Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 461    If you don’t understand, just ask! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 461 Ask if you don't understand! (2, ask for full order!)

"It's definitely not the same one! If it's the same one, then it's too powerful, then we hatch six goose eggs?"

Li Shuixin looked at the six goose eggs on the ground, and the joy in her heart was indescribable.

"Let's incubate six, and leave the remaining three to them. We can make a horizontal comparison to see which method is the most reliable and fastest. Sometimes machines are really not as good as The original way!

Lin Han laughed.

""What's next?"

Li Shuixin asked.

"Of course, these goose eggs were hatched separately. There are instructions on this incubator, please take it to a sunny place, or put it under an incandescent lamp to simulate daily exposure!

Lin Han looked at the manual that came with the incubator and said.

""800", then let's hurry up, I can't wait!

Li Shuixin urged Lin Han to move faster.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Immediately!" Lindsay nimbly corrected the housing, but she couldn't let the mother pot find out that her eggs were missing a few, but in fact, could she not find out?

Lin Han held the incubator and took Li Shuixin to a place where the sun was directly shining, put the incubator on the ground, and turned on the button.

"Drop! Please set the eggs!"

The machine started instantly after receiving the energy of sunlight.

"Of course it's a goose egg! I'll look for it!" Lin Han turned the button on the incubator, but all kinds of names appeared in front of him. Like White Feather Raven, Black Feather Crow, Fire Phoenix Goose, etc., there are all kinds of names that Lin Han has never seen before, which makes Lin Han in trouble.

Lin Han also misses sometimes, but what he has to do after he misses is to quickly ask for help, so Han suddenly thought of the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Can the boss tell me what kind of wild recruit this belongs to?"

Lin Han asked towards the camera. But the barrages that were instantly scattered on the public screen of the live broadcast room really started to make trouble, and one by one can be said to be completely unreliable.

"You people don't know, forget it, and still make trouble, don't you want to see the goslings hatch! 19

Li Shuixin felt angry when she saw it.

Bai Yu "The pot is ready!

Lin Han was still sharp-eyed, and saw the only credible one among the dense barrages.

"Bai Yumu! What basis do you have for saying this?"

Lin Han pointed at the barrage initiator and asked.

"The pheasant is naturally the most common breed, and the black feather is a kind of mutation. In fact, I don't understand it very well, but I think it can hatch rhyme according to the most common regulations! Lin Shen, think about it, the life of a wild goose. The environment is not so bad. Of course, this is compared with those of the breeders!

Lin Han's private message in the live broadcast room received a reply from the person just now.

"Okay! Then believe it, if it succeeds, then I have to thank you!"

Lin Han replied.

"Haha, Lin Shen, you are joking, I still feel very happy to be able to explore these things with you!

The man also responded politely.

"Okay, okay! I chose Baiyu to raise money. I'll tell you the troublemakers. I may be asking this question tonight. You should go down and take a look. You won't know it when it smells.

Lin Han left the live broadcast room after a few words.

And the people in the live broadcast room did not expect that Lin Shen still had such a hand, and one by one began to worry again.

"White Feather Crow! That's what it means, then we choose Bai Yumu, what do you think?"

Lin Han asked Li Shuixin who was beside him.

"Of course I don't understand these things, so everything is up to you!"

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han and smiled.

"Actually, I don't know much about this! So let's listen to the great god in the live broadcast room!"

Lin Han scratched his head, it was rare for him to admit that he didn't know in front of his girlfriend, but the truth was the truth, and if you don't understand, ask this is the reason why Lin Han has been able to grow up until now.

Lin Han turned the button to select the White Feather Goose Incubation Setting option, then set the incubator upright so that the sunlight could just fully shine on the sides and the upper solar cells were turned off.

"Everything is ready, just need one thing now! 11

"What, do you need anything else? I'll get it now if you need it!

Li Shuixin thought that Lin Han didn't bring all the equipment in the box just now.

"No, no! I said that I need something, and this thing is actually time. We will come back in ten days and a half to see the effect. It should not be bad. The program team may also be advertising. If this thing goes wrong , the loss is not a little bit!

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Lin Han's mouth..

"Okay! Let's go to the wooden floor!

Lin Han stood up with his hands on his knees and pulled Li Shuixin towards the house.

"Go get us some trees. We need raw materials for wood and ground. Let me study this thing first!"

Lin Han took out the special tool for pinning wood that the show team gave him from the box and looked at it.

"Okay! Roughly how much?"

Now that Lin Han has arranged tasks for Li Shuixin, Li Shuixin is of course very happy.

"A tree that is more than ten years old and less than fifteen years old is not bad, about the width of your arm!"

Lin Han said without raising his head, but Li Shuixin didn't mind Lin Han treating her like this, after all, they were working now.

"Haodu: I'm going!"

After Li Shuixin finished speaking, he jumped into the forest, and a drone followed Li Shuixin and flew in.

"It seems that the trees have to be cut into sections first, and the thickness should not be too thick. If it is too thick, it is likely to waste a lot of wood. If it is too thin, the whole board will be chopped off before it is corrected and leveled!

Lin Han said and stood up, took a 5.1 wooden board about the same size from the beehive maker before and put it on the table, ready to try it with tools.

I saw Lin Han holding the wooden knife and pushed it forward, and a small scroll of sawdust appeared on the top of the wooden knife, which looked very fun.

"Puff puff! This is too healing, I'll let Li Shuixin give it a try, I won't do it for now, it's easier anyway!

Lin Han put down the tools in his hand and started to prepare cement, which is also necessary for laying the wooden map in a while.

The method is the same as before, but Lin Han has added a lot of small sand particles to the cement here, because this way the cement will have more viscosity.

After about ten minutes, all these preparations were completed. Lin Han learned the tools in the hands of the carpenter he had seen before, and made two cement boards. Now all he has to do is wait here for Li Shuixin...

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