Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty   Three-Tier Gifts! (1, please order all!)

Chapter 460 Three-tiered gifts! (Please order all!)

Lin Han took Li Shuixin around the corner, untied the ropes tied to the box, took off the box, and then the drone took off and left. At this time, there was a large box left. There is also Lin Han and Li Shuixin who are looking forward to it.

"This is the result of everyone's efforts yesterday, it shouldn't be too bad, after all, your strength is huge!

Lin Han opened the barrage and said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Hurry up! God Lin, we can't wait any longer."

"That's right! It's just the police brigade's appetite. This feeling is really unbearable!"

Several others said.

"Okay okay! Open it now!

Lin Han approached the box with a smile, picked up a sharp-edged stone on the ground and scratched the plastic tape on the box.

"All these are put away, we should be able to use them in the future, and now we must cherish everything!"

Lin Han wrapped the tape wrapped around the carton and handed it to Li Shuixin.

"Okay! Give it to me!"

Li Shuixin took the thing that Lin Han handed over and carefully wrapped it in leaves and placed it on her body.

"Now is the time to see the real face, if I guess correctly, it should be something like making a wooden map!

At this time, Lin Han finally said what he had guessed in his heart.

"Mapping stuff? Why do you say that?"

Li Shuixin couldn't understand why Lin Han said that.

"Just look at it and you'll find out!"

Lin Han didn't hesitate any more and opened the cardboard box directly, and the contents inside really confirmed what Lin Han said.

In the wooden box lay a push knife, a box of nails, and a small machine for fixing nails. These are on the surface, but underneath these are Lin Youxuanji. Lin Han took the first layer. When the rhyme came, the second layer revealed the hook, which was a dozen packs of particles.

"What are these things?"

Li Shuixin asked curiously.

"It looks like it should be a seed, I really didn't expect the show team to give us a seed, haha!"

Lin Han opened the plastic bag, took out the motivational seeds and put them on his nose to smell them, but he didn't seem to find anything similar in his mind.

"Leave it alone, won't you know when it's time to plant? Why...there is one more layer?"

Lin Han touched the edge of the second layer with his hand and found that it was a little loose, which means that there is another layer underneath.

"There is one more layer? There are already a lot of things. The show team really found out this time!"

Li Shuixin also called out happily, but these things would save them a lot of effort.

Lin Han also smiled slightly, opened the second floor, and the third floor was also in sight.

"No wonder so many drones are needed to tow! It's a big guy!

Lin Han put his hands in and groped for a while, and then brought this big guy to work.

This is a small box with a glass cover on the outside, a sponge pad on the inside, and a solar lock on the top.

"Solar Incubator!"

Lin Han studied for a while and said.

"What do you mean by solar incubator?

Li Shuixin clasped his hands and asked.

"It means on the surface, it is a machine that can use solar energy to incubate eggs. It is no wonder that the hatchling parrot you mentioned earlier was heard by the program team. These wild geese on the island have a low hatching rate for goose eggs. Poor, so with this thing, we can control the birth rate of parrots."

Lin Han also looked a little happy, after all, hatching negativity was a fun thing for him, so let's not mention it for Li Shuixin.

"Then let's try it now!

Li Shuixin said happily.

"Shape! Now there are tools for making maps, let's get the goose eggs done first, and then we'll deal with the wooden floors! Today's stuff is good! Thank you all!

Lin Han was afraid to pat what was in his hand and said to the camera.

"Lin Shen, don't be polite to me, today's battle has not yet started, we agreed to start at ten this morning! 99

"As long as the heroine is happy, we can do anything!!

Several barrages were pushed into the evening.

"As long as the heroine is happy? Could it be that my emotions are not important?"

Lin Han frowned slightly and made a joke to the live broadcast room.

"Zhang Xiaofei! Your mission is here!

Lin Han said to Zhang Xiaofei, who was lying on the ground lazily basking in the sun.

"Woooo~~~ 13


But Zhang Xiaofei only responded to Lin Han with a lazy cry.

"Hey! You bastard, don't come! But you come to me!

Lin Han walked towards Zhang Xiaofei without saying a word.


Zhang Xiaofei also jumped up from the ground in an instant, shaking his head and came to Lin Han's side.

"I still know the look! Go! Those things will be handed over to you!"

Lin Han pointed to the big box lying on the beach in the distance.

"Why don't you give Zhang Xiaofei your incubator in your hand, is it too heavy for you to hold?"

Lin Han asked Li Shuixin.

"It's okay, this is my baby, if I hold it myself, what if Zhang Xiaofei accidentally breaks it for me?


Li Shuixin walked forward as she spoke, leaving a series of footprints on the beach.

"Okay! Let's go, it's still early today, I hope to get the wooden map ready by night!"

Lin Han looked at the rising sun and felt a little warmth in his heart.

After arriving at the residence, Li Shuixin and Lin Han put the box in the house, and brought the incubator to the farm's boundary. Although they didn't see it at all, the few wild recruits caught by Lin Han had already matched the wild animals here. The geese play together.

"Looks like there should be goose eggs!

Lin Han smiled slightly, and while the mother pot was not paying attention, he reached out and groped for a while in the cooked nest. When he brought Yun again, three goose eggs had already been caught on it.

"Really! Are there only three? 99

Li Shuixin almost jumped up with joy.

"There should be more than three, I'll get a few more rhymes!"

Lin Han put his hand in again, and this time he took out three more goose eggs.

"There are three more, it seems that there are nine in total, but I don't know if they were recruited by the same one!

Lin Han said.

"It's definitely not the same one! If it's the same one, then it's too powerful, then we hatch six goose eggs?"

Li Shuixin looked at the six goose eggs on the ground, and the joy in her heart was indescribable.

"Let's incubate six, and leave the remaining three to them. We can do a side-by-side comparison to see which method is the most reliable and fastest in the end. Sometimes...

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