Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 470 The old wave has not yet settled, and the new wave has risen again! (1, please complete

Chapter 470 The old wave has not yet settled, and the new wave has risen again! (1, please complete the order!)

After all the preparations were done, Lin Han was finally relieved. At this time, Li Shuixin also came here. It seems that Lin Han was sweating profusely, and his face was full of doubts. Can cement do this?

"Not enough wood floors, I just made a few more, that look at me!»

Lin Han seemed to see the doubt in Li Shuixin~'s eyes.

"Let's just say, I thought you just made cement and Zheng Cheng looks like this! Then why don't you take a break?"

Li Shuixin laughed.

"No need! Since you're here, let's start work, it's almost time for tomorrow morning to be able to stick together!"

Lin Han stood up from the grass and walked forward with Mu Diguan in his arms.

"You use a big leaf to dig a little cement from that hole over there. How about I lay it here?"

Lin Han put the wooden floor on the door of the house and said.

"Okay! You wait a moment! I'll go now!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Shuixin picked up a bamboo knot and walked towards the big pit, and after a while, he came over with a leaf of cement.

Lin Han first laid all the wood floors in all the corners of the house, and then started the overall laying. This is to maximize the overall beauty of the house. After all, each wood floor still needs a certain degree of Connection, if you keep changing the connection point, the final effect will definitely not be very good.

"Since we have done it, we must do it well. This is the attitude we should have towards life!"

Lin Han squatted on his waist, first smeared an area of ​​cement on the ground with bamboo joints, and then laid the wooden map on top. Naturally, the subsequent correction work was also handed over to Li Shuixin.

According to Lin Han's instructions, Li Shuixin used a lot of leaves and wooden sticks to make a "soft" hammer. This kind of hammer will not damage the wooden map no matter how hard you try, but the force is knocking again and again. Under the deep into the wooden map.

"There seems to be some injustice!"

Li Shuixin looked back at the wooden floor he had repaired and said.

"Maybe there are stones in the cement, so pick up those uneven wooden floors, and we'll do it again later!"

Lin Han said without looking back.


Li Shuixin replied, using bamboo knots to pry open the uneven maps, and then put them aside.

"Look, this is not a place to play!"

Li Shuixin noticed that there was an uneven wooden floor at the door. Just when she was just prying up the wooden floor and preparing to put it outside the house, she suddenly felt that her butt was blocked by something.


Looking back, it turned out that it was Lu Xiaobu and the others.

The characters of these guys are very curious. Lu Xiaobu quickly raised his nose and sniffed the wooden map in Li Shuixin's hand.

"Send! Lick! That's not for eating!"

Fortunately, Li Shuixin reacted quickly, if his hand speed were a little slower, Lu Xiaobu would have to eat a big mouthful of cement!

"Don't come here, Lin Han is busy, if you anger Lin Han, your good days are coming to an end! Go! 93

Li Shuixin grabbed the feet of Lv Xiaobu, who was the leader, and dragged it away, then closed the drying door.

"What's the matter? Those guys are very curious?"

Lin Han turned around and said.

"Hey! There are so many delicious foods on this island, you have to eat cement, don't you think it's strange!"

Li Shuixin sighed and said.

"It's by nature, the police see that those guys are so big, but their minds are still like three or four-year-old children. When the wooden floor is all closed, these guys can't come in at all. They came in to sleep and play. It's okay to play, but not after that, their claws will break the wooden map!

Anyone can hear that Lin Han is speaking to Li Shuixin!

"Oh! But you have to get them a place to shelter from the wind and rain, or we live in the house and they can't come in. If it were me, I wouldn't want to!"

Li Shuixin pouted, and the expression on his face was a little subtle.

"Sure! Otherwise, what did I just do so much cement for? After a while, I'm going to build a small home for these guys, and they can go in and sleep for a while when they are babies, right next to our house, do you think? ? So we're more like a home here!"

Lin Han laughed.

"It's alright! Hee hee! I know you are thinking about things more comprehensively. Are you over on your side?"

0.·Ask for flowers·

At this time, Lin Han had already disappeared from Li Shuixin's eyes. Hearing the sound, it should be on the other side of the wall.

"It's almost over! If you're done downstairs, you can go upstairs to see, it's done upstairs!

Lin Han said across the wall.

"Okay! I'll go take a look!"

Li Shuixin took the "soft hammer" and went up the stairs.

Lin Han and Li Shuixin are busy here now, but the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is not cold at the moment. The popular task that was supposed to start early in the morning has been postponed due to some main audiences. Start around.

Lin Han didn't open the bullet screen, so I don't know. If the bullet screen was opened in the live broadcast room at this time, the screen on Lin Han's side would be completely invisible, and the screen was completely blocked by the bullet screen. .


"Everyone listens to the command! Now let's discuss the matter of Lin Shen building a house for the pet!"

The leading audience sent a high-level bullet screen on the public screen of the live broadcast room. The color of the bullet screen was bright red, and the font was not very large.

"What kind of house is Lin Shen going to build for pets!"

"Can Zhang Xiaofei's body go in?"

"The police say that Zhang Xiaofei is gone, I think it's a little hard for even Lu Xiaobu to get in!"

"Right! Everyone, what do you think about Xiuyuan and Zhengguo? They like to stay in the water!

"Of course, Lin Shen needs to build another pond! What else can you say?

For a while, the audience who were still discussing the laying of the wooden floor also changed their direction in an instant.

And the percentage of popular tasks in the live broadcast room is also rising steadily, and it has reached the 40% mark in less than a while!

"It's 3:55 now! There are still four hours and five minutes until the end of the mission time, everyone work harder!

The advanced barrage was hooked on the public screen again, and everyone worked even harder.

"Are things ready for tonight?"

In a police villa, a young man said to the bodyguard standing beside him.

"Big brother! It's all ready, we have collected it through big data... Xi,

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