Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 457 Bamboo baskets are empty! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 457 Bamboo baskets are empty! (2, ask for full order!)

Under the sunlight, this body looked very burly and intimidating, but when Lin Han and Li Shuixin saw the appearance of this figure, they all laughed in unison.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Xiaofei appeared to be lying dumbfounded, and even lowered his head to admit his mistake.

"You said what are you doing with us? And it's still sneaky, don't follow those guys to play, what do you want to do?

Lindsay said to Zhang Xiaofei.


Zhang Xiaofei made some noises from his mouth.

"Don't worry, we're not going to get some delicious food. If there is something delicious, the key is that it's not enough to put your teeth in! Go back!

Lin Han laughed.


Zhang Xiaofei circled around Lin Han- and shouted.

"I see! If it wants to go, you can let it go, it doesn't matter anyway, and since it doesn't believe it, just follow it and see it, then it will know, and next time I think it will not be reluctant. Follow us!

Li Shuixin 08 laughed.

"Okay! I found that you are getting more and more gaps now, let's go! Since you are willing to walk along, let's go! Don't say that we lied to you!"

Lin Han missed Zhang Xiaofei's head and then took Li Shuixin's hand and walked forward.

"Tell me, what exactly is the thing we got for Lin Han yesterday?"

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has unknowingly reached the normal level of the past, and the big images on the barrage are also active.

"I think it should be a small snack or something. Lin Shen is surviving in the wilderness, what else can he give?"

"Upstairs, I think what you said is wrong. I think it will give Lin Shen some other tools that cannot be made by hand. You must know that this way of sewing is the most interesting! 9

"Hey hey hey! I said you guys are discussing, but the police forgot that there is still a quiz today, so hurry up and pay attention to what Lin Han said about rhyme, and then I will ask three questions, and then leave the opportunity to others. !39

At this time, some people are concerned about what Lin Han will get after a while, and some people are concerned about what Lin Han is doing now is for the quiz tonight, but now there are two people who really can't mention it. Interested, because of the incident last night, the two of them hadn't slept all night, Akatsuki, and they didn't even go to today's class.

Because the gap between 6.66 million and 10,000 yuan is really too big.

"What should I do? The official just replied to me, saying that it has reminded everyone before that it is difficult not to sell your account or transfer the rewards in different forms, and it's all our fault for this situation now!

The man who won Lindsay's quiz spot last night was holding his mobile phone and watching the message sent to him by the live broadcast platform just now, but there was no expression on his face, like a pool of stagnant water.

"Why? Why doesn't the official website supervise more strictly? Let us ordinary people bear such losses! What bastard official, bring me the phone and tell me!

The woman's anger rose again. She felt that although they had the responsibility as the winner of the award, the most important responsibility was the official one. If the official couldn't be stricter in supervision, nothing would happen!

"Forget it, I think it's still our responsibility, forget it!"

The man waved his hand, he felt that if this matter got bigger, the reputation would definitely be bad for them!

"Bring me the phone! Stop talking nonsense!"

The woman stretched out her hand.

"I don't think it's necessary! It's really not necessary!"

The man still refused.

"Just as you are so timid, you can't do anything in the future, and you can't do anything now! After decades, you are still a staff member in your small broken company, a peer who entered the company like a stick. The worst thing is to be a section chief now, why are you still in this position, why are you still a small staff member?

The more the woman spoke, the more powerful she was, the man did not resist, and the woman's mouth became more and more quick.

"I really don't know how I followed you blindly in the first place. You are really unsatisfactory! Why did you let them control your computer before the deposit was received! Why!"

The woman thought about the tens of thousands of dollars in the deposit last night, but before the call came, the man directly confirmed the remote control on the computer. enter.

"You still told me, you didn't keep urging me last night to tell me to connect as soon as possible, connect as soon as possible, even if I said don't worry about it, you can't do it! What are you talking about? What do you think of me? If not You are roaring on the side, can I be fooled? 93

The man said that this place was just out of anger, and he felt more and more that his wife was making trouble out of nowhere.

"Bring the phone, since you can't be this, I'll be!"

The woman said and took the phone from the man's hand and pulled it directly to the customer service.

"Why not, our own problem!

Men still don't want to make things worse.

"you shut up!"

The woman glared at the man angrily.

"Hey! You can do it. At the beginning I said don't promise, don't promise, you have to promise because of the gap of more than six million yuan, now it's alright, you can do it yourself, don't talk to me about these things in the future!

The man stood up from the sofa, lit a cigarette and walked into 800's own bedroom.

"Hello! Hello, I'm the victim you just contacted!

As soon as the call was connected, the woman here began frantically to clarify her own problems.

"Don't you have any responsibility at all? You should at least give us a little compensation, or else this matter passes the hook, do you know what kind of losses you will receive? So I think it's good to give us a little compensation. !

The smile on the woman's face seemed to indicate that she felt that she had won the ticket.

"Why? Why? Why do you do this? Could it be that you have no regulatory responsibility? Hey? You can't do this!"

The woman was still yelling at the inside with the phone in her hand, but the phone had already been hung up over there, and there was only a beeping sound on the phone.

"What! What a fucking live platform!

The woman slammed the phone on the table, and the sound also attracted the man who was now hiding in the house to smoke.

"What are you doing? This is my new phone? What are you doing?"

The man ran over and picked up the mobile phone that was buckled on the table. He looked at it carefully. He found that the entire outer screen of the mobile phone had been shattered, and even the camera could not be activated, and the screen was also broken. There is a disconnection problem,

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