Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 496 Surprising discovery of a rising sea! (1, ask for full order!)

Chapter 496 Surprising discovery that a sea rises! (1, ask for full order!)

"How is it possible, you must not say that the audience taught me badly, be careful that everyone will hold revenge for you, I follow you to learn to be so yin and yang weird, okay, hurry up and let's go in, I Looking at the glowing stone, my heart is very excited!"

Li Shuixin looked back at the cave, and now her mind was all on that.

"Okay, okay! Then you're good to go! Go!"

Lin Han pulled out the stone in his hand with all his strength. The stone was not pulled by gravity in the air. It should be that the stone in Lin Han's hand was too big.


The stone then also hit the exposed rock pile, and the echo cannot be dissipated in the valley for a long time.

"When we come out, we can just slide down and save a lot of road! "830"

Lin Han clapped his hands and walked into the cave.

"Come on, did you get a rope?"

"Yes! It's the rope, or it'll be too late at night!

Lin Han said lightly.

"Cut! I knew you were going to get ropes"

"You know? Does your expression just now mean you know? Okay, let's go in...

The voices of the two gradually disappeared at the entrance of the cave, and the live broadcast screen was also interrupted.

"I'm going! What's the matter?"

"I'm surprised what the live broadcast screen looks like now, did it just disappear?

"Did I get stuck, or did Lin Shen get stuck?"

Many people are not calm at first, this can has just started today's highlight, why did it suddenly disappear.

"Qingqingqing! Can you hear me!"

At this time, the live broadcast screen suddenly appeared again, but Lin Han and Li Shuixin were not in it.

"Ok, Ok!



"Can you hear, Lin Shen, what about you people?"

The audience replied that although they can't see the two of them now, as long as they can hear the sound, they can make people feel more at ease.

"The drone can't fly in. You can see that it's all rock walls, and there are many stalactites on it. If the drone flies in, 100% can't fly out, so I brought one. this!"

Lin Shen's finger appeared on the screen, and then tapped the screen.

"Although you can't see me, you can see the heroine, no! Your heroine!

With the rotation of the screen, everyone finally saw a familiar person.

"Fortunately, there is an opening at the top of this one. If there is no such opening, it would be impossible to reach the five fingers inside. This time, I will make a fire zhezi, and sometimes I still need a torch when Jimen is outside!

Lin Han's voice resounded in the cave and caused many echoes.

"Then there are no diamonds here?"

Li Shuixin's voice also rang out.

"There should be none, they are all stalactites, it seems that we thought wrong at the beginning!

Lin Han's tone was a little lost. In this case, Li Shuixin's diamond ring could not be realized, and many things he expected could not be made.

"It's okay, I think this place is actually very beautiful, it's not a loss!"

Li Shuixin took the police camera on Lin Han's clothes and took a good picture of the cave.

I saw the place where the sun was shining, and the stalactites in the cave reflected many colors, which were crystal clear, like small bamboo shoots growing from the rock wall above.

From time to time, water droplets drip from the stalactites.

"Why is there still water?"

Li Shuixin touched her hair and found that it was wet.

"Have you forgotten? It's raining today, and the water must have come from the grapes!

Lin Han laughed.

"Hmm! I think about it, let's go! If only we had a camera, we could record such a beautiful place!"

Li Shuixin was a little reluctant, but the cave was only a few meters away, and the rest were only small holes. Although people can enter these small holes, it is hard to say whether they can come in the end.

"Well, it's true that today is a bit unsatisfactory, but as you said, it's not a loss! Wait for me!

Lin Han came to a place where his hand could touch the rock wall above, broke a stalactite and wrapped it around a vine several times and placed it behind his back to dry.

go "!"

Then Lin Han waved to Li Shuixin.

"What are you doing with this? Does it work?"

Li Shuixin walked over and asked, she also stretched out her hand to weigh it, it was really a little heavy.

"It's really useful. As for what it is, I won't tell you first, just tell me!"

Lin Han said and took Li Shuixin out of the cave.

"It's selling me another way, how do I find out that you always like to do this these days!

Li Shuixin looked a little gloomy. To be honest, she didn't like this feeling very much, it was the feeling that the police knew she didn't know.

"Okay! I promise to tell you as soon as I go, mainly because I want to surprise you!

Lin Han stood on the edge of the cliff and brought the stalactite behind him to him.

"Don't you look pretty?

Lin Han asked.

The stalactites are now fully exposed to sunlight, and the polygonal crystals above reflect a lot of color.

"No wonder we thought it was a diamond when we looked at it at the time. It's my fault. I didn't think about it very comprehensively. How could such a good thing happen to us!"

Lin Han is a little confused now. He feels that it is a bit of a loss to make such a trip today. He doesn't know how many things he can do with this time, but he can't say rhyme. When two people are together, they have to learn to take care of others. The feeling, not to mention that Lin Han is a man.

"Okay! It's very beautiful here. If you're in a bad mood in the future, come here to see it, and you'll definitely feel better.

"Not in a good mood? Then tell me why you are in a bad mood, it's just the two of us here, you mean I'll make you in a bad mood?

Lin Han said that he also took out a large piece of skin from himself, divided it into two 5.1 pieces from the middle and handed it to Li Shuixin.

"Hey! No, no! It's just to put you in a good mood. It's interesting to walk around frequently today."

"Okay! I'll make you happy when you go back, let's go, put this animal skin on the vine, and then slide it over, but you can't use your hands, rubbing it to generate heat, you will burn your skin! 39

Lin Han said it was also a demonstration.

"I'll go over first, give it a try, and then come up after I pass, this tengman may not be able to carry the weight of two people, we still have to be careful!

Lin Han said that the whole person also slid along Tengman.

It was supposed to be a brief process, but Lin Han discovered something very unusual in the air.

"How did the sea level rise so much, the land before...

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