Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 471 See you tomorrow! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 471 See you tomorrow! (2, please complete the order!)

"Are things ready for tonight?"

In a police villa, a young man said to the bodyguard standing beside him.

"Big brother! It's all ready. We have collected the list of winners for the evening through big data, as well as the top 50 people who watched the live broadcast today. What should I do now?

said the bodyguard.

"You contact these people now and say that I am willing to spend 100,000 yuan to buy their qualifications for winning tonight. If you sign a contract now, you can pay 50,000 yuan in advance, and then pay another 100,000 yuan after the matter is completed. If I sign a contract tonight, it will only be 100,000 yuan!"

The speaker turned off the mobile phone in his hand and took a sip from the tea cup on the tea table, so it was clear that he was Mr. Wang.

"Isn't it a few million last time? Why is it more than 100,000 now, will they "800" agree?

The bodyguard was a little worried.

"If you can't, don't you know how to say a few more words? Do you know? Well, go get in touch, as long as it's the person who promised, if you can, go over and sign the contract now! 19

Mr. Wang waved his hand and sent the bodyguard away.

Lin Han and Li Shuixin worked hard for a while, and finally laid out the map of the entire house. Lin Han straightened up and looked at the dark red wood, and a warm feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

"It would be even more cosy if we got a fireplace!"

Lin Han muttered to himself.

"I think another fireplace will heat us to death. In a hot day, we still have a fireplace at home, aren't you afraid of the sudden!"

Li Shuixin also came downstairs at this time.

"Upstairs is ok, there is no problem, I'll go see the side you just finished, you can trim the uneven wooden maps just now!

Li Shuixin walked into the house with the "soft hammer".

Lin Han smiled and walked to the door to check.

After analysis, Lin Han finally knew the reason for the unevenness of the map, either because of the police or because the original ground was uneven when the house was built, and this result was the most troublesome for Lin Han. If the unevenness is caused by miscellaneous debris, it can be solved as long as the cement is placed on one side, but this kind of unevenness caused by the ground can only be done all over again.

But fortunately there is nothing to do now, Li Shuixin is also working on the wooden map in the house, so Lin Han also let go and started working.

He first filled in all the potholes on the map with cement, and then went outside the house to adjust the overall thickness of the wooden map with a file knife, and then reattached it to the ground.

After knee correction, the ground has finally recovered, and it is smooth and reflective from a distance.

"It's over on my side, what's the situation on your side?

Lindsay said to Li Shuixin in the house.

"There should be no problem with me, why don't you come in again and take a look?"

Li Shuixin's voice came from the house.

"Trust you! There should be no problem. If we can, let's cut it off and let these wooden spaces "rest" here. Next. 9

Lin Han said.

"Okay! Wait a minute!"

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sound of knocking on the wooden map from the house, and then Li Shuixin also walked out of the door.

"It's basically done, what do we do next?

Li Shuixin took the water from Lin Han and drank it.

"You didn't ask what's the use of such a large trunk, now I can tell you! Come with me!"

Lin Han smiled and walked out of the door of the house.

"Don't go in, you guys, if you break the wooden map, I'll take care of you!

Lin Han touched Zhang Xiaofei's tiger head and led Li Shuixin towards the north.

"Have you heard the phrase Seeyoutomorrow?

Lin Han brought Li Shuixin to the side of the wood and said.

"See you tomorrow? Is that what you mean?"

Li Shuixin was considered to be surrounded by everyone before, and she still knows such simple English words!

"Well, the literal translation does mean this, but netizens like to use this to describe a thing!


Li Shuixin was excited when he heard it.

"Let's show you the barrage, I think the audience in the live broadcast room understands this meme better than me! 99

Lin Han smiled and opened the live broadcast room with his hand.

"Enoki mushrooms!"

"Hahaha! Of course it's Flammulina!


"I didn't expect Lin Shen to have such a strong taste."

"Send! It's Flammulina velutipes, you see!"

Lin Han was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that some people could joke about this...

"Then what do they mean when they say your taste is a little heavy?"

Li Shuixin still saw that sentence just now, no! He asked directly.

"That's their heavy taste, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Han started to beat the tree trunk with stones, and made many small holes in it.

"Are you going to grow enoki mushrooms?"

Li Shuixin seemed to think of something when she saw Lin Han's actions.

"Yes! There is a piece of enoki mushroom root in the thing sent by the drone this morning, which should be relatively fresh, so we can try to plant it, and there is such a large trunk, we can also introduce some other fungi!

Lin Han said.

"Then you haven't explained to me why Flammulina is seeing you tomorrow? And what kind of heavy taste?"

Li Shuixin continued to ask.

"Are you sure you want to listen? 22

Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin, who had a curious look on his face.


"When the time comes, don't get sick, you just ate!"

Lin Han smiled slightly.

Flammulina velutipes "is a kind of special fungi, its body contains a substance that cannot be absorbed by the human body, so what the enoki mushroom will look like when you eat it, it will also look like thistle, so it is said to see you tomorrow! 5.1 got it!

After Lin Han finished speaking, his hands were busy again.

"Why can't I be absorbed, see you tomorrow? I still don't seem to understand!"

Li Shuixin smiled awkwardly, she now doubted whether her IQ was really lacking.

"When you eat enoki mushrooms, you'll know when you go to the toilet!"

Lin Han's sentence woke Li Shuixin a little bit, and Li Shuixin opened her mouth directly.

"Hahaha! Do you start to doubt life a little bit when you look at the heroine?"

"It seems that the heroine didn't know it before!"

"I still have a question, everyone, since Flammulina velutipes cannot be absorbed by the human body, why do you still eat them?

"Upstairs, do you know why cats eat cat grass? It's not to smoothen the intestines and make those in the intestines difficult to digest...

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