Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 444 The popularity is reached! (1, please complete the order!)

(1, Chapter 444 Popularity Achieved! (1, Please complete the order!) At this time, Lin Han finally understood why Lu Li Shuixin said such a thing, because in Li Shuixin's opinion, the scientific explanation is obviously for her. It's not important anymore, what's important is this kind of comfortable imagination. So Lin Han doesn't bother Li Shuixin anymore. Instead, he supports his head with his elbow and looks at Li Shuixin quietly. Let Lin Han find a little peace. "Okay, don't think about it, didn't you say that there will be a quiz tonight? Let's start here! After being silent for a while, Li Shuixin suddenly said. "What were you thinking about just now? Lin Han asked. "It's nothing! Let's start now, I'll be all there by then! Li Shuixin also returned to his usual state in an instant. "Okay! Then we will start the quiz here now, and the audience may also I'm in a hurry to wait!" "That's right! Hurry up and start Lin Shen!" I still like female heroes like this, but the sad look just now is really not suitable for me hahaha... Lin Han opened the barrage with his hand, and the barrage was instantly filled with bullets. The curtain swept towards him. "Kissing! What is this?" Lin Han, who is now idle at 783, finally found out that there is still a popularity index in the live broadcast room. "What does this do? Lin Han was a little puzzled. "Hahaha! Lin Shen, you really didn't notice that for a day!" "We've been busy all day for you. You see it now, it's really a waste of emotion!" Some viewers also made dissatisfied voices. "Dong Dong!" Just as Lin Han was watching the barrage, his bracelet rang instantly. "Congratulations on completing the popular task and getting physical rewards! Traditional barrage The hook appeared in front of Henry Zhang. “This is… what the hell is this? Lin Han still didn’t understand! But after being prompted by the enthusiastic audience, Lin Han finally understood what was going on after about five minutes. "Thank you everyone, I just don't know what this thing is. I reminded me that it will be delivered here by drone at eight o'clock tomorrow morning! Everyone, just follow us and look forward to it! Lin Han smiled. "Okay! We will start the quiz now (aifb), don't waste time, or I feel like your enthusiasm can overwhelm me, haha! Lin Han smiled at the drone's camera. "Now You can see a quiz window at the bottom of your screen. After a while, you can enter the answer directly into the dialog box after I say tick the question. I will make it according to the correctness of the answer and your submission speed. Selecting a lucky audience, the first question is about today's live broadcast life. Let me think about it. Ha Lin Han started to touch his chin and think. "What is it? It's really warning, it really makes me want to ask. Here's a question, I really don't know what to say! Lin Han smiled slightly. "Hurry up! Thank you for the flowers I've been waiting for! 99 "Lin God, please don't torture us!" "Lin God! Look here! Will the late submission of the question because of the speed of the Internet affect our award! This is not fair!" A barrage Caught Lin Han's attention.

"By the way! Insert a sentence, I just saw a barrage saying that it is the impact of network problems, what should I do? Everyone must rest assured, I just received a message saying that after everyone submits the answer, the traditional system will record your computer. local time, so this is completely fair! Okay, no nonsense, I already want to ask the question! 99

Lin Han suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed to the camera on the drone.

"That's how many times we picked pine needles when we captured the queen bee today, including the ones I picked and those picked by your heroine!

When Lin Han's voice just rang, the barrage disappeared instantly, because he was so shocked that he was anxious to listen and think.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Time is up!

Lin Han said after a five-second countdown.

"How many times!"

"Lin Shen, your question is really... cow!"

"Damn it! Why didn't I notice this! Really! Could Lin Shen say it again, this is really too torturous!"

"That's right! This makes us office workers feel so bad, we haven't seen it, and besides, I haven't had time to watch you back! 99

Just after Lin Han's countdown ended, the crazy barrage appeared again.

"Qingqing! Since this question has come, you can't go back on it, and someone has already answered it, and there are many correct answers, and there are office workers and other workers, you don't have to worry, wait for a while. There's a common sense question to give you a chance!"

Lin Han was looking at the ranking of the correct answers through the projection.

"Finally! Congrats to this lucky viewer named Pi Yanzi for qualifying with me, but you have to remember!

Lin Han pointed to the camera and said.

"Destroy can't trade your account to other people, maybe someone has started to contact you now, but this is not allowed, now your account can't be offline, if it is offline, it will be regarded as Give up, because our Lianmai is about to start!


Lin Han said.

"I... I got hit! I'm going! I got hit!"

At the same time, a middle-aged man sitting in front of the computer exclaimed excitedly.

"Wife! I won! I won! Hahaha! I didn't expect it, what I said just now, it must be me, I have been studying for a day today, and I have already entered the moment Lin Shen just said pine needles Well answer, except for this, I'm afraid he asks how many pine needles there are in total!"

The middle-aged man shouted to the living room.

"Really! Let me see!

A well-kept woman walked into the house and saw a flash of gold on the computer screen.

"Humph! Who told you not to send me the documents you organized! If I had you, I could win the lottery too!

The woman complained about her husband.

"Hey! Wait a minute, wouldn't it be better if we two can connect with Lin Shen together?

The middle-aged man said.

"Mumbling! Mumbling!"

At this moment, a phone call suddenly interrupted the conversation between the husband and wife.

"Hello? Are you..."

The middle-aged man was immersed in excitement and directly connected the phone without thinking about it.

"Hey! It's Mr. Chen!

"Yes! You are..."

"It doesn't matter who we are, but you can exchange one million for your qualifications with Lin Shen Lianmai. Can you see if you can? If you are not satisfied with our price, we can discuss it!

The voice of another middle-aged man came from the phone...

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