Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 458    If you can't find a small one, then find him Laozi! (1, please complet

Chapter 458 If you can't find a small one, then find him Laozi! (Please order all!)

The man ran over smartly, picked up the mobile phone that was buckled on the table, and looked at it carefully. He found that the entire outer screen of the mobile phone had been shattered, and even the camera could not be activated, and the screen was also shattered. There is a problem of broken touch, and when inputting Chinese characters, some options are not clicked.

"You crazy woman, why did you break my phone? I just bought it last week, and it hasn't even passed a week! 99

The man can't wait to drop the mobile phone in his hand directly on the woman's face.

"Didn't you buy some insurance? Replace it for free, just go for a new one tomorrow!"

The woman said nonchalantly.

"It can be replaced, but this is a new phone. What do you do when you break it? Although I can replace it, it still costs a few hundred dollars, and there are two opportunities every year,

"What are you! There is even worse news. The official said that you have now cancelled your account because you did not abide by the treaty. Come on, I think you will watch the live broadcast less in the future, and put your Work well and do it well? The child is about to go to high school, all kinds of remedial classes need money, and there are also various expenses at home. Fortunately, I have torn hundreds of thousands of dollars in half my life. It sounds like a lot, but it is actually enough. Not enough at all, okay?

After the woman said a sentence, she pushed the door hook and turned. She is now awake, so it is still too late to go to work. Although there will be a deduction for being late, it is better than being absent!


The man didn't say a word until the woman Yunmen angrily, and finally he took the time to turn on the computer and tried to see if he could log in to the live broadcast software.


The news of the successful login finally gave the man a little solace in his heart, but the following message made him dumbfounded.

"This account has been disabled for interactive functions...!"

The man read out the above message to himself.

"What does it mean?"

Although the man already had the answer in his heart at this time, he still didn't want to believe it on the surface.


The man clicked on various interactive options, and found that in addition to being able to send barrage, the rest of the lottery, including the lottery, could not participate, and even gifts could not be cut!

"Crazy woman! Sure enough, crazy woman! 9)

Manly, he closed the webpage and slumped on the chair, the blue veins beside his temples bulging.

"The bamboo basket was empty, and I knew I couldn't let her mess around with anything, and it's my fault. I used greed, 10,000 yuan! I bought a lesson! Who the hell is this person! I want to see!

The man is an employee of an Internet company, so it is easy to find the person who called the man last night by following the network cable.

About half an hour after the gap, a positioning hook appeared on the computer map.

Wang Jinsong "? Isn't this the rich man? What's going on? He also wants to connect with Lin Shen?

Although the man didn't believe it, he still found Wang Jinsong's personal phone number in the mood to try his best to save the loss.

"Fuck! Why can't I enter this "6"!"

The man wanted to make a call, but found that the number "6" could not be pressed at all because of the broken screen of the mobile phone!

"Fortunately there is a seat!

The man muttered to the side of the landline phone at home and dialed Wang Jinsong's number.


After a few rings on the phone, someone finally got through.

"Hello! Who are you?"

A middle-aged man's voice appeared over there.

"Hello! Is this Mr. Wang?

The man still asked politely, because his intuition told him that the person who can do things like that should not be President Wang.

"Who are you! Where did you people who need investment get my phone number? I changed one after another, but I couldn't get rid of you. If you have the ability and confidence, go directly to my secretary, and then Submit your proposal and proposal, if it's good, you don't need to tell me, I'll let someone contact you!"

President Wang's impatient voice sounded from there.

"No no! I didn't come to you to talk about investment!"

"Then what are you doing! Gossip? I don't have time to chat with you. You should be a young man from your voice, so you still need to go around a bit more at a young age.

President Wang was not in a hurry to hang up the phone.

"No, no! You're wrong, I'm here to ask one thing! Did you watch Lin Han's live broadcast last night? 99

the man asked tentatively.

"Live? Hahaha! Young man, you really know how to joke, how can I watch those young people's things at my age, but I know what you said about Lin Han, my son likes to watch it, what's wrong?"

Wang Jin laughed.

*your son!"

After the man heard it, he suddenly seemed to have an eyebrow in his heart and clapped his hands.

"That should be your son. Last night, your son was willing to exchange 6.66 million for me and Lin Han for the chance to connect with Lin Han, but in the end your son refused to admit it and only gave me 10,000 yuan, so I found you!

While talking, the man took his mobile phone and found the recordings on the phone and computer last night.

Fortunately, he was clever at the time and thought of fixing the evidence with audio recordings.

"I think you are thinking too much about this. No matter how bad my son is, his credit is not a problem! Do you have evidence for this? If you talk nonsense, it will be slander! But you will be held legally responsible!

Wang Jinsong laughed.

"Yes! Listen!"

The man directly opened the recording file.

After drying the recording and playing, Wang Jinsong was silent (of money) for a long time and turned around.

"It should be Mr. Zhang! It seems to be true! I didn't expect the elder to help this kid to conceal this matter, 6.666 million, this kid can really speak rhyme!

Hearing Wang Jinsong's tone, he was also full of shock.

"wait a moment!

Wang Jinsong said to the man, and then there was the sound of the landline button on the phone.

"What did you do last night?

Over the phone came Wang Jinsong's questioning voice.

"What authorization is not authorized, I will ask you how you got this opportunity to Lianmai!

Wang Jingsong said again.

"Did you give him that much money?"

"Damn you! The portrait has found me here, you know? There are still recordings in the hands, good boy, I thought that you are finally a little business savvy now, but you caught it for me. One such thing....

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