Lin Han do it? Judging from his previous performance, he hadn't found the entrance to the Dragon Prisoner Formation for more than three hours, so he probably didn't understand the formation method at all. Why, gossip Did the formation have no effect on him at all?"

He was a little confused.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, his phone rang.

Yin Tiancheng wanted to hang up, but after looking at the phone number, he quickly connected, "Brother, why did you suddenly call me?"

Although doubtful, his tone was full of surprise.

He knew that no one in the family was more proficient than his eldest brother when it came to the formation technique.

If he were to analyze it, he might know the answer.

On the other end of the phone, a heavy voice came, "Nonsense, I'm downstairs with you now, if you don't want your security guard to be disabled, you'd better come down and pick me up.

"What, brother, come here!

Yin Tiancheng bounced from his seat, "Wait for me for three minutes! 99

Before the words are finished, people have already rushed to the hook!

A few minutes later, he came to the top floor with a man with a dignified face.

This floor is his office, no one can come up to disturb him without his order.

Big Brother", help me see this. 99

After the chat, Yin Tiancheng played the video of Lin Han breaking the line to his eldest brother Yin Tianhui.

"Zhuge Bagua Array? It seems that after some changes, people are the main, and murder is the supplement.

Just after the screen was broadcast, Yin Tianhui raised his eyebrows and saw through the gossip array at a glance.

"There is still such a formation now! (aifb) What is this place?"

Yin Tianhui frowned and asked.

"A desert island.

Yin Tiancheng replied.

Yin Tianhui frowned, "The desert island in the show you founded? Didn't you say that those desert islands have never been developed by humans, how could there be such a strange person setting up arrays on the island? What is the purpose of this person? "

Yin Tiancheng glanced to the side secretly, thinking that he is worthy of being the eldest brother. Seeing such a strange formation that has disappeared, he can still remain calm. This kind of mind is far superior to me.

"These islands were discovered by the elders of the Clan. For the purpose of the program, we did not visit the islands to check. So I don't know what is on the islands. The person who set up the formation is named Zhuge Zhi, the adopted son of Zhuge Liang. As for him What the purpose is, is still being explored.

Big brother, do you see if the formation is alive or dead?"


Yin Tianhui's frown deepened, "You said that the person who set up the formation was Zhuge Liang's adopted son? Don't you mean that it has been a pot for more than 700 years at this time!"

Yin Tiancheng nodded, "Indeed.

- The formation from more than 700 years ago is still alive!

What, terrifying!

Rao is Yin Tianhui, who has always been in a stable state of mind, and he couldn't help but be moved at this moment.

If we can "study this formation, it will be of great benefit to us! Come on, where is this formation?

Yin Tianhui said excitedly.

"Brother, don't be in a hurry. I let you watch this video because I want you to see how the people in the video broke through.

By the way, he is what I told you, Lin Han.

Yin Tiancheng pointed to the screen, where Lin Han had already stepped into the formation.

Walking from the gate of life to the gate of death, he seemed to be walking from your aisle, and walked to the opposite side very easily.

Yin Tiancheng watched it many times and couldn't see what it was,

Now that I read it again, I feel helpless and authentic,

"Big brother, this person doesn't seem to know anything about how to fight. How did he manage to go from life to death without any obstacles? Could it be that this live formation is ineffective against him, or is the formation a living formation, but it's just an appearance, Doesn't it actually work?"


after listening,

Yin Tianhui looked at him strangely, "You said, he doesn't know anything about playing? 99

"Is not it?"

Yin Tiancheng said.

Lin Han had searched for three hours before, but couldn't find the entrance to the Dragon Prisoner Formation, which was enough to show that Lin Han didn't understand the formation method.

If anyone who knows a little bit about the formation method can find such an obvious entrance!

However, Yin Tianhui shook his head and said seriously, "He didn't break through!"

"The formation is invalid for him?"

Yin Tiancheng was a little disappointed.

"The same can be said. This person has passed without breaking. If this formation was not arranged by him, then his formation skills have reached the pinnacle, and I am afraid that he is on the same level as his uncle.

Although Yin Tianhui was calm on the surface, he had already set off a turbulent heart.

This person looks like he is twenty years old!

Formation attainments have already entered the hall.

To say that he is the youngest formation master is not an exaggeration at all.

