Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 492 Name a stone cake! (1, please complete the order!)

Two (Chapter Four hundred and ninety-two named a stone cake! (1, please complete the order!) "You can't think like this, there will be a lot of things, such as this straw, in fact, it can also be made into a filter device, we are now In the wild, although you can drink the water from the creek, it would be better if you could filter it, although the two of us have better physical abilities than the average person!" Lin Han said that it was similar to a small straw. "I usually don't collect so many things when I see you coming out. Did you find something, or do you need to prepare something?" A woman's fifth sense is very powerful, Lin Han actually He is preparing for the future, because today he saw something built on the sea far away. Although Lin Han is still not sure what that thing is, it is better to be prepared. "There is nothing to prepare, just When you see it, put it on your body, we can't see such a plant over there, huh! Look at what this is!" Lin Han is from the East and Guernsey, and finally found something that can change the topic." What is this, this is not that... At first glance, Li Shuixin really didn't know what the plant 08 in front of him was, but at second glance it was a bit familiar, and finally he finally remembered. Is that the aloe vera?" When it was the third time, Li Shuixin finally remembered the plant in front of him. "How is it? There is still a harvest of sodium once, but there are very few of us there. The last time I found it was in A few months ago, I didn't expect to encounter wild aloe vera! Lin Han said. "What are you still doing? Put away all these aloe vera and make a face mask for you, a face made from aloe vera. The membrane is much better than the one inside, mainly because it can replenish water!" Lin Han took a sharp stone knife and began to pick aloe vera from the root. Li Shuixin was also picking aloe vera by hand, Lin Han saw that Li Shuixin didn't ask any more questions. This is a sigh of relief. "That's it, three or four are enough, we have to walk all day, and we can't carry too much picking! Lin Han's stone knife just cut it with a seam. One vein of aloe vera, Li Shuixin has already got three veins of aloe vera by hand, Lin Han also hurriedly stopped when he saw it. "The last one, this is a good thing for hydration. It's such a hot day, and it still doesn't work at night. There are a lot of mosquito bites, if you have this, it will be a lot more convenient!" Li Shuixin smiled and squeezed hard, and a large piece of aloe vera broke off from the main pole. "Okay, okay! Enough, too much. Well, we haven't arrived yet, this thing has already packed so much, what if I come across something good again? Just give it to me!" Lin Han took the aloe vera in Li Shuixin's hand, and also took Li Shuixin's hand Continue to go ahead. In this way, the two people talk and laugh on the road, sometimes disagree, and sometimes quarrel, but no matter what goes through, Lin Han and Li Shuixin will eventually recognize each other, which is also the most yearning for the audience in the live broadcast room. a little. It’s almost twelve o’clock now, and the two of them have been on the road for almost six hours from six o’clock in the morning, and they have also traveled to many places they have never been before. Unconsciously, this stomach also started Cooing. "Did you hear it? It seems that something is screaming! Li Shuixin took Lin Han's hand and said. "What is it? Why didn't I hear it! Be careful! Lin Han also subconsciously thought that there might be something dangerous, and now But in the wild, and Li Shuixin's intuition was very sensitive in Lin Han's impression, so Lin Han was also wary. "I haven't heard it yet?" Li Shuixin continued to ask. "Where did it come from!" Lin Han whispered, for fear of covering up his voice. "Hahaha, it came from here!" Li Shuixin couldn't hold back and pointed directly at his stomach. "Okay! You little girl, you actually wanted me, I thought there was any danger! Lin Han tapped Li Shuixin on the head and pretended to be angry. "I just wanted to increase the fun between us. , and there is no other meaning, it's really evil! "Really? You're really evil!" Lin Han was still concentrating on investigating the situation around him. Really "Damn it! It's already noon now, you don't eat at noon? Li Shuixin touched his stomach and said. "It's noon?"

Lin Han turned his head and said to Li Shuixin, his right hand was also open.

"Hahaha, female hero, go hungry, Lin Shen doesn't have time to take care of you right now!"

"Lin Shen, you are also true. It's noon and you still don't cook. It's really hard for our heroines!"

"Hurry up and be in a hurry! Shenren Lin, you know it clearly, who said that the portrait can't remember that it is noon?

The barrage that filled the screen for a moment also caught Lin Han by surprise.

"It's 12 o'clock in 20 minutes. It looks like it's really time to eat! If Li Shuixin didn't say it, I really didn't notice the Russian. Now that I say it, it's really a bit Russian!"

Lin Han thought to himself.

"Let's just say, I still have a very clear concept of time. It's not even twelve o'clock, why did you tell me that it's already noon! Just wait! 99

Lin Han said to Li Shuixin.

830 "Anyway, there are only a few dozen minutes left, and my stomach is really hungry, and now it happens to be by the creek. After going up the mountain, there will be no flat place to eat. Didn't you just say that you can use that straw? Filter the water? Show me the demo!"

Li Shuixin was also decisive, and before he could finish speaking, he sat down on the stone and swayed with an appraisal expression.

"Really not leaving?"

"Yeah! Oh! You can go on when you're full!

Li Shuixin laughed.

"That's fine! Let's have a picnic here!"

Lin Han also put down what he had prepared this morning, and found a larger stone by the stream and moved it to Li Shuixin. It was regarded as a table, and he himself found a stone to use as a stool.

"Stone Cake!"

Li Shuixin also said rhyme after seeing that Lin Han took out the cake he ate at lunch yesterday.

"Stone cake? You made it?

Lin Han laughed.

"That's right! Didn't you say it's made of stone? And it's bumpy, so I think it's better to call it a stone cake, what do you think!"

Li Shuixin took the food from Lin Han's hand and ate it.

Stone "cake! Stone cake! It's really interesting to say that, then it's called stone cake, come! Eat it, here is what I mixed this morning...

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