Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Four    Landing! (2, please complete order!)

Chapter 434 Landing! (Seeking full order!)

The bamboo tube rice was already heated at this time. After opening the bamboo joint, the heat of the rice was blowing. Lin Han put the freshly roasted goose meat on top of the rice and handed it to Li Shuixin, who took the bamboo joint. After that, he didn't say anything, and started to gobble it directly. In front of the live broadcast, he lost the temperament of a heroine in an instant.

Don't ask why, just ask because Lin Han's meals are so delicious, "Eat slowly! Look at your appearance, hahaha! No need, I think every meal I cook is still very good. If you eat like this again, everyone will think that I am abusing you!

Lin Han laughed.

"I have to say, your cooking is really delicious. Although I can cook, it's just ordinary. Compared with you, it's still far behind. It seems that you will need to learn more from you in the future. These guys Our roast goose should be ready!

Li Shuixin saw Zhang Xiaofei's saliva leaking from the corner of his mouth again, so he thought of roasting it for these guys!

"Alright! I'll get it, you eat it slowly, all the goose meat will be finished, you can eat it! 99

Lin 770 Han stood up and went to the grill. He unloaded the pan for Zhang Xiaofei and the others, divided them into about seven equal parts and threw them in the grass. Needless to say, there was no need to say or rule. Although these guys usually like each other. It's a joke, but it's still very polite at times like this.

"Zhang Xiaofei! Zhang Xiaofei! 6

After Lin Han finished doing this, he called Zhang Xiaofei. Zhang Xiaofei was still a little lost. Seeing that Lin Han didn't leave anything for him, but now that he heard Lin Han calling him, he ran over.

"This is the goose leg left for you, here! The honey thing is good, if you find honey in the future, remember to tell me!

After Lin Han missed Zhang Xiaofei's head, he was met by Li Shuixin's side.

"In the afternoon, make good use of your notebook and telescope to record the places we haven't been to on this island, I'm going out to sea!

Lin Han said while eating.

"Yunhai? Why, what are you going to do? Take me one!"

Li Shuixin - Hearing that Lin Han was going to go to sea, he became interested.

"It's not to play, what are you doing, (aifb) I'm going to get some wood back, I'm going to keep bees! 66

Lin Han thought for a while and said.

"What does beekeeping do? Isn't it possible to find the hive? 66

"What if the hive can't be found? Since we are going to find the hive, we might as well keep beekeeping ourselves. Besides, beekeeping is not a time-consuming and labor-intensive thing. It may be better at the beginning, but later on It can be moved forever. This island is ripe in the tropics, and different flowers bloom throughout the year. In this way, the bees will not be short of nectar, and the nutrition in honey is very high. If Zhang Xiaofei hadn’t suddenly brought it here today A hive, I still can't think of it, well, I'll be back soon, maybe less than an hour!

Lin Han laughed.

"Then why do you have to go out, isn't there any wood you want on this island?"

Li Shuixin asked.

"I really don't have it, otherwise I wouldn't be looking for a long way to know. I use Chinese fir to make a honeycomb. There are really too few fir here, or it's a very small fir. I once remembered seeing it on that island. Great fir, all right! It's coming soon! Be careful by yourself!

Lin Han left as soon as he said it, and before he could say a few words, the meal in his hand was almost finished.

"Okay! Then you can go, but you must pay attention to safety, I will wait for you on the shore!

Li Shuixin said.

"Okay! Then I'm leaving! 66

Seeing that Li Shuixin agreed, Lin Han got up and left with a few drones.

"When I go out, you all have to be bodyguards!

The big guys who were eating the roasting pot in the jungle suddenly heard the voice of Lin Han floating overhead, and then they all came to Li Shuixin's side.

"It's okay, it's okay, just go and play! I have absolutely nothing to do by myself.

When Li Shuixin saw these guys, he knew that it must be Lin Han's orders, otherwise these guys wouldn't be so good, Lin Han was very deterrent in their hearts.

Li Shuixin stood up and put the rest of the food together, and then dug a fire barrier around the fire pit. Even if the fire burned out, it would not ignite the rest of the place.


Zhang Xiaofei also turned around and yelled at his little friends, and then he left with Li Shuixin. Compared with tigers, wolves are definitely smarter, and naturally they don't want to be bodyguards, but Zhang Xiaofei doesn't think so, in his opinion, as long as he is serious and responsible, Lin Han will definitely reward him.

So if you look at it that way, who is smarter?

"Why did you come here!

Before Li Shuixin took a few steps, she noticed that Zhang Xiaofei was following behind her.


Zhang Xiaofei lowered his head and roared.

"If you want to follow along, let's go to the surrounding area now, maybe there will be something new to discover!

Li Shuixin walked forward with paper, pen and binoculars, and Zhang Xiaofei, who was behind him, followed suit.

"What do you think the heroine will find today?"

"Although the heroine is important, this is not what we need to care about now, the place we need to care about now is Lin Shen's side, don't get Fang wrong! 99

Originally, the heroine's side was about to become lively, but in an instant these audiences were also reminded by a barrage.

But what they didn't expect was that the question asked by Lin Han tonight was far beyond their expectations, so that they became more concerned in the future.

At this time, Lin Han had already come to one of the surrounding islands. Lin Han felt a heat wave as soon as he got ashore. Although these islands are basically not far from each other, due to the longitude and latitude here , It can be said that each island has its own set of climate.

"Fir! Fir! I remember it was here!

Lin Han groped and walked towards the jungle, but at this time, a pair of eyes were looking at Lin Han through the jungle, and there were bloody mouths under the eyes.

Lin Han is walking in the jungle. He is still in a good mood. Although he has not found cedar yet, Lin Han has found wild pepper, which is a three-month-old crop. Lin Han intends to bring it along with the spring of life. It should be able to greatly shorten the growth cycle of wild sansho....

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