Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 488 The agreement of the diamond ring! (1, please complete the order!)

Chapter 488 The agreement of the diamond ring! (1, please complete the order!)

"Alas! My forehead!"

Li Shuixin also rubbed her forehead subconsciously, her mouth full of complaints, she thought it was Lin Han's intention to prevent her from getting a good night's sleep in the morning.

"Okay! Come on, get up, didn't we agree to go to that cave today? If we don't go today, we won't be able to go there in a short time when the guests arrive on the island tomorrow. If you can bear your heart Curious we will not go today!

Lin Han said with a slight smile.

"You just said diamond ring?"

The first question Li Shuixin asked was not the policeman, but the diamond ring.

"Yes! I just took a look at it and found that it is very likely! No! It is very likely to be a diamond mine, so if you are lucky, how about making a diamond ring for you?

Lin Han said and kissed Li Shuixin's nose with his hand.

"Hmm! It must be a diamond ring! Are you going to give me a diamond ring? 33

Li Shuixin said that her beautiful eyes were also staring at Lin Han.

"Ah... I made it especially for you, of course I gave it to you! Okay, get up quickly, I'll pack up!

After Lin Han finished speaking, he walked out of the house.

"Humph! I just want to give me a diamond ring, but I don't even want to admit it. I really don't know what you think!"

Li Shuixin glanced at Lin Han's back, and was not disappointed. Instead, she was happy and excited. Then she cleaned herself up and walked out.

"Breakfast is ready, we will crochet our hair after eating, and everything is ready. Today's visit is considered to be able to come back tonight, so you have to be ready to walk! 99

Lin Han held a bowl of porridge in front of Li Shuixin.

"One day? Still walking? Why don't we let Lu Xiaobu and the others take us there?

Li Shuixin said while drinking.

"Although we have a purpose, but the purpose should not be so strong. We may find something from the police along the way, and if we encounter something from the police, we go to explore along the way. Anyway, we want to live here, and we just have this opportunity today. Can't let it go".!

Lin Han sat opposite Li Shuixin and said.

"Well, actually, I don't want to walk, it feels so far!

Li Shuixin muttered in his mouth.

"Okay! Drink slowly, don't worry, just walk slowly, I have calculated the distance, and it's not very far, just walk and play!"

Lin Han stood up, touched Li Shuixin's head and walked out of the house.

"what are you going to do?

Li Shuixin asked.

"Of course I'll explain to those guys, otherwise they won't be able to find us together, and I think we don't want them anymore!"

Lin Han turned his back to Li Shuixin and waved his hand.


Li Shuixin replied, bowed her head and started to eat breakfast.

Lin Han then came to the wooden shed and knocked on the wall.

But these guys didn't seem to notice Lin Han coming.


Lin Han then also cleared his throat, and this movement caught Lv Xiaobu's attention.

"woke up?

Lin Han says!

After Lu Xiaobu heard Lin Han's voice, he stood up instantly, and this movement caught the attention of several other guys.

"Don't worry, it's a little early today, and besides, I don't need you to do anything today!

Lin Han laughed.

"Today we're going to take a long trip, so I'll ask you a few to see you! You don't need to follow along, and it's not a fun place, we'll welcome you in the evening!"

Lin Han looked at these guys and said.


Lu Xiaobu called out, and Lin Han also heard that Lu Xiaobu didn't want them to go without him.

"Okay! They said it's not a fun place, we'll take you to a fun place next time, and continue to sleep!

After Lin Han finished speaking, he left, because Li Shuixin had already arrived at this time, and carried the luggage that Lin Han had just arranged on his back.

"I'll come! It's still relatively heavy, you just need to pay more attention to the situation on the road!

Lin Han reached out and took the luggage and carried it on his body.

Li Shuixin was also used to it, so he didn't say anything more.

"Have you spoken to those guys?"

Li Shuixin asked.

"As far as Lu Xiaobu still has the energy to go with him, the others haven't woken up yet! It rained heavily last night, and the rain is not too small now. It's just feet in rainy days. They are all awake and may be heading to follow us again! 22

Lin Han gave those guys a look, and then left with Li Shuixin in the rain.

The drone also appeared out of nowhere and followed Lin Han all the way.

"Will it be raining today that our roads are not safe? 19

Li Shuixin asked while walking.

"No way! I just observed that the rain is half and half underground on this desert island, and the other side seems to have very little rain. We will walk a few steps and it will be sunny by then!"

Lin Han put his hand on Li Shuixin's head and pressed the blade.


Li Shuixin said.

"Thank you, you'll be out of the way when you say this to me, you should, let's go! 99

Lin Han and Li Shuixin also started to sprint in the rain.

It is said that it is the best time to go out on a sunny day, but for Lin Han, he likes this kind of walking when it is drizzling more in his heart, the kind of listening to the sound of rain hitting the leaves of the plants, ticking on the eaves. The voice, there is also a sense of tranquility in my heart.

Rain can nourish all things, and of course it can also soak the heart.

"Is it Yu Xiaolu!"

After walking for about half an hour, Lin Han also slowed down and said.

"Alas! It seems that the rain is really light, if you (Qian Hao) don't say that I haven't found it yet!

Li Shuixin also said.

"Look back! 33

Lin Han continued.

At the moment when Li Shuixin turned around, she also saw a scene that she had never seen before.

Not far ahead, as if the rain had been chopped up by the swirls of dawn, one side was drizzling, and the other was slightly heavier rain. If this kind of scenery was placed before, it would even be telling Xiao Li Shuixin about herself. It is also completely inconceivable that the shrew came.

" can this be?"

Li Shuixin wanted to express his shock in words, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there were no words to describe the mood at the moment.

"This is looking at the clouds in the sky. This line is still moving. Wherever the clouds go, this line will go. Well, let's move on!

Lin Han laughed.

"Uh-huh! Then don't you need to bring this now...

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