Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 486 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Four hundred and eighty-seventh mirage? (2, ask for full order!)

Four hundred and eighty-seventh mirage? (2, ask for full order!)


Lin Han was still thinking about it when suddenly there was the sound of the beckoning from the recruiting house.

"Huh? It's morning?

Lin Han was a little caught off guard. He felt that he continued to think for a while, but time passed so quickly, three hours had passed in the blink of an eye, but the sky at the moment did not turn white as usual.

"Why... all of a sudden this day is short!"

Lin Han looked up at the sky with a glass that had just been filled with boiling water and said.

"Apologize! It should be standing up, this day is getting shorter and shorter, and the time to be able to move in the future is also getting shorter and shorter! 39

Lin Han doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

"It's good and bad!

Lin Han finally laughed.

He slowly got up, walked down the stairs, and when he came to the bedroom, he saw that Li Shuixin was still in a sound sleep state, and he felt a little more secure in his heart.

"Go to sleep! I struggled for more than an hour last night, so I'll sleep a little more today!"

Lin Han reached out and covered her with the quilt that Li Shuixin had kicked off with her feet.

"Five earlier! Go over there and see 08!"

Lin Han walked out of the house and looked around. His own pets were also playing sweet. He didn't realize that Lin Han had come to rhyme. Although animals evolved to sleep with one ear on the ground, but Zhang Xiaofei and Lu Xiaobu didn't seem to do this at all, they just crowded together one by one.

Maybe this is also their trust in Lin Han. They not only trust Lin Han, but also this area. They know that as long as it is here, no matter how big the trouble is, it will not affect them, because there are Lin Han and Li Shuixin.

"Yesterday's Shandong should be that place!"

Lin Han took the telescope he made for Li Shuixin and walked towards the edge of the cliff. After a while, he came to the place Li Shuixin said yesterday.

"Maybe it really is a diamond!"

Lin Han murmured in his mouth, because he saw that the cave was still flickering with light, and the sky was still not fully lit at this time. Although it was said that there was light, this kind of light was for this desert island. Totally not worth mentioning.

"Unless the crystal is very translucent, and there are so many refraction surfaces in it that can project so obviously, it should be a diamond!

Lin Han's face twitched, and this expression was either angry or excited.

Of course, Lin Han must be excited now, because that cave is filled with diamonds.

For Lin Han, finding diamonds is definitely a good thing, not that diamonds are valuable, because everything on a desert island has lost its value, this is not the current society, and there is no need for any general equivalent to act as currency Existence, where the key to measuring the rarity of an item is the use value.

-In an instant, Lin Han thought of many ways to use diamonds. The easiest way is to reinforce objects. The hardness of diamonds is similar to that of diamonds. The hardness of diamonds is "ten", and the "+" grade represents the strongest in nature. Therefore, the reinforcement object was the first thing that Lin Han thought of.

"With diamonds, you can make a diamond pot, with diamonds, you can make a diamond axe, etc. It will be more convenient to use these things to work in the future!

Lin Han laughed.

"Hey! What's there? 99

Just when Lin Han was still looking around with the binoculars, he was surprised to find that a hazy shadow appeared in the sea not far from the deserted island.

"It didn't seem to be there yesterday, what's going on?"

Lin Han's first reaction was to see the mirage. With the accumulation of water vapor on the sea surface, the humidity in the air is also increasing. At this time, the small water droplets act as refractors, which can mirror images of objects far away. Refraction over, this is a mirage.


But in the next second, Lin Han dismissed the thought in his mind.

Because it is the early morning of the day, even if there is water vapor on the sea, it will not gather so much, so naturally there will be no mirages!

"I didn't catch it yesterday, how can I catch it today!

Lin Han felt that something was wrong, and he looked at the edge of the cliff again.

This time it was different from what he saw just now, but the approximate shape of the object let Lin Han know that it was definitely a real thing.

"There are still about a few hundred nautical miles, and now it's completely foggy. It's completely unrealistic in the past, so this should be something caught by the program team to keep us from getting close!"

Lin Han said.

Then he also took out his bracelet and contacted another anchor on a nearby desert island.

Because Lin Han is friendly and enthusiastic, although the anchors are in a competitive relationship, the other party's attitude changed very well when they heard that Lin Han called.

After a short exchange, Lin Han also knew the approximate orientation of the object, but it was still far away from their anchor!

"It must be something that the show team made up, since you won't let me know now, then we will definitely let us know later, don't care!

Lin Han put down the binoculars and smiled.

"It's getting late! It's time to go, a day should be enough to go back and forth!"

Lin Han turned around and walked towards the house, now he plans to make breakfast and bring some dry food as food on the road.

Breakfast is still very simple at 817, with porridge and excellent head. Of course, there will be no shortage of precious ingredients such as bird's nest. After all, there is Li Shuixin here.

"Get up! We're going out!"

Lin Han patted Li Shuixin on the back and said.


Li Shuixin also responded instantly.

"Haha! I still haven't woken up! Maybe it was talking to me in a dream!"

Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin and didn't look like a person who had just woken up.

"Get up! We're going to the cave to dig for diamonds!

Lin Han said and patted Li Shuixin on the back again.

"Diamond digging is good! Good! It's just that I still feel a little attacked!"

As soon as Li Shuixin heard the word "diamond", she became a little bit refreshed for a moment, but her eyes were still tightly closed.

"How about we make you a big diamond ring when we dig a diamond?

Lin Han thought softly in Li Shuixin's ear.

"What! What did you say! A diamond ring!

"Oh! my head!

Li Shuixin sat up abruptly, not seeing Lin Han in front of her at all, and her foreheads slammed together instantly.

"Send a kiss! My forehead! 99

Li Shuixin also subconsciously rubbed her forehead, her mouth was full of complaints, she thought it was Lin Han's intention...

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