Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 486 The quietness of the rainy night! (1, please complete the order!)

Chapter 486 The quietness of the rainy night! (1, please complete the order!)

Lin Han's eyes were full of joy and love. He didn't want to wake Li Shuixin anymore, so a princess hugged Li Shuixin in his arms and walked downstairs slowly. If it was a live broadcast at the moment, Then the audience in the live broadcast room must be sore, and Lin Han's princess hug must be meaningful.

Put Li Shuixin on the bed, and the linen quilt was also covered by Lin Han on Li Shuixin's neck. Lin Han also put her hands under the quilt. After finishing all this, Lin Han finally settled down. Han's drowsiness also hit like a tide.

But Lin Han can't sleep now, because the rain has wet his whole body, and he has just taken care of Li Shuixin, so Lin Han has not done his own rain protection measures quite well. It can be said that no place is dry.

Lin Han walked upstairs in the dark, and then found that the fire was about to go out at this time. There was no way. It was raining outside at this time, and the firewood that was originally prepared was also soaked by the rain, so Lin Han also I can only use the slight firelight and slight warmth to bake my wet body experience.

"Huh! Although it's usually very hot here, but it's really cold in the rain and the wind blows. Those guys don't know what to do?"

Lin Han thought about his pets. Since he was worried, he wanted to take a look. Lin Han kept making himself worse. Although friction and heat sounded a bit far-fetched at this time, it was always better. No better, Lin Han also walked down the stairs after his whole body got hot.

"You guys are pretty good!

Lin Han saw that these pets were huddled together one by one, and the tiger head and Xiaobai also got into Lu Xiaobu's hair, and they looked very comfortable.

"When it's sunny tomorrow, I'll get you something to keep you warm. Let's keep each other warm tonight! 33

Lin Han whispered, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or these little guys.

After doing all this, Lin Han's heart was no longer worried, but the only thing that made him uncomfortable was that the drowsiness on his eyelids just now disappeared instantly.

"This...why doesn't it rise again!

Lin Han shook his head. Originally, he still wanted to feel the warmth of the new you, but now he feels that there is no sleepiness at all. There is no way. Affecting Li Shuixin's rest.

"Go up and bake!"

Lin Han felt the darkness and walked up the stairs again.

"Hey! This is..."

Just when Lin Han was waiting to go up the stairs, he seemed to have stepped on something hard.

At first glance, it looks like a piece of wood!

"Thank goodness! Li Shuixin forgot to hook up this useless piece of wooden floor when she was cleaning up today, just to make a fire! 9

Lin Han pulled the wooden circle from the ground and took it upstairs.

The cement on the back of this piece of wood has long since been dried, and of course the cement cannot be ignited by fire.

"If only there was cow dung now, it's a very good burner!"

Lin Han held the cement on the wooden map with his hands, while thinking about the supplies on this deserted island.

"Just going to pull some cow dung tomorrow, there should be bison under that cave!

Lin Han muttered in his mouth.

After a few minutes of darkness, the cement behind the wooden map was also buckled bit by bit by Lin Han, and then he also threw the wooden floor into the fire.

"Tomorrow, I will make a place to store wood. It may rain a lot later. Although the overall feeling is not very cold, these things are still essential. They can be used for cooking!"

After drying out today's rain, Lin Han seemed to have a new plan for him and Li Shuixin's life on this Huangdao.

In fact, life is like this. It is impossible to say that everything can be connected at one point in time, and it is impossible to say that there will be a very comprehensive and detailed plan from the beginning. Have a new view of the future, a new yearning.

"Now I finally know why Prometheus brought fire between people, it really can't be done without fire!

Lin Han put his hands on the fire, and in a moment, the pale face on his face after the hard work turned ruddy..

At this time, the fire is not to keep warm, but to give Lao Jian's heart a chance to breathe temporarily. The fire brought Lin Han at this time seems to have become a kind of companionship, a kind of spiritual companionship.

Time is soaking up this deserted island little by little with the rain.

Lin Han leaned against the wall and looked around the island in the faint moonlight, as if he had a new feeling in his heart.

"This rain is born in the sky and dies in the earth, and the process in between is life!

Lin Han smiled slightly and said these words from his mouth.

"At birth, the water vapor squeezes each other and melts with each other. Isn't this the process of the sperm and the egg interrogating each other? When the amount of water is small, it will be evaporated by the discharge in the clouds. Greetings from the knot will be attracted to each other by gravity, and only the rain will form just now, and then will be released by the clouds.39

"So it is really not easy to reach the surface of the atmosphere, but in the end, it will be absorbed by the earth, some will be evaporated, some will become inorganic substances that nourish plants, and some will flow into the rivers, lakes and seas. It's the fate of each of us!"

Lin Han thought about his past, but fortunately he was able to come to this show, so he continued to have a new life.

"Luohong is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect the flower! I don't think it is the delicate red flower on the branch, but 5.1 is the rain is not bad, it can nourish the police, my live broadcast should bring you more Noble sentiments and nobler aspirations! 59

Lin Han gradually began to think about his own live broadcast concept again. Since he has done it, he must do it well. He can't be like the anchor of other desert islands. Now it is still for fame and fortune, although Lin Han now knows that fame and fortune are his own. All have, but how to break through this limitation is the only way to bring the live broadcast effect to a better level.

"A little bit~~~

Lin Han was still thinking, when suddenly there was the sound of chirping from the fundraising house.

"Huh? It's morning?

Lin Han was a little caught off guard, he felt like he thought about it for a while, but time passed so fast, three hours passed in the blink of an eye...

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