Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter four hundred and sixty-seventh chapter is meticulous! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 467 is meticulous! (2, ask for full order!)

"How did you do it? It doesn't fit the logic of the pavilion at all! 9

Lin Han touched his chin and fell into contemplation, but no matter how he thought about it, there was no clue.

"Hey! How about it, am I walking in front of you this time, and then give me something cold and cold just now, and I'll tell you how to do it.

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Although I wanted to know just now, I don't want to know now!"

Lin Han kept wandering around the table, and kept picking up the wooden map that Li Shuixin had just corrected to look at it. At this time, he seemed to see something in his eyes.

"Ah? Why? Why don't you want to know all of a sudden? Forget it! You don't want to know, you don't want to know, anyway, you must be tricking me, I won't be fooled!

Li Shuixin learned to be smart this time, and immediately knew that Lin Han was provoking her, but Lin Han was shaking his head.

"No no no! This time, you really think wrong, I didn't give you any aggressive tricks, but I really saw your tricks, you are 08 put three wooden boards on the file at the same time. The bottom of it? Then it is uniformly polished, and this method is really only you Li Shuixin can do diligently, if you change to a policeman, you will definitely not be able to push it!"

Lin Han said that he picked up a piece of wood and closed his fingers.

"Look at this to see how you did it!

Lin Han continued.

"How do you see this hook, I didn't expect you to be really powerful!

When Li Shuixin saw that Lin Han saw that the hook was coming, he didn't bother to say anything anymore.

"You thought I was amazing from the beginning, but now it makes you think I'm a bit unfathomable, right? Look at this!"

Lin Han pointed to the texture on the wooden floor and said.

"Don't see it yet?"

Lin Han said where he pointed.

"That's right! It's here, do you see it?"

Lin Han asked again.


But Li Shuixin still shook his head and said.

"It's over! It's over!"

Lin Han directly put down the wooden map in his hand and walked to the side and raised his head to look at the white clouds and the blue sky.

"What's the matter? It's over! Did something bad happen? You are in a hurry! Is there something we can discuss and solve it? You said before that no matter what it is Can not give up!

Li Shuixin immediately came over and comforted Lin Han.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Lin Han squinted at Li Shuixin.

"What's the matter? I feel like we can handle whatever it is!

Li Shuixin said firmly.

"But this matter doesn't seem to be resolved, and it's a big problem!

Lin Han said again.

"Oh! It's almost killing me, but you say it! 99

"It's just that your brain and eyes are not good, what do you say? This is difficult for medicine! 33

Lin Han missed Li Shuixin's head and walked away with a smile.

"Ah? What about what?"

Li Shuixin still stood there and thought carefully about what Lin Han said just now.

"Hahaha! Look, the heroine still hasn't figured it out.

"Hey! God Lin is really too bad, how could a female hero understand this kind of literary problem!

But now Li Shuixin really wanted to understand Xiao.


Li Shuixin tapped the palm of his hand.

"Lin Han, who do you say has bad eyesight, and who do you say is stupid! Explain it to me clearly!"

Li Shuixin walked towards Lin Han angrily.

"Then you look at what's on this wooden floor now? Or is there something strange? 99

Lin Han still took a few pieces of wood and placed it in front of Li Shuixin and asked.

"Does this have any necessary connection with our lives? What can we do when we see the hook? What can we do if we can't see the source of the grapes? You tell me!

Li Shuixin really didn't watch it this time, it didn't matter anyway.

"That's right! Seeing it and not seeing it doesn't seem to have any substantial impact, but this is the gap between me and you, a little fool, didn't you say you want me to learn? Why do you regret it now? ? Or give up? 33

"No! No regrets and no giving up! I can see it! Isn't it just a few pieces of wood!

Li Shuixin just missed the plan, but now he has fallen into Lin Han's aggressive tactics.

Now she is staring at every little detail on the wooden floor.

"This texture is not right! I know that trees grow out round by round, so the textures on these wooden maps are also different, and you can't judge rhyme based on this. What did I just do?

As Li Shuixin spoke, she denied the idea that she had just been born.

"Yes! It's a bit brainy to be able to judge from the texture, but your inner direction is wrong, okay! Come and take a look!

Lin Han didn't intend to let Li Shuixin stubbornly struggle with a problem, and to cultivate a person should be guided from all aspects.

"Have you seen this file? Here! I'm talking about the blade!

Lin Han pointed.

"I see!

Li Shuixin nodded and looked very well-behaved.

"Every time it crosses the surface of the wood, it will leave traces on it. This is the basis for my judgment. The few pieces of wood that you just finished have the same marks on them, not at the same time. what else?

Lin Han laughed.

"Nennen! The original 800 came to be judged in this way, that's considered a gap for inquiries, at least the direction is right!

Li Shuixin said playfully.

"Haha! You still have to be careful, you girl, otherwise how can you catch up with me!

"What do I do to catch up with you? What if I can catch up with you? What do I want you to do? If I had the ability on you, I would have established my own business! 9

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Send, send! What are you going to do, why are you holding on to my neck again, let me go!

Li Shuixin was dragged forward by Lin Han while shouting.

"Say it! I'll give you a delicious meal!"

Lin Han didn't know when he turned out an iced strawberry from his hand and stuffed it into Li Shuixin's mouth.

"Mmmmmmm! That's it, and now it's time to try the hook, this is a strawberry, right?"

Although Li Shuixin was still being held by Lin Han's arms, this icy cold feeling had already made her sink.

"Yes! It's the wild strawberry you picked last time. It's still delicious if you freeze it at a low temperature. Don't worry, there will be more delicious ones after a while!

Lin Han laughed.

"Hey! You're not going to make that strawberry mousse, are you?" Li Shuixin said directly.

"Since you've said it all, let's sigh, who asked me to be your boyfriend! You'll have to help in a while, but you can't let your stomach...

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