Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 493 Global news! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 493 Global news! (2, ask for full order!)

"That's right! Didn't you say it's made of stone? And it's bumpy, so I think it's better to call it a stone cake, what do you think!"

Li Xin took the food from Lin Han's hand and ate it.

"Stone cake! Stone cake! It's really interesting to say that, so let's call it stone cake, come! Eat, here are the wild vegetables I mixed this morning, just eat a little, and go tonight. Now, I'll cook something delicious for you!

Lin Han slowly took these things out of the bag he was carrying the deepest and put them on the table.

"That's right! And water! Just wait for me!"

Lin Han stood up, walked towards the big tree on the hillside, and disappeared after reaching the tree two or three times.

"What did he do again?

Although Li Shuixin was eating quickly, she still cared about Lin Han's every move.

"Wait for me! I'll pick coconuts for you!"

Lin Han's hearing is not very good, Li Shuixin's voice can be heard from behind the hillside.

"Didn't you say you could use that straw-like thing you found to filter the water? Why are you picking coconuts, I want to see how you do it!

Li Shuixin said with a slight smile on his face.

"I can, but I'm eating cakes now, so why don't you drink water slowly?"

Lin Han's voice came from there.

"I think you are lying to me, although I admit that you are very powerful, but I still don't believe that this kind of water can be filtered directly! 93

Li Shuixin is also happier the more he eats, in the days of survival, nothing can make people feel more comfortable than eating.

"If you don't believe it, wait a while and you'll see it! When the time comes, I lied to you, and when I say Lin Han, it's a set sentence!

Lin Han's voice was also getting louder and louder from Li Shuixin, and a dark shadow came to Li Shuixin in an instant.

"Alas! What are you doing so quickly, I thought something strange happened.!"

Li Shuixin fixed her eyes and saw that it was Lin Han, but Lin Han's speed that couldn't be explained by common sense just startled her.

"Drink! It's ready!

Lin Han is holding half a coconut in his left and right hands, but the coconut juice inside is clearly visible.


Li Shuixin smiled, picked up the coconut and drank it.

"The netizens in the live broadcast room seem to be discussing another big thing today, let me show you, I still haven't understood it yet!

Lin Han said and opened his hand again.

"Isn't it just a normal day in the live broadcast room? Why is it like this all of a sudden?"

Li Shuixin looked at the screen-filled barrage for a while and it was difficult to identify.

"When I went to pick coconuts, I opened it and saw that they were talking about celestial energy, and I greeted it without looking at it!

"Come on! Can you tell us again what's going on? It was originally Saturday in the morning, but you all feel restless! 99

Lin Han laughed.

"Lin Han has a big event! What kind of Hubble telescope in the United States has discovered that two super-giant planets are going to collide with each other not far from our earth!"

"Actually it's nothing, it's just a matter of two stars colliding!

"So we can see the meteor fall!

There was a barrage of what to say for a while, and Lin Han didn't understand the meaning of this matter.

"Don't be so confusing, isn't it just two planets colliding with each other? It's not a big deal, and it's not hitting the earth. What are you doing when you wake up so early?

Lin Han said while eating the stone cake while watching the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Send send send! Lin Shen, you are wrong to say that, the probability of two planets colliding with each other is very small, nature is concerned!

"Yes! This is a major event in the Milky Way. I dare to say that this year's college entrance examination physics must take the calculation questions about planetary collisions. It's uncomfortable!

"Humph! The one who said that the physics test is too simple, I dare to say that the English composition topic should be tested too, and we should also take the geography test with our students!

"Could it be that the students who wake up early are all students? You are also very good. Your teacher will definitely give you a review when the time comes. Don't worry!"

Lin Han laughed.

"Who said that I'm just a student, I'm not a student, Lin Shen, think about it, there will be a lot of meteors in this collision, and this year's release depends on this!

"By the way! Lin Shen, you guys will definitely see meteors at that time. Don't you arrange a romantic stargazing trip for the heroine?"

Some viewers began to set the stage.

"Ah! Arrangement! Arrangement! That must be arranged, but I don't know if we can see it here, you can see it if you can see it?

Lin Han also glanced at Li Shuixin. In fact, Li Shuixin had no interest in this topic for a long time. At first, she was still curious, but when she heard about the planetary impact, she, a girl, didn't have the energy to care about it.

"" You can definitely see it there. I read the news that in the waters of your desert island, it seems that the country is hurrying to build an official website, and it seems that there is some cosmic energy analysis base!

A barrage caught Lin Han's attention.

"Observation deck?

Lin Han murmured in his mouth.

"Could it be that what Wu Mengmeng saw this morning was the official website?"

Lin Han thought about lifting.

"This has nothing to do with us. It's good to be able to see it. If you can't see it, it can only be a pity, but today's diamonds are rare in a century. Don't you expect it when you are old? 39

Lin Han smiled slightly at the camera.

"That must be anticipation, if not expecting us to get up so early?"

"That's right! Hahaha! Lin Shen, do you really think that my (Qian Hao) people sewed up so early for this news?"

"The previous barrages are already past twelve o'clock. You said that you wake up early, is it noon?"

Lin Han saw that everyone was making fun of him again, so he didn't take this matter seriously, or that as long as the planet collided with the earth, it had nothing to do with him. Besides, if If the real planet hits the balloon, the countries will definitely do it early. To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with him. He is just an anchor who survives in the wilderness.

"Okay! Isn't there any popular task today?"

Seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic, Lin Han also wants to use the enthusiasm of the brigade to pass the popular task and add a lot of useful things to himself.

"Yes! But today's task seems to be delayed, Lin Shen, look at the mission description, everyone seems to be the same, it's not that we all don't want to do it for you...

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