Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Three    The Importance of Kidneys! (1, please complete!)

Chapter 433: The Importance of Kidneys! (For full order!)

"Their roast goose will take a while. Don't put salt. Animals don't need salt. If there is too much salt, it may affect the circulation of substances in their bodies and directly damage the kidneys!"

Lin Han exhorted.

"For god horse?"

Why did Li Shuixin, the 100,000, go online again? If Lin Han could have made excuses before saying that Li Shuixin couldn't remember these things and refused, but now that Li Shuixin has a notebook, everything has changed.

"What is the purpose of the kidney?"

Lin Han asked.

"Kidney Office? Isn't the kidney the organ your boys use?

Li Shuixin gave a ghostly smile, which made Lin Han a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha! Does the heroine mean to say that Lin Shen's kidney is not good? Hahahaha! Lin Shen is exposed! 66

"That's not right! Lin Shen usually looks very energetic, why is the heroine implying that Lin Shen's kidneys are not good now?

"Hahaha... look at

It is very rare to be able to do these things in Lin Shen's live broadcast room. Naturally, these loyal audiences of Lin Han and Li Shuixin will not miss this opportunity!

"Whistle! Don't talk nonsense, look at what you said in the live broadcast room!

Lin Han glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room and said.

"I didn't say anything, that's all they guessed!"

"Humph! If you don't talk too much, can they think about it? Okay! I'll talk about it next. This may be the topic of the quiz tonight. Why don't you say I'm ruthless!

Lindsay said to the drone, and the audience in the live broadcast room instantly became quiet after hearing what Lin Han said.

"The main function of the kidneys is the formation of urine and the elimination of excess substances. These excess substances are those that the human body cannot absorb, or absorb in excess, or even some toxic substances. Salt is a double-edged sword, and the lack of the body's I can't ask it to be a substance, too much will increase the burden of excretion of the body, and the kidneys of these guys are not as sound as ours, so if the salt intake is too much, it is likely to damage their body, understand !66

Lin Han glanced at Li Shuixin.

"Remember, the most important thing is that because animal kidneys are functionally different from human kidneys, they don't need more salt, get it!

The pen in Li Shuixin's hand danced quickly, and in less than a while, a piece of paper was finished.

"The heat is almost over, you can eat it after you put the olive oil for the last time, and now you can put yesterday's pineapple rice in it!

After Lin Han finished speaking, Li Shuixin realized that Lin Han had already brought over the pineapple rice that was placed on the drying rack yesterday.

Lindsay opened the top of the pineapple rice bamboo and smelled it.

"It's really not bad! And it's basically dry inside, just add a little water and bake it for a while! If

Lindsay Bamboo Festival added some water to it, and then put it on the charcoal fire, because the thickness of the bamboo has reached a certain level, so even if it is put on the charcoal fire, it will not burn out.

"Then it will be much more convenient in the future. We can make some rice like this in preparation, add a little water and heat it up and eat it, hey! Is this the principle of the self-heating rice I have eaten before? what?

Li Shuixin thought of a new problem again.

"Qingqing! I'll tell you this later, I'll have dinner now".!93

Lin Han hurriedly took down the pan from the grill, if he slowed down a little longer, Li Shuixin would definitely be pestering himself to ask questions.

"Woman! We are begging you, just ask a few times a day, don't keep asking like this!"

"Why did Lin Shen make a record book for the female hero? Hey! Isn't this a surprise to us?

"Fortunately, Lin Shen did not say the answer to this question, otherwise we would have to collect it again.

It's not just that the audience in the live broadcast room doesn't want Li Shuixin to continue to ask questions, but the protagonist Lin Han also doesn't want Li Shuixin to ask questions. It's not that he doesn't want Li Shuixin to learn, but some questions he can't explain clearly, and the book is on paper. Just a little bit, Li Shuixin has already used three pages today, after just halfway through, Lin Han planned to wait a week to make some more paper, and now there are only four left.

"If you don't write anymore, I think you should bear with it. After seven days, I will make some more paper for you. If you run out of paper before seven days, you will have nothing by then!

Lin Han said to Li Shuixin.

"How much have I used now! Ya! I have used three sheets, and there are only four sheets in total. It seems that I can't write any more for the next three days. I originally thought about one sheet a day, why didn't you give it earlier? I say! if

Li Shuixin looked at the paper she had painted at will, and couldn't help but feel some pity in her heart.

"It's not too late to say, since you are so energetic, I don't want to disturb you, come and have a taste!

Lin Han cut off a piece of meat from the roasting pan with a knife and stuffed it into Li Shuixin's mouth.


Li Shuixin originally wanted to say something, but her mouth was directly stuffed up by the sudden barbecue.


If Li Shuixin said that the two ummms that came out of her mouth just now expressed surprise, then the two ummms she said now express surprises.

When the roast goose just entered Li Shuixin's mouth, there was a little burnt smell, but behind this slightly burnt smell is a little sweetness, so people don't want to give up this taste and continue to explore .

All of a sudden, a sweet taste shot from the depths of the mouth, extending to the entire mouth and the entire tongue coating.

"It was warm in the mouth, and then I knew that the fat in the goose meat ran out, and the taste was very rich (Zhao Zhao's)!

Li Shuixin swallowed and said.

"It seems that the dance selection was good this time. The meat is tight and the aroma and juice are all locked in. I'll take a piece too!"

Lin Han smiled and cut a piece of goose meat with a knife and put it in his mouth.

"Not bad! Here's that leaf!

Lin Han pointed to the huge leaf block that had been washed clean.

Then Lin Han first cut off the bottom of the pot with a knife and threw it to his pets. This time, Lu Xiaobu's reaction was faster than any other guy. Zhang Xiaofei roared in anger, as if he was complaining about Lin Han. .

Lin Han raised his knife and dropped a complete goose, which was divided into many pieces, which were neatly placed on the leaves.

The bamboo tube rice was already heated, and the heat of the rice came out after opening the bamboo joints. Lin Han put the freshly roasted goose meat on top of the rice and handed it to Li Shuixin...

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