Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 445 Six hundred and sixty-six million! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 445 Six hundred and sixty-six million! (2, ask for full order!)

"It doesn't matter who we are, but we can exchange one million for your qualifications with Lin Shen Lianmai. Can you see if you can? If you are not satisfied with our price, we can discuss it!"

There was another middle-aged man's voice on the phone, which sounded very indifferent.

"Forget it! I still want to talk to Lin Shen. Besides, how did you know my phone number? Lin Shen didn't even announce my screen name and winning account number. How did you know? fi

The middle-aged man said into the phone.

"two millions!

But what responded to him was a string of cold numbers.

"Two million! I heard that right! What are you waiting for? Agree!

But at this time, the middle-aged man's wife couldn't help feeling excited in An Nai's heart.

"I don't think this opportunity can be measured with money, or in exchange for money, this is a phone call with Lin Shen, I don't want to lose this opportunity! Look!

The middle-aged man held down the microphone of the phone and said to his wife -.

"Two and a half million!"

The man on the other side of the phone thought it was because this person thought it was too small, so he added another 500,000.

"You're stupid! Don't you know how to tidy up? Isn't it yours if you tidy up tomorrow? Besides, isn't there another chance after a while? What if you win again? 66

The wife urged.

"But people don't allow one account to win awards at the same time, haven't you read the award rules? 46

"If you say you're stupid, you're still really stupid, just use my account later!

The wife said quickly, for fear that the phone over there would be hung up.

"Besides, Lin Shen said that Xiao can't trade accounts. If I give them this opportunity, my account can't be blocked. What should I do then?

The middle-aged man had already put down his fingers on the wheat wind.

"You don't have to worry about this, we will control your computer remotely. When we talk here, you will directly talk to Lin Shen! 66

The voice over the phone rang.

"But... But, I really don't think I can answer that common-sense question after a while. Besides, Lin Shen has asked this question so carefully today, and even the elephants will know the routine of Lin Shen Yun's cards. Now, there must be a lot of people waiting for tomorrow! I really can't guarantee that..."

"Even if we don't win the award, these millions are enough for us. Do you have to connect with Lin Shen? You are stupid! Two and a half million!"

"Three million! If it is possible, it can be operated now, and I will give you 50,000 first and then give you 2.95 million after the call is over!"

The voice over the phone added another half a million, and this time the middle-aged man's wife couldn't hold back her excitement.

"Urgent! Urgent! Whoosh!"

The woman was about to agree, but she held her breath again for a moment.

"You let him add a little more! A little more! 66

The wife typed out a few numbers from the memo on her mobile phone and showed it to the middle-aged man.

"Also... can you add a little more?

The middle-aged man was also a little confused by the double offensive of his wife and the other end of the phone.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to agree so quickly, that's ok, our boss said that the price is 6.66 million, and it's auspicious, so we won't bargain with you, 6.66 million If it doesn't suit us, we will find another person. I think you can refuse this number, and the next person should not be able to...

"I promise!

Just when the middle-aged man was still hesitating, his wife agreed directly.

"Haha, what you said doesn't count, your man won't agree at that time!

The other end of the phone laughed.

"Speak quickly! Six hundred and sixty-six million, how long does it take us to earn! Hurry up! Look!

The wife has started slapping the man on the back with her hands.

"Okay! I agree..."

"It seems that your enthusiasm is really high. Well, it's been a long break, so let's start the next question. This question is about common sense, so it is very good for students and knowledgeable people. It is beneficial, after all, there is no end to learning, and even with you, I can improve myself!"

Lin Han laughed.

"Get ready, I'm talking! The question this time is: What does it indicate if a bee crawls or dances the number '8' in front of its mate?

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! It's over!"

Lin Han waved his hand at the drone, and instantly the answering channel in the live broadcast room was also closed.

0...・・・For flowers・

"This time there are even more people than last time, is it too early to start today! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Starting tomorrow, I will postpone the time for a while, otherwise there will still be many viewers who have no chance!

Lin Han smiled at the camera, after all, everyone in the live broadcast room hoped that God could connect to himself.

"Okay! The two lucky viewers just now have come out. I'll give you two ten minutes to prepare. If you can't connect to the Internet after a while, or you can't hear your voice, it will be regarded as your own giving up. After all Or better not to waste everyone's time! Take a look

Lin Han said that Yun came to follow the rules of connecting with himself. At this time, people with a heart have written down this request, for fear that Lin Shen will ask questions in the subsequent quiz.

"To answer the first question just now, I took a total of several needles. I also discussed with your heroine. The correct answer is three times! But most people filled it in twice. Of course, you are sure I saw the female hero taking pine needles twice, but I also took pine needles once when I first got home. You may not have seen this. If you don't believe me, you can watch the replay! Is there any objection at home?"

Lin Han asked.

"I really have nothing to say! I just went to see it, but Lin Shen pulled out the pine needles, but in just such a scene, very quickly, in about a second, I seemed to be pouring water at that time! Damn it! !

At this point, the audience has started to regret it again.

"I was still immersed in the atmosphere of the bee swarm chasing, and I didn't care at all, it was really..."

Basically, I didn't find that the audience this time either didn't pay attention, or they really didn't watch it, and there was no mistake at all, or something...

"Don't worry too much if you don't have the right answer, the feng shui turns around, maybe you will be the one who answered right tomorrow!

Lin Han said.

"Okay! Now to answer the next question, which is the meaning of the dance of the number "8" in bees. In fact, bees do not have the ability to communicate in language like humans. Although they can also make sounds, that kind of sound does not exist among bees. What is the effect of communication, but only wings. . . .

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