"Pass without breaking!»

Yin Tiancheng screamed in surprise, and Xiao's eyes were filled with shock.

This is the highest realm of breaking the formation.

Could it be that Lin Han didn't understand before, was he pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger?

Yin Tiancheng's eyes were dumbfounded, and suddenly there was a feeling of being deceived.

Lin Han, how many secrets are you hiding!

"Tiancheng, this person has such skills in formation at such a young age, either from those ancient inheritances, or after Zhuge, no matter what, we must befriend him.

I remember you saying, he's a challenger on your show, right? Help him secretly. 33

Yin Tianhui said.

Originally, he wanted to force Yin Tiancheng to say where to lie on the island, but seeing Lin Han's performance, he was not in a hurry.


Yin Tiancheng was dumbfounded again,

- The big brother, who is serious and serious, has actually learned to go through the back door!

It seems that he really appreciates Lin Han.

"Don't worry, brother, I know what to do."

Although his strength is not as good as that of the elder brother, he is more familiar with these rules in the world than anyone in the family.

Otherwise, he would not have been chosen to be the spokesman for the common generation.

"But eldest brother, he shouldn't be like what you said. This person's casting skills are extremely brilliant, and he has mastered Ou Yezi's unique skill, the grain mountain hammering method. The Longyuan faction has long been publicized all over the world, and Lin Han is connected with them. Woolen cloth."

Yin Tiancheng said.

"Oh, he actually still knows how to hammer the mountain?

"Not only that, he also mastered the woodworking skills that shocked the world, and made the masterpiece of the creation master Lu Ban, the Luban stool. He also knows the woodworking skills quite well. 3)

Yin Tiancheng was a little helpless.

"Luban stool?"

"Yes, and his kendo is very good. Many kendo seniors in today's martial arts say that Lin Han is the number one kendo today!"

"what else?"

Yin Tianhui stared at Yin Tiancheng seriously, if he hadn't known that he was his own younger brother, he would definitely think he was lying.

A person,

And still a young man,

How is it possible to have so many skills?

"A lot, he can predict the weather, very accurate, dozens of times in the past few months, and there is no deviation in the rhythm. He can control animals, can conquer any animal, and communicate with them freely without any obstacles. He also It can stay underwater for nearly half an hour, and its body is like a radar, which can find any sea creatures around!

He can still..."

Yin Tiancheng said a lot in one breath, but he felt that Lin Han knew too many things, and he couldn't finish it.

after listening,

Yin Tianhui fell into contemplation,

After a long time, Ji slowly raised his head and asked extremely solemnly, "Do you know his identity?"

"Three years ago, he was adopted by an ordinary couple in Xingcheng. He has behaved very ordinary in the past three years, and he is not like a normal person. But what happened three years ago, I used a lot of power to investigate without any clues. As if he was hooked into the world out of thin air.99

Having said that,

Yin Tiancheng paused, "By the way, during the live broadcast, he often mentioned his childhood and said that he lived in a mountain village when he was a child. Many of his skills were followed by his grandfather and the people in the village. Learned.

But I used all my strength to search for several villages in the south, but I couldn't find the place he said. "

Not only him, but almost the entire martial arts and GJ are looking for the village where Lin Han lived as a child.


Got nothing!

Hearing what he said, Yin Tianhui's heart lit up,

"That's right, he must come from an ancient inheritance! The village he mentioned is a hidden door that is truly isolated from the world. The people in the village are definitely seniors with extraordinary strength. If there is no one to lead the way in this kind of place, Even the most advanced technology can't find the entrance!"

If it is a separate inheritance, on the one hand, excellence is justified, and omnipotence is too much.

But the ancient inheritance has all kinds of talented people!

Lin Han has been nurtured by them since he was a child, and he has an excellent talent. He can learn any skill as soon as he learns it, so he will continue to learn so many things!

Explained that way, everything makes sense!

"My dear, it's actually an ancient inheritance!"

Yin Tiancheng was taken aback by this conjecture.

Before, everyone thought that Lin Han's identity was very ordinary, but now it seems that he is the real boss.

Those ancient inheritances have long been otherworldly, possessing astonishing abilities and talents.

Even the family behind Yin Tiancheng can only look up!

"Lin Han, Lin Han, you really refresh our understanding of you again and again..."

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