Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 466 The strength of the heroine! (1, please complete the order!)

Chapter 466 The strength of the heroine! (1, please complete the order!)

"No! I have to think of a new method, so that you can both watch the live broadcast comfortably and participate in the quiz with prizes comfortably. If you have any good ideas, just leave a message on the message board. As long as I adopt it. How about just giving this person a chance to connect to the microphone? The construction of the live broadcast room still needs to work together!

Lin Han smiled at the camera.

"I see! This method is good! But after today's quiz is over, hey hey! 93

"Yes! I support, Lin Shen, if you are really considerate of us, then tonight's quiz is really simpler, what do you think?"

But at this time, although Lin Han could see the barrage, he just didn't speak, pretending to have closed the barrage.

"Lin Shen is busy, I see that although you have a good idea on "800" in the building, it is actually impossible to run the track today, after all, it is already past noon. It's not fair to watch the live broadcast today, how about we do it again tonight when there is a quiz?"



Lin Han really wanted to laugh when he saw the barrage, but he held it back, perhaps letting the laughter affect him.

The originally clear coconut milk also gradually formed a lot of small bubbles under Lin Han's frantic stirring. These small bubbles also gradually turned into large bubbles, and finally even the coconut water has disappeared, leaving only these white pastes.

"You're done! That's healthy stuff!"

Lin Han put the freshly soaked coconut milk into the ice cellar, and then disposed of the spices on the side, chopped mint, and crushed the honey with stones from the honeycomb.

After doing all this, Lin Han then breathed a sigh of relief.

"There should be more than ten minutes, enough!"

Lin Han looked at the sun in the sky, and it was still hot in the sky at this time. Of course, it is impossible to eat this strawberry mousse at noon. Naturally, it also needs a little staple food, and this staple food Lin Han intends to make pancakes!

Lin Han found flour, mixed it in a coconut shell, and finally found some gravel.

Experience is essential, but the most important thing is practice.

He lit some branches, washed the gravel, and put it on a stone circle to start heating. Oil is of course essential. After a while, the stones on the stone slab began to smoke.

Lin Han took the time to put the stretched dough on top of these stones and started heating. In terms of heating, Lin Han prefers to call this method baking. This is the practice of imitating a kind of food he has seen before - stone cakes, but he doesn't know whether it will be delicious.

Under the high temperature, the gaps in the cake are filled with a large amount of air, and the air gradually expands and breaks through the skin of the cake. changed to some extent.

On the ground with stones, the texture of the cake will become very crispy, and even with a slight touch of the tongue, the cake can be crushed, and on the ground without stones, the texture will be soft. After frying in olive oil, only the aroma of wheat and the taste of olive fruit is left.

Lin Han baked about three biscuits with time, then wrapped everything in big leaves and walked towards Li Shuixin.

"How? It's not over yet?"

Lin Han approached Jinlian and found that Li Shuixin still had three or four planks left.

"No! I'm not a machine, I'm good at it, I just took a little rest, and the last few wait for me!

Li Shuixin had already forgotten about having lunch.

"Don't worry, can you drink water?"

Lin Han asked kindly.

"Drink! Pour me a glass of water! I'm really saying that you're really thirsty if you ask this!

Li Shuixin wiped the sweat from her forehead. She was really lazy just now. After all, Lin Han is not here, and Li Shuixin is the kind of person who is eager to appear in front of Lin Han, so naturally she is a little bit lazy. I was lazy, but now it's different.

As soon as Lin Han arrived here, Li Shuixin's heart was full of energy.

"Here! Drink some water! Police officer Zheng Xiao!"

Li Shuixin was still thinking here, Lin Han came over with a glass of water.

Before Li Shuixin could stop and take the cup, Lin Han directly handed the cup to Li Shuixin's mouth.


"Thank you sir! Try this!"

Lin Han directly stuffed the freshly frozen strawberries into Li Shuixin's mouth..

"Mmmmmmm!!! Wow~~~~"

Lin Han didn't expect Li Shuixin's reaction to be so big, so he put down the things in his hand and opened Lin Han's palm.

"Anything else? Why is it so delicious, is this?

Li Shuixin said excitedly.

"Didn't you just get a taste of what this is? 99

Lin Han was also greatly surprised. Could it be that Li Shuixin just swallowed something directly?

"No! It's just that it feels very cold, and I haven't tasted it carefully, and the tongue has sent something to my throat!

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Why don't you have one? Is there only one?"

Li Shuixin opened Lin Han's other hand again, but there was still nothing in the other hand.

"Just one! Want to eat? If you want to eat, hurry up and finish all the things in your hand!

Lin Han sat on the ground beside him, raised Erlang's legs, and looked at him very comfortably.

"Humph! It's done when it's done, how can it be difficult for me to live with such a little thing?

Li Shuixin stomped more and came to the table to pick up the knife, which was a few minutes faster than before.


Lin Han felt a hallucination in his ears, and after a while, he heard Li Shuixin's voice 5.1.

"Did you just speak?"

Lin Han turned his head and asked Li Shuixin.

"That's not nonsense, who else could it be if it wasn't what I just said? Hurry up! What about that ice-cold thing just now? It's really a bit like a strawberry in the aftertaste!"

Li Shuixin still couldn't help licking his lips.


Li Shuixin was worried about what to eat, but Lin Han was completely conquered by Li Shuixin's hand speed. Lin Han thought his hands-on ability was amazing, but now Li Shuixin's hand speed is completely beyond Lin Han's. expected.

The key is that the cut boards look very flat, and there is no trace of laziness at all.

"How did you do it? Completely illogical!

Lin Han touched his chin and fell into contemplation, but no matter what he thought...

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