Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 494 Meteors can make wishes come true! (1, please complete!)

Chapter 494 Meteors can make wishes come true! (1, please complete!)

"Yes! But today's one seems to be postponed, Lin Shen, look at the mission description, everyone seems to be the same, it's not that we all don't want to do it for you, this is officially postponed!

"It's not that we don't do it for you, it's because we don't know how to do it today, hahaha! 19

"Lin Shen, you didn't expect that one day you will be calculated by the official!

The barrage started laughing at Lin Han again.

"I didn't expect anything! Humph!"

Lin Han said nonchalantly.

"Didn't you come out to look for diamonds today? So you must be full of enthusiasm, but today's popular task is gone! Lin Shen, are you angry?

"Okay, okay! You people don't say these words, even if there is no popular quest, I think Lin Shen will take us to play!"

"That's right! Could it be that there are no popular tasks, so I'm not enough? You slanderers, be careful tonight I'll increase the difficulty of the prize quiz and let you talk nonsense!"

Lin Han pointed to the camera.

"Jingjingjing! Lin Shen, we were wrong! You'd better read the announcement, but it's related to today's news!"

"What are you looking at, isn't 830 just communication fluctuations?"

"It's been such an age, and this network information will still be restricted. I'm really unhappy. I'm really afraid that the signal on Lin Shen's side is gone. Then I can't do anything today, and I'm bored!"

There is still a variety of things to say on the barrage.


Lin Han was even curious when he looked at the barrage.

"What did they mean? What communication?"

Although Li Shuixin wasn't interested, he was bored right now, and he was resting. Naturally, he looked at the barrage.

We'll see if we don't see it! 93

Lin Han smiled slightly and opened the announcement.

"Everyone, viewers and anchors, the planetary collision is expected to occur in half a month. At present, the two planets are close to the outer side of the silver solar system. Due to cosmic radiation and solar storms, the energy fluctuations between the planets are also affected. All radio transmissions on earth have also been affected, and may be paralyzed in a small area at any time, so in order to ensure the fairness of the popular mission, the program team decided to temporarily close the popular mission!"

A simple announcement appeared in front of Lin Han (aifb).

"Why is the radio affected? Aren't we the network? I remember the radio was the one that sent telegrams, beep! That! 93

Li Shuixin asked.

"Radio also includes the network, it is just a way of transmitting information in the air, just like the computers we use at home, the connection to the network is all connected by optical cables, so this kind of network will not be affected, but Just like mobile phones, notebooks and other communication terminals are connected to the network through wireless connection, which is also the most susceptible to interference!"

Lin Han explained.

But Li Shuixin still had a puzzled expression on his face.

"This... it's like you are taking the elevator, is there a signal in the elevator?

Lin Han asked.


Li Shuixin said firmly.

"Hahaha! Lin Shen was also broken in an instant, and the heroine did a beautiful job!"

"Actually, what Lin Shen said is right. Most of our elevators do not have signals. Our company's elevators do not have signals. Those with signals are all high-end liquor stores or office buildings!"

"Look at this barrage! What you see is an elevator in a high-end hotel or an office building. That kind of elevator may have signal receivers and transmitters installed in it, and there is an opening at the top. Naturally, the signal can rhyme. , The traditional elevator is a closed space with steel on all sides, and the signal is naturally unable to come in and hook, so there is no signal after entering the elevator!

Lin Han explained.

"So the transmission of signals in the air is easily affected, didn't it just say in the announcement? What solar storms, what energy incoming, these will reach the earth, so it will cause the paralysis of radio communication! "

Lin Han continued.

"What is the principle?

Li Shuixin nodded roughly.

"Principle? Do you still want to know the principle? Although I know, but I feel that you still don't understand after explaining it to you! 99

Lin Han shrugged.

"Who are you looking down on!

Li Shuixin opened his mouth.

"You told me it yourself, if you want to know what it is, you also need to know why it is! I am asking for knowledge now, but you don't tell me if you look at it!"

Li Shuixin's face was now full of unhappiness.

"It's not that I won't tell you, but I'm going now! Let's go, I'll tell you on the road when I go back! 33

Lin Han probably cleaned up the place and stood up.

"Okay! Hurry up, can we still have the quiz tonight?"

"Yes! I didn't pay attention to this, this is an interactive method created by our live broadcast room, and it is not official, but this energy fluctuation will affect those viewers who use mobile phones and other wireless devices to watch the live broadcast, otherwise we will cancelled?"

Lin Han said something to the camera.

"Ah! Lin Shen, you're boring like this. If you're afraid of unfairness, then use a computer to watch it. There's no desktop computer in here!"

"Yes! We were shocked that we were all busy today, and I got up early in the morning to watch the live broadcast. I must be a lucky audience today!"

There were all kinds of voices in the live broadcast room at this time, some were willing to cancel, some were unwilling to cancel, which also made Lin Han sway a little for a while.

As for whether there will be a quiz with prizes tonight, he doesn't care, but the meaning to these audiences has changed!

"Okay! Harmony live broadcast, Harmony live broadcast, everyone, stop arguing, I will think about it, I will give you a satisfactory answer, go, and take you to see the diamond!"

Lin Han then closed the bracelet, pulling Li Shuixin and continuing to walk forward.

"Do you want to see shooting stars? 93

Walking on the road, Lin Han still said what he wanted to say just now.

"You think I'm the kind of girl who likes romance? I just want our life to get better and better. Everyone's hobbies are different. I'm not the kind of person who takes romance seriously!"

Li Shuixin saw the temptation in Lin Han's eyes, so she naturally spoke her heart out in a generous way so that Lin Han would not worry.

"I'll try hard, if I really see it, it's naturally good. They say that making a wish on a meteor will greatly increase the chance of success. Although I don't believe this, if I can see it, it can be considered...

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