Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 459    Now half of it! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 459 Cash in half! (Seeking full order!)

"What authorization is not authorized, I will ask you how you got this opportunity to Lianmai! 99

Wang Jing said angrily.

"Did you give him that much money?

"Fuck you! The portraits have found me here, you know? There are still recordings in their hands, good boy, I thought that you are finally a little business savvy now, but you made a rhyme for me. Such a thing, do you know how much loss it will bring us if it is passed on? This little thing is enough to make us doomed, okay! You little bastard can really piss me off die!"

Wang Jinsong scolded his son directly.

"Dad! Calm down first, didn't I fail to achieve my goal at the time? So naturally it is impossible to give him money. If you think about it, it is 6.66 million. If I just give it to him, then I will not give him money. It's a big loss!

Mr. Wang still doesn't think so until now.

"Hurry up and make people look like money. It's as much as it is, and it can't be less than a cent. If my company's reputation suffers because of this incident, I don't think you need to rely on me to do anything wrong!"


There was only beeping on the other end of the phone. When Mr. Wang wanted to say something, his Laozi had already hung up at 800.


"Hello, I have already asked my son to make money for you, you should wait a while to receive it, because this matter is really sorry!

Wang Jinsong said to the man.

"It's okay, it's okay! I just want to get my own money back, so don't bother you, goodbye!

The man also didn't feel good about his threatening words, so he hung up the phone after the matter was settled.

"Beep beep beep!"

At this moment, the phone on Wang Jinsong's desk rang again, and he saw that it was his son calling again.

"Hello? What's the matter?"

Wang Jinsong said angrily.

"Dad! Do you really want to give it? That's more than six million! Or should I talk to him again?

Mr. Wang said.

"What are we talking about? Since it's a promise to others, let's be realistic, even if the portrait wants to stab you in the back, it won't hold us in our hands. Besides, is more than six million yuan a lot for you? Isn't it your living expenses for half a year? Don't go to the bar a few times, and let me wipe your butt a few times. Isn't this money coming out? Okay! I still have something to do. Otherwise, see how I clean up you!

Wang Jinsong didn't want to say a few more words to his incompetent son, so he hung up the phone again.

"Hey! Mr. Zhang, you gave him 30,000 last time!"

Xiao Wang always said to the old man beside him.

"Yes! Mr. Wang, I gave him 30,000 yuan last night, but I don't know what your father meant?

Zhang Lao's brows were also very tight at this time. After all, this matter was discovered by President Wang.

"Give it all to him, as much as we agreed at the beginning, hurry up and do it!

Mr. Wang moved his head to signal that Mr. Zhang could go.

"Yes! Master!"

Zhang Lao slowly backed away and finally walked out of the door.

Instead of directly transferring money to the man, he took out his mobile phone and called the man.

At this time, the man also kept refreshing the numbers on the mobile banking. Although he knew that more than 6 million yuan would come to his bank card soon, he was still in a bad mood, as if he had lost something.

"Di Di Di! 33

Just then the man's cell phone rang.



It turned out that the old man called him last night.

"What our President Wang meant was that after all, he didn't achieve his goal last night, so fortunately for half of you, it's 3,330,000!

Zhang Lao said into the phone.

"But what Mr. Wang said to me just now means that the amount of money is what the amount of money is. What do you mean here?"

(aifb) The man laughed, he knew it was impossible to get the money so easily.

"After all, that is the meaning of the king, but in fact, 6.66 million is really impossible, you also know this! 93

Zhang Lao laughed.

"Okay! 3.33 million is 3.33 million, I'm not greedy, I just want to get back what belongs to me!"

The man sighed, and now he has a feeling that these three million or more may not be realized.

"Okay! Then I hope you can abide by the rules and don't spread this matter out. You know the ability of our Wang Corporation. If you don't respect us, we won't respect you!"

"Beep beep!

Before the man could speak, he hung up on the phone.

With a refresh after the man hung up the phone, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was an extra 3.32 million in his bank account.

"Aah! Sure enough, the 10,000 yuan given to me yesterday was included, and that's right, I promised others that a month's salary is more than 20,000 yuan, more than 3 million yuan, which is more than 160 months for me. I can earn a lot, really! 33

"Really a lot!

The man kept repeating these words in his mouth. At this time, no one knew whether he was happy or unhappy!

"Why haven't you come yet? It's already past eight o'clock!


At this time, Lin Han also brought Li Shuixin and Zhang Xiaofei to the shore, and had been waiting for dawn for about ten minutes, but there was no shadow of Yunxian drone in the sky.


Zhang Xiaofei also seemed to have discovered something was wrong, and felt that it was not really looking for delicious food or fun.

"Move! Since it's here, just wait here, maybe after a while, I really want to ask you to help!

Lin Han grabbed Zhang Xiaofei who had just stood up, and Zhang Xiaofei's tiger roar was a little helpless.

"Oh oh oh!

The anxious waiting of Lin Han and Li Shui finally got a response. At this time, several drones finally appeared in the sky. Each of these drones was tied with a rope, and these ropes The ends are all helping a corner of a box.

"Why is this box so big? Could it be that there is really something good this time?

Lin Han couldn't help but say something.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't bear it anymore. They stared at the screen in front of them one by one, looking forward to what they had worked hard to get for Lin Shen yesterday.

The drone slowly landed in front of Lin Han,

Lin Han and Li Shuixin walked forward, untied the ropes tied to the box, took off the box, and then the drone took off and left on the spot. At this time, there was a large box left. And looking forward to...

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