Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 495 Xiaolu's first hand! (2, Happy New Year!!!)

Chapter 495 Xiaolu's first hand! (2, please complete the order!)

I wish a peaceful New Year's Eve, a happy new year, circle, peace and happiness!!!

"You think I'm the kind of girl who likes romance? I just want our life to get better and better. Everyone's hobbies are different. I'm not the kind of person who takes romance seriously!"

Li Shuixin saw the temptation in Lin Han's eyes, so she naturally spoke her heart out in a generous way so that Lin Han would not worry.

"I'll try hard, if I really see it, it's naturally good. They say that making a wish on a meteor will greatly increase the chance of success. Although I don't believe it, if I can see it, it's a great blessing in life. Well! 33

Lin Han also said lightly.

The two of them were walking in tandem. At this moment, the whole day was completely clear. Although the foggy appearance in the west might mean that the rain had not stopped, at least it didn't affect the journey.

Speed ​​up under your feet, and your eyes are aimed squarely.

About two hours later, Lin Han and Li Shuixin finally came to the bottom of this mountain range. Looking around, the cave that looked like a universe in the telescope was already close at hand.

"It's finally here, I'm a little sleepy after I left, aren't you?

Lin Han finally let out a long breath.

"I'm not sleepy, you didn't sleep last night, so you continued like this?"

"It looks like you didn't sleep well last night, why didn't you sleep?

Li Shuixin looked a little worried about Lin Han's mental state at this time.

"It's not that I didn't sleep, it's just that I woke up a little early this morning. It wasn't because the rhyme was coming today, so I got up early for half an hour. You slept like a dead pig in the morning, you can't wake up no matter how you scream. !99

Lin Han said and started looking for something on the ground.

"You sleep like a dead pig! What are you looking for?"

Li Shuixin then asked.

"Look for a big rock, otherwise the mountain wall is too smooth to go up, you see there is a lot of moss there! 99

Lin Han pointed to the middle of the mountain. Li Shuixin followed Lin Han's hand to look at it. Sure enough, he saw a large area of ​​turquoise on the middle of the mountain, which should be moss.

Lin Han found an angular stone among the many stones, and then put down the things on his body and rushed up to the rock wall, from top to bottom Lin Han carved many small pits on the rock wall with the stone.

"You continue to tie this around your waist!"

After doing all this, Lin Han did not sit idle, but handed the previous Tengman to Li Shuixin.

"See those pits? Step on those pits with your feet, and then climb up step by step, I will pull you with a cane man on the top, stop if you feel unsteady, Jiwan Don't force it, or are you waiting for me here? I'll go up and see by myself?

Lin Han raised his eyebrows and said.

"Humph! Who are you to look down on! If it weren't for the fact that this rock face was a little steep, I wouldn't even want you to protect me with a rope! Come on up!"

Li Shuixin urged that the diamonds were close at hand now, and one minute of grinding roar would make her see the diamonds one minute later.

"Okay! Be careful!

Lin Han glanced meaningfully at Li Shuixin, took the tengman, and rushed up the rock wall. In just a few seconds, Lin Han came to the front of the cave. As long as he took a step ahead, he could enter the cave. Mountain gap.

"Okay, you can start to climb up! Remember to be careful, if you can't climb, tell me, and I'll come down and help you!

Lin Han stood at the entrance of the cave and said to Li Shuixin below.

"Don't worry, just pay attention to my position, I'm very good! 19

Li Shuixin tied Tengman around his waist and then jumped on the rock wall. The two police officers seized the two potholes and feet, and stepped on the night.

"Isn't that rock climbing?

"rock climbing!"

"Why did the female hero start rock climbing? It looks so cool!"

"Kiss kiss kiss! How come some people are starting to be confident again? You go up and try, this is not a safety rope. If you really don't hold it firmly, there may be problems with this vine!"

"Shut up your crow's mouth, the heroine's ability is great!"

It is true that Lin Han is mainly here now, so often Li Shuixin doesn't show anything, and now it can be regarded as giving Li Shuixin a chance to prove himself.

I saw that Li Shuixin was using both hands and feet, and the speed was not much different from walking on the ground. Lin Han even had an illusion when he looked at Li Shuixin.

"This girl really has some ability, it seems that I think too much!"

0. Ask for flowers,

Lin Han thought to himself.

"If you feel tired in your hands, rest there for a while, be careful of hand cramps! 99

Lin Han still said something to Li Shuixin who was rock climbing.

"Humph! With so many viewers watching, you can't look down on me!

Li Shuixin found a point of focus, her right hand was firmly in the pothole, and her feet were also vigorously kicked, the whole person actually took off into the air, and then she also grabbed a place far above.

"Send, send! Slow down! You want to scare me to death!"

Lin Han really felt a chill on his back just now. If he had an affair just now, he would be too late.

"It's alright, now believe what I say!


Li Shuixin laughed.

"Believe it! How can you not believe it, slow down, it's only a few meters away!

Lin Han began to pull the vines in his hands. With the strength, it was much easier for Li Shuixin to come up. In the blink of an eye, she stood in front of Lin Han.

"Look at it! Now I've got some fun for you!"

Lin Han untied the tengman from Li Shuixin, and one end was tied into the crack of the hole rock. Lin Han still felt a little unstable, and tied several dead knots.

At the other end, Lin Han also wrapped around several times, wrapping Tengman on a stone.

"what are you up to?

Li Shuixin asked.

"Just look at it, do you see the few stones on the opposite side? 93

Lin Han pointed to the grass opposite the isthmus shell.

"See, what are you going to do!"

Li Shuixin asked again.

"Do you think I can get this stone stuck in those rocks? 93

Lin Han laughed.

"That's definitely possible! You're Lin Shen, there's nothing you can't do!

Li Shuixin also laughed.

"Hey! Why am I mocking me when I hear you saying this! No, no! You never mocked me before, did you start to learn from the audience in the live broadcast room? 39

Lin Han scratched his head and said.

"How is it possible, you can never say that the audience taught me badly, be careful that everyone will take revenge on you, but I follow you around to learn to be so yin and yang, alright, hurry up and let's go in, I Looking at the glowing stone, my heart is...Xi,

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