Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 501 The Newborn in the Rainy Night! (2, please complete the order!)

Chapter 501 of the new life in the rainy night! (2, please complete the order!) "Silly girl, although we did not find diamonds today, but the stalactites can be regarded as witnesses of the long history, diamonds are eternal, and one will last forever! It takes a hundred years to form a diamond, but stalactites are not inferior to diamonds at all? Stalactites also take a hundred years to form, even more than the time for diamonds to form, so I think it is more meaningful to use stalactites to make jewelry for you than diamonds , and it can be preserved forever, isn't it more interesting when you think about today after many years?" Lin Han said, touching Li Shuixin's hair. "Then... that's fine, you can pass the gate, but this is the reward of the popular quest. You replaced this opportunity with these things, do the audience have no opinion?" The audience in the live broadcast room said at this time. Naturally, Li Shui wanted to ask Lin Han about this matter and asked Lin Han to answer directly. And Lin Han also saw something in Li Shuixin's eyes, as if Li Shuixin specially reminded Lin Han. "In this matter, I didn't ask the program team to give me this. Maybe the program gave it to me after knowing my arrangement for today. To put it bluntly, this survival in the wilderness is a confrontation between man and nature. A process of symbiosis at the end, so the program team may not want to give me anything else that is conducive to survival. Last time I was able to give us an incubator, it really surprised me, so today I know that I am going to find a diamond mine, just give it to me This is it." Lin Han explained to the camera with a smile. "I'm shocked now I know, your God Lin didn't make any small moves! 31 Li Shuixin also smiled at this time. "Okay! This is almost the same, let me show you a good look! Lin Han put the candy cubes on the table. Put it back into the vessel again and start heating. "Isn't this just done? Why does it need to be reheated now? Li Shuixin didn't understand." The first time I spread it on this is to eliminate the air in the sugar, and now the real processing begins , What pattern do you like? 59 Lin Han asked. "Me? Kitten! What do you want to do?" Li Shuixin asked. "Is it a kitten, the kitten's face is white, the eyes and nose are black, and the beard is also black, I think about it! 99 Lin Han said and touched his chin. "The sugar will hook if it continues to heat. Now it's black, and white can be replaced with grated coconut, it's done! 9 Lin Han said and started to stir the syrup in the container, and then put it on the marble. Of course, there is still a part of the syrup left in the container, and continue to boil. The sugar in the system is also further carbonized and turned black, and the remaining coconut shreds are now in use. Lin Han slowly divided the syrup into three parts, each part was flattened like a pancake, and finally each one was overlapped in a certain order, with black sugar and coconut garnish, forming a cross-section of a The pattern of kittens looks lifelike. "How is it? Didn't you say you like kittens? Do you think this kitten is cute or not? Lin Han laughed. "This... this can be expressed in this way, I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it. . 99 Li Shuixin felt that her language had become a little lacking. "Hurry up, try it out!" Lin Han knocked off a lot of small sugar cubes from the sugar column with a sharp stone bit by bit. Since it was just formed as a whole, now each small sugar cube is on top of it. Also has a cat pattern. "Yeah! It just feels a little bit bitter in it!" That's for sure, the kitten's eyes are made of caramel, a little bit bitter, just like our life is bitter with sweet, sweet in sweet It's hard! It's been a day's walk today, and people still need to add a little sugar after consuming energy for a long time! Lin Han said. "Then what is the staple food today? I don't want to eat those delicacies from the mountains and seas now, I feel like they don't fill my stomach! 99 Although Li Shuixin was eating candy in his mouth, he was still rubbing his stomach with both hands, although he had been replenished in energy, But it still doesn't feel satisfied. "I knew you would say that, don't worry, how about the tomato goose egg noodles? Now the goose egg is missing, and I'll tell you one more good thing, our little parrot may be out tonight. It's about to hatch! Get ready for a new life! Lin Han said, got up and walked forward. "Really! Send send send! What are you going to do? Li Shuixin hurriedly stood up and asked. "I'm going to get the goose eggs, you help me boil some water and eat noodles later!" I'm going to see Xiaomu! Now suddenly I don't feel very hungry anymore!"

Li Shuixin patted his buttocks, stood up, rolled and walked forward with Lin Han's steps.

"Lin Shen, the rain here in Changping City is getting heavier and heavier, how come there is no rain on your deserted island?

"That's right! The level of the Yuanhai Sea is also getting higher and higher, and the city is responding to the second-level alert!

"Hahaha! Isn't that right, then you won't have to go to school tomorrow!?"

"Humph! You students, you really don't know your happiness in the midst of happiness. You are comfortable without going to school, but if we don't go to work, then there will be no income! 93

The big you in the live broadcast room also had a heated discussion, and Lin Han also saw it.

"It's still raining here, but the rain seems to be very small. If I remember correctly, the Canghai here is directly integrated with the Lanhai Sea. It seems that the water level here is about to increase!"

Lin Han said to the camera.

"Don't worry, you won't put everyone's life in crisis!"

Lin Han also has many identities. As a public figure, he naturally needs to stabilize everyone's emotions to a certain extent.

Lin Han walked to the side of the incubator while talking to everyone. The incubator now looks like a lantern, emitting a 5.1 rhyme with a warm glow.

"Fortunately, there is still sunshine in the daytime these days, otherwise this incubator will have no energy, look!"

Lin Han said and turned on the bottom light of the incubator.

See "these grids that are densely covered on the eggshell? These are blood vessels and nerves, and the black lump inside is the embryo, and it looks like the hook will hatch tonight!"

Lin Han said.

"Yes yes yes! I see it seems to be still moving! It's really amazing, is this the beginning of a life?"

Li Shuixin can't wait to open the eggshell, but the actual situation does not allow it, so she is anxious now.

"The beginning of life? No! The beginning of life should have started from the fertilized egg, and now the embryo is fully developed, just waiting for it to come out...

